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Англосаксонская раса


Англосаксонские хроники были составлены по приказу короля Альфреда Великого, начиная с 890 года нашей эры, и в последующем добавлялись безымянными летописцами до середины 12 века. Так вот хроники начинаются следующими строками: “Остров Британия имеет восемьсот миль в длину и двести в ширину. На этом острове пять языков: английский, бритто-валлийский, скоттский, пиктский и латинский. Первыми обитателями острова были бритты, которые пришли из АРМЕНИИ и сперва заселили юг Британии”. ( http://omacl.org/Anglo/part1.html)
Долгое время считалось, что это возможно нечаянная ошибка саксонского переписчика “Хроники”, написавшего “Армения” вместо “Арморика”, стариного названия Галии. Данное объяснение не совсем логично по нескольким причинам: во первых не стоит забывать что хроники начали составляться в 9 веке нашей эры, когда еще не было интернета, телевидения и радио, когда знания по географии были довольно ограниченны. Трудно поверить, что летописец, по ошибке, вместо ему знакомого название Арморика, вписал название страны расположенной 2000 миль (3200 километров) в дали от Англии, и о которой он скорее всего не имел ни малейшего понятия.
В течение многих столетий считалось, что предками обитателей Британских островов были представители различных этнических групп, так англичане произошли от Англов и Саксонов, которые предположительно заселили территорию северной Англии, после ухода Римлян. А шотландцы, валлийцы (уэльсцы) и ирландцы предположительно являются потомками местных кельтов.
Недавно Стивен Оппенгеймер, медицинский генетик из Оксфордского университета, опубликовал книгу под названием “Происхождение британцев: генетический детектив”(http://www.amazon.com/Origins-British-Genetic-Detective-Story/sim/0786718900/1?ie=UTF8&pf=book). По его мнению исторические записи о происхождении этих трех народов врут практически в каждой детали. Основываясь на исследованиях Y- хромосомы и митохондриального ДНК, он утверждает, что предки всех этих трех народов прибыли на Британские острова около 15 тыс. лет тому назад, после ледникового периода, когда еще Британия была частью материковой Европы. Они имели одинаковый с Басками генетический код и разговаривали на языке, близком к языку басков. В то время Британские острова не были заселены, потому что до этого в течение 4 тыс. лет там царствовали ледники. И их потомки составляют в основном сегоднешнее население Британских островов, переняв лишь в небольшой мере гены более поздних оккупантов - кельтов, романов, англов, саксонцев, викингов и норманнов.
По оценкам Оппенгеймера, сегодня генетические дела обстоят так: у ирландцев всего 12% ирландских генов, у жителей Уэльса - 20% уэльсского, шотландцы могут похвастаться 30% своей шотландскости, ну и британцы - примерно тем же объемом британскости. Все остальное - общее. Несмотря на потрясающую разницу в привычках, обычаях, культурах и языках.
Итак возникает вопрос откуда же родом сами Баски? Баски представляют собой особенную этническую группу, населяющую северозападную часть Испании и югозападную часть Франции. Существовало несколько гипотез связанных с возникновением этой нации. Давайте лучше обратимся к основоположникам баскской национальной историографии Эстебан де Гарибай, Андрес де Поса и Бальтасар де Эчаве. Все они считали Армению прародиной басков. Эстебан де Гарибай считал, что Иберия была населена потомками Тубала, внука Ноя, который отправился в Иберию из АРМЕНИИ(http://www.gipuzkoakultura.net/ediciones/versus/estevez-es.htm), через 35 лет после Вселенского потопа. Гарибай свои доводы обосновывал сходством баскско-армянских топонимических названий. Бальтасар де Эчаве пишет: “первые пришельцы прибыли в Иберию после Вселенского потопа вместе с детьми Ноя из нашей любимой родины АРМЕНИИ(http://www.ingeba.euskalnet.net/lurralde/lurranet/lur22/ore22/22ore.htm). Гаспар Эсколано, Эдуард Спенсер Джонсон, Йозеф Карст, Бернардо Эсторнэс Ласа и Николай Марр были ярыми приверженцами Армянского происхождение басков.
И в заключение, приведу результаты недавно проведенного генетического исследования в различных областях Армении. Оно показало у жителей армянских областей Сюника и Карабаха наличие характерного генетического кода , который идентичен общему коду уэльсцев, ирландцев и басков. Это можно объяснить относительной изолированностью данных горных областей, что предотвратило смешение с генетическим материалом других народов и фактически сохранение изначального генетического кода жителей Армянского нагорья. Подробности данного исследования можно найти здесь(http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/tcgapdf/Weale-HG-01-Armenia.pdf).
Возвращаясь к Англосаксонским хроникам, в полне возможно, что безымянный летописец был прав, и первые поселенцы Британских островов в действительности попали туда прямо из Армении или опосредованно через страну басков.



К кельтским первобытным жителям Англии, с которыми слились еще некоторые другие элементы, напр. иберийцы, финикияне, римляне и др., прибыли в V веке жившие до сих пор по нижнему течению Эльбы (Лабы) и Везера, а также и в Ютландии, англы и саксы, которые подчинили себе Англию и скоро получили там перевес не только в отношении языка, нравов и обычаев, но даже и в направлении физического типа. Дальнейшие германские нашествия вскоре последовали из Скандинавии. В третий раз примесь германской крови, сильно сопровождаемой французским элементом, последовала при завоевании Англии герцогом Вильгельмом Норманнским. Из этих смешений образовавшаяся англосаксонская раса во многом отличается от германской. У представителей А. расы средним числом чаще являются голубые глаза и светлые волосы; череп у них поменьше и подлиннее, что встречаем также у говорящих на нижненемецком наречии (plattdeutsch) германских племен, представляющих гораздо больше длинноголовых типов, чем верхнегерманские племена. Менее равномерно и не так окончательно смешана англо-американская раса Северной Америки, где в различных местах взяла перевес то английская, то немецкая, то французская колонизация и, кроме того, присоединились еще испанские, голландские, скандинавские и др. элементы.






The Anglo-Saxon

Everyman Press edition, London, 1912

"Originally compiled on the orders of King Alfred the Great."

Translation by Rev. James Ingram (London, 1823)
with additional readings from the translation of Dr. J. A. Giles (London, 1847)


portrait of King Alfred at University College, Oxford (1661-2)




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Originally compiled on the orders of King Alfred the Great, approximately A.D. 890, and
subsequently maintained and added to by generations of anonymous scribes until the middle of the
12th Century. The original language is Anglo-Saxon (Old English), but later entries are essentially
Middle English in tone.

Translation by Rev. James Ingram (London, 1823), with additional readings from the translation of Dr.
J. A. Giles (London, 1847).

The text of this edition is based on that published as "The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" (Everyman Press,
London, 1912). This edition is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN in the United States.

This electronic edition was edited, proofed, and prepared by Douglas B. Killings
([email protected]), July 1996.



At present there are nine known versions or fragments of the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" in existence,
all of which vary (sometimes greatly) in content and quality. The translation that follows is not a
translation of any one Chronicle; rather, it is a collation of readings from many different versions.

The nine known "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" MS. are the following:

A-Prime The Parker Chronicle (Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS. 173)

A Cottonian Fragment (British Museum, Cotton MS. Otho B xi, 2)

B The Abingdon Chronicle I (British Museum, Cotton MS. Tiberius A vi.)

C The Abingdon Chronicle II (British Museum, Cotton MS. Tiberius B i.)

D The Worcester Chronicle (British Museum, Cotton MS.Tiberius B iv.)

E The Laud (or "Peterborough") Chronicle (Bodleian, MS.Laud 636)

F The Bilingual Canterbury Epitome (British Museum, Cotton MS. Domitian A viii.) NOTE: Entries

in English and Latin.

H Cottonian Fragment (British Museum, Cotton MS. Domitian A ix.)

I An Easter Table Chronicle (British Museum, Cotton MS. Caligula A xv.)

This electronic edition contains primarily the translation of Rev. James Ingram, as published in the
Everyman edition of this text. Excerpts from the translation of Dr. J.A. Giles were included as an
appendix in the Everyman edition; the preparer of this edition has elected to collate these entries into
the main text of the translation. Where these collations have occurred I have marked the entry with a
double parenthesis (()).


While I have elected to include the footnotes of Rev. Ingram in this edition, please note that they
should be used with extreme care. In many cases the views expressed by Rev. Ingram are severely out
of date, having been superseded by almost 175 years of active scholarship. At best, these notes will
provide a starting point for inquiry. They should not, however, be treated as absolute.







Parti: A.D. 1 -748



Part2: A.D. 750-919



Part 3: A.D. 920 - 1014



Part 4: A.D. 1015- 1051



Part 5: A.D. 1052 - 1069



Part 6: A.D. 1070- 1101



Part 7: A.D. 1102- 1154






o Classen, E. and Harmer, F.E. (eds.): "An Anglo-Saxon Chronicle from British
Museum, Cotton MS. Tiberius B iv." (Manchester, 1926)

o Flower, Robin and Smith, Hugh (eds.): "The Peterborough Chronicle and Laws"
(Early English Text Society, Original Series 208, Oxford, 1941).

o Taylor, S. (ed.): "The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: MS B" (Cambridge, 1983)



o Garmonsway, G.N.: "The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" (Everyman Press, London, 1953,
1972). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Contains side-by-side translations of all nine
known texts.



o Bede: "A History of the English Church and People" , translated by Leo Sherley-Price

(Penguin Classics, London, 1955, 1968).
o Poole, A.L.: "Domesday Book to Magna Carta" (Oxford University Press, Oxford,

1951, 1953)
o Stenton, Sir Frank W.: "Anglo-Saxon England" (Oxford University Press, Oxford,

1943, 1947, 1971)



Original Introduction to Ingram's Edition [1823]

England may boast of two substantial monuments of its early history; to either of which it would not be easy to
find a parallel in any nation, ancient or modern. These are, the Record of Doomsday (1) and the "Saxon
Chronicle" (2). The former, which is little more than a statistical survey, but contains the most authentic
information relative to the descent of property and the comparative importance of the different parts of the
kingdom at a very interesting period, the wisdom and liberality of the British Parliament long since deemed
worthy of being printed (3) among the Public Records, by Commissioners appointed for that purpose. The other
work, though not treated with absolute neglect, has not received that degree of attention which every person who
feels an interest in the events and transactions of former times would naturally expect. In the first place, it has
never been printed entire, from a collation of all the MSS. But of the extent of the two former editions, compared
with the present, the reader may form some idea, when he is told that Professor Wheloc's "Chronologia Anglo-
Saxonica", which was the first attempt (4) of the kind, published at Cambridge in 1644, is comprised in less than
62 folio pages, exclusive of the Latin appendix. The improved edition by Edmund Gibson, afterwards Bishop of
London, printed at Oxford in 1692, exhibits nearly four times the quantity of the former; but is very far from
being the entire (5) chronicle, as the editor considered it. The text of the present edition, it was found, could not
be compressed within a shorter compass than 374 pages, though the editor has suppressed many notes and
illustrations, which may be thought necessary to the general reader. Some variations in the MSS. may also still
remain unnoticed; partly because they were considered of little importance, and partly from an apprehension, lest
the commentary, as it sometimes happens, should seem an unwieldy burthen, rather than a necessary appendage,
to the text. Indeed, till the editor had made some progress in the work, he could not have imagined that so many
original and authentic materials of our history still remained unpublished.

To those who are unacquainted with this monument of our national antiquities, two questions appear requisite to
be answered: — "What does it contain?" and, "By whom was it written?" The indulgence of the critical antiquary
is solicited, whilst we endeavour to answer, in some degree, each of these questions.

To the first question we answer, that the "Saxon Chronicle" contains the original and authentic testimony of
contemporary writers to the most important transactions of our forefathers, both by sea and land, from their first
arrival in this country to the year 1 154. Were we to descend to particulars, it would require a volume to discuss
the great variety of subjects which it embraces. Suffice it to say, that every reader will here find many interesting
facts relative to our architecture, our agriculture, our coinage, our commerce, our naval and military glory, our
laws, our liberty, and our religion. In this edition, also, will be found numerous specimens of Saxon poetry,
never before printed, which might form the ground-work of an introductory volume to Warton's elaborate annals
of English Poetry. Philosophically considered, this ancient record is the second great phenomenon in the history
of mankind. For, if we except the sacred annals of the Jews, contained in the several books of the Old Testament,
there is no other work extant, ancient or modern, which exhibits at one view a regular and chronological
panorama of a PEOPLE, described in rapid succession by different writers, through so many ages, in their own
vernacular LANGUAGE. Hence it may safely be considered, nor only as the primaeval source from which all
subsequent historians of English affairs have principally derived their materials, and consequently the criterion
by which they are to be judged, but also as the faithful depository of our national idiom; affording, at the same
time, to the scientific investigator of the human mind a very interesting and extraordinary example of the
changes incident to a language, as well as to a nation, in its progress from rudeness to refinement.




(1) Whatever was the origin of this title, by which it is now distinguished, in an appendix to the work itself it is
called "Liber de Wintonia," or "The Winchester-Book," from its first place of custody.

(2) This title is retained, in compliance with custom, though it is a collection of chronicles, rather than one
uniform work, as the received appellation seems to imply.

(3) In two volumes folio, with the following title: "Domesday- Book, seu Liber Censualis Willelmi Primi Regis
Angliae, inter Archlyos Regni in Domo Capitulari Westmonasterii asservatus: jubente rege augustissimo
Georgio Tertio praelo mandatus typis MDCCLXXXIII"

(4) Gerard Langbaine had projected such a work, and had made considerable progress in the collation of MSS.,
when he found himself anticipated by Wheloc.

(5) "Nunc primum integrum edidit" is Gibson's expression in the title-page. He considers Wheloc's MSS. as
fragments, rather than entire chronicles: "quod integrum nacti jam discimus." These MSS., however, were of the
first authority, and not less entire, as far as they went, than his own favourite "Laud". But the candid critic will
make allowance for the zeal of a young Bachelor of Queen's, who, it must be remembered, had scarcely attained
the age of twenty-three when this extraordinary work was produced.


But that the reader may more clearly see how much we are indebted to the "Saxon Chronicle", it will be
necessary to examine what is contained in other sources of our history, prior to the accession of Henry II., the
period wherein this invaluable record terminates.

The most ancient historian of our own island, whose work has been preserved, is Gildas, who flourished in the
latter part of the sixth century. British antiquaries of the present day will doubtless forgive me, if I leave in their
original obscurity the prophecies of Merlin, and the exploits of King Arthur, with all the Knights of the Round
Table, as scarcely coming within the verge of history. Notwithstanding, also, the authority of Bale, and of the
writers whom he follows, I cannot persuade myself to rank Joseph of Arimathea, Arviragus, and Bonduca, or
even the Emperor Constantine himself, among the illustrious writers of Great Britain. I begin, therefore, with
Gildas; because, though he did not compile a regular history of the island, he has left us, amidst a cumbrous mass
of pompous rhapsody and querulous declamation some curious descriptions of the character and manners of the
inhabitants; not only the Britons and Saxons, but the Picts and Scots (6). There are also some parts of his work,
almost literally transcribed by Bede, which confirm the brief statements of the "Saxon Chronicle" (7). But there
is, throughout, such a want of precision and simplicity, such a barrenness of facts amidst a multiplicity of words,
such a scantiness of names of places and persons, of dates, and other circumstances, that we are obliged to have
recourse to the Saxon Annals, or to Venerable Bede, to supply the absence of those two great lights of history —
Chronology and Topography.

The next historian worth notice here is Nennius, who is supposed to have flourished in the seventh century: but
the work ascribed to him is so full of interpolations and corruptions, introduced by his transcribers, and
particularly by a simpleton who is called Samuel, or his master Beulanus, or both, who appear to have lived in
the ninth century, that it is difficult to say how much of this motley production is original and authentic. Be that
as it may, the writer of the copy printed by Gale bears ample testimony to the "Saxon Chronicle", and says
expressly, that he compiled his history partly from the records of the Scots and Saxons (8). At the end is a
confused but very curious appendix, containing that very genealogy, with some brief notices of Saxon affairs,
which the fastidiousness of Beulanus, or of his amanuensis, the aforesaid Samuel, would not allow him to
transcribe. This writer, although he professes to be the first historiographer (9) of the Britons, has sometimes
repeated the very words of Gildas (10); whose name is even prefixed to some copies of the work. It is a puerile
composition, without judgment, selection, or method (11); filled with legendary tales of Trojan antiquity, of
magical delusion, and of the miraculous exploits of St. Germain and St. Patrick: not to mention those of the
valiant Arthur, who is said to have felled to the ground in one day, single-handed, eight hundred and forty
Saxons! It is remarkable, that this taste for the marvelous, which does not seem to be adapted to the sober sense
of Englishmen, was afterwards revived in all its glory by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the Norman age of credulity
and romance.

We come now to a more cheering prospect; and behold a steady light reflected on the "Saxon Chronicle" by the
"Ecclesiastical History" of Bede; a writer who, without the intervention of any legendary tale, truly deserves the
title of Venerable (12). With a store of classical learning not very common in that age, and with a simplicity of
language seldom found in monastic Latinity, he has moulded into something like a regular form the scattered
fragments of Roman, British, Scottish, and Saxon history. His work, indeed, is professedly ecclesiastical; but,
when we consider the prominent station which the Church had at this time assumed in England, we need not be
surprised if we find therein the same intermixture of civil, military, and ecclesiastical affairs, which forms so
remarkable a feature in the "Saxon Chronicle". Hence Gibson concludes, that many passages of the latter
description were derived from the work of Bede (13). He thinks the same of the description of Britain, the
notices of the Roman emperors, and the detail of the first arrival of the Saxons. But, it may be observed, those
passages to which he alludes are not to be found in the earlier MSS. The description of Britain, which forms the
introduction, and refers us to a period antecedent to the invasion of Julius Caesar; appears only in three copies of
the "Chronicle"; two of which are of so late a date as the Norman Conquest, and both derived from the same
source. Whatever relates to the succession of the Roman emperors was so universally known, that it must be
considered as common property: and so short was the interval between the departure of the Romans and the
arrival of the Saxons, that the latter must have preserved amongst them sufficient memorials and traditions to
connect their own history with that of their predecessors. Like all rude nations, they were particularly attentive to
genealogies; and these, together with the succession of their kings, their battles, and their conquests, must be
derived originally from the Saxons themselves, and not from Gildas, or Nennius, or Bede (14). Gibson himself
was so convinced of this, that he afterwards attributes to the "Saxon Chronicle" all the knowledge we have of
those early times (15). Moreover, we might ask, if our whole dependence had been centered in Bede, what would
have become of us after his death? (16) Malmsbury indeed asserts, with some degree of vanity, that you will not



easily find a Latin historian of English affairs between Bede and himself (17); and in the fulness of self-
complacency professes his determination, "to season with Roman salt the barbarisms of his native tongue!" He
affects great contempt for Ethelwerd, whose work will be considered hereafter; and he well knew how
unacceptable any praise of the "Saxon Annals" would be to the Normans, with whom he was connected (18). He
thinks it necessary to give his reasons, on one occasion, for inserting from these very "Annals" what he did not
find in Bede; though it is obvious, that the best part of his materials, almost to his own times, is derived from the
same source.

The object of Bishop Asser, the biographer of Alfred, who comes next in order, was to deliver to posterity a
complete memorial of that sovereign, and of the transactions of his reign. To him alone are we indebted for the
detail of many interesting circumstances in the life and character of his royal patron (19); but most of the public
transactions will be found in the pages of the "Saxon Chronicle": some passages of which he appears to have
translated so literally, that the modern version of Gibson does not more closely represent the original. In the
editions of Parker, Camden, and Wise, the last notice of any public event refers to the year 887. The interpolated
copy of Gale, called by some Pseudo-Asserius, and by others the Chronicle of St. Neot's, is extended to the year
914 (20). Much difference of opinion exists respecting this work; into the discussion of which it is not our
present purpose to enter. One thing is remarkable: it contains the vision of Drihtelm, copied from Bede, and that
of Charles King of the Franks, which Malmsbury thought it worth while to repeat in his "History of the Kings of
England". What Gale observes concerning the "fidelity" with which these annals of Asser are copied by
Marianus, is easily explained. They both translated from the "Saxon Chronicle", as did also Florence of
Worcester, who interpolated Marianus; of whom we shall speak hereafter.

But the most faithful and extraordinary follower of the "Saxon Annals" is Ethelwerd; who seems to have
disregarded almost all other sources of information. One great error, however, he committed; for which
Malmsbury does nor spare him. Despairing of the reputation of classical learning, if he had followed the
simplicity of the Saxon original, he fell into a sort of measured and inverted prose, peculiar to himself; which,
being at first sufficiently obscure, is sometimes rendered almost unintelligible by the incorrect manner in which
it has been printed. His authority, nevertheless, in an historical point of view, is very respectable. Being one of
the few writers untainted by monastic prejudice (21), he does not travel out of his way to indulge in legendary
tales and romantic visions. Critically considered, his work is the best commentary on the "Saxon Chronicle" to
the year 977; at which period one of the MSS. which he seems to have followed, terminates. Brevity and
compression seem to have been his aim, because the compilation was intended to be sent abroad for the
instruction of a female relative of high rank in Germany (22), at her request. But there are, nevertheless, some
circumstances recorded which are not to be found elsewhere; so that a reference to this epitome of Saxon history
will be sometimes useful in illustrating the early part of the "Chronicle"; though Gibson, I know not on what
account, has scarcely once quoted it.





(6) The reader is forcibly reminded of the national dress of the Highlanders in the following singular passage:
"furciferos magis vultus pilis, quam corporum pudenda, pudendisque proxima, vestibus tegentes."

(7) See particularly capp. xxiii. and xxvi. The work which follows, called the "Epistle of Gildas", is little more
than a cento of quotations from the Old and New Testament.

(8) "De historiis Scotorum Saxonumque, licet inimicorum," etc. "Hist. Brit, ap." Gale, XV. Script, p. 93. See also
p. 94 of the same work; where the writer notices the absence of all written memorials among the Britons, and
attributes it to the frequent recurrence of war and pestilence. A new edition has been prepared from a Vatican
MS. with a translation and notes by the Rev. W. Gunn, and published by J. and A. Arch.

(9) "Malo me historiographum quam neminem," etc.

(10) He considered his work, perhaps, as a lamentation of declamation, rather than a history. But Bede dignifies
him with the title of "historicus," though he writes "fiebili sermone."

(11) But it is probable that the work is come down to us in a garbled and imperfect state.

(12) There is an absurd story of a monk, who in vain attempting to write his epitaph, fell asleep, leaving it thus:
"Hac sunt in fossa Bedae. ossa:" but, when he awoke, to his great surprise and satisfaction he found the long-
sought epithet supplied by an angelic hand, the whole line standing thus: "Hac sunt in fossa Bedae venerabilis

(13) See the preface to his edition of the "Saxon Chronicle".

(14) This will be proved more fully when we come to speak of the writers of the "Saxon Chronicle".

(15) Preface, "ubi supra".

(16) He died A.D. 734, according to our chronicle; but some place his death to the following year.

(17) This circumstance alone proves the value of the "Saxon Chronicle". In the "Edinburgh Chronicle" of St.
Cross, printed by H. Wharton, there is a chasm from the death of Bede to the year 1065; a period of 330 years.

(18) The cold and reluctant manner in which he mentions the "Saxon Annals", to which he was so much
indebted, can only be ascribed to this cause in him, as well as in the other Latin historians. See his prologue to
the first book, "De Gestis Regum," etc.

(19) If there are additional anecdotes in the Chronicle of St. Neot's, which is supposed to have been so called by
Leland because he found the MS. there, it must be remembered that this work is considered an interpolated

(20) The death of Asser himself is recorded in the year 909; but this is no more a proof that the whole work is
spurious, than the character and burial of Moses, described in the latter part of the book of "Deuteronomy",
would go to prove that the Pentateuch was not written by him. See Bishop Watson's "Apology for the Bible".

(21) Malmsbury calls him "noble and magnificent," with reference to his rank; for he was descended from King
Alfred: but he forgets his peculiar praise — that of being the only Latin historian for two centuries; though, like
Xenophon, Caesar, and Alfred, he wielded the sword as much as the pen.

(22) This was no less a personage than Matilda, the daughter of Otho the Great, Emperor of Germany, by his
first Empress Eadgitha or Editha; who is mentioned in the "Saxon Chronicle", A.D. 925, though not by name, as
given to Otho by her brother, King Athelstan. Ethelwerd adds, in his epistle to Matilda, that Athelstan sent two
sisters, in order that the emperor might take his choice; and that he preferred the mother of Matilda.



During the sanguinary conflicts of the eleventh century, which ended first in the temporary triumph of the Danes,
and afterwards in the total subjugation of the country by the Normans, literary pursuits, as might be expected,
were so much neglected, that scarcely a Latin writer is to be found: but the "Saxon Chronicle" has preserved a
regular and minute detail of occurrences, as they passed along, of which subsequent historians were glad to avail
themselves. For nearly a century after the Conquest, the Saxon annalists appear to have been chiefly eye-
witnesses of the transactions which they relate (23). The policy of the Conqueror led him by degrees to employ
Saxons as well as Normans: and William II. found them the most faithful of his subjects: but such an influx of
foreigners naturally corrupted the ancient language; till at length, after many foreign and domestic wars,
tranquillity being restored on the accession of Henry II., literature revived; a taste for composition increased; and
the compilation of Latin histories of English and foreign affairs, blended and diversified with the fabled romance
and legendary tale, became the ordinary path to distinction. It is remarkable, that when the "Saxon Chronicle"
ends, Geoffrey of Monmouth begins. Almost every great monastery about this time had its historian: but some
still adhered to the ancient method. Florence of Worcester, an interpolator of Marianus, as we before observed,
closely follows Bede, Asser, and the "Saxon Chronicle" (24). The same may be observed of the annals of
Gisburne, of Margan, of Meiros, of Waverley, etc.; some of which are anonymous compilations, whilst others
have the name of an author, or rather transcriber; for very few aspired to the character of authors or original
historians. Thomas Wikes, a canon of Oseney, who compiled a Latin chronicle of English affairs from the
Conquest to the year 1304, tells us expressly, that he did this, not because he could add much to the histories of
Bede, William of Newburgh, and Matthew Paris, but "propter minores, quibus non suppetit copia librorum." (25)
Before the invention of printing, it was necessary that numerous copies of historical works should be transcribed,
for the instruction of those who had not access to libraries. The transcribers frequently added something of their
own, and abridged or omitted what they thought less interesting. Hence the endless variety of interpolators and
deflorators of English history. William of Malmsbury, indeed, deserves to be selected from all his competitors
for the superiority of his genius; but he is occasionally inaccurate, and negligent of dates and other minor
circumstances; insomuch that his modern translator has corrected some mistakes, and supplied the deficiencies in
his chronology, by a reference to the "Saxon Chronicle". Henry of Huntingdon, when he is not transcribing
Bede, or translating the "Saxon Annals", may be placed on the same shelf with Geoffrey of Monmouth.

As I have now brought the reader to the period when our "Chronicle" terminates, I shall dismiss without much
ceremony the succeeding writers, who have partly borrowed from this source; Simon of Durham, who
transcribes Florence of Worcester, the two priors of Hexham, Gervase, Hoveden, Bromton, Stubbes, the two
Matthews, of Paris and Westminster, and many others, considering that sufficient has been said to convince
those who may not have leisure or opportunity to examine the matter themselves, that however numerous are the
Latin historians of English affairs, almost everything original and authentic, and essentially conducive to a
correct knowledge of our general history, to the period above mentioned, may be traced to the "Saxon Annals".

It is now time to examine, who were probably the writers of these "Annals". I say probably, because we have
very little more than rational conjecture to guide us. The period antecedent to the times of Bede, except where
passages were afterwards inserted, was perhaps little else, originally, than a kind of chronological table of
events, with a few genealogies, and notices of the death and succession of kings and other distinguished
personages. But it is evident from the preface of Bede and from many passages in his work, that he received
considerable assistance from Saxon bishops, abbots, and others; who not only communicated certain traditionary
facts "viva voce", but also transmitted to him many written documents. These, therefore, must have been the
early chronicles of Wessex, of Kent, the other provinces of the Heptarchy; which formed together the ground-
work of his history. With greater honesty than most of his followers, he has given us the names of those learned
persons who assisted him with this local information. The first is Alcuinus or Albinus, an abbot of Canterbury, at
whose instigation he undertook the work; who sent by Nothelm, afterwards archbishop of that province, a full
account of all ecclesiastical transactions in Kent, and in the contiguous districts, from the first conversion of the
Saxons. From the same source he partly derived his information respecting the provinces of Essex, Wessex, East
Anglia, and Northumbria. Bishop Daniel communicated to him by letter many particulars concerning Wessex,
Sussex, and the Isle of Wight. He acknowledges assistance more than once "ex scriptis priorum"; and there is
every reason to believe that some of these preceding records were the "Anglo-Saxon Annals"; for we have
already seen that such records were in existence before the age of Nennius. In proof of this we may observe, that
even the phraseology sometimes partakes more of the Saxon idiom than the Latin. If, therefore, it be admitted, as
there is every reason to conclude from the foregoing remarks, that certain succinct and chronological
arrangements of historical facts had taken place in several provinces of the Heptarchy before the time of Bede,
let us inquire by whom they were likely to have been made.



In the province of Kent, the first person on record, who is celebrated for his learning, is Tobias, the ninth bishop
of Rochester, who succeeded to that see in 693. He is noticed by Bede as not only furnished with an ample store
of Greek and Latin literature, but skilled also in the Saxon language and erudition (26). It is probable, therefore,
that he left some proofs of this attention to his native language and as he died within a few years of Bede, the
latter would naturally avail himself of his labours. It is worthy also of remark, that Bertwald, who succeeded to
the illustrious Theodore of Tarsus in 690, was the first English or Saxon archbishop of Canterbury. From this
period, consequently, we may date that cultivation of the vernacular tongue which would lead to the composition
of brief chronicles (27), and other vehicles of instruction, necessary for the improvement of a rude and illiterate
people. The first chronicles were, perhaps, those of Kent or Wessex; which seem to have been regularly
continued, at intervals, by the archbishops of Canterbury, or by their direction (28), at least as far as the year
1001, or by even 1070; for the Benet MS., which some call the Plegmund MS., ends in the latter year; the rest
being in Latin. From internal evidence indeed, of an indirect nature, there is great reason to presume, that
Archbishop Plegmund transcribed or superintended this very copy of the "Saxon Annals" to the year 891 (29);
the year in which he came to the see; inserting, both before and after this date, to the time of his death in 923,
such additional materials as he was well qualified to furnish from his high station and learning, and the
confidential intercourse which he enjoyed in the court of King Alfred. The total omission of his own name,
except by another hand, affords indirect evidence of some importance in support of this conjecture. Whether
King Alfred himself was the author of a distinct and separate chronicle of Wessex, cannot now be determined.
(30) That he furnished additional supplies of historical matter to the older chronicles is, I conceive, sufficiently
obvious to every reader who will take the trouble of examining the subject. The argument of Dr. Beeke, the
present Dean of Bristol, in an obliging letter to the editor on this subject, is not without its force; -- that it is
extremely improbable, when we consider the number and variety of King Alfred's works, that he should have
neglected the history, of his own country. Besides a genealogy of the kings of Wessex from Cerdic to his own
time, which seems never to have been incorporated with any MS. of the "Saxon Chronicle", though prefixed or
annexed to several, he undoubtedly preserved many traditionary facts; with a full and circumstantial detail of his
own operations, as well as those of his father, brother, and other members of his family; which scarcely any
other person than himself could have supplied. To doubt this would be as incredulous a thing as to deny that
Xenophon wrote his "Anabasis", or Caesar his "Commentaries". From the time of Alfred and Plegmund to a few
years after the Norman Conquest, these chronicles seem to have been continued by different hands, under the
auspices of such men as Archbishops Dunstan, Aelfric, and others, whose characters have

been much misrepresented by ignorance and scepticism on the one hand; as well as by mistaken zeal and
devotion on the other. The indirect evidence respecting Dunstan and Aelfric is as curious as that concerning
Plegmund; but the discussion of it would lead us into a wide and barren field of investigation; nor is this the
place to refute the errors of Hickes, Cave, and Wharton, already noticed by Wanley in his preface. The
chronicles of Abingdon, of Worcester, of Peterborough, and others, are continued in the same manner by
different hands; partly, though not exclusively, by monks of those monasteries, who very naturally inserted many
particulars relating to their own local interests and concerns; which, so far from invalidating the general history,
render it more interesting and valuable. It would be a vain and frivolous attempt ascribe these latter compilations
to particular persons (31), where there were evidently so many contributors; but that they were successively
furnished by contemporary writers, many of whom were eye-witnesses of the events and transactions which they
relate, there is abundance of internal evidence to convince us. Many instances of this the editor had taken some
pains to collect, in order to lay them before the reader in the preface; but they are so numerous that the subject
would necessarily become tedious; and therefore every reader must be left to find them for himself. They will
amply repay him for his trouble, if he takes any interest in the early history of England, or in the general
construction of authentic history of any kind. He will see plagarisms without end in the Latin histories, and will
be in no danger of falling into the errors of Gale and others; not to mention those of our historians who were not
professed antiquaries, who mistook that for original and authentic testimony which was only translated. It is
remarkable that the "Saxon Chronicle" gradually expires with the Saxon language, almost melted into modern
English, in the year 1 154. From this period almost to the Reformation, whatever knowledge we have of the
affairs of England has been originally derived either from the semi-barbarous Latin of our own countrymen, or
from the French chronicles of Froissart and others.




(23) See particularly the character of William I. p. 294, written by one who was in his court. The compiler of the
"Waverley Annals" we find literally translating it more than a century afterwards: — "nos dicemus, qui eum
vidimus, et in curia ejus aliquando fuimus," etc. -- Gale, ii. 134.

(24) His work, which is very faithfully and diligently compiled, ends in the year 1117; but it is continued by
another hand to the imprisonment of King Stephen.

(25)"Chron. ap." Gale, ii. 21.

(26) "Virum Latina, Graec, et Saxonica lingua atque eruditione multipliciter instructum." — Bede, "Ecclesiastical
History", v. 8. "Chron. S. Crucis Edinb. ap.", Wharton, i. 157.

(27) The materials, however, though not regularly arranged, must be traced to a much higher source.

(28) Josselyn collated two Kentish MSS. of the first authority; one of which he calls the History or Chronicle of
St. Augustine's, the other that of Christ Church, Canterbury. The former was perhaps the one marked in our
series "C.T."A VI.; the latter the Benet or Plegmund MS.

(29) Wanley observes, that the Benet MS. is written in one and the same hand to this year, and in hands equally
ancient to the year 924; after which it is continued in different hands to the end. Vid. "Cat." p. 130.

(30) Florence of Worcester, in ascertaining the succession of the kings of Wessex, refers expressly to the "Dicta
Aelfredi". Ethelwerd had before acknowledged that he reported many things — "sicut docuere parentes;" and
then he immediately adds, "Scilicet Aelfred rex Athulfi regis filius; ex quo nos originem trahimus." Vid. Prol.

(31) Hickes supposed the Laud or Peterborough Chronicle to have been compiled by Hugo Candidus (Albus, or
White), or some other monk of that house.



The revival of good taste and of good sense, and of the good old custom adopted by most nations of the
civilised world -- that of writing their own history in their own language — was happily exemplified at
length in the laborious works of our English chroniclers and historians.

Many have since followed in the same track; and the importance of the whole body of English History
has attracted and employed the imagination of Milton, the philosophy of Hume, the simplicity of
Goldsmith, the industry of Henry, the research of Turner, and the patience of Lingard. The pages of these
writers, however, accurate and luminous as they generally are, as well as those of Brady, Tyrrell, Carte,
Rapin, and others, not to mention those in black letter, still require correction from the "Saxon Chronicle";
without which no person, however learned, can possess anything beyond a superficial acquaintance with
the elements of English History, and of the British Constitution.

Some remarks may here be requisite on the CHRONOLOGY of the "Saxon Chronicle". In the early part
of it (32) the reader will observe a reference to the grand epoch of the creation of the world. So also in
Ethelwerd, who closely follows the "Saxon Annals". It is allowed by all, that considerable difficulty has
occurred in fixing the true epoch of Christ's nativity (33), because the Christian aera was not used at all till
about the year 532 (34), when it was introduced by Dionysius Exiguus; whose code of canon law, joined
afterwards with the decretals of the popes, became as much the standard of authority in ecclesiastical matters
as the pandects of Justinian among civilians. But it does not appear that in the Saxon mode of computation
this system of chronology was implicitly followed. We mention this circumstance, however, not with a
view of settling the point of difference, which would not be easy, but merely to account for those variations
observable m different MSS.; which arose, not only from the common mistakes or inadvertencies of
transcribers, but from the liberty which the original writers themselves sometimes assumed in this country,
of computing the current year according to their own ephemeral or local custom. Some began with the
Incarnation or Nativity of Christ; some with the Circumcision, which accords with the solar year of the
Romans as now restored; whilst others commenced with the Annunciation; a custom which became very
prevalent in honour of the Virgin Mary, and was not formally abolished here till the year 1752; when the
Gregorian calendar, commonly called the New Style, was substituted by Act of Parliament for the Dionysian.
This diversity of computation would alone occasion some confusion; but in addition to this, the INDICTION,
or cycle of fifteen years, which is mentioned in the latter part of the "Saxon Chronicle", was carried back three
years before the vulgar aera, and commenced in different places at four different periods of the year! But it is
very remarkable that, whatever was the commencement of the year in the early part of the "Saxon Chronicle",
in the latter part the year invariably opens with Midwinter-day or the Nativity. Gervase of Canterbury, whose
Latin chronicle ends in 1199, the aera of "legal" memory, had formed a design, as he tells us, of regulating his
chronology by the Annunciation; but from an honest fear of falsifying dates he abandoned his first intention,
and acquiesced in the practice of his predecessors; who for the most part, he says, began the new year with
the Nativity (35).

Having said thus much in illustration of the work itself, we must necessarily be brief in our account of the
present edition. It was contemplated many years since, amidst a constant succession of other occupations; but
nothing was then projected beyond a reprint of Gibson, substituting an English translation for the Latin. The
indulgence of the Saxon scholar is therefore requested, if we have in the early part of the chronicle too faithfully
followed the received text. By some readers no apology of this kind will be deemed necessary; but something
may be expected in extenuation of the delay which has retarded the publication. The causes of that delay must
be chiefly sought in the nature of the work itself. New types were to be cast; compositors to be instructed in a
department entirely new to them; manuscripts to be compared, collated, transcribed; the text to be revised
throughout; various readings of great intricacy to be carefully presented, with considerable additions from
unpublished sources; for, however unimportant some may at first sight appear, the most trivial may be of use.
With such and other difficulties before him, the editor has, nevertheless, been blessed with health and leisure
sufficient to overcome them; and he may now say with Gervase the monk at the end of his first chronicle,

"Finito libro reddatur gratia Christo." (36)

Of the translation it is enough to observe, that it is made as literal as possible, with a view of rendering the
original easy to those who are at present unacquainted with the Saxon language. By this method also the
connection between the ancient and modern language will be more obvious. The same method has been
adopted in an unpublished translation of Gibson's "Chronicle" by the late Mr. Cough, now in the



Bodleian Library. But the honour of having printed the first literal version of the "Saxon Annals" was reserved
for a learned LADY, the Elstob of her age (37); whose Work was finished in the year 1819. These translations,
however, do not interfere with that in the present edition; because they contain nothing but what is found in the
printed texts, and are neither accompanied with the original, nor with any collation of MSS.



(32) See A.D. xxxiii., the aera of Christ's crucifixion, p. 23, and the notes below.

(33) See Playfair's "System of Chronology", p. 49.

(34) Playfair says 527: but I follow Bede, Florence of Worcester, and others, who affirm that the great paschal
cycle of Dionysius commenced from the year of our Lord's incarnation 532 — the year in which the code of
Justinian was promulgated. "Vid. Flor. an." 532, 1064, and 1073. See also M. West, "an." 532.

(35) "Vid. Prol. in Chron." Bervas. "ap. X." Script, p. 1338.

(36) Often did the editor, during the progress of the work, sympathise with the printer; who, in answer to his
urgent importunities to hasten the work, replied once in the classical language of Manutius: "Precor, ut
occupationibus meis ignoscas; premor enim oneribus, et typographiae cura, ut vix sustineam." Who could be
angry after this?

(37) Miss Gurney, of Keswick, Norfolk. The work, however, was not published.




Part 1: A.D. 1 - 748

The island Britain (1) is 800 miles long, and 200 miles broad. And there are in the island five nations;
English, Welsh (or British) (2), Scottish, Pictish, and Latin. The first inhabitants were the Britons, who
came from Armenia (
3), and first peopled Britain southward. Then happened it, that the Picts came
south from Scythia, with long ships, not many; and, landing first in the northern part of Ireland, they
told the Scots that they must dwell there. But they would not give them leave; for the Scots told them
that they could not all dwell there together; "But," said the Scots, "we can nevertheless give you
advice. We know another island here to the east. There you may dwell, if you will; and whosoever
withstandeth you, we will assist you, that you may gain it." Then went the Picts and entered this land
northward. Southward the Britons possessed it, as we before said. And the Picts obtained wives of the
Scots, on condition that they chose their kings always on the female side (4); which they have
continued to do, so long since. And it happened, in the run of years, that some party of Scots went
from Ireland into Britain, and acquired some portion of this land. Their leader was called Reoda (5),
from whom they are named Dalreodi (or Dalreathians).

Sixty winters ere that Christ was born, Caius Julius, emperor of the Romans, with eighty ships sought
Britain. There he was first beaten in a dreadful fight, and lost a great part of his army. Then he let his
army abide with the Scots (6), and went south into Gaul. There he gathered six hundred ships, with
which he went back into Britain. When they first rushed together, Caesar's tribune, whose name was
Labienus (7), was slain. Then took the Welsh sharp piles, and drove them with great clubs into the
water, at a certain ford of the river called Thames. When the Romans found that, they would not go
over the ford. Then fled the Britons to the fastnesses of the woods; and Caesar, having after much
fighting gained many of the chief towns, went back into Gaul (8).

((B.C. 60. Before the incarnation of Christ sixty years, Gaius Julius the emperor, first of the Romans,
sought the land of Britain; and he crushed the Britons in battle, and overcame them; and nevertheless
he was unable to gain any empire there.))

A.D. 1. Octavianus reigned fifty-six winters; and in the forty- second year of his reign Christ was
born. Then three astrologers from the east came to worship Christ; and the children in Bethlehem were
slain by Herod in persecution of Christ.

A.D. 3. This year died Herod, stabbed by his own hand; and Archelaus his son succeeded him. The
child Christ was also this year brought back again from Egypt.

A.D. 6. From the beginning of the world to this year were agone five thousand and two hundred

A.D. 11. This year Herod the son of Antipater undertook the government in Judea.

A.D. 12. This year Philip and Herod divided Judea into four kingdoms.

((A.D. 12. This year Judea was divided into four tetrarchies.))

A.D. 16. This year Tiberius succeeded to the empire.

A.D. 26. This year Pilate began to reign over the Jews.

A.D. 30. This year was Christ baptized; and Peter and Andrew were converted, together with James,
and John, and Philip, and all the twelve apostles.



A.D. 33. This year was Christ crucified; (9) about five thousand two hundred and twenty six winters
from the beginning of the world. (10)

A.D. 34. This year was St. Paul converted, and St. Stephen stoned.

A.D. 35. This year the blessed Peter the apostle settled an episcopal see in the city of Antioch.

A.D. 37. This year (11) Pilate slew himself with his own hand.

A.D. 39. This year Caius undertook the empire.

A.D. 44. This year the blessed Peter the apostle settled an episcopal see at Rome; and James, the
brother of John, was slain by Herod.

A.D. 45. This year died Herod, who slew James one year ere his own death.

A.D. 46. This year Claudius, the second of the Roman emperors who invaded Britain, took the greater
part of the island into his power, and added the Orkneys to rite dominion of the Romans. This was in
the fourth year of his reign. And in the same year (12) happened the great famine in Syria which Luke
mentions in the book called "The Acts of the Apostles". After Claudius Nero succeeded to the empire,
who almost lost the island Britain through his incapacity.

((A.D. 46. This year the Emperor Claudius came to Britain, and subdued a large part of the island; and
he also added the island of Orkney to the dominion of the Romans.))

A.D. 47. This year Mark, the evangelist in Egypt beginneth to write the gospel.

((A.D. 47. This was in the fourth year of his reign, and in this same year was the great famine in Syria
which Luke speaks of in the book called "Actus Apostolorum".))

((A.D. 47. This year Claudius, king of the Romans, went with an army into Britain, and subdued the
island, and subjected all the Picts and Welsh to the rule of the Romans.))

A.D. 50. This year Paul was sent bound to Rome.

A.D. 62. This year James, the brother of Christ, suffered.

A.D. 63. This year Mark the evangelist departed this life.

A.D. 69. This year Peter and Paul suffered.

A.D. 70. This year Vespasian undertook the empire.

A.D. 71. This year Titus, son of Vespasian, slew in Jerusalem eleven hundred thousand Jews.

A.D. 81. This year Titus came to the empire, after Vespasian, who said that he considered the day lost
in which he did no good.

A.D. 83. This year Domitian, the brother of Titus, assumed the government.


A.D. 84. This year John the evangelist in the island Patmos wrote the book called "The Apocalypse".

A.D. 90. This year Simon, the apostle, a relation of Christ, was crucified: and John the evangelist
rested at Ephesus.

A.D. 92. This year died Pope Clement.

A.D. 1 10. This year Bishop Ignatius suffered.

A.D. 1 16. This year Hadrian the Caesar began to reign.

A.D. 145. This year Marcus Antoninus and Aurelius his brother succeeded to the empire.

((A.D. 167. This year Eleutherius succeeded to the popedom, and held it fifteen years; and in the same
year Lucius, king of the Britons, sent and begged baptism of him. And he soon sent it him, and they
continued in the true faith until the time of Diocletian.))

A.D. 189. This year Severus came to the empire; and went with his army into Britain, and subdued in
battle a great part of the island. Then wrought he a mound of turf, with a broad wall thereupon, from
sea to sea, for the defence of the Britons. He reigned seventeen years; and then ended his days at York.
His son Bassianus succeeded him in the empire. His other son, who perished, was called Geta. This
year Eleutherius undertook the bishopric of Rome, and held it honourably for fifteen winters. To him
Lucius, king of the Britons, sent letters, and prayed that he might be made a Christian. He obtained his
request; and they continued afterwards in the right belief until the reign of Diocletian.

A.D. 199. In this year was found the holy rood. (13)

A.D. 283. This year suffered Saint Alban the Martyr.

A.D. 343. This year died St. Nicolaus.

A.D. 379. This year Gratian succeeded to the empire.

A.D. 381. This year Maximus the Caesar came to the empire. He was born in the land of Britain,
whence he passed over into Gaul. He there slew the Emperor Gratian; and drove his brother, whose
name was Valentinian, from his country (Italy). The same Valentinian afterwards collected an army,
and slew Maximus; whereby he gained the empire. About this time arose the error of Pelagius over the




(1) This introductory part of the "Chronicle" to An. I. first printed by Gibson from the Laud MS. only,
has been corrected by a collation of two additional MSS. in the British Museum, "Cotton Tiberius B"
lv. and "Domitianus A" viii. Some defects are also here supplied. The materials of this part are to be
found in Pliny, Solinus, Orosius, Gildas, and Bede. The admeasurement of the island, however
inaccurate, is from the best authorities of those times, and followed by much later historians.

(2) Gibson, following the Laud MS. has made six nations of five, by introducing the British and Welsh
as two distinct tribes.

(3) "De tractu Armoricano." — Bede, "Ecclesiastical History" i. I. The word Armenia occurring a few
lines above in Bede, it was perhaps inadvertently written by the Saxon compiler of the "Chronicle"
instead of Armorica.

(4) In case of a disputed succession, "Ubi res veniret in dabium," etc.— Bede, "Ecclesiastical History"
i. I.

(5) Reada, Aelfr.; Reuda, Bede, Hunt. etc. Perhaps it was originally Reutha or Reotha.

(6) This is an error, arising from the inaccurately written MSS. of Orosius and Bede; where "in
Hybernia" and "in Hiberniam" occur for "in hiberna". The error is retained in Wheloc's Bede.

(7) Labienus = Laberius. Venerable Bede also, and Orosius, whom he follows verbatim, have
"Labienus". It is probably a mistake of some very ancient scribe, who improperly supplied the
abbreviation "Labius" (for "Laberius") by "Labienus".

(8) Of these early transactions in Britain King Alfred supplies us with a brief but circumstantial
account in his Saxon paraphrase of "Orosius".

(9) "8 die Aprilis", Flor. M. West.

(10) Gibbon regrets this chronology, i.e. from the creation of the world, which he thinks preferable to
the vulgar mode from the Christian aera. But how vague and uncertain the scale which depends on a
point so remote and undetermined as the precise time when the world was created. If we examine the
chronometers of different writers we shall find a difference, between the maximum and the minimum,
of 3368 years. The Saxon chronology seems to be founded on that of Eusebius, which approaches the
medium between the two extremes.

(11) An. 42, Flor. This act is attributed by Orosius, and Bede who follows him, to the threatening
conduct of Caligula, with a remark, that it was he (Pilate) who condemned our Lord to death.

(12) An. 48, Flor. See the account of this famine in King Alfred's "Orosius".

(13) Those writers who mention this discovery of the holy cross, by Helena the mother of Constantine,
disagree so much in their chronology, that it is a vain attempt to reconcile them to truth or to each
other. This and the other notices of ecclesiastical matters, whether Latin or Saxon, from the year 190
to the year 380 of the Laud MS. and 381 of the printed Chronicle, may be safely considered as
interpolations, probably posterior to the Norman Conquest.



A.D. 418. This year the Romans collected all the hoards of gold (14) that were in Britain; and some
they hid in the earth, so that no man afterwards might find them, and some they carried away with
them into Gaul.

A.D. 423. This year Theodosius the younger succeeded to the empire.

A.D. 429. This year Bishop Palladius was sent from Pope Celesrinus to the Scots, that he might
establish their faith.

A.D. 430. This year Patricius was sent from Pope Celestinus to preach baptism to the Scots.

((A.D. 430. This year Patrick was sent by Pope Celestine to preach baptism to the Scots.))

A.D. 435. This year the Goths sacked the city of Rome; and never since have the Romans reigned in
Britain. This was about eleven hundred and ten winters after it was built. They reigned altogether in
Britain four hundred and seventy winters since Gaius Julius first sought that land.

A.D. 443. This year sent the Britons over sea to Rome, and begged assistance against the Picts; but
they had none, for the Romans were at war with Atila, king of the Huns. Then sent they to the Angles,
and requested the same from the nobles of that nation.

A.D. 444. This year died St. Martin.

A.D. 448. This year John the Baptist showed his head to two monks, who came from the eastern
country to Jerusalem for the sake of prayer, in the place that whilom was the palace of Herod. (15)

A.D. 449. This year Marcian and Valentinian assumed the empire, and reigned seven winters. In their
days Hengest and Horsa, invited by Wurtgern, king of the Britons to his assistance, landed in Britain
in a place that is called Ipwinesfleet; first of all to support the Britons, but they afterwards fought
against them. The king directed them to fight against the Picts; and they did so; and obtained the
victory wheresoever they came. They then sent to the Angles, and desired them to send more
assistance. They described the worthlessness of the Britons, and the richness of the land. They then
sent them greater support. Then came the men from three powers of Germany; the Old Saxons, the
Angles, and the Jutes. From the Jutes are descended the men of Kent, the Wightwarians (that is, the
tribe that now dwelleth in the Isle of Wight), and that kindred in Wessex that men yet call the kindred
of the Jutes. From the Old Saxons came the people of Essex and Sussex and Wessex. From Anglia,
which has ever since remained waste between the Jutes and the Saxons, came the East Angles, the
Middle Angles, the Mercians, and all of those north of the Humber. Their leaders were two brothers,
Hengest and Horsa; who were the sons of Wihtgils; Wihtgils was the son of Witta, Witta of Wecta,
Wecta of Woden. From this Woden arose all our royal kindred, and that of the Southumbrians also.

((A.D. 449. And in their days Vortigern invited the Angles thither, and they came to Britain in three
ceols, at the place called Wippidsfleet.))

A.D. 455. This year Hengest and Horsa fought with Wurtgern the king on the spot that is called
Aylesford. His brother Horsa being there slain, Hengest afterwards took to the kingdom with his son



A.D. 457. This year Hengest and Esc fought with the Britons on the spot that is called Crayford, and
there slew four thousand men. The Britons then forsook the land of Kent, and in great consternation
fled to London.

A.D. 465. This year Hengest and Esc fought with the Welsh, nigh Wippedfleet; and there slew twelve
leaders, all Welsh. On their side a thane was there slain, whose name was Wipped.

A.D. 473. This year Hengest and Esc fought with the Welsh, and took immense Booty. And the Welsh
fled from the English like fire.

A.D. 477. This year came Ella to Britain, with his three sons, Cymen, and Wlenking, and Cissa, in
three ships; landing at a place that is called Cymenshore. There they slew many of the Welsh; and
some in flight they drove into the wood that is called Andred'sley.

A.D. 482. This year the blessed Abbot Benedict shone in this world, by the splendour of those virtues
which the blessed Gregory records in the book of Dialogues.

A.D. 485. This year Ella fought with the Welsh nigh Mecred's- Burnsted.

A.D. 488. This year Esc succeeded to the kingdom; and was king of the men of Kent twenty-four

A.D. 490. This year Ella and Cissa besieged the city of Andred, and slew all that were therein; nor was
one Briten left there afterwards.

A.D. 495. This year came two leaders into Britain, Cerdic and Cynric his son, with five ships, at a
place that is called Cerdic's-ore. And they fought with the Welsh the same day. Then he died, and his
son Cynric succeeded to the government, and held it six and twenty winters. Then he died; and
Ceawlin, his son, succeeded, who reigned seventeen years. Then he died; and Ceol succeeded to the
government, and reigned five years. When he died, Ceolwulf, his brother, succeeded, and reigned
seventeen years. Their kin goeth to Cerdic. Then succeeded Cynebils, Ceolwulfs brother's son, to the
kingdom; and reigned one and thirty winters. And he first of West-Saxon kings received baptism.
Then succeeded Cenwall, who was the son of Cynegils, and reigned one and thirty winters. Then held
Sexburga, his queen, the government one year after him. Then succeeded Escwine to the kingdom,
whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and held it two years. Then succeeded Centwine, the son of Cynegils, to
the kingdom of the West-Saxons, and reigned nine years. Then succeeded Ceadwall to the
government, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and held it three years. Then succeeded Ina to the kingdom of
the West-Saxons, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and reigned thirty-seven winters. Then succeeded
Ethelheard, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and reigned sixteen years. Then succeeded Cuthred, whose kin
goeth to Cerdic, and reigned sixteen winters. Then succeeded Sigebriht, whose kin goeth to Cerdic,
and reigned one year. Then succeeded Cynwulf, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and reigned one and thirty
winters. Then succeeded Brihtric, whose kin goeth to Cerdic, and reigned sixteen years. Then
succeeded Egbert to the kingdom, and held it seven and thirty winters, and seven months. Then
succeeded Ethelwulf, his son, and reigned eighteen years and a half. Ethelwulf was the son of Egbert,
Egbert of Ealmund, Ealmund of Eafa, Eafa of Eoppa, Eoppa of Ingild, Ingild of Cenred (Ina of
Cenred, Cuthburga of Cenred, and Cwenburga of Cenred), Cenred of Ceolwald, Ceolwald of
Cuthwulf, Cuthwulf of Cuthwine, Cuthwine of Celm, Celm of Cynric, Cynric of Creoda, Creoda of
Cerdic. Then succeeded Ethelbald, the son of Ethelwulf, to the kingdom, and held it five years. Then
succeeded Ethelbert, his brother, and reigned five years. Then succeeded Ethelred, his brother, to the
kingdom, and held it five years. Then succeeded Alfred, their brother, to the government. And then
had elapsed of his age three and twenty winters, and three hundred and ninety-six



winters from the time when his kindred first gained the land of Wessex from the Welsh. And he held
the kingdom a year and a half less than thirty winters. Then succeeded Edward, the son of Alfred, and
reigned twenty-four winters. When he died, then succeeded Athelstan, his son, and reigned fourteen
years and seven weeks and three days. Then succeeded Edmund, his brother, and reigned six years and
a half, wanting two nights. Then succeeded Edred, his brother, and reigned nine years and six weeks.
Then succeeded Edwy, the son of Edmund, and reigned three years and thirty-six weeks, wanting two
days. When he died, then succeeded Edgar, his brother, and reigned sixteen years and eight weeks and
two nights. When he died, then succeeded Edward, the son of Edgar, and reigned —

A.D. 501. This year Porta and his two sons, Beda and Mela, came into Britain, with two ships, at a
place called Portsmouth. They soon landed, and slew on the spot a young Briton of very high rank.




(14) This is not to be understood strictly; gold being used as a general term for money or coin of every
description; great quantities of which, it is well known, have been found at different times, and in
many different places, in this island: not only of gold, but of silver, brass, copper, etc.

(15) An interpolated legend, from the "Gesta Pontificum", repeated by Bede, Florence, Matth. West.,
Fordun, and others. The head was said to be carried to Edessa.



A.D. 508. This year Cerdic and Cynric slew a British king, whose name was Natanleod, and five
thousand men with him. After this was the land named Netley, from him, as far as Charford.

A.D. 509. This year St. Benedict, the abbot, father of all the monks, (16) ascended to heaven.

A.D. 514. This year came the West-Saxons into Britain, with three ships, at the place that is called
Cerdic's-ore. And Stuff and Wihtgar fought with the Britons, and put them to flight.

A.D. 519. This year Cerdic and Cynric undertook the government of the West-Saxons; the same year
they fought with the Britons at a place now called Charford. From that day have reigned the children
of the West-Saxon kings.

A.D. 527. This year Cerdic and Cynric fought with the Britons in the place that is called Cerdic's-ley.

A.D. 530. This year Cerdic and Cynric took the isle of Wight, and slew many men in Carisbrook.

A.D. 534. This year died Cerdic, the first king of the West- Saxons. Cynric his son succeeded to the
government, and reigned afterwards twenty-six winters. And they gave to their two nephews, Stuff
and Wihtgar, the whole of the Isle of Wight.

A.D. 538. This year the sun was eclipsed, fourteen days before the calends of March, from before
morning until nine.

A.D. 540. This year the sun was eclipsed on the twelfth day before the calends of July; and the stars
showed themselves full nigh half an hour over nine.

A.D. 544. This year died Wihtgar; and men buried him at Carisbrook.

A.D. 547. This year Ida began his reign; from whom first arose the royal kindred of the
Northumbrians. Ida was the son of Eoppa, Eoppa of Esa, Esa of Ingwy, Ingwy of Angenwit, Angenwit
of Alloc, Alloc of Bennoc, Bennoc of Brand, Brand of Balday, Balday of Woden. Woden of Fritholaf,
Fritholaf of Frithowulf, Frithowulf of Finn, Finn of Godolph, Godolph of Geata. Ida reigned twelve
years. He built Bamburgh-Castle, which was first surrounded with a hedge, and afterwards with a

A.D. 552. This year Cynric fought with the Britons on the spot that is called Sarum, and put them to
flight. Cerdic was the father of Cynric, Cerdic was the son of Elesa, Elesa of Esla, Esla of Gewis,
Gewis of Wye, Wye of Frewin, Frewin of Frithgar, Frithgar of Brand, Brand of Balday, Balday of
Woden. In this year Ethelbert, the son of Ermenric, was born, who on the two and thirtieth year of his
reign received the rite of baptism, the first of all the kings in Britain.

A.D. 556. This year Cynric and Ceawlin fought with the Britons at Beranbury.

A.D. 560. This year Ceawlin undertook the government of the West-Saxons; and Ella, on the death of
Ida, that of the Northumbrians; each of whom reigned thirty winters. Ella was the son of Iff, Iff of
Usfrey, Usfrey of Wilgis, Wilgis of Westerfalcon, Westerfalcon of Seafowl, Seafowl of Sebbald,
Sebbald of Sigeat, Sigeat of S waddy, Swaddy of Seagirt, Seagar of Waddy, Waddy of Woden, Woden
of Frithowulf. This year Ethelbert came to the kingdom of the

Cantuarians, and held it fifty-three winters. In his days the holy Pope Gregory sent us baptism. That
was in the two and thirtieth year of his reign. And Columba, the mass-priest, came to the Picts, and
converted them to the belief of Christ. They are the dwellers by the northern moors. And their king



gave him the island of Hii, consisting of five hides, as they say, where Columba built a monastary.
There he was abbot two and thirty winters; and there he died, when he was seventy-seven years old.
The place his successors yet have. The Southern Picts were long before baptized by Bishop Ninnia,
who was taught at Rome. His church or monastery is at Hwiterne, hallowed in the name of St. Martin,
where he resteth with many holy men. Now, therefore, shall there be ever in Hii an abbot, and no
bishop; and to him shall be subject all the bishops of the Scots; because Columba was an abbot — no

((A.D. 565. This year Columba the presbyter came from the Scots among the Britons, to instruct the
Picts, and he built a monastery in the island of Hii.))

A.D. 568. This year Ceawlin, and Cutha the brother of Ceawlin, fought with Ethelbert, and pursued
him into Kent. And they slew two aldermen at Wimbledon, Oslake and Cnebba.

A.D. 571. This year Cuthulf fought with the Britons at Bedford, and took four towns, Lenbury,
Aylesbury, Benson, and Ensham. And this same year he died.

A.D. 577. This year Cuthwin and Ceawlin fought with the Britons, and slew three kings, Commail,
and Condida, and Farinmail, on the spot that is called Derham, and took from them three cities,
Gloucester, Cirencester, and Bath.

A.D. 583. This year Mauricius succeeded to the empire of the Romans.

A.D. 584. This year Ceawlin and Cutha fought with the Britons on the spot that is called Fretherne.
There Cutha was slain. And Ceawlin took many towns, as well as immense booty and wealth. He then
retreated to his own people.

A.D. 588. This year died King Ella; and Ethelric reigned after him five years.

A.D. 591. This year there was a great slaughter of Britons at Wanborough; Ceawlin was driven from
his kingdom, and Ceolric reigned six years.

A.D. 592. This year Gregory succeeded to the papacy at Rome.

A.D. 593. This year died Ceawlin, and Cwichelm, and Cryda; and Ethelfrith succeeded to the kingdom
of the Northumbrians. He was the son of Ethelric; Ethelric of Ida.

A.D. 596. This year Pope Gregory sent Augustine to Britain with very many monks, to preach the
word of God to the English people.

A.D. 597. This year began Ceolwulf to reign over the West- Saxons; and he constantly fought and
conquered, either with the Angles, or the Welsh, or the Picts, or the Scots. He was the son of Cutha,
Cutha of Cynric, Cynric of Cerdic, Cerdic of Elesa, Elesa of Gewis, Gewis of Wye, Wye of Frewin,
Frewin of Frithgar, Frithgar of Brand, Brand of Balday, and Balday of Woden. This year came
Augustine and his companions to England. (17)

A.D. 601. This year Pope Gregory sent the pall to Archbishop Augustine in Britain, with very many
learned doctors to assist him; and Bishop Paulinus converted Edwin, king of the Northumbrians, to



A.D. 603. This year Aeden, king of the Scots, fought with the Dalreathians, and with Ethelfrith, king
of the Northumbrians, at Theakstone; where he lost almost all his army. Theobald also, brother of
Ethelfrith, with his whole armament, was slain. None of the Scottish kings durst afterwards bring an
army against this nation. Hering, the son of Hussa, led the army thither.

((A.D. 603. This year Aethan, King of the Scots, fought against the Dalreods and against Ethelfrith,
king of the North -humbrians, at Daegsanstane [Dawston?], and they slew almost all his army. There
Theodbald, Ethelfrith's brother, was slain with all his band. Since then no king of the Scots has dared
to lead an army against this nation. Hering, the son of Hussa, led the enemy thither.))

A.D. 604. This year Augustine consecrated two bishops, Mellitus and Justus. Mellitus he sent to
preach baptism to the East- Saxons. Their king was called Seabert, the son of Ricola, Ethelbert's sister,
whom Ethelbert placed there as king. Ethelbert also gave Mellitus the bishopric of London; and to
Justus he gave the bishopric of Rochester, which is twenty-four miles from Canterbury.

((A.D. 604. This year Augustine consecrated two bishops, Mellitus and Justus. He sent Mellitus to
preach baptism to the East-Saxons, whose king was called Sebert, son of Ricole, the sister of
Ethelbert, and whom Ethelbert had there appointed king. And Ethelbert gave Mellitus a bishop's see in
London, and to Justus he gave Rochester, which is twenty-four miles from Canterbury.))

A.D. 606. This year died Gregory; about ten years since he sent us baptism. His father was called
Gordianus, and his mother Silvia.

A.D. 607. This year Ceolwulf fought with the South-Saxons. And Ethelfrith led his army to Chester;
where he slew an innumerable host of the Welsh; and so was fulfilled the prophecy of Augustine,
wherein he saith "If the Welsh will not have peace with us, they shall perish at the hands of the
Saxons." There were also slain two hundred priests, (18) who came thither to pray for the army of the
Welsh. Their leader was called Brocmail, who with some fifty men escaped thence.




(16) Merely of those called from him "Benedictines". But the compiler of the Cotton MS., who was
probably a monk of that order, seems not to acknowledge any other. Matthew of Westminster places
his death in 536.

(17) For an interesting and minute account of the arrival of Augustine and his companions in the Isle
of Thanet, their entrance into Canterbury, and their general reception in England, vid. Bede, "Hist.
Eccles." i. 25, and the following chapters, with the Saxon translation by King Alfred. The succeeding
historians have in general repeated the very words of Bede.

(18) It was originally, perhaps, in the MSS. ICC. the abbreviation for 1,200; which is the number of
the slain in Bede. The total number of the monks of Bangor is said to have been 2,100; most of whom
appear to have been employed in prayer on this occasion, and only fifty escape by flight. Vide Bede,
"Hist. Eccles." ii. 2, and the tribe of Latin historians who copy him.



A.D. 611. This year Cynegils succeeded to the government in Wessex, and held it one and thirty
winters. Cynegils was the son of Ceol, Ceol of Cutha, Cutha of Cynric.

A.D. 614. This year Cynegils and Cwichelm fought at Bampton, and slew two thousand and forty-six
of the Welsh.

A.D. 616. This year died Ethelbert, king of Kent, the first of English kings that received baptism: he
was the son of Ermenric. He reigned fifty-six winters, and was succeeded by his son Eadbald. And in
this same year had elapsed from the beginning of the world five thousand six hundred and eighteen
winters. This Eadbald renounced his baptism, and lived in a heathen manner; so that he took to wife
the relict of his father. Then Laurentius, who was archbishop in Kent, meant to depart southward over
sea, and abandon everything. But there came to him in the night the apostle Peter, and severely
chastised him, (19) because he would so desert the flock of God. And he charged him to go to the
king, and teach him the right belief. And he did so; and the king returned to the right belief. In this
king's days the same Laurentius, who was archbishop in Kent after Augustine, departed this life on the
second of February, and was buried near Augustine. The holy Augustine in his lifetime invested him
bishop, to the end that the church of Christ, which yet was new in England, should at no time after his
decease be without an archbishop. After him Mellitus, who was first Bishop of London, succeeded to
the archbishopric. The people of London, where Mellitus was before, were then heathens: and within
five winters of this time, during the reign of Eadbald, Mellitus died. To him succeeded Justus, who
was Bishop of Rochester, whereto he consecrated Romanus bishop.

((A.D. 616. In that time Laurentius was archbishop, and for the sorrowfulness which he had on
account of the king's unbelief he was minded to forsake this country entirely, and go over sea; but St.
Peter the apostle scourged him sorely one night, because he wished thus to forsake the flock of God,
and commanded him to teach boldly the true faith to the king; and he did so, and the king turned to the
right (faith). In the days of this same king, Eadbald, this Laurentius died. The holy Augustine, while
yet in sound health, ordained him bishop, in order that the community of Christ, which was yet new in
England, should not after his decease be at any time without an archbishop. After him Mellitus, who
had been previously Bishop of London, succeeded to the archbishopric. And within five years of the
decease of Laurentius, while Eadbald still reigned, Mellitus departed to Christ.))

A.D. 617. This year was Ethelfrith, king of the Northumbrians, slain by Redwald, king of the East-
Angles; and Edwin, the son of Ella, having succeeded to the kingdom, subdued all Britain, except the
men of Kent alone, and drove out the Ethelings, the sons of Ethelfrith, namely, Enfrid. Oswald, Oswy,
Oslac, Oswood. Oslaf, and Offa.

A.D. 624. This year died Archbishop Mellitus.

A.D. 625. This year Paulinus was invested bishop of the Northumbrians, by Archbishop Justus, on the
twelfth day before the calends of August.

((A.D. 625. This year Archbishop Justus consecrated Paulinus bishop of the Norfh-humbrians.))

A.D. 626. This year came Earner from Cwichelm, king of the West-Saxons, with a design to
assassinate King Edwin; but he killed Lilla his thane, and Forthere, and wounded the king. The same
night a daughter was born to Edwin, whose name was Eanfleda. Then promised the king to Paulinus,
that he would devote his daughter to God, if he would procure at the hand of God, that he might
destroy his enemy, who had sent the assassin to him. He then advanced against the West-Saxons with
an army, felled on the spot five kings, and slew many of their men. This year Eanfleda, the daughter of
King Edwin, was baptized, on the holy eve of Pentecost. And the king within twelve months was
baptized, at Easter, with all his people. Easter was then on the twelfth of April. This was done at York,



where he had ordered a church to be built of timber, which was hallowed in the name of St. Peter.
There the king gave the bishopric to Paulinus; and there he afterwards ordered a larger church to be
built of stone. This year Penda began to reign; and reigned thirty winters. He had seen fifty winters
when he began to reign. Penda was the son of Wybba, Wybba of Creoda, Creoda of Cynewald,
Cynewald of Cnebba, Cnebba of Icel, Icel of Eomer, Eomer of Angelthew, Angelthew of Offa, Offa of
Wearmund, Wearmund of Whitley, Whitley of Woden.

A.D. 627. This year was King Edwin baptized at Easter, with all his people, by Paulinus, who also
preached baptism in Lindsey, where the first person who believed was a certain rich man, of the name
of Bleek, with all his people. At this time Honorius succeeded Boniface in the papacy, and sent hither
to Paulinus the pall; and Archbishop Justus having departed this life on the tenth of November,
Honorius was consecrated at Lincoln Archbishop of Canterbury by Paulinus; and Pope Honorius sent
him the pall. And he sent an injunction to the Scots, that they should return to the right celebration of

((A.D. 627. This year, at Easter, Paulinus baptized Edwin king of the North-humbrians, with his
people; and earlier within the same year, at Pentecost, he had baptized Eanfled, daughter of the same

A.D. 628. This year Cynegils and Cwichelm fought with Penda at Cirencester, and afterwards entered
into a treaty there.

A.D. 632. This year was Orpwald baptized.

A.D. 633. This year King Edwin was slain by Cadwalla and Penda, on Hatfield moor, on the
fourteenth of October. He reigned seventeen years. His son Osfrid was also slain with him. After this
Cadwalla and Penda went and ravaged all the land of the Northumbrians; which when Paulinus saw,
he took Ethelburga, the relict of Edwin, and went by ship to Kent. Eadbald and Honorius received him
very honourably, and gave him the bishopric of Rochester, where he continued to his death.

A.D. 634. This year Osric, whom Paulinus baptized, succeeded to the government of Deira. He was
the son of Elfric, the uncle of Edwin. And to Bernicia succeeded Eanfrith, son of Ethelfrith. This year
also Bishop Birinus first preached baptism to the West- Saxons, under King Cynegils. The said
Birinus went thither by the command of Pope Honorius; and he was bishop there to the end of his life.
Oswald also this year succeeded to the government of the Northumbrians, and reigned nine winters.
The ninth year was assigned to him on account of the heathenism in which those lived who reigned
that one year betwixt him and Edwin.

A.D. 635. This year King Cynegils was baptized by Bishop Birinus at Dorchester; and Oswald, king of
the Northumbrians, was his sponsor.

A.D. 636. This year King Cwichelm was baptized at Dorchester, and died the same year. Bishop Felix
also preached to the East- Angles the belief of Christ.

A.D. 639. This year Birinus baptized King Cuthred at Dorchester, and received him as his son.

A.D. 640. This year died Eadbald, King of Kent, after a reign of twenty-five winters. He had two sons,
Ermenred and Erkenbert; and Erkenbert reigned there after his father. He overturned all the idols in the
kingdom, and first of English kings appointed a fast before Easter. His daughter was called Ercongota
— holy damsel of an illustrious sire! whose mother was Sexburga, the daughter of Anna, king of the
East-Angles. Ermenred also begat two sons, who were afterwards martyred by Thunnor.



A.D. 642. This year Oswald, king of the Northumbrians, was slain by Penda, king of the
Southumbrians, at Mirfield, on the fifth day of August; and his body was buried at Bardney. His
holiness and miracles were afterwards displayed on manifold occasions throughout this island; and his
hands remain still uncorrupted at Barnburgh. The same year in which Oswald was slain, Oswy his
brother succeeded to the government of the Northumbrians, and reigned two less than thirty years.

A.D. 643. This year Kenwal succeeded to the kingdom of the West- Saxons, and held it one and thirty
winters. This Kenwal ordered the old (20) church at Winchester to be built in the name of St. Peter. He
was the son of Cynegils.

A.D. 644. This year died at Rochester, on the tenth of October, Paulinus, who was first Archbishop at
York, and afterwards at Rochester. He was bishop nineteen winters, two months, and one and twenty
days. This year the son of Oswy's uncle (Oswin), the son of Osric, assumed the government of Deira,
and reigned seven winters.

A.D. 645. This year King Kenwal was driven from his dominion by King Penda.

A.D. 646. This year King Kenwal was baptized.

A.D. 648. This year Kenwal gave his relation Cuthred three thousand hides of land by Ashdown.
Cuthred was the son of Cwichelm, Cwichelm of Cynegils.

A.D. 650. This year Egelbert, from Gaul, after Birinus the Romish bishop, obtained the bishopric of
the West-Saxons.

((A.D. 650. This year Birinus the bishop died, and Agilbert the Frenchman was ordained.))

A.D. 651. This year King Oswin was slain, on the twentieth day of August; and within twelve nights
afterwards died Bishop Aidan, on the thirty-first of August.

A.D. 652. This year Kenwal fought at Bradford by the Avon.

A.D. 653. This year, the Middle-Angles under alderman Peada received the right belief.

A.D. 654. This year King Anna was slain, and Botolph began to build that minster at Icanhoe. This
year also died Archbishop Honorius, on the thirtieth of September.

A.D. 655. This year Penda was slain at Wingfield, and thirty royal personages with him, some of
whom were kings. One of them was Ethelhere, brother of Anna, king of the East-Angles. The
Mercians after this became Christians. From the beginning of the world had now elapsed five thousand
eight hundred and fifty winters, when Peada, the son of Penda, assumed the government of the
Mercians. In his time came together himself and Oswy, brother of King Oswald, and said, that they
would rear a minster to the glory of Christ, and the honour of St. Peter. And they did so, and gave it
the name of Medhamsted; because there is a well there, called Meadswell. And they began the
groundwall, and wrought thereon; after which they committed the work to a monk, whose name was
Saxulf. He was very much the friend of God, and him also loved all people. He was nobly born in the
world, and rich: he is now much richer with Christ. But King Peada reigned no while; for he was
betrayed by his own queen, in Easter-tide. This year Ithamar, Bishop of Rochester, consecrated Deus-
dedit to Canterbury, on the twenty-sixth day of March.




(19) Literally, "swinged, or scourged him." Both Bede and Alfred begin by recording the matter as a
vision, or a dream; whence the transition is easy to a matter of fact, as here stated by the Norman
interpolators of the "Saxon Annals".

(20) This epithet appears to have been inserted in some copies of the "Saxon Chronicle" so early as the
tenth century; to distinguish the "old" church or minster at Winchester from the "new", consecrated
A.D. 903.



A.D. 656. This year was Peada slain; and Wulfhere, son of Penda, succeeded to the kingdom of the
Mercians. In his time waxed the abbey of Medhamsted very rich, which his brother had begun. The
king loved it much, for the love of his brother Peada, and for the love of his wed-brother Oswy, and
for the love of Saxulf the abbot. He said, therefore, that he would dignify and honour it by the counsel
of his brothers, Ethelred and Merwal; and by the counsel of his sisters, Kyneburga and Kyneswitha;
and by the counsel of the archbishop, who was called Deus-dedit; and by the counsel of all his peers,
learned and lewd, that in his kingdom were. And he so did. Then sent the king after the abbot, that he
should immediately come to him. And he so did. Then said the king to the abbot: "Beloved Saxulf, I
have sent after thee for the good of my soul; and I will plainly tell thee for why. My brother Peada and
my beloved friend Oswy began a minster, for the love of Christ and St. Peter: but my brother, as Christ
willed, is departed from this life; I will therefore intreat thee, beloved friend, that they earnestly
proceed on their work; and I will find thee thereto gold and silver, land and possessions, and all that
thereto behoveth." Then went the abbot home, and began to work. So he sped, as Christ permitted him;
so that in a few years was that minster ready. Then, when the king heard say that, he was very glad;
and bade men send through all the nation, after all his thanes; after the archbishop, and after bishops:
and after his earls; and after all those that loved God; that they should come to him. And he fixed the
day when men should hallow the minster. And when they were hallowing the minster, there was the
king, Wulfere, and his brother Ethelred, and his sisters, Kyneburga and Kyneswitha. And the minster
was hallowed by Archbishop Deusdedit of Canterbury; and the Bishop of Rochester, Ithamar; and the
Bishop of London, who was called Wina; and the Bishop of the Mercians, whose name was Jeruman;
and Bishop Tuda. And there was Wilfrid, priest, that after was bishop; and there were all his thanes
that were in his kingdom. When the minster was hallowed, in the name of St. Peter, and St. Paul, and
St. Andrew, then stood up the king before all his thanes, and said with a loud voice: "Thanks be to the
high almighty God for this worship that here is done; and I will this day glorify Christ and St. Peter,
and I will that you all confirm my words. — I Wulfere give to-day to St. Peter, and the Abbot Saxulf,
and the monks of the minster, these lands, and these waters, and meres, and fens, and weirs, and all the
lands that thereabout lye, that are of my kingdom, freely, so that no man have there any ingress, but
the abbot and the monks. This is the gift. From Medhamsted to Northborough; and so to the place that
is called Foley s; and so all the fen, right to Ashdike; and from Ashdike to the place called
Fethermouth; and so in a right line ten miles long to Ugdike; and so to Ragwell; and from Ragwell
five miles to the main river that goeth to Elm and to Wisbeach; and so about three miles to Trokenholt;
and from Trokenholt right through all the fen to Derworth; that is twenty miles long; and so to Great
Cross; and from Great Cross through a clear water called Bradney; and thence six miles to Paxlade;
and so forth through all the meres and fens that lye toward Huntingdon-port; and the meres and lakes
Shelfermere and Wittlesey mere, and all the others that thereabout lye; with land and with houses that
are on the east side of Shelfermere; thence all the fens to Medhamsted; from Medhamsted all to
Welmsford; from Welmsford to Clive; thence to Easton; from Easton to Stamford; from Stamford as
the water runneth to the aforesaid Northborough." — These are the lands and the fens that the king
gave unto St. Peter's minster. — Then quoth the king: "It is little — this gift — but I will that they hold it
so royally and so freely, that there be taken there from neither gild nor gable, but for the monks alone.
Thus I will free this minster; that it be not subject except to Rome alone; and hither I will that we seek
St. Peter, all that to Rome cannot go." During these words the abbot desired that he would gant him his
request. And the king granted it. "I have here (said he) some good monks that would lead their life in
retirement, if they wist where. Now here is an island, that is called Ankerig; and I will request, that we
may there build a minster to the honour of St. Mary; that they may dwell there who will lead their
lives in peace and tranquillity." Then answered the king, and quoth thus: "Beloved Saxulf, not that
only which thou desirest, but all things that I know thou desirest in our Lord's behalf, so I approve, and
grant. And I bid thee, brother Ethelred, and my sisters, Kyneburga and Kyneswitha, for the release of
your souls, that you be witnesses, and that you subscribe it with your fingers. And I pray all that come
after me, be they my sons, be they my brethren, or kings that come after me, that our gift may stand; as
they would be partakers of the life everlasting, and as they would avoid everlasting punishment.
Whoso lesseneth our gift, or the gift of other good men, may the heavenly porter lessen him in the
kingdom of heaven; and whoso advanceth it, may the heavenly porter advance him in the kingdom of



heaven." These are the witnesses that were there, and that subscribed it with their fingers on the cross
of Christ, and confirmed it with their tongues. That was, first the king, Wulfere, who confirmed it first
with his word, and afterwards wrote with his finger on the cross of Christ, saying thus: "I Wulfere,
king, in the presence of kings, and of earls, and of captains, and of thanes, the witnesses of my gift,
before the Archbishop Deus-dedit, I confirm it with the cross of Christ." (+) — "And I Oswy, king of
the Northumbrians, the friend of this minster, and oce the Abbot Saxulf, commend it with the cross of
Christ." (+) -- "And I Sighere, king, ratify it with the cross of Christ." (+) -- "And I Sibbi, king,
subscribe it with the cross of Christ." (+) — "And I Ethelred, the king's brother, granted the same with
the cross of Christ." (+) — "And we, the king's sisters, Kyneburga and Kyneswitha, approve it." —
"And I Archbishop of Canterbury, Deus-dedit, ratify it." — Then confirmed it all the others that were
there with the cross of Christ (+): namely, Ithamar, Bishop of Rochester; Wina, Bishop of London;
Jeruman, Bishop of the Mercians; and Tuda, bishop; and Wilfrid, priest, who was afterwards bishop;
and Eoppa, priest, whom the king, Wulfere, sent to preach Christianity in the Isle of Wight; and Saxulf,
abbot; and Immine, alderman, and Edbert, alderman, and Herefrith, alderman, and Wilbert, alderman,
and Abo, alderman; Ethelbald, Brord, Wilbert, Elmund, Frethegis. These, and many others that were
there, the king's most loyal subjects, confirmed it all. This charter was written after our Lord's Nativity
664 — the seventh year of King Wulfere — the ninth year of Archbishop Deus-dedir. Then they laid
God's curse, and the curse of all saints, and all christian folks, on whosoever undid anything that there
was done. "So be it," saith all. "Amen." — When this thing was done, then sent the king to Rome to the
Pope Vitalianus that then was, and desired, that he would ratify with his writ and with his blessing, all
this aforesaid thing. And the pope then sent his writ, thus saying: "I Vitalianus, pope, grant thee, King
Wulfere, and Deus-dedit, archbishop, and Abbot Saxulf, all the things that you desire. And I forbid,
that any king, or any man, have any ingress, but the abbot alone; nor shall he be Subject to any man,
except the Pope of Rome and the Archbishop of Canterbury. If any one breaketh anything of this, St.
Peter with his sword destroy him. Whosoever holdeth it, St. Peter with heaven's key undo him the
kingdom of heaven." — Thus was the minster of Medhamsted begun, that was afterwards called Peter-
borough. Afterwards came another archbishop to Canterbury, who was called Theodorus; a very good
man and wise; and held his synod with his bishops and with his clerk. There was Wilfrid, bishop of the
Mercians, deprived of his bishopric; and Saxulf, abbot, was there chosen bishop; and Cuthbald, monk
of the same minster, was chosen abbot. This synod was holden after our Lord's Nativity six hundred
and seventy -three winters.

A.D. 658. This year Kenwal fought with the Welsh at Pen, and pursued them to the Parret. This battle
was fought after his return from East-Anglia, where he was three years in exile. Penda had driven him
thither and deprived him of his kingdom, because he had discarded his sister.

A.D. 660. This year Bishop Egelbert departed from Kenwal; and Wina held the bishopric three years.
And Egbert accepted the bishopric of Paris, in Gaul, by the Seine.

A.D. 661. This year, at Easter, Kenwal fought at Pontesbury; and Wulfere, the son of Penda, pursued
him as far as Ashdown. Cuthred, the son of Cwichelm, and King Kenbert, died in one year. Into the
Isle of Wight also Wulfere, the son of Penda, penetrated, and transferred the inhabitants to Ethelwald,
king of the South-Saxons, because Wulfere adopted him in baptism. And Eoppa, a mass-priest, by
command of Wilfrid and King Wulfere, was the first of men who brought baptism to the people of the
Isle of Wight.

A.D. 664. This year the sun was eclipsed, on the eleventh of May; and Erkenbert, King of Kent,
having died, Egbert his son succeeded to the kingdom. Colman with his companions this year returned
to his own country. This same year there was a great plague in the island Britain, in which died Bishop
Tuda, who was buried at Wayleigh — Chad and Wilferth were consecrated — And Archbishop
Deusdedit died.



A.D. 667. This year Oswy and Egbert sent Wighard, a priest, to Rome, that he might be consecrated
there Archbishop of Canterbury; but he died as soon as he came thither.

((A.D. 667. This year Wighard went to Rome, even as King Oswy, and Egbert had sent him.))

A.D. 668. This year Theodore was consecrated archbishop, and sent into Britain.

A.D. 669. This year King Egbert gave to Bass, a mass-priest, Reculver — to build a minster upon.

A.D. 670. This year died Oswy, King of Northumberland, on the fifteenth day before the calends of
March; and Egferth his son reigned after him. Lothere, the nephew of Bishop Egelbert, succeeded to
the bishopric over the land of the West-Saxons, and held it seven years. He was consecrated by
Archbishop Theodore. Oswy was the son of Ethelfrith, Ethelfrith of Ethelric, Ethelric of Ida, Ida of

A.D. 671. This year happened that great destruction among the fowls.

A.D. 672. This year died King Cenwal; and Sexburga his queen held the government one year after

A.D. 673. This year died Egbert, King of Kent; and the same year there was a synod at Hertford; and
St. Etheldritha began that monastery at Ely.

A.D. 674. This year Escwin succeeded to the kingdom of Wessex. He was the son of Cenfus, Cenfus
of Cenferth, Cenferth of Cuthgils, Cuthgils of Ceolwulf, Ceolwulf of Cynric, Cynric of Cerdic.

A.D. 675. This year Wulfere, the son of Penda, and Escwin, the son of Cenfus, fought at Bedwin. The
same year died Wulfere, and Ethelred succeeded to the government. In his time sent he to Rome
Bishop Wilfrid to the pope that then was, called Agatho, and told him by word and by letter, how his
brothers Peada and Wulfere, and the Abbot Saxulf, had wrought a minster, called Medhamsted; and
that they had freed it, against king and against bishop, from every service; and he besought him that he
would confirm it with his writ and with his blessing. And the pope sent then his writ to England, thus
saying: "I Agatho, Pope of Rome, greet well the worthy Ethelred, king of the Mercians, and the
Archbishop Theodorus of Canterbury, and Saxulf, the bishop of the Mercians, who before was abbot,
and all the abbots that are in England; God's greeting and my blessing. I have heard the petition of
King Ethelred, and of the Archbishop Theodorus, and of the Bishop Saxulf, and of the Abbot
Cuthbald; and I will it, that it in all wise be as you have spoken it. And I ordain, in behalf of God, and
of St. Peter, and of all saints, and of every hooded head, that neither king, nor bishop, nor earl, nor any
man whatever, have any claim, or gable, or gild, or levy, or take any service of any kind, from the
abbey of Medhamsted. I command also, that no shire -bishop be so bold as to hold an ordination or
consecration within this abbacy, except the abbot intreat him, nor have there any claim to proxies, or
synodals, or anything whatever of any kind. And I will, that the abbot be holden for legate of Rome
over all that island; and whatever abbot is there chosen by the monks that he be consecrated by the
Archbishop of Canterbury. I will and decree, that, whatever man may have made a vow to go to Rome,
and cannot perform it, either from infirmity, or for his lord's need, or from poverty, or from any other
necessity of any kind whatever, whereby he cannot come thither, be he of England, or of whatever
other island he be, he may come to that minster of Medhamsted, and have the same forgiveness of
Christ and St. Peter, and of the abbot, and of the monks, that he should have if he went to Rome. Now
bid I thee, brother Theodorus, that thou let it be proclaimed through all England, that a synod be
gathered, and this writ be read and observed. Also I tell thee, Bishop Saxulf, that, as thou desirest it,
that the minster be free, so I forbid thee, and all the bishops that after thee come, from Christ and from
all his saints, that ye have no demand from that minster, except so much as the abbot will. Now will I



say in a word, that, whoso holdeth this writ and this decree, then be he ever dwelling with God
Almighty in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso breaketh it, then be he excommunicated, and thrust
down with Judas, and with all the devils in hell, except he come to repentance. Amen!" This writ sent
the Pope Agatho, and a hundred and twenty-five bishops, by Wilfrid, Archbishop of York, to England.
This was done after our Lord's Nativity 680, the sixth year of King Ethelred. Then the king
commanded the Archbishop Theodorus, that he should appoint a general Wittenmoot at the place
called Hatfield. When they were there collected, then he allowed the letter to be read that the pope sent
thither; and all ratified and confirmed it. Then said the king: "All things that my brother Peada, and my
brother Wulfere, and my sisters, Kyneburga and Kyneswitha, gave and granted to St. Peter and the
abbot, these I will may stand; and I will in my day increase it, for their souls and for my soul. Now
give I St. Peter to-day into his minster, Medhamsted, these lands, and all that thereto lyeth; that is,
Bredon, Repings, Cadney, Swineshead, Hanbury, Lodeshall, Scuffanhall, Cosford, Stratford,
Wattleburn, Lushgard, Ethelhun-island, Bardney. These lands I give St. Peter just as freely as I
possessed them myself; and so, that none of my successors take anything therefrom. Whoso doeth it,
have he the curse of the Pope of Rome, and the curse of all bishops, and of all those that are witnesses
here. And this I confirm with the token of Christ." (+) "I Theodorus, Archbishop of Canterbury, am
witness to this charter of Medhamsted; and I ratify it with my hand, and I excommunicate all that
break anything thereof; and I bless all that hold it." (+) "I Wilfrid, Archbishop of York, am witness to
this charter; and I ratify this same curse." (+) "I Saxulf, who was first abbot, and now am bishop, I
give my curse, and that of all my successors, to those who break this." — "I Ostritha, Ethelred's queen,
confirm it." — "I Adrian, legate, ratify it." — "I Putta, Bishop of Rochester, subscribe it." — "I
Waldhere, Bishop of London, confirm it." — "I Cuthbald, abbot, ratify it; so that, whoso breaketh it,
have he the cursing of all bishops and of all christian folk. Amen."

A.D. 676. This year, in which Hedda succeeded to his bishopric, Escwin died; and Centwin obtained
the government of the West- Saxons. Centwin was the son of Cynegils, Cynegils of Ceolwulf.
Ethelred, king of the Mercians, in the meantime, overran the land of Kent.

A.D. 678. This year appeared the comet-star in August, and shone every morning, during three
months, like a sunbeam. Bishop Wilfrid being driven from his bishopric by King Everth, two bishops
were consecrated in his stead, Bosa over the Deirians, and Eata over the Bernicians. About the same
time also Eadhed was consecrated bishop over the people of Lindsey, being the first in that division.

A.D. 679. This year Elwin was slain, by the river Trent, on the spot where Everth and Ethelred fought.
This year also died St. Etheldritha; and the monastery of Coldingiham was destroyed by fire from

A.D. 680. This year Archbishop Theodore appointed a synod at Hatfield; because he was desirous of
rectifying the belief of Christ; and the same year died Hilda, Abbess of Whitby.

A.D. 681. This year Trumbert was consecrated Bishop of Hexham, and Trumwin bishop of the Picts;
for they were at that time subject to this country. This year also Centwin pursued the Britons to the


A.D. 684. This year Everth sent an army against the Scots, under the command of his alderman,
Bright, who lamentably plundered and burned the churches of God.

A.D. 685. This year King Everth commanded Cuthbert to be consecrated a bishop; and Archbishop
Theodore, on the first day of Easter, consecrated him at York Bishop of Hexham; for Trumbert had
been deprived of that see. The same year Everth was slain by the north sea, and a large army with him,
on the thirteenth day before the calends of June. He continued king fifteen winters; and his brother
Elfrith succeeded him in the government. Everth was the son of Oswy. Oswy of Ethelferth, Ethelferth



of Ethelric, Ethelric of Ida, Ida of Eoppa. About this time Ceadwall began to struggle for a kingdom.
Ceadwall was the son of Kenbert, Kenbert of Chad, Chad of Cutha, Cutha of Ceawlin, Ceawlin of
Cynric, Cynric of Cerdic. Mull, who was afterwards consigned to the flames in Kent, was the brother
of Ceadwall. The same year died Lothhere, King of Kent; and John was consecrated Bishop of
Hexham, where he remained till Wilferth was restored, when John was translated to York on the death
of Bishop Bosa. Wilferth his priest was afterwards consecrated Bishop of York, and John retired to his
monastery (21) in the woods of Delta. This year there was in Britain a bloody rain, and milk and butter
were turned to blood.

((A.D. 685. And in this same year Cuthbert was consecrated Bishop of Hexham by Archbishop
Theodore at York, because Bishop Tumbert had been driven from the bishopric.))

A.D. 686. This year Ceadwall and his brother Mull spread devastation in Kent and the Isle of Wight.
This same Ceadwall gave to St. Peter's minster, at Medhamsted, Hook; which is situated in an island
called Egborough. Egbald at this time was abbot, who was the third after Saxulf; and Theodore was
archbishop in Kent.



(21) Beverley-minster, in Yorkshire.



A.D. 687. This year was Mull consigned to the flames in Kent, and twelve other men with him; after
which, in the same year, Ceadwall overran the kingdom of Kent.

A.D. 688. This year Ceadwall went to Rome, and received baptism at the hands of Sergius the pope,
who gave him the name of Peter; but in the course of seven nights afterwards, on the twelfth day
before the calends of May, he died in his crisom-cloths, and was buried in the church of St. Peter. To
him succeeded Ina in the kingdom of Wessex, and reigned thirty-seven winters. He founded the
monastery of Glastonbury; after which he went to Rome, and continued there to the end of his life. Ina
was the son of Cenred, Cenred of Ceolwald; Ceolwald was the brother of Cynegils; and both were the
sons of Cuthwin, who was the son of Ceawlin; Ceawlin was the son of Cynric, and Cynric of Cerdic.

((A.D. 688. This year King Caedwalla went to Rome, and received baptism of Pope Sergius, and he
gave him the name of Peter, and in about seven days afterwards, on the twelfth before the kalends of
May, while he was yet in his baptismal garments, he died: and he was buried in St. Peter's church. And
Ina succeeded to the kingdom of the West-Saxons after him, and he reigned twenty-seven years.))

A.D. 690. This year Archbishop Theodore, who had been bishop twenty-two winters, departed this
life, (22) and was buried within the city of Canterbury. Bertwald, who before this was abbot of
Reculver, on the calends of July succeeded him in the see; which was ere this filled by Romish
bishops, but henceforth with English. Then were there two kings in Kent, Wihtred and Webherd.

A.D. 693. This year was Bertwald consecrated archbishop by Godwin, bishop of the Gauls, on the
fifth day before the nones of July; about which time died Gifmund, who was Bishop of Rochester; and
Archbishop Bertwald consecrated Tobias in his stead. This year also Dryhtelm (23) retired from the

A.D. 694. This year the people of Kent covenanted with Ina, and gave him 30,000 pounds in
friendship, because they had burned his brother Mull. Wihtred, who succeeded to the kingdom of
Kent, and held it thirty-three winters, was the son of Egbert, Egbert of Erkenbert, Erkenbert of
Eadbald, Eadbald of Ethelbert. And as soon as he was king, he ordained a great council to meet in the
place that is called Bapchild; in which presided Wihtred, King of Kent, the Archbishop of Canterbury,
Brihtwald, and Bishop Tobias of Rochester; and with him were collected abbots and abbesses, and
many wise men, all to consult about the advantage of God's churches that are in Kent. Now began the
king to speak, and said, "I will that all the minsters and the churches, that were given and bequeathed
to the worship of God in the days of believing kings, my predecessors, and in the days of my relations
of King Ethelbert and of those that followed him — shall so remain to the worship of God, and stand
fast for evermore. For I Wihtred, earthly king, urged on by the heavenly king, and with the spirit of
righteousness annealed, have of our progenitors learned this, that no layman should have any right to
possess himself of any church or of any of the things that belong to the church. And, therefore,
strongly and truly, we set and decree, and in the name of Almighty God, and of all saints, we forbid all
our succeeding kings, and aldermen, and all lawmen, ever, any lordship over churches, and over all
their appurtenances, which I or my elders in old days have given for a perpetual inheritance to the
glory of Christ and our Lady St. Mary, and the holy apostles. And look! when it happeneth, that
bishop, or abbot, or abbess, depart from this life, be it told the archbishop, and with his counsel and
injunction be chosen such as be worthy. And the life of him, that shall be chosen to so holy a thing, let
the archbishop examine, and his cleanness; and in no wise be chosen any one, or to so holy a thing
consecrated, without the archbishop's counsel. Kings shall appoint earls, and aldermen, sheriffs, and
judges; but the archbishop shall consult and provide for God's flock: bishops, and abbots, and
abbesses, and priests, and deacons, he shall choose and appoint; and also sanctify and confirm with
good precepts and example, lest that any of God's flock go astray and perish — "


A.D. 697. This year the Southumbrians slew Ostritha, the queen of Ethelred, the sister of Everth.

A.D. 699. This year the Picts slew Alderman Burt.

A.D. 702. This year Kenred assumed the government of the Southumbrians.

A.D. 703. This year died Bishop Hedda, having held the see of Winchester twenty-seven winters.

A.D. 704. This year Ethelred, the son of Penda, King of Mercia, entered into a monastic life, having
reigned twenty-nine winters; and Cenred succeeded to the government.

A.D. 705. This year died Ealdferth, king of the Northumbrians, on the nineteenth day before the
calends of January, at Driffield; and was succeeded by his son Osred. Bishop Saxulf also died the
same year.

A.D. 709. This year died Aldhelm, who was bishop by Westwood. The land of the West-Saxons was
divided into two bishoprics in the first days of Bishop Daniel; who held one whilst Aldhelm held the
other. Before this it was only one. Forthere succeeded to Aldhelm; and Ceolred succeeded to the
kingdom of Mercia. And Cenred went to Rome; and Offa with him. And Cenred was there to the end
of his life. The same year died Bishop Wilferth, at Oundle, but his body was carried to Ripon. He was
the bishop whom King Everth compelled to go to Rome.

A.D. 710. This year Acca, priest of Wilferth, succeeded to the bishopric that Wilferth ere held; and
Alderman Bertfrith fought with the Picts between Heugh and Carau. Ina also, and Nun his relative,
fought with Grant, king of the Welsh; and the same year Hibbald was slain.

A.D. 714. This year died Guthlac the holy, and King Pepin.

A.D. 715. This year Ina and Ceolred fought at Wanborough; (24) and King Dagobert departed this life.

A.D. 716. This year Osred, king of the Northumbrians, was slain near the southern borders. He reigned
eleven winters after Ealdferth. Cenred then succeeded to the government, and held it two years; then
Osric, who held it eleven years. This same year died Ceolred, king of the Mercians. His body lies at
Lichfield; but that of Ethelred, the son of Penda, at Bardney. Ethelbald then succeeded to the kingdom
of Mercia, and held it one and forty winters. Ethelbald was the son of Alwy, Alwy of Eawa, Eawa of
Webba, whose genealogy is already written. The venerable Egbert about this time converted the
monks of Iona to the right faith, in the regulation of Easter, and the ecclesiastical tonsure.

A.D. 718. This year died Ingild, the brother of Ina. Cwenburga and Cuthburga were their sisters.
Cuthburga reared the monastery of Wimburn; and, though given in marriage to Ealdferth, King of
Northumberland, they parted during their lives.

A.D. 721. This year Bishop Daniel went to Rome; and the same year Ina slew Cynewulf, the etheling.
This year also died the holy Bishop John; who was bishop thirty-three years, and eight months, and
thirteen days. His body now resteth at Beverley.

A.D. 722. This year Queen Ethelburga destroyed Taunton, which Ina had formerly built; Ealdbert
wandered a wretched exile in Surrey and Sussex; and Ina fought with the South-Saxons.

A.D. 725. This year died Wihtred, King of Kent, on the ninth day before the calends of May, after a
reign of thirty-two winters. His pedigree is above; and he was succeeded by Eadbert. Ina this year also
fought with the South-Saxons, and slew Ealdbert, the etheling, whom he had before driven into exile.



A.D. 727. This year died Tobias, Bishop of Rochester: and Archbishop Bertwald consecrated Aldulf
bishop in his stead.

A.D. 728. This year (25) Ina went to Rome, and there gave up the ghost. He was succeeded in the
kingdom of Wessex by Ethelhard his relative, who held it fourteen years; but he fought this same year
with Oswald the etheling. Oswald was the son of Ethelbald, Ethelbald of Cynebald, Cynebald of
Cuthwin, Cuthwin of Ceawlin.



(22) He was a native of Tarsus in Cilicia, the birth-place of St. Paul.

(23) This brief notice of Dryhtelm, for so I find the name written in "Cotton Tiberius B iv." is totally
unintelligible without a reference to Bede's "Ecclesiastical History", v. 12; where a curious account of
him may be found, which is copied by Matthew of Westminster, anno. 699.

(24) Wothnesbeorhge, Ethelw.; Wonsdike, Malmsb.; Wonebirih, H. Hunt; Wodnesbeorh, Flor.;
Wodnesbirch, M. West. There is no reason, therefore, to transfer the scene of action to Woodbridge, as
some have supposed from an erroneous reading.

(25) The establishment of the "English school" at Rome is attributed to Ina; a full account of which,
and of the origin of "Romescot" or "Peter-pence" for the support of it, may be seen in Matthew of



A.D. 729. This year appeared the comet-star, and St. Egbert died in Iona. This year also died the
etheling Oswald; and Osric was slain, who was eleven winters king of Northumberland; to which
kingdom Ceolwulf succeeded, and held it eight years. The said Ceolwulf was the son of Cutha, Cutha
of Cuthwin, Cuthwin of Leodwald, Leodwald of Egwald, Egwald of Ealdhelm, Ealdhelm of Occa,
Occa of Ida, Ida of Eoppa. Archbishop Bertwald died this year on the ides of January. He was bishop
thirty-seven winters, and six months, and fourteen days. The same year Tatwine, who was before a
priest at Bredon in Mercia, was consecrated archbishop by Daniel Bishop of Winchester, Ingwald
Bishop of London, Aldwin Bishop of Lichfield, and Aldulf Bishop of Rochester, on the tenth day of
June. He enjoyed the archbishopric about three years.

((A.D. 729. And the same year Osric died; he was king eleven years; then Ceolwulf succeeded to the
kingdom, and held it eight years.))

A.D. 733. This year Ethelbald took Somerton; the sun was eclipsed; and Acca was driven from his

A.D. 734. This year was the moon as if covered with blood; and Archbishop Tatwine and Bede
departed this life; and Egbert was consecrated bishop.

A.D. 735. This year Bishop Egbert received the pall at Rome.

A.D. 736. This year Archbishop Nothelm received the pall from the bishop of the Romans.

A.D. 737. This year Bishop Forthere and Queen Frithogitha went to Rome; and King Ceolwulf
received the clerical tonsure, giving his kingdom to Edbert, his uncle's son: who reigned one and
twenty winters. Bishop Ethelwold and Acca died this year, and Cynewulf was consecrated bishop. The
same year also Ethelbald ravaged the land of the Northumbrians.

A.D. 738. This year Eadbery, the son of Eata the son of Leodwald, succeeded to the Northumbrian
kingdom, and held it one and twenty winters. Archbishop Egbert, the son of Eata, was his brother.
They both rest under one porch in the city of York.

A.D. 740. This year died King Ethelhard; and Cuthred, his relative, succeeded to the West-Saxon
kingdom, which he held fourteen winters, during which time he fought many hard battles with
Ethelbald, king of the Mercians. On the death of Archbishop Nothelm, Cuthbert was consecrated
archbishop, and Dunn, Bishop of Rochester. This year York was on fire.

A.D. 742. This year there was a large synod assembled at Cliff s-Hoo; and there was Ethelbald, king of
Mercia, with Archbishop Cuthbert, and many other wise men.

A.D. 743. This year Ethelbald, king of Mercia, and Cuthred, king of the West-Saxons, fought with the

A.D. 744. This year Daniel resigned the see of Winchester; to which Hunferth was promoted. The
stars went swiftly shooting; and Wilferth the younger, who had been thirty winters Bishop of York,
died on the third day before the calends of May.

A.D. 745. This year died Daniel. Forty-three winters had then elapsed since he received the episcopal


A.D. 746. This year was King Selred slain.



A.D. 748. This year was slain Cynric, etheling of the West- Saxons; Edbert, King of Kent, died; and
Ethelbert, son of King Wihtred, succeeded to the kingdom.


Part 2: A.D. 750 - 919

A.D. 750. This year Cuthred, king of the West-Saxons, fought with the proud chief Ethelhun.

A.D. 752. This year, the twelfth of his reign, Cuthred, king of the West-Saxons, fought at Burford (27)
with Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, and put him to flight.

A.D. 753. This year Cuthred, king of the West-Saxons, fought against the Welsh.

A.D. 754. This year died Cuthred, king of the West-Saxons; and Sebright, his relative, succeeded to
the kingdom, which he held one year; Cyneard succeeded Humferth in the see of Winchester; and
Canterbury was this year on fire.

A.D. 755. This year Cynewulf, with the consent of the West-Saxon council, deprived Sebright, his
relative, for unrighteous deeds, of his kingdom, except Hampshire; which he retained, until he slew the
alderman who remained the longest with him. Then Cynewulf drove him to the forest of Andred,
where he remained, until a swain stabbed him at Privett, and revenged the alderman, Cumbra. The
same Cynewulf fought many hard battles with the Welsh; and, about one and thirty winters after he
had the kingdom, he was desirous of expelling a prince called Cyneard, who was the brother of
Sebright. But he having understood that the king was gone, thinly attended, on a visit to a lady at
Merton, (28) rode after him, and beset him therein; surrounding the town without, ere the attendants of
the king were aware of him. When the king found this, he went out of doors, and defended himself
with courage; till, having looked on the etheling, he rushed out upon him, and wounded him severely.
Then were they all fighting against the king, until they had slain him. As soon as the king's thanes in
the lady's bower heard the tumult, they ran to the spot, whoever was then ready. The etheling
immediately offered them life and rewards; which none of them would accept, but continued fighting
together against him, till they all lay dead, except one British hostage, and he was severely wounded.
When the king's thanes that were behind heard in the morning that the king was slain, they rode to the
spot, Osric his alderman, and Wiverth his thane, and the men that he had left behind; and they met the
etheling at the town, where the king lay slain. The gates, however, were locked against them, which
they attempted to force; but he promised them their own choice of money and land, if they would
grant him the kingdom; reminding them, that their relatives were already with him, who would never
desert him. To which they answered, that no relative could be dearer to them than their lord, and that
they would never follow his murderer. Then they besought their relatives to depart from him, safe and
sound. They replied, that the same request was made to their comrades that were formerly with the
king; "And we are as regardless of the result," they rejoined, "as our comrades who with the king were
slain." Then they continued fighting at the gates, till they rushed in, and slew the etheling and all the
men that were with him; except one, who was the godson of the alderman, and whose life he spared,
though he was often wounded. This same Cynewulf reigned one and thirty winters. His body lies at
Winchester, and that of the etheling at Axminster. Their paternal pedigree goeth in a direct line to
Cerdic. The same year Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, was slain at Seckington; and his body lies at
Repton. He reigned one and forty years; and Bernred then succeeded to the kingdom, which he held
but a little while, and unprosperously; for King Offa the same year put him to flight, and assumed the
government; which he held nine and thirty winters. His son Everth held it a hundred and forty days.
Offa was the son of Thingferth, Thingferth of Enwulf, Enwulf of Osmod, Osmod of Eawa, Eawa of
Webba, Webba of Creoda, Creoda of Cenwald, Cenwald of Cnebba, Cnebba of Icel, Icel of Eomer,
Eomer of Angelthew, Angelthew of Offa, Offa of Wermund, Wermund of Witley, Witley of Woden.



((A.D. 755. This year Cynewulf deprived King Sigebert of his kingdom; and Sigebert's brother,
Cynehard by name, slew Cynewulf at Merton; and he reigned thirty-one years. And in the same year
Ethelbald, king of the Mercians, was slain at Repton. And Offa succeeded to the kingdom of the
Mercians, Bernred being driven out.))

A.D. 757. This year Eadbert, king of the Northumbrians, received the tonsure, and his son Osulf the
kingdom; which he held one year. Him his own domestics slew on the ninth day before the kalends of

A.D. 758. This year died Archbishop Cuthbert. He held the archbishopric eighteen years.

A.D. 759. This year Bregowin was invested archbishop at Michaelmas, and continued four years. Mull
Ethelwold this year succeeded to the Northumbrian kingdom, held it six winters, and then resigned it.

A.D. 760. This year died Ethelbert, King of Kent, who was the son of King Wihtred, and also of

A.D. 761. This year was the severe winter; and Mull, king of the Northumbrians, slew Oswin at
Edwin's -Cliff, on the eighth day before the ides of August.

A.D. 762. This year died Archbishop Bregowin.

A.D. 763. This year Eanbert was invested archbishop, on the fortieth day over mid-winter; and
Frithwald, Bishop of Whitern, died on the nones of May. He was consecrated at York, on the
eighteenth day before the calends of September, in the sixth year of the reign of Ceolwulf, and was
bishop nine and twenty winters. Then was Petwin consecrated Bishop of Whitern at Adlingfleet, on
the sixteenth day before the calends of August.

A.D. 764. This year Archbishop Eanbert received the pall.

A.D. 765. This year Aired succeeded to the kingdom of the Northumbrians, and reigned eight winters.

A.D. 766. This year died Archbishop Egbert at York, on the thirteenth day before the calends of
December, who was bishop thirty-six winters; and Frithbert at Hexham, who was bishop there thirty-
four winters. Ethelbert was consecrated to York, and Elmund to Hexham.

A.D. 768. This year died King Eadbert, the son of Eata, on the fourteenth day before the calends of

A.D. 772. This year died Bishop Mildred.

A.D. 774. This year the Northumbrians banished their king, Aired, from York at Easter-tide; and chose
Ethelred, the son of Mull, for their lord, who reigned four winters. This year also appeared in the
heavens a red crucifix, after sunset; the Mercians and the men of Kent fought at Otford; and wonderful
serpents were seen in the land of the South-Saxons.

A.D. 775. This year Cynewulf and Offa fought near Bensington, and Offa took possession of the town.
In the days of this king, Offa, there was an abbot at Medhamsted, called Beonna; who, with the
consent of all the monks of the minster, let to farm, to Alderman Cuthbert, ten copyhold lands at
Swineshead, with leasow and with meadow, and with all the appurtenances; provided that the said
Cuthbert gave the said abbot fifty pounds therefore, and each year entertainment for one night, or
thirty shillings in money; (29) provided also, that after his decease the said lands should revert to the



monastery. The king, Offa, and King Everth, and Archbishop Hibbert, and Bishop Ceolwulf, and
Bishop Inwona, and Abbot Beonna, and many other bishops, and abbots, and rich men, were witnesses
to this. In the days of this same Offa was an alderman, of the name of Brorda, who requested the king
for his sake to free his own monastery, called Woking, because he would give it to Medhamsted and
St. Peter, and the abbot that then was, whose name was Pusa. Pusa succeeded Beonna; and the king
loved him much. And the king freed the monastery of Woking, against king, against bishop, against
earl, and against all men' so that no man should have any claim there, except St. Peter and the abbot.
This was done at the king's town called Free-Richburn.

A.D. 776. This year died Bishop Petwin, on the thirteenth day before the calends of October, having
been bishop fourteen winters. The same year Ethelbert was consecrated Bishop of Whitern, at York,
on the seventeenth day before the calends of July.

A.D. 778. This year Ethelbald and Herbert slew three high- sheriffs -- Eldulf, the son of Bosa, at
Coniscliff; Cynewulf and Eggo at Helathyrn — on the eleventh day before the calends of April. Then
Elwald, having banished Ethelred from his territory, seized on his kingdom, and reigned ten winters.

A.D. 780. This year a battle was fought between the Old-Saxons and the Franks; and the high-sheriffs
of Northumbria committed to the flames Alderman Bern at Silton, on the ninth day before the calends
of January. The same year Archbishop Ethelbert died at York, and Eanbald was consecrated in his
stead; Bishop Cynewulf retired to Holy-island; Elmund, Bishop of Hexham, died on the seventh day
before the ides of September, and Tilbert was consecrated in his stead, on the sixth day before the
nones of October; Hibbald was consecrated Bishop of Holy-island at Sockbury; and King Elwald sent
to Rome for a pall in behoof of Archbishop Eanbald.

A.D. 782. This year died Werburga, Queen of Ceolred, and Bishop Cynewulf, in Holy-island; and the
same year there was a synod at Acley.

A.D. 784. This year Cyneard slew King Cynewulf, and was slain himself, and eighty-four men with
him. Then Bertric undertook the government of the West-Saxons, and reigned sixteen years. His body
is deposited at Wareham; and his pedigree goeth in a direct line to Cerdic. At this time reigned
Elmund king in Kent, the father of Egbert; and Egbert was the father of Athulf.

A.D. 785. This year died Bothwin, Abbot of Ripon, and a litigious synod was holden at Chalk-hythe;
Archbishop Eanbert resigned some part of his bishopric, Hibbert was appointed bishop by King Offa,
and Everth was consecrated king. In the meantime legates were sent from Rome to England by Pope
Adrian, to renew the blessings of faith and peace which St. Gregory sent us by the mission of Bishop
Augustine, and they were received with every mark of honour and respect.

A.D. 787. This year King Bertric took Edburga the daughter of Offa to wife. And in his days came
first three ships of the Northmen from the land of robbers. The reve (30) then rode thereto, and would
drive them to the king's town; for he knew not what they were; and there was he slain. These were the
first ships of the Danish men that sought the land of the English nation.




(27) Beorgforda, Ethelw.; Beorhtforda, Flor.; Hereford and Bereford, H. Hunt; Beorford, M. West.
This battle of Burford has been considerably amplified by Henry of Huntingdon, and after him by
Matthew of Westminster. The former, among other absurdities, talks of "Amazonian" battle-axes.
They both mention the banner of the "golden dragon" etc.

(28) The minuteness of this narrative, combined with the simplicity of it, proves that it was written at
no great distance of time from the event. It is the first that occurs of any length in the older MSS. of
the "Saxon Chronicle".

(29) Penga in the original, i.e. "of pence", or "in pence"; because the silver penny, derived from the
Roman "denarius", was the standard coin in this country for more than a thousand years. It was also
used as a weight, being the twentieth part of an ounce.

(30) Since called "sheriff"; i.e. the reve, or steward, of the shire. "Exactor regis". - Ethelw.



A.D. 788. This year there was a synod assembled at Fingall in Northumberland, on the fourth day
before the nones of September; and Abbot Albert departed this life.

A.D. 789. This year Elwald, king of the Northumbrians, was slain by Siga, on the eleventh day before
the calends of October; and a heavenly light was often seen on the spot where he was slain. He was
buried in the church of Hexham; and Osred, the son of Aired, who was his nephew, succeeded him in
the government. This ),ear there was a synod assembled at Acley.

A.D. 790. This year Archbishop Eanbert died, and Abbot Ethelherd was chosen archbishop the same
year. Osred, king of the Northumbrians, was betrayed and banished from his kingdom, and Ethelred,
the son of Ethelwald, succeeded him.

A.D. 791. This year Baldulf was consecrated Bishop of Whitern, on the sixteenth day before the
calends of August, by Archbishop Eanbald and Bishop Ethelbert.

A.D. 792. This year Offa, King of Mercia, commanded that King Ethelbert should be beheaded; and
Osred, who had been king of the Northumbrians, returning home after his exile, was apprehended and
slain, on the eighteenth day before the calends of October. His body is deposited at Tinemouth.
Ethelred this year, on the third day before the calends of October, took unto himself a new wife, whose
name was Elfleda.

A.D. 793. This year came dreadful fore -warnings over the land of the Northumbrians, terrifying the
people most woefully: these were immense sheets of light rushing through the air, and whirlwinds, and
fiery, dragons flying across the firmament. These tremendous tokens were soon followed by a great
famine: and not long after, on the sixth day before the ides of January in the same year, the harrowing
inroads of heathen men made lamentable havoc in the church of God in Holy-island, by rapine and
slaughter. Siga died on the eighth day before the calends of March.

A.D. 794. This year died Pope Adrian; and also Offa, King of Mercia, on the fourth day before the
ides of August, after he had reigned forty winters. Ethelred, king of the Northumbrians, was slain by
his own people, on the thirteenth day before the calends of May; in consequence of which, Bishops
Ceolwulf and Eadbald retired from the land. Everth took to the government of Mercia, and died the
same year. Eadbert, whose other name was Pryn, obtained the kingdom of Kent; and Alderman
Ethelherd died on the calends of August. In the meantime, the heathen armies spread devastation
among the Northumbrians, and plundered the monastery of King Everth at the mouth of the Wear.
There, however, some of their leaders were slain; and some of their ships also were shattered to pieces
by the violence of the weather; many of the crew were drowned; and some, who escaped alive to the
shore, were soon dispatched at the mouth of the river.

A.D. 795. This year was the moon eclipsed, between cock-crowing and dawn, (31) on the fifth day
before the calends of April; and Erdulf succeeded to the Northumbrian kingdom on the second before
the ides of May. He was afterwards consecrated and raised to his throne, at York, on the seventh day
before the calends of June, by Archbishop Eanbald, and Bishops Ethelbert, Hibbald, and Baldulf.

A.D. 796. This year died Archbishop Eanbald, on the fourth day before the ides of August; and his
body is deposited at York. The same year also died Bishop Ceolwulf; and another Eanbald was
consecrated to the see of the former, on the nineteenth day before the calends of September. About the
same time Cynewulf, King of Mercia, made inroads upon the inhabitants of Kent as far as the marsh;
and the Mercians seized Edbert Pryn, their king, led him bound into Mercia, and suffered men to pick
out his eyes, and cut off his hands. (32) And Ethelard, Archbishop of Canterbury, held a synod,
wherein he ratified and confirmed, by command of Pope Leo, all things concerning God's monasteries
that were fixed in Witgar's days, and in other king's days, saying thus:



"I Ethelard, the humble Archbishop of Canterbury, with the unanimous concurrence of the whole
synod, and of all the congregations of all the minsters, to which in former days freedom was given by
faithful men, in God's name and by his terrible judgment do decree, as I have command from Pope
Leo, that henceforth none dare to choose them lords from lewd men over God's inheritance; but, as it
is in the writ that the pope has given, or holy men have settled, our fathers and our teachers,
concerning holy minsters, so they continue untainted without any resistance. If there is any man that
will not observe this decree of God, of our pope, and of us, but overlooketh it, and holdeth it for
nought, let them know, that they shall give an account before the judgment-seat of God. And I
Ethelard, archbishop, with twelve bishops, and with three and twenty abbots, this same with the rood-
token of Christ confirm and fasten."

((A.D. 796. This year Offa, king of the Mercians, died on the fourth before the kalends of August; he
reigned forty years.))

A.D. 797. This year the Romans cut out the tongue of Pope Leo, put out his eyes, and drove him from
his see; but soon after, by the assistance of God, he could see and speak, and became pope as he was
before. Eanbald also received the pall on the sixth day before the ides of September, and Bishop
Ethelherd died on the third before the calends of November.

A.D. 798. This year a severe battle was fought in the Northumbrian territory, during Lent, on the
fourth day before the nones of April, at Whalley; wherein Alric, the son of Herbert, was slain, and
many others with him.

A.D. 799. This year Archbishop Ethelbert, and Cynbert, Bishop of Wessex, went to Rome. In the
meantime Bishop Alfun died at Sudbury, and was buried at Dunwich. After him Tidfrith was elected
to the see; and Siric, king of the East Saxons, went to Rome. In this year the body of Witburga was
found entire, and free from decay, at Dereham, after a lapse of five and fifty years from the period of
her decease.

A.D. 800. This year was the moon eclipsed, at eight in the evening, on the seventeenth day before the
calends of February; and soon after died King Bertric and Alderman Worr. Egbert succeeded to the
West-Saxon kingdom; and the same day Ethelmund, alderman of the Wiccians, rode over the Thames
at Kempsford; where he was met by Alderman Woxtan, with the men of Wiltshire, and a terrible
conflict ensued, in which both the commanders were slain, but the men of Wiltshire obtained the

((A.D. 801. This year Beornmod was ordained Bishop of Rochester.))

A.D. 802. This year was the moon eclipsed, at dawn, on the thirteenth day before the calends of
January; and Bernmod was consecrated Bishop of Rochester.

A.D. 803. This year died Hibbald, Bishop of Holy-island, on the twenty-fourth of June, and Egbert
was consecrated in his stead, on the thirteenth of June following. Archbishop Ethelherd also died in
Kent, and Wulfred was chosen archbishop in his stead. Abbot Forthred, in the course of the same year,
departed this life.

A.D. 804. This year Archbishop Wulfred received his pall.

A.D. 805. This year died King Cuthred in Kent, and Abbess Colburga, and Alderman Herbert.



A.D. 806. This year was the moon eclipsed, on the first o[ September; Erdwulf, king of the
Northumbrians, was banished from his dominions; and Eanbert, Bishop of Hexham, departed this life.
This year also, on the next day before the nones of June, a cross was seen in the moon, on a
Wednesday, at the dawn; and afterwards, during the same year, on the third day before the calends of
September, a wonderful circle was displayed about the sun.

A.D. 807. This year was the sun eclipsed, precisely at eleven in the morning, on the seventeenth day
before the calends of August.

A.D. 812. This year died the Emperor Charlemagne, after a reign of five and forty winters; and
Archbishop Wulfred, accompanied by Wigbert, Bishop of Wessex, undertook a journey to Rome.

A.D. 813. This year Archbishop Wulfred returned to his own see, with the blessing of Pope Leo; and
King Egbert spread devastation in Cornwall from east to west.

A.D. 814. This year died Leo, the noble and holy pope; and Stephen succeeded him in the papal

A.D. 816. This year died Pope Stephen; and Paschalis was consecrated pope after him. This same year
the school of the English nation at Rome was destroyed by fire.

A.D. 819. This year died Cenwulf, King of Mercia; and Ceolwulf (33) succeeded him. Alderman
Eadbert also departed this life.

A.D. 821. This year Ceolwulf was deprived of his kingdom.

A.D. 822. This year two aldermen were slain, whose names were Burhelm and Mucca; and a synod
was holden at Cliffs-Hoo.

A.D. 823. This year a battle was fought between the Welsh in Cornwall and the people of Devonshire,
at Camelford; and in the course of the same year Egbert, king of the West-Saxons, and Bernwulf, King
of Mercia, fought a battle at Wilton, in which Egbert gained the victory, but there was great slaughter
on both sides. Then sent he his son Ethelwulf into Kent, with a large detachment from the main body
of the army, accompanied by his bishop, Elstan, and his alderman, Wulfherd; who drove Baldred, the
king, northward over the Thames. Whereupon the men of Kent immediately submitted to him; as did
also the inhabitants of Surrey, and Sussex, and Essex; who had been unlawfully kept from their
allegiance by his relatives. The same year also, the king of the East-Angles, and his subjects besought
King Egbert to give them peace and protection against the terror of the Mercians; whose king,
Bernwulf, they slew in the course of the same year.

A.D. 825. This year Ludecan, King of Mercia, was slain, and his five aldermen with him; after which
Wiglaf succeeded to the kingdom.

A.D. 827. This year was the moon eclipsed, on mid-winter's mass- night; and King Egbert, in the
course of the same year, conquered the Mercian kingdom, and all that is south of the Humber, being
the eighth king who was sovereign of all the British dominions. Ella, king of the South-Saxons, was
the first who possessed so large a territory; the second was Ceawlin, king of the West- Saxons: the
third was Ethelbert, King of Kent; the fourth was Redwald, king of the East- Angles; the fifth was
Edwin, king of the Northumbrians; the sixth was Oswald, who succeeded him; the seventh was Oswy,
the brother of Oswald; the eighth was Egbert, king of the West-Saxons. This same Egbert led an army
against the Northumbrians as far as Dore, where they met him, and offered terms of obedience and
subjection, on the acceptance of which they returned home.




(31) This is the Grecian method of computation; between the hours of three and six in the morning. It
must be recollected, that before the distribution of time into hours, minutes, and seconds, the day and
night were divided into eight equal portions, containing three hours each; and this method was
continued long afterwards by historians.

(32) This wanton act of barbarity seems to have existed only in the depraved imagination of the
Norman interpolator of the "Saxon Annals", who eagerly and impatiently dispatches the story thus, in
order to introduce the subsequent account of the synod at Bapchild, so important in his eyes. Hoveden
and Wallingford and others have repeated the idle tale; but I have not hitherto found it in any historian
of authority.

(33) St. Kenelm is said to have succeeded Cenwulf : "In the foure and twentithe yere of his kyngdom
Kenulf wente out of this worlde, and to the joye of hevene com; It was after that oure Lord in his
moder alygte Eigte hondred yet and neygentene, by a countes rigte, Seint Kenelm his yonge sone in
his sevende yere Kyng was ymad after him, theg he yong were." — "Vita S. Kenelmi, MS. Coll. Trin
Oxon." No. 57.Arch.



A.D. 828. This year Wiglaf recovered his Mercian kingdom, and Bishop Ethelwald departed this life.
The same year King Egbert led an army against the people of North-Wales, and compelled them all to
peaceful submission.

A.D. 829. This year died Archbishop Wulfred; and Abbot Feologild was after him chosen to the see,
on the twenty-fifth of April, and consecrated on a Sunday, the eleventh of June. On the thirteenth of
August he was dead!

A.D. 830. This year Ceolnoth was chosen and consecrated archbishop on the death of Abbot

A.D. 831. This year Archbishop Ceolnoth received the pall.

A.D. 832. This year heathen men overran the Isle of Shepey.

A.D. 833. This year fought King Egbert with thirty-five pirates at Charmouth, where a great slaughter
was made, and the Danes remained masters of the field. Two bishops, Hereferth and Wigen, and two
aldermen, Dudda and Osmod, died the same year.

A.D. 835. This year came a great naval armament into West-Wales, where they were joined by the
people, who commenced war against Egbert, the West-Saxon king. When he heard this, he proceeded
with his army against them and fought with them at Hengeston, where he put to flight both the Welsh
and the Danes.

A.D. 836. This year died King Egbert. Him Offa, King of Mercia, and Bertric, the West-Saxon king,
drove out of England into France three years before he was king. Bertric assisted Offa because he had
married his daughter. Egbert having afterwards returned, reigned thirty-seven winters and seven
months. Then Ethelwulf, the son of Egbert, succeeded to the West-Saxon kingdom; and he gave his
son Athelstan the kingdom of Kent, and of Essex, and of Surrey, and of Sussex.

A.D. 837. This year Alderman Wulfherd fought at Hamton with thirty-three pirates, and after great
slaughter obtained the victory, but he died the same year. Alderman Ethelhelm also, with the men of
Dorsetshire, fought with the Danish army in Portland-isle, and for a good while put them to flight; but
in the end the Danes became masters of the field, and slew the alderman.

A.D. 838. This year Alderman Herbert was slain by the heathens, and many men with him, among the
Marshlanders. The same year, afterwards, in Lindsey, East-Anglia, and Kent, were many men slain by
the army.

A.D. 839. This year there was great slaughter in London, Canterbury, and Rochester.

A.D. 840. This year King Ethelwulf fought at Charmouth with thirty-five ship's-crews, and the Danes
remained masters of the place. The Emperor Louis died this year.

A.D. 845. This year Alderman Eanwulf, with the men of Somersetshire, and Bishop Ealstan, and
Alderman Osric, with the men of Dorsetshire, fought at the mouth of the Parret with the Danish army;
and there, after making a great slaughter, obtained the victory.

A.D. 851. This year Alderman Ceorl, with the men of Devonshire, fought the heathen army at
Wemburg, and after making great slaughter obtained the victory. The same year King Athelstan and
Alderman Elchere fought in their ships, and slew a large army at Sandwich in Kent, taking nine ships



and dispersing the rest. The heathens now for the first time remained over winter in the Isle of Thanet.
The same year came three hundred and fifty ships into the mouth of the Thames; the crew of which
went upon land, and stormed Canterbury and London; putting to flight Bertulf, king of the Mercians,
with his army; and then marched southward over the Thames into Surrey. Here Ethelwulf and his son
Ethelbald, at the head of the West-Saxon army, fought with them at Ockley, and made the greatest
slaughter of the heathen army that we have ever heard reported to this present day. There also they
obtained the victory.

A.D. 852. About this time Abbot Ceolred of Medhamsted, with the concurrence of the monks, let to
hand the land of Sempringham to Wulfred, with the provision, that after his demise the said land
should revert to the monastery; that Wulfred should give the land of Sleaford to Meohamsted, and
should send each year into the monastery sixty loads of wood, twelve loads of coal, six loads of peat,
two tuns full of fine ale, two neats' carcases, six hundred loaves, and ten kilderkins of Welsh ale; one
horse also each year, and thirty shillings, and one night's entertainment. This agreement was made in
the presence of King Burhred. Archbishop Ceolnoth, Bishops Tunbert, Kenred, Aldhun, and Bertred;
Abbots Witred and Weftherd, Aldermen Ethelherd and Hunbert, and many others.

A.D. 853. This year Burhred, King of Mercia, with his council, besought King Ethelwulf to assist him
to subdue North-Wales. He did so; and with an army marched over Mercia into North-Wales, and
made all the inhabitants subject to him. The same year King Ethelwulf sent his son Alfred to Rome;
and Leo, who was then pope, consecrated him king, and adopted him as his spiritual son. The same
year also Elchere with the men of Kent, and Huda with the men of Surrey, fought in the Isle of Thanet
with the heathen army, and soon obtained the victory; but there were many men slain and drowned on
either hand, and both the aldermen killed. Burhred, the Mercian king, about this time received in
marriage the daughter of Ethelwulf, king of the West-Saxons.

A.D. 854. This year the heathen men (34) for the first time remained over winter in the Isle of Shepey.
The same year King Ethelwulf registered a TENTH of his land over all his kingdom for the honour of
God and for his own everlasting salvation. The same year also he went to Rome with great pomp, and
was resident there a twelvemonth. Then he returned homeward; and Charles, king of the Franks, gave
him his daughter, whose name was Judith, to be his queen. After this he came to his people, and they
were fain to receive him; but about two years after his residence among the Franks he died; and his
body lies at Winchester. He reigned eighteen years and a half. And Ethelwulf was the son of Egbert,
Egbert of Ealhmund, Ealhmund of Eafa, Eafa of Eoppa, Eoppa of Ingild; Ingild was the brother of Ina,
king of the West-Saxons, who held that kingdom thirty-seven winters, and afterwards went to St.
Peter, where he died. And they were the sons of Cenred, Cenred of Ceolwald, Ceolwald of Cutha,
Cutha of Cuthwin, Cuthwin of Ceawlin, Ceawlin of Cynric, Cynric of Creoda, Creoda of Cerdic,
Cerdic of Elesa, Elesa of Esla, Esla of Gewis, Gewis of Wig, Wig of Freawine, Freawine of Frithugar,
Frithugar of Brond, Brond of Balday, Balday of Woden, Woden of Frithuwald, Frithuwald of
Freawine, Freawine of Frithuwualf, Frithuwulf of Finn, Finn of Godwulf, Godwulf of Great, Great of
Taetwa, Taetwa of Beaw, Beaw of Sceldwa, Sceldwa of Heremod, Heremod of Itermon, Itermon of
Hathra, Hathra of Hwala, Hwala of Bedwig, Bedwig of Sceaf; that is, the son of Noah, who was born
in Noah's ark: Laznech, Methusalem, Enoh, Jared, Malalahel, Cainion, Enos, Seth, Adam the first
man, and our Father, that is, Christ. Amen. Then two sons of Ethelwulf succeeded to the kingdom;
Ethelbald to Wessex, and Ethelbert to Kent, Essex, Surrey, and Sussex. Ethelbald reigned five years.
Alfred, his third son, Ethelwulf had sent to Rome; and when the pope heard say that he was dead, he
consecrated Alfred king, and held him under spiritual hands, as his father Ethelwulf had desired, and
for which purpose he had sent him thither.

((A.D. 855. And on his return homewards he took to (wife) the daughter of Charles, king of the
French, whose name was Judith, and he came home safe. And then in about two years he died, and his
body lies at Winchester: and he reigned eighteen years and a half, and he was the son of Egbert. And



then his two sons succeeded to the kingdom; Ethelbald to the kingdom of the West-Saxons, and
Ethelbert to the kingdom of the Kentish-men, and of the East-Saxons, and of Surrey, and of the South-
Saxons. And he reigned five years.))

A.D. 860. This year died King Ethelbald, and his body lies at Sherborn. Ethelbert his brother then
succeeded to the whole kingdom, and held it in good order and great tranquillity. In his days came a
large naval force up into the country, and stormed Winchester. But Alderman Osric, with the
command of Hampshire, and Alderman Ethelwulf, with the command of Berkshire, fought against the
enemy, and putting them to flight, made themselves masters of the field of battle. The said Ethelbert
reigned five years, and his body lies at Sherborn.

A.D. 861. This year died St. Swithun, bishop.

A.D. 865. This year sat the heathen army in the isle of Thanet, and made peace with the men of Kent,
who promised money therewith; but under the security of peace, and the promise of money, the army
in the night stole up the country, and overran all Kent eastward.

A.D. 866. This year Ethered, (35) brother of Ethelbert, took to the West-Saxon government; and the
same year came a large heathen army into England, and fixed their winter-quarters in East- Anglia,
where they were soon horsed; and the inhabitants made peace with them.

A.D. 867. This year the army went from the East-Angles over the mouth of the Humber to the
Northumbrians, as far as York. And there was much dissension in that nation among themselves; they
had deposed their king Osbert, and had admitted Aella, who had no natural claim. Late in the year,
however, they returned to their allegiance, and they were now fighting against the common enemy;
having collected a vast force, with which they fought the army at York; and breaking open the town,
some of them entered in. Then was there an immense slaughter of the Northumbrians, some within and
some without; and both the kings were slain on the spot. The survivors made peace with the army. The
same year died Bishop Ealstan, who had the bishopric of Sherborn fifty winters, and his body lies in
the town.

A.D. 868. This year the same army went into Mercia to Nottingham, and there fixed their winter-
quarters; and Burhred, king of the Mercians, with his council, besought Ethered, king of the West-
Saxons, and Alfred, his brother; that they would assist them in fighting against the army. And they
went with the West- Saxon army into Mercia as far as Nottingham, and there meeting the army on the
works, they beset them within. But there was no heavy fight; for the Mercians made peace with the

A.D. 869. This year the army went back to York, and sat there a year.




(34) i.e. the Danes; or, as they are sometimes called, Northmen, which is a general term including all
those numerous tribes that issued at different times from the north of Europe, whether Danes,
Norwegians, Sweons, Jutes, or Goths, etc.; who were all in a state of paganism at this time.

(35) Aetheredus, — Asser, Ethelwerd, etc. We have therefore adopted this orthography.



A.D. 870. This year the army rode over Mercia into East-Anglia, and there fixed their winter-quarters
at Thetford. And in the winter King Edmund fought with them; but the Danes gained the victory, and
slew the king; whereupon they overran all that land, and destroyed all the monasteries to which they
came. The names of the leaders who slew the king were Hingwar and Hubba. At the same time came
they to Medhamsted, burning and breaking, and slaying abbot and monks, and all that they there
found. They made such havoc there, that a monastery, which was before full rich, was now reduced to
nothing. The same year died Archbishop Ceolnoth; and Ethered, Bishop of Witshire, was chosen
Archbishop of Canterbury.

A.D. 871. This year came the army to Reading in Wessex; and in the course of three nights after rode
two earls up, who were met by Alderman Ethelwulf at Englefield; where he fought with them, and
obtained the victory. There one of them was slain, whose name was Sidrac. About four nights after
this, King Ethered and Alfred his brother led their main army to Reading, where they fought with the
enemy; and there was much slaughter on either hand, Alderman Ethelwulf being among the skain; but
the Danes kept possession of the field. And about four nights after this, King Ethered and Alfred his
brother fought with all the army on Ashdown, and the Danes were overcome. They had two heathen
kings, Bagsac and Healfden, and many earls; and they were in two divisions; in one of which were
Bagsac and Healfden, the heathen kings, and in the other were the earls. King Ethered therefore fought
with the troops of the kings, and there was King Bagsac slain; and Alfred his brother fought with the
troops of the earls, and there were slain Earl Sidrac the elder, Earl Sidrac the younger, Earl Osbern,
Earl Frene, and Earl Harold. They put both the troops to flight; there were many thousands of the
slain, and they continued fighting till night. Within a fortnight of this, King Ethered and Alfred his
brother fought with the army at Basing; and there the Danes had the victory. About two months after
this, King Ethered and Alfred his brother fought with the army at Marden. They were in two divisions;
and they put them both to flight, enjoying the victory for some time during the day; and there was
much slaughter on either hand; but the Danes became masters of the field; and there was slain Bishop
Heahmund, with many other good men. After this fight came a vast army in the summer to Reading.
And after the Easter of this year died King Ethered. He reigned five years, and his body lies at
Winburn-minster. Then Alfred, his brother, the son of Ethelwulf, took to the kingdom of Wessex. And
within a month of this, King Alfred fought against all the Army with a small force at Wilton, and long
pursued them during the day; but the Danes got possession of the field. This year were nine general
battles fought with the army in the kingdom south of the Thames; besides those skirmishes, in which
Alfred the king's brother, and every single alderman, and the thanes of the king, oft rode against them;
which were accounted nothing. This year also were slain nine earls, and one king; and the same year
the West-Saxons made peace with the army.

((A.D. 871. And the Danish-men were overcome; and they had two heathen kings, Bagsac and
Halfdene, and many earls; and there was King Bagsac slain, and these earls; Sidrac the elder, and also
Sidrac the younger, Osbern, Frene, and Harold; and the army was put to flight.))

A.D. 872. This year went the army to London from Reading, and there chose their winter-quarters.
Then the Mercians made peace with the army.

A.D. 873. This year went the army against the Northumbrians, and fixed their winter-quarters at
Torksey in Lindsey. And the Mercians again made peace with the army.

A.D. 874. This year went the army from Lindsey to Repton, and there took up their winter-quarters,
drove the king, Burhred, over sea, when he had reigned about two and twenty winters, and subdued all
that land. He then went to Rome, and there remained to the end of his life. And his body lies in the
church of Sancta Maria, in the school of the English nation. And the same year they gave Ceolwulf, an
unwise king's thane, the Mercian kingdom to hold; and he swore oaths to them, and gave hostages, that



it should be ready for them on whatever day they would have it; and he would be ready with himself,
and with all those that would remain with him, at the service of the army.

A.D. 875. This year went the army from Repton; and Healfden advanced with some of the army
against the Northumbrians, and fixed his winter-quarters by the river Tine. The army then subdued
that land, and oft invaded the Picts and the Strathclydwallians. Meanwhile the three kings, Gufhrum,
Oskytel, and Anwind, went from Repton to Cambridge with a vast army, and sat there one year. This
summer King Alfred went out to sea with an armed fleet, and fought with seven ship-rovers, one of
whom he took, and dispersed the others.

A.D. 876. This year Rolla penetrated Normandy with his army; and he reigned fifty winters. And this
year the army stole into Wareham, a fort of the West-Saxons. The king afterwards made peace with
them; and they gave him as hostages those who were worthiest in the army; and swore with oaths on
the holy bracelet, which they would not before to any nation, that they would readily go out of his
kingdom. Then, under colour of this, their cavalry stole by night into Exeter. The same year Healfden
divided the land of the Northumbrians; so that they became afterwards their harrowers and plowers.

((A.D. 876. And in this same year the army of the Danes in England swore oaths to King Alfred upon
the holy ring, which before they would not do to any nation; and they delivered to the king hostages
from among the most distinguished men of the army, that they would speedily depart from his
kingdom; and that by night they broke.))

A.D. 877. This year came the Danish army into Exeter from Wareham; whilst the navy sailed west
about, until they met with a great mist at sea, and there perished one hundred and twenty ships at
Swanwich. (36) Meanwhile King Alfred with his army rode after the cavalry as far as Exeter; but he
could not overtake them before their arrival in the fortress, where they could not be come at. There
they gave him as many hostages as he required, swearing with solemn oaths to observe the strictest
amity. In the harvest the army entered Mercia; some of which they divided among them, and some
they gave to Ceolwulf.

A.D. 878. This year about mid-winter, after twelfth-night, the Danish army stole out to Chippenham,
and rode over the land of the West-Saxons; where they settled, and drove many of the people over sea;
and of the rest the greatest part they rode down, and subdued to their will; — ALL BUT ALFRED THE
KING. He, with a little band, uneasily sought the woods and fastnesses of the moors. And in the
winter of this same year the brother of Ingwar and Healfden landed in Wessex, in Devonshire, with
three and twenty ships, and there was he slain, and eight hundred men with him, and forty of his army.
There also was taken the war- flag, which they called the RAVEN. In the Easter of this year King
Alfred with his little force raised a work at Athelney; from which he assailed the army, assisted by that
part of Somersetshire which was nighest to it. Then, in the seventh week after Easter, he rode to
Brixton by the eastern side of Selwood; and there came out to meet him all the people of
Somersersetshire, and Wiltshire, and that part of Hampshire which is on this side of the sea; and they
rejoiced to see him. Then within one night he went from this retreat to Hey; and within one night after
he proceeded to Heddington; and there fought with all the army, and put them to flight, riding after
them as far as the fortress, where he remained a fortnight. Then the army gave him hostages with
many oaths, that they would go out of his kingdom. They told him also, that their king would receive
baptism. And they acted accordingly; for in the course of three weeks after, King Guthrum, attended
by some thirty of the worthiest men that were in the army, came to him at Aller, which is near
Athelney, and there the king became his sponsor in baptism; and his crisom-leasing was at Wedmor.
He was there twelve nights with the king, who honoured him and his attendants with many presents.



A.D. 879. This year went the army from Chippenham to Cirencester, and sat there a year. The same
year assembled a band of pirates, and sat at Fulham by the Thames. The same year also the sun was
eclipsed one hour of the day.

A.D. 880. This year went the army from Cirencester into East- Anglia, where they settled, and divided
the land. The same year went the army over sea, that before sat at Fulham, to Ghent in Frankland, and
sat there a year.

A.D. 881. This year went the army higher up into Frankland, and the Franks fought with them; and
there was the army horsed after the battle.

A.D. 882. This year went the army up along the Maese far into Frankland, and there sat a year; and the
same year went King Alfred out to sea with a fleet; and fought with four ship-rovers of the Danes, and
took two of their ships; wherein all the men were slain; and the other two surrendered; but the men
were severely cut and wounded ere they surrendered.

A.D. 883. This year went the army up the Scheldt to Conde, and there sat a year. And Pope Marinus
sent King Alfred the "lignum Domini". The same year led Sighelm and Athelstan to Rome the alms
which King Alfred ordered thither, and also in India to St. Thomas and to St. Bartholomew. Then they
sat against the army at London; and there, with the favour of God, they were very successful after the
performance of their vows.

A.D. 884. This year went the army up the Somne to Amiens, and there remained a year. This year died
the benevolent Bishop Athelwold.

A.D. 885. This year separated the before-mentioned army in two; one part east, another to Rochester.
This city they surrounded, and wrought another fortress around themselves. The people, however,
defended the city, until King Alfred came out with his army. Then went the enemy to their ships, and
forsook their work. There were they provided with horses; and soon after, in the same summer, they
went over sea again. The same year sent King Alfred a fleet from Kent into East-Anglia. As soon as
they came to Stourmouth, there met them sixteen ships of the pirates. And they fought with them, took
all the ships, and slew the men. As they returned homeward with their booty, they met a large fleet of
the pirates, and fought with them the same day; but the Danes had the victory. The same year, ere
midwinter, died Charles, king of the Franks. He was slain by a boar; and one year before his brother
died, who had also the Western kingdom. They were both the sons of Louis, who also had the Western
kingdom, and died the same year that the sun was eclipsed. He was the son of that Charles whose
daughter Ethelwulf, king of the West-Saxons, had to wife. And the same year collected a great fleet
against Old-Saxony; and there was a great fight twice in the year, and the Saxons had the victory.
There were the Frieslanders with them. And the same year succeeded Charles to the Western kingdom,
and to all the territory this side of the Mediterranean and beyond, as his great-grandfather held it,
except the Lidwiccians. The said Charles was the son of Louis, who was the brother of that Charles
who was the father of Judith, whom Ethelwulf, king of the West-Saxons, married. They were the sons
of Louis, who was the son of the elder Charles, who was the son of Pepin. The same year died the
good Pope Martin, who freed the English school at the request of Alfred, king of the West-Saxons.
And he sent him great gifts in relics, and a part of the rood on which Christ suffered. And the same
year the army in East-Anglia brake the truce with King Alfred.






(36) It is now generally written, as pronounced, "Swanage".



A.D. 886. This year went the army back again to the west, that before were bent eastward; and
proceeding upwards along the Seine, fixed their winter-quarters in the city of Paris. (37) The same
year also King Alfred fortified the city of London; and the whole English nation turned to him, except
that part of it which was held captive by the Danes. He then committed the city to the care of
Alderman Ethered, to hold it under him.

A.D. 887. This year the army advanced beyond the bridge at Paris; (38) and then upwards, along the
Seine, to the Marne. Then upwards on the Marne as far as Chezy; and in their two stations, there and
on the Yonne, they abode two winters. This same year died Charles, king of the Franks. Arnulf, his
brother's son, had six weeks before his death bereft him of his kingdom; which was now divided into
five portions, and five kings were consecrated thereto. This, however, was done with the consent of
Arnulf; and they agreed that they should hold in subjection to him; because none of them had by birth
any claim on the father's side, except him alone. Arnulf, therefore, dwelt in the country eastward of the
Rhine; Rodulf took to the middle district; Oda to the western; whilst Berenger and Witha became
masters of Lombardy and the Cisalpine territory. But they held their dominion in great discord; fought
two general battles, and frequently overran the country in partial encounters, displacing each other
several times. The same year also, in which the Danish army advanced beyond the bridge at Paris,
Alderman Ethelhelm led the alms of the West-Saxons and of King Alfred to Rome.

A.D. 888. This year Alderman Beeke conducted the alms of the West-Saxons and of King Alfred to
Rome; but Queen Ethelswith, who was the sister of King Alfred, died on the way to Rome; and her
body lies at Pavia. The same year also Ethered, Archbishop of Canterbury and Alderman Ethelwold,
died in one month.

A.D. 889. This year there was no journey to Rome; except that King Alfred sent two messengers with

A.D. 890. This year Abbot Bernhelm conducted the alms of the West-Saxons and of King Alfred to
Rome; and Gufhrum, king of the Northern men, departed this life, whose baptismal name was
Athelstan. He was the godson of King Alfred; and he abode among the East-Angles, where he first
established a settlement. The same year also went the army from the Seine to Saint Lo, which is
between the Bretons and the Franks; where the Bretons fought with them, obtained the victory, and
drove them out into a river, in which many of them were drowned. This year also was Plegmund
chosen by God and all his saints to the archbishopric in Canterbury.

A.D. 891. This year went the army eastward; and King Arnulf fought with the land-force, ere the ships
arrived, in conjunction with the eastern Franks, and Saxons, and Bavarians, and put them to flight.
And three Scots came to King Alfred in a boat without any oars from Ireland; whence they stole away,
because they would live in a state of pilgrimage, for the love of God, they recked not where. The boat
in which they came was made of two hides and a half; and they took with them provisions for seven
nights; and within seven nights they came to land in Cornwall, and soon after went to King Alfred.
They were thus named: Dubslane, and Macbeth, and Maelinmun. And Swinney, the best teacher that
was among the Scots, departed this life. And the same year after Easter, about the gang-days or before,
appeared the star that men in book-Latin call "cometa": some men say that in English it may be termed
"hairy star"; for that there standeth off from it a long gleam of light, whilom on one side, whilom on

A.D. 893. This year went the large army, that we before spoke about, back from the eastern district
westward to Bologne; and there were shipped; so that they transported themselves over at one time
with their horses withal. And they came up with two hundred and fifty ships into the mouth of the
Limne, which is in East-Kent, at the east end of the vast wood that we call Andred. This wood is in
length, east and west, one hundred and twenty miles, or longer, and thirty miles broad. The river that



we before spoke about lieth out of the weald. On this river they towed up their ships as far as the
weald, four miles from the mouth outwards; and there destroyed a fort within the fen, whereon sat a
few churls, and which was hastily wrought. Soon after this came Hasten up with eighty ships into the
mouth of the Thames, and wrought him there a work at Milton, and the other army at Appledore.

A.D. 894. This year, that was about twelve months after they had wrought a work in the eastern
district, the Northumbrians and East-Angles had given oaths to King Alfred, and the East-Angles six
hostages; nevertheless, contrary to the truce, as oft as the other plunderers went out with all their army,
then went they also, either with them, or in a separate division. Upon this King Alfred gathered his
army, and advanced, so that he encamped between the two armies at the highest point he could find
defended by wood and by water, that he might reach either, if they would seek any field. Then went
they forth in quest of the wealds, in troops and companies, wheresoever the country was defenceless.
But they were also sought after most days by other companies, either by day or by night, both from the
army and also from the towns. The king had divided his army into two parts; so that they were always
half at home, half out; besides the men that should maintain the towns. The army came not all out of
their stations more than twice; once, when they first came to land, ere the forces were collected, and
again, when they wished to depart from their stations. They had now seized much booty, and would
ferry it northward over Thames into Essex, to meet their ships. But the army rode before them, fought
with them at Farnham, routed their forces, and there arrested the booty. And they flew over Thames
without any ford, then up by the Colne on an island. Then the king's forces beset them without as long
as they had food; but they had their time set, and their meat noted. And the king was advancing
thitherwards on his march with the division that accompanied him. But while he was advancing
thitherwards, the other force was returning homewards. The Danes, however, still remained behind;
for their king was wounded in the fight, so that they could not carry him. Then collected together those
that dwell in Northumbria and East-Anglia about a hundred ships, and went south about; and with
some forty more went north about, and besieged a fort in Devonshire by the north sea; and those who
went south about beset Exeter. When the king heard that, then went he west towards Exeter with all
his force, except a very considerable part of the eastern army, who advanced till they came to London;
and there being joined by the citizens and the reinforcements that came from the west, they went east
to Barnfleet. Hasten was there with his gang, who before were stationed at Milton, and also the main
army had come thither, that sat before in the mouth of the Limne at Appledore. Hasten had formerly
constructed that work at Barnfleet, and was then gone out on plunder, the main army being at home.
Then came the king's troops, and routed the enemy, broke down the work, took all that was therein
money, women, and children and brought all to London. And all the ships they either broke to pieces,
or burned, or brought to London or to Rochester. And Hasten's wife and her two sons they brought to
the king, who returned them to him, because one of them was his godson, and the other Alderman
Ethered's. They had adopted them ere Hasten came to Barnfleet; when he had given them hostages and
oaths, and the king had also given him many presents; as he did also then, when he returned the child
and the wife. And as soon as they came to Barnfleet, and the work was built, then plundered he in the
same quarter of his kingdom that Ethered his compeer should have held; and at another time he was
plundering in the same district when his work was destroyed. The king then went westward with the
army toward Exeter, as I before said, and the army had beset the city; but whilst he was gone they
went to their ships. Whilst he was thus busied there with the army, in the west, the marauding parties
were both gathered together at Shobury in Essex, and there built a fortress. Then they both went
together up by the Thames, and a great concourse joined them, both from the East-Angles and from
the Northumbrians. They then advanced upward by the Thames, till they arrived near the Severn. Then
they proceeded upward by the Severn. Meanwhile assembled Alderman Ethered, Alderman Ethelm,
Alderman Ethelnoth, and the king's thanes, who were employed at home at the works, from every
town east of the Parret, as well as west of Selwood, and from the parts east and also north of the
Thames and west of the Severn, and also some part of North-Wales. When they were all collected
together, they overtook the rear of the enemy at Buttington on the banks of the Severn, and there beset
them without on each side in a fortress. When they had sat there many weeks on both sides of the



water, and the king meanwhile was in Devonshire westward with the naval force, then were the enemy
weighed down with famine. They had devoured the greater part of their horses; and the rest had
perished with hunger. Then went they out to the men that sat on the eastern side of the river, and
fought with them; but the Christians had the victory. And there Ordhelm, the king's thane, was slain;
and also many other king's thanes; and of the Danes there were many slain, and that part of them that
came away escaped only by flight. As soon as they came into Essex to their fortress, and to their ships,
then gathered the remnant again in East-Anglia and from the Northumbrians a great force before
winter, and having committed their wives and their ships and their booty to the East-Angles, they
marched on the stretch by day and night, till they arrived at a western city in Wirheal that is called
Chester. There the army could not overtake them ere they arrived within the work: they beset the work
though, without, some two days, took all the cattle that was thereabout, slew the men whom they could
overtake without the work, and all the corn they either burned or consumed with their horses every
evening. That was about a twelvemonth since they first came hither over sea.

A.D. 895. Soon after that, in this year, went the army from Wirheal into North-Wales; for they could
not remain there, because they were stripped both of the cattle and the corn that they had acquired by
plunder. When they went again out of North- Wales with the booty they had acquired there, they
marched over Northumberland and East-Anglia, so that the king's army could not reach them till they
came into Essex eastward, on an island that is out at sea, called Mersey. And as the army returned
homeward that had beset Exeter, they went up plundering in Sussex nigh Chichester; but the
townsmen put them to flight, and slew many hundreds of them, and took some of their ships. Then, in
the same year, before winter, the Danes, who abode in Mersey, towed their ships up on the Thames,
and thence up the Lea. That was about two years after that they came hither over sea.

A.D. 896. This same year wrought the aforesaid army a work by the Lea, twenty miles above the city
of London. Then, in the summer of this year, went a large party of the citizens, and also of other folk,
and made an attack on the work of the Danes; but they were there routed, and some four of the king's
thanes were slain. In the harvest afterward the king encamped close to the city, whilst they reaped their
corn, that the Danes might not deprive them of the crop. Then, some day, rode the king up by the river;
and observed a place where the river might be obstructed, so that they could not bring out their ships.
And they did so. They wrought two works on the two sides of the river. And when they had begun the
work, and encamped before it, then understood the army that they could not bring out their ships.
Whereupon they left them, and went over land, till they came to Quatbridge by Severn; and there
wrought a work. Then rode the king's army westward after the enemy. And the men of London fetched
the ships; and all that they could not lead away they broke up; but all that were worthy of capture they
brought into the port of London. And the Danes procured an asylum for their wives among the East-
Angles, ere they went out of the fort. During the winter they abode at Quatbridge. That was about
three years since they came hither over sea into the mouth of the Limne.




(37) For a more circumstantial account of the Danish or Norman operations against Paris at this time,
the reader may consult Felibien, "Histoire de la Ville de Paris", liv. iii. and the authorities cited by him
in the margin. This is that celebrated siege of Paris minutely described by Abbo, Abbot of Fleury, in
two books of Latin hexameters; which, however barbarous, contain some curious and authentic matter
relating to the history of that period.

(38) This bridge was built, or rebuilt on a larger plan than before, by Charles the Bald, in the year 861,
"to prevent the Danes or Normans (says Felibien) from making themselves masters of Paris so easily
as they had already done so many times," etc. — "pour empescher que les Normans ne se rendissent
maistres de Paris aussi facilement qu'ils l'avoient deja fait tant de lois," etc. — Vol. i. p. 91, folio. It is
supposed to be the famous bridge afterwards called "grand pont" or "pont au change", — the most
ancient bridge at Paris, and the only one which existed at this time.



A.D. 897. In the summer of this year went the army, some into East-Anglia, and some into
Northumbria; and those that were penniless got themselves ships, and went south over sea to the
Seine. The enemy had not, thank God. entirely destroyed the English nation; but they were much more
weakened in these three years by the disease of cattle, and most of all of men; so that many of the
mightiest of the king's thanes, that were in the land, died within the three years. Of these, one was
Swithulf Bishop of Rochester, Ceolmund alderman in Kent, Bertulf alderman in Essex, Wulfred
alderman in Hampshire, Elhard Bishop of Dorchester, Eadulf a king's thane in Sussex, Bernuff
governor of Winchester, and Egulf the king's horse-thane; and many also with them; though I have
named only the men of the highest rank. This same year the plunderers in East-Anglia and
Northumbria greatly harassed the land of the West-Saxons by piracies on the southern coast, but most
of all by the esks which they built many years before. Then King Alfred gave orders for building long
ships against the esks, which were full-nigh twice as long as the others. Some had sixty oars, some
more; and they were both swifter and steadier, and also higher than the others. They were not shaped
either after the Frisian or the Danish model, but so as he himself thought that they might be most
serviceable. Then, at a certain turn of this same year, came six of their ships to the Isle of Wight; and
going into Devonshire, they did much mischief both there and everywhere on the seacoast. Then
commanded the king his men to go out against them with nine of the new ships, and prevent their
escape by the mouth of the river to the outer sea. Then came they out against them with three ships,
and three others were standing upwards above the mouth on dry land: for the men were gone off upon
shore. Of the first three ships they took two at the mouth outwards, and slew the men; the third veered
off, but all the men were slain except five; and they too were severely wounded. Then came onward
those who manned the other ships, which were also very uneasily situated. Three were stationed on
that side of the deep where the Danish ships were aground, whilst the others were all on the opposite
side; so that none of them could join the rest; for the water had ebbed many furlongs from them. Then
went the Danes from their three ships to those other three that were on their side, be-ebbed; and there
they then fought. There were slain Lucomon, the king's reve, and Wulfheard, a Frieslander; Ebb, a
Frieslander, and Ethelere, a Frieslander; and Ethelferth, the king's neat-herd; and of all the men,
Frieslanders and English, sixty-two; of the Danes a hundred and twenty. The tide, however, reached
the Danish ships ere the Christians could shove theirs out; whereupon they rowed them out; but they
were so crippled, that they could not row them beyond the coast of Sussex: there two of them the sea
drove ashore; and the crew were led to Winchester to the king, who ordered them to be hanged. The
men who escaped in the single ship came to East-Anglia, severely wounded. This same year were lost
no less than twenty ships, and the men withal, on the southern coast. Wulfric, the king's horse-thane,
who was also viceroy of Wales, died the same year.

A.D. 898. This year died Ethelm, alderman of Wiltshire, nine nights before midsummer; and
Heahstan, who was Bishop of London.

A.D. 901. This year died ALFRED, the son of Ethelwulf, six nights before the mass of All Saints. He
was king over all the English nation, except that part that was under the power of the Danes. He held
the government one year and a half less than thirty winters; and then Edward his son took to the
government. Then Prince Ethelwald, the son of his paternal uncle, rode against the towns of Winburn
and of Twineham, without leave of the king and his council. Then rode the king with his army; so that
he encamped the same night at Badbury near Winburn; and Ethelwald remained within the town with
the men that were under him, and had all the gates shut upon him, saying, that he would either there
live or there die. But in the meantime he stole away in the night, and sought the army in
Northumberland. The king gave orders to ride after him; but they were not able to overtake him. The
Danes, however, received him as their king. They then rode after the wife that Ethelwald had taken
without the king's leave, and against the command of the bishops; for she was formerly consecrated a
nun. In this year also died Ethered, who was alderman of Devonshire, four weeks before King Alfred.


A.D. 902. This year was the great fight at the Holme (39) between the men of Kent and the Danes.

((A.D. 902. This year Elswitha died.))

A.D. 903. This year died Alderman Ethelwulf, the brother of Elhswitha, mother of King Edward; and
Virgilius abbot of the Scots; and Grimbald the mass-priest; on the eighth day of July. This same year
was consecrated the new minster at Winchester, on St. Judoc's advent.

A.D. 904. This year came Ethelwald hither over sea with all the fleet that he could get, and he was
submitted to in Essex. This year the moon was eclipsed.

A.D. 905. This year Ethelwald enticed the army in East-Anglia to rebellion; so that they overran all the
land of Mercia, until they came to Cricklade, where they forded the Thames; and having seized, either
in Bradon or thereabout, all that they could lay their hands upon, they went homeward again. King
Edward went after, as soon as he could gather his army, and overran all their land between the foss and
the Ouse quite to the fens northward. Then being desirous of returning thence, he issued an order
through the whole army, that they should all go out at once. But the Kentish men remained behind,
contrary to his order, though he had sent seven messengers to them. Whereupon the army surrounded
them, and there they fought. There fell Aldermen Siwulf and Sigelm; Eadwold, the king's thane; Abbot
Kenwulf; Sigebriht, the son of Siwulf; Eadwald, the son of Acca; and many also with them; though I
have named the most considerable. On the Danish side were slain Eohric their king, and Prince
Ethelwald, who had enticed them to the war. Byrtsige, the son of Prince Brihtnoth; Governor Ysop;
Governor Oskytel; and very many also with them that we now cannot name. And there was on either
hand much slaughter made; but of the Danes there were more slain, though they remained masters of
the field. Ealswitha died this same year; and a comet appeared on the thirteenth day before the calends
of November.

((A.D. 906. This year King Edward, from necessity, concluded a peace both with the army of East-
Anglia and of North -humbria.))

A.D. 907. This year died Alfred, who was governor of Bath. The same year was concluded the peace
at Hitchingford, as King Edward decreed, both with the Danes of East-Anglia, and those of
Northumberland; and Chester was rebuilt.

A.D. 909. This year died Denulf, who was Bishop of Winchester; and the body of St. Oswald was
translated from Bardney into Mercia.

A.D. 910. This year Frithestan took to the bishopric of Winchester; and Asser died soon after, who
was Bishop o[ Sherborne. The same year King Edward sent an army both from Wessex and Mercia,
which very much harassed the northern army by their attacks on men and property of every kind. They
slew many of the Danes, and remained in the country five weeks. This year the Angles and the Danes
fought at Tootenhall; and the Angles had the victory. The same year Ethelfleda built the fortress at

(A.D. 910. This year the army of the Angles and of the Danes fought at Tootenhall. And Ethelred,
ealdor of the Mercians, died; and King Edward took possession of London, and of Oxford, and of all
the lands which owed obedience thereto. And a great fleet came hither from the south, from the
Lidwiccas (Brittany), and greatly ravaged by the Severn; but they were, afterwards, almost all



A.D. 911. This year the army in Northumberland broke the truce, and despised every right that Edward
and his son demanded of them; and plundered the land of the Mercians. The king had gathered
together about a hundred ships, and was then in Kent while the ships were sailing along sea by the
south-east to meet him. The army therefore supposed that the greatest part of his force was in the
ships, and that they might go, without being attacked, where that ever they would. When the king
learned on enquiry that they were gone out on plunder, he sent his army both from Wessex and
Mercia; and they came up with the rear of the enemy as he was on his way homeward, and there
fought with him and put him to flight, and slew many thousands of his men. There fell King Eowils,
and King Healfden; Earls Ohter and Scurf; Governors Agmund, Othulf, and Benesing; Anlaf the
Swarthy, and Governor Thunferth; Osferth the collector, and Governor Guthferth.

((A.D. 911. Then the next year after this died Ethelred, lord of the Mercians.))

A.D. 912. This year died Ethered, alderman of Mercia; and King Edward took to London, and to
Oxford, and to all the lands that thereunto belonged. This year also came Ethelfleda, lady of the
Mercians, on the holy eve called the invention of the holy cross, to Shergate, and built the fortress
there, and the same year that at Bridgenorth.

A.D. 913. This year, about Martinmas, King Edward had the northern fortress built at Hertford,
betwixt the Memer, and the Benwic, and the Lea. After this, in the summer, betwixt gang- days and
midsummer, went King Edward with some of his force into Essex, to Maldon; and encamped there the
while that men built and fortified the town of Witham. And many of the people submitted to him, who
were before under the power of the Danes. And some of his force, meanwhile, built the fortress at
Hertford on the south side of the Lea. This year by the permission of God went Ethelfleda, lady of
Mercia, with all the Mercians to Tamworth; and built the fort there in the fore -part of the summer; and
before Lammas that at Stafford: in the next year that at Eddesbury, in the beginning of the summer;
and the same year, late in the autumn, that at Warwick. Then in the following year was built, after
mid-winter, that at Chirbury and that at Warburton; and the same year before mid-winter that at

((A.D. 915. This year was Warwick built.))

A.D. 916. This year was the innocent Abbot Egbert slain, before midsummer, on the sixteenth day
before the calends of July. The same day was the feast of St. Ciricius the martyr, with his companions.
And within three nights sent Ethelfleda an army into Wales, and stormed Brecknock; and there took
the king's wife, with some four and thirty others.

A.D. 917. This year rode the army, after Easter, out of Northampton and Leicester; and having broken
the truce they slew many men at Hookerton and thereabout. Then, very soon after this, as the others
came home, they found other troops that were riding out against Leighton. But the inhabitants were
aware of it; and having fought with them they put them into full flight; and arrested all that they had
taken, and also of their horses and of their weapons a good deal.

A.D. 918. This year came a great naval armament over hither south from the Lidwiccians; (40) and
two earls with it, Ohter and Rhoald. They went then west about, till they entered the mouth of the
Severn; and plundered in North-Wales everywhere by the sea, where it then suited them; and took
Camlac the bishop in Archenfield, and led him with them to their ships; whom King Edward
afterwards released for forty pounds. After this went the army all up; and would proceed yet on
plunder against Archenfield; but the men of Hertford met them, and of Glocester, and of the nighest
towns; and fought with them, and put them to flight; and they slew the Earl Rhoald, and the brother of
Ohter the other earl, and many of the army. And they drove them into a park; and beset them there
without, until they gave them hostages, that they would depart from the realm of King Edward. And



the king had contrived that a guard should be set against them on the south side of Severnmouth; west
from Wales, eastward to the mouth of the Avon; so that they durst nowhere seek that land on that side.
Nevertheless, they eluded them at night, by stealing up twice; at one time to the east of Watchet, and at
another time at Porlock. There was a great slaughter each time; so that few of them came away, except
those only who swam out to the ships. Then sat they outward on an island, called the Flat- holms; till
they were very short of meat, and many men died of hunger, because they could not reach any meat.
Thence went they to Dimmet, and then out to Ireland. This was in harvest. After this, in the same year,
before Martinmas, went King Edward to Buckingham with his army, and sat there four weeks, during
which he built the two forts on either side of the water, ere he departed thence. And Earl Thurkytel
sought him for his lord; and all the captains, and almost all the first men that belonged to Bedford; and
also many of those that belonged to Northampton. This year Ethelfleda, lady of the Mercians, with the
help of God, before Laminas, conquered the town called Derby, with all that thereto belonged; and
there were also slain four of her thanes, that were most dear to her, within the gates.

((A.D. 918. But very shortly after they had become so, she died at Tamworth, twelve days before
midsummer, the eighth year of her having rule and right lordship over the Mercians; and her body lies
at Gloucester, within the east porch of St. Peter's church.))

A.D. 919. This year King Edward went with his army to Bedford, before Martinmas, and conquered
the town; and almost all the burgesses, who obeyed him before, returned to him; and he sat there four
weeks, and ordered the town to be repaired on the south side of the water, ere he departed thence.

((A.D. 919. This year also the daughter of Ethelred, lord of the Mercians, was deprived of all
dominion over the Mercians, and carried into Wessex, three weeks before mid-winter; she was called




(39) Or, in Holmsdale, Surry: hence the proverb — "This is Holmsdale, Never conquer'd, never shall."

(40) The pirates of Armorica, now Bretagne; so called, because they abode day and night in their
ships; from lid, a ship, and wiccian, to watch or abide day and night.


Part 3: A.D. 920 - 1014

A.D. 920. This year, before midsummer, went King Edward to Maldon; and repaired and fortified the
town, ere he departed thence. And the same year went Earl Thurkytel over sea to Frankland with the
men who would adhere to him, under the protection and assistance of King Edward. This year
Ethelfleda got into her power, with God's assistance, in the early part of the year, without loss, the
town of Leicester; and the greater part of the army that belonged thereto submitted to her. And the
Yorkists had also promised and confirmed, some by agreement and some with oaths, that they would
be in her interest. But very soon after they had done this, she departed, twelve nights before
midsummer, at Tamworth, the eighth year that she was holding the government of the Mercians with
right dominion; and her body lieth at Glocester, in the east porch of St. Peter's church. This year also
was the daughter of Ethered, lord of the Mercians, deprived of all authority over the Mercians, and led
into Wessex, three weeks before midwinter. Her name was Healfwina.

A.D. 921. This year, before Easter, King Edward ordered his men to go to the town of Towcester, and
to rebuild it. Then again, after that, in the same year, during the gang-days, he ordered the town of
Wigmore to be repaired. The same summer, betwixt Lammas and midsummer, the army broke their
parole from Northampton and from Leicester; and went thence northward to Towcester, and fought
against the town all day, and thought that they should break into it; but the people that were therein
defended it, till more aid came to them; and the enemy then abandoned the town, and went away. Then
again, very soon after this, they went out at night for plunder, and came upon men unaware, and seized
not a little, both in men and cattle, betwixt Burnham-wood and Aylesbury. At the same time went the
army from Huntington and East-Anglia, and constructed that work at Ternsford; which they inhabited
and fortified; and abandoned the other at Huntingdon; and thought that they should thence oft with war
and contention recover a good deal of this land. Thence they advanced till they came to Bedford;
where the men who were within came out against them, and fought with them, and put them to flight,
and slew a good number of them. Then again, after this, a great army yet collected itself from East-
Anglia and from Mercia, and went to the town of Wigmore; which they besieged without, and fought
against long in the day; and took the cattle about it; but the men defended the town, who were within;
and the enemy left the town, and went away. After this, the same summer, a large force collected itself
in King Edward's dominions, from the nighest towns that could go thither, and went to Temsford; and
they beset the town, and fought thereon; until they broke into it, and slew the king, and Earl Toglos,
and Earl Mann his son, and his brother, and all them that were therein, and who were resolved to
defend it; and they took the others, and all that was therein. After this, a great force collected soon in
harvest, from Kent, from Surrey, from Essex, and everywhere from the nighest towns; and went to
Colchester, and beset the town, and fought thereon till they took it, and slew all the people, and seized
all that was therein; except those men who escaped therefrom over the wall. After this again, this same
harvest, a great army collected itself from East-Anglia, both of the land- forces and of the pirates,
which they had enticed to their assistance, and thought that they should wreak their vengeance. They
went to Maldon, and beset the town, and fought thereon, until more aid came to the townsmen from
without to help. The enemy then abandoned the town, and went from it. And the men went after, out
of the town, and also those that came from without to their aid; and put the army to flight, and slew
many hundreds of them, both of the pirates and of the others. Soon after this, the same harvest, went
King Edward with the West-Saxon army to Passham; and sat there the while that men fortified the
town of Towcester with a stone wall. And there returned to him Earl Thurferth, and the captains, and
all the army that belonged to Northampton northward to the Welland, and sought him for their lord
and protector. When this division of the army went home, then went another out, and marched to the
town of Huntingdon; and repaired and renewed it, where it was broken down before, by command of
King Edward. And all the people of the country that were left submitted to King Edward, and sought
his peace and protection. After this, the same year, before Martinmas, went King Edward with the
West-Saxon army to Colchester; and repaired and renewed the town, where it was broken down
before. And much people turned to him. both in East- Anglia and in Essex, that were before under the



power of the Danes. And all the army in East-Anglia swore union with him; that they would all that he
would, and would protect all that he protected, either by sea or land. And the army that belonged to
Cambridge chose him separately for their lord and protector, and confirmed the same with oaths, as he
had advised. This year King Edward repaired the town of Gladmouth; and the same year King Sihtric
slew Neil his brother.

A.D. 922. This year, betwixt gang-days and midsummer, went King Edward with his army to
Stamford, and ordered the town to be fortified on the south side of the river. And all the people that
belonged to the northern town submitted to him, and sought him for their lord. It was whilst he was
tarrying there, that Ethelfleda his sister died at Tamworth, twelve nights before midsummer. Then rode
he to the borough of Tamworth; and all the population in Mercia turned to him, who before were
subject to Ethelfleda. And the kings in North-Wales, Howel, and Cledauc, and Jothwel, and all the
people of North-Wales, sought him for their lord. Then went he thence to Nottingham, and secured
that borough, and ordered it to be repaired, and manned both with English and with Danes. And all the
population turned to him, that was settled in Mercia, both Danish and English.

A.D. 923. This year went King Edward with an army, late in the harvest, to Thelwall; and ordered the
borough to be repaired, and inhabited, and manned. And he ordered another army also from the
population of Mercia, the while he sat there to go to Manchester in Northumbria, to repair and to man
it. This year died Archbishop Plegmund; and King Reynold won York.

A.D. 924. This year, before midsummer, went King Edward with an army to Nottingham; and ordered
the town to be repaired on the south side of the river, opposite the other, and the bridge over the Trent
betwixt the two towns. Thence he went to Bakewell in Peakland; and ordered a fort to be built as near
as possible to it, and manned. And the King of Scotland, with all his people, chose him as father and
lord; as did Reynold, and the son of Eadulf, and all that dwell in Northumbria, both English and
Danish, both Northmen and others; also the king of the Strathclydwallians, and all his people.

((A.D. 924. This year Edward was chosen for father and for lord by the king of the Scots, and by the
Scots, and King Reginald, and by all the North -humbrians, and also the king of the Strath-clyde
Britons, and by all the Strath-clyde Britons.))

((A.D. 924. This year King Edward died among the Mercians at Farndon; and very shortly, about
sixteen days after this, Elward his son died at Oxford; and their bodies lie at Winchester. And
Athelstan was chosen king by the Mercians, and consecrated at Kingston. And he gave his sister to
Ofsae (Otho), son of the king of the Old-Saxons.))

A.D. 925. This year died King Edward at Farndon in Mercia; and Elward his son died very soon after
this, in Oxford. Their bodies lie at Winchester. And Athelstan was chosen king in Mercia, and
consecrated at Kingston. He gave his sister to Otho, son of the king of the Old-Saxons. St. Dunstan
was now born; and Wulfhelm took to the archbishopric in Canterbury. This year King Athelstan and
Sihtric king of the Northumbrians came together at Tamworth, the sixth day before the calends of
February, and Athelstan gave away his sister to him.

((A.D. 925. This year Bishop Wulfhelm was consecrated. And that same year King Edward died.))

A.D. 926. This year appeared fiery lights in the northern part of the firmament; and Sihtric departed;
and King Athelstan took to the kingdom of Northumbria, and governed all the kings that were in this
island: — First, Howel, King of West-Wales; and Constantine, King of the Scots; and Owen, King of
Monmouth; and Aldred, the son of Eadulf, of Bamburgh. And with covenants and oaths they ratified
their agreement in the place called Emmet, on the fourth day before the ides of July; and renounced all
idolatry, and afterwards returned in peace.



A.D. 927. This year King Athelstan expelled King Guthfrith; and Archbishop Wulfhelm went to

A.D. 928. William took to Normandy, and held it fifteen years.

((A.D. 931. This year died Frithstan, Bishop of Winchester, and Brinstan was blessed in his place.))

A.D. 932. This year Burnstan was invested Bishop of Winchester on the fourth day before the calends
of June; and he held the bishopric two years and a half.

A.D. 933. This year died Bishop Frithestan; and Edwin the atheling was drowned in the sea.

A.D. 934. This year went King Athelstan into Scotland, both with a land-force and a naval armament,
and laid waste a great part of it; and Bishop Burnstan died at Winchester at the feast of All Saints.

A.D. 935. This year Bishop Elfheah took to the bishopric of Winchester.

((A.D. 937. This year King Athelstan and Edmund his brother led a force to Brumby, and there fought
against Anlaf; and, Christ helping, had the victory: and they there slew five kings and seven earls.))

A.D. 938. Here


Athelstan king,

glad over grounds,

on the field of battle,

of earls the lord,

God's candle bright,

in bloom of youth,

rewarder of heroes,

eternal Lord! —

pierced with swords.

and his brother eke,

'till the noble creature

So seven eke

Edmund atheling,

sat in the western main:

of the earls of Anlaf;

elder of ancient race,

there lay many

and of the ship's-crew

slew in the fight,

of the Northern heroes

unnumber'd crowds.

with the edge of their swords,

under a shower of arrows,

There was dispersed

the foe at Brumby !

shot over shields;

the little band

The sons of Edward

and Scotland's boast,

of hardy Scots,

their board-walls clove,

a Scythian race,

the dread of northern hordes;

and hewed their banners,

the mighty seed of Mars!

urged to the noisy deep

with the wrecks of their

With chosen troops,

by unrelenting fate !


throughout the day,

The king of the fleet

So were they taught

the West-Saxons fierce

with his slender craft

by kindred zeal,

press'd on the loathed bands;

escaped with his life

that they at camp oft

hew'd down the fugitives,

on the felon

'gainst any robber

and scatter'd the rear,

and so too Constantine,

their land should defend,

with strong mill-sharpen'd blades,

the valiant chief,

their hoards and homes.

The Mercians too

returned to the north

Pursuing fell

the hard hand-play

in hasty flight.

the Scottish clans;

spared not to any

The hoary Hildrinc

the men of the fleet

of those that with Anlaf

cared not to boast

in numbers fell;

over the briny deep

among his kindred.

'midst the din of the field

in the ship's bosom

Here was his remnant

the warrior swate.

sought this land

of relations and friends

Since the sun was up

for the hardy fight.

slain with the sword

in morning-tide,

Five kings lay

in the crowded fight.

gigantic light!






His son too he left

sought their country,

on the field of battle,

West-Saxon land,

mangled with wounds,

in right triumphant.

young at the fight.

They left behind them

The fair-hair'd youth

raw to devour,

had no reason to boast

the sallow kite,

of the slaughtering strife.

the swarthy raven

Nor old Inwood

with horny nib,

and Anlaf the more

and the hoarse vultur,

with the wrecks of their army

with the eagle swift

could laugh and say,

to consume his prey;

that they on the field

the greedy gos-hawk,

of stern command

and that grey beast

better workmen were,

the wolf of the weald.

in the conflict of banners,

No slaughter yet

the clash of spears,

was greater made

the meeting of heroes,

e'er in this island,

and the rustling of weapons,

of people slain,

which they on the field

before this same,

of slaughter played

with the edge of the sword;

with the sons of Edward.

as the books inform us

The northmen sail'd

of the old historians;

in their nailed ships,

since hither came

a dreary remnant,

from the eastern shores

on the roaring sea;

the Angles and Saxons,

over deep water

over the broad sea,

Dublin they sought,

and Britain sought, —

and Ireland's shores,

fierce battle-smiths,

in great disgrace.

o'ercame the Welsh,

Such then the brothers

most valiant earls,

both together

and gained the land.

king and atheling,



A.D. 941. This year King Athelstan died in Glocester, on the sixth day before the calends of
November, about forty-one winters, bating one night, from the time when King Alfred died. And
Edmund Atheling took to the kingdom. He was then eighteen years old. King Athelstan reigned
fourteen years and ten weeks. This year the Northumbrians abandoned their allegiance, and chose
Anlaf of Ireland for their king.

((A.D. 941. This year King Edmund received King Anlaf at baptism; and that same year, a good long
space after, he received King Reginald at the bishop's hands.))

A.D. 942.


Here Edmund king,

whete'er the course

and Derby eke.

till, to his glory,

of Angles lord,

of Whitwell-spring,

In thraldom long

great Edward's heir,

protector of friends,

or Humber deep,

to Norman Danes

Edmund the king,

author and framer

The broad brim-stream,

they bowed through need,

refuge of warriors,

of direful deeds.

divides five towns.

and dragged the chains

their fetters broke.

o'erran with speed

Leicester and Lincoln.

of heathen men;


the Mercian land.

Nottingham and Stamford,





A.D. 943. This year Anlaf stormed Tamworth; and much slaughter was made on either hand; but the
Danes had the victory, and led away with them much plunder. There was Wulfrun taken, in the
spoiling of the town. This year King Edmund beset King Anlaf and Archbishop Wulfstan in Leicester;
and he might have conquered them, were it not that they burst out of the town in the night. After this
Anlaf obtained the friendship of King Edmund, and King Edmund then received King Anlaf in
baptism; and he made him royal presents. And the same year, after some interval, he received King
Reynold at episcopal hands. This year also died King Anlaf.

A.D. 944. This year King Edmund reduced all the land of the Northumbrians to his dominion, and
expelled two kings, Anlaf the son of Sihtric, and Reynold the son of Guthferth.

A.D. 945. This year King Edmund overran all Cumberland; and let it all to Malcolm king of the Scots,
on the condition that he became his ally, both by sea and land.

A.D. 946. This year King Edmund died, on St. Augustine's mass day. That was widely known, how he
ended his days: — that Leof stabbed him at Pucklechurch. And Ethelfleda of Damerham, daughter of
Alderman Elgar, was then his queen. And he reigned six years and a half: and then succeeded to the
kingdom Edred Atheling his brother, who soon after reduced all the land of the Northumbrians to his
dominion; and the Scots gave him oaths, that they would do all that he desired.

A.D. 947. This year came King Edred to Tadden's -cliff; and there Archbishop Wulfstan and all the
council of the Northumbrians bound themselves to an allegiance with the king. And within a little
space they abandoned all, both allegiance and oaths.

A.D. 948. This year King Edred overran all Northumberland; because they had taken Eric for their
king; and in the pursuit of plunder was that large minster at Rippon set on fire, which St. Wilferth
built. As the king returned homeward, he overtook the enemy at York; but his main army was behind
at Chesterford. There was great slaughter made; and the king was so wroth, that he would fain return
with his force, and lay waste the land withal; but when the council of the Northumbrians understood
that, they then abandoned Eric, and compromised the deed with King Edred.

A.D. 949. This year came Anlaf Curran to the land of the Northumbrians.

A.D. 951. This year died Elfeah, Bishop of Winchester, on St. Gregory's mass day.

A.D. 952. This year the Northumbrians expelled King Anlaf, and received Eric the son of Harold. This
year also King Edred ordered Archbishop Wulfstan to be brought into prison at Jedburgh; because he
was oft bewrayed before the king: and the same year the king ordered a great slaughter to be made in
the town of Thetford, in revenge of the abbot, whom they had formerly slain.

A.D. 954. This year the Northumbrians expelled Eric; and King Edred took to the government of the
Northumbrians. This year also Archbishop Wulfstan received a bishopric again at Dorchester.

A.D. 955. This year died King Edred, on St. Clement's mass day, at Frome.(41) He reigned nine years
and a half; and he rests in the old minster. Then succeeded Edwy, the son of King Edmund, to the
government of the West-Saxons; and Edgar Atheling, his brother, succeeded to the government of the
Mercians. They were the sons of King Edmund and of St. Elfgiva.

((A.D. 955. And Edwy succeeded to the kingdom of the West- Saxons, and Edgar his brother
succeeded to the kingdom of the Mercians: and they were the sons of King Edmund and of S.



A.D. 956. This year died Wulfstan, Archbishop of York, on the seventeenth day before the calends of
January; and he was buried at Oundle; and in the same year was Abbot Dunstan driven out of this land
over sea.

A.D. 958. This year Archbishop Oda separated King Edwy and Elfgiva; because they were too nearly

A.D. 959. This year died King Edwy, on the calends of October; and Edgar his brother took to the
government of the West-Saxons, Mercians, and Northumbrians. He was then sixteen years old. It was
in this year he sent after St. Dunstan, and gave him the bishopric of Worcester; and afterwards the
bishopric of London.


In his days

and God's law traced,

it prosper'd well;

God's glory rear'd,

and God him gave,

both far and wide,

that he dwelt in peace

on every side.

the while that he lived.

Wisely he sought

Whate'er he did,

in council oft

whate'er he plan'd,

his people's good,

he earn'd his thrift.

before his God,

He also rear'd

before the world.

God's glory wide,

One misdeed he did,

and God's law lov'd,

too much however,

with peace to man,

that foreign tastes

above the kings

he loved too much;

that went before

and heathen modes

in man's remembrance.

into this land

God so him sped,

he brought too fast;

that kings and earls

outlandish men

to all his claims

hither enticed;

submissive bow'd;

and to this earth

and to his will

attracted crowds

without a blow

of vicious men.

he wielded all

But God him grant,

as pleased himself.

that his good deeds

Esteem'd he was

be weightier far

both far and wide

than his misdeeds,

in distant lands;

to his soul's redemption

because he prized

on the judgment-day.

the name of God,



A.D. 961. This year departed Odo, the good archbishop, and St. Dunstan took to the archbishopric.
This year also died Elfgar, a relative of the king, in Devonshire; and his body lies at Wilton: and King
Sifferth killed himself; and his body lies at Wimborn. This year there was a very great pestilence;
when the great fever was in London; and St. Paul's minster was consumed with fire, and in the same
year was afterwards restored. In this year Athelmod. the masspriest, went to Rome, and there died on
the eighteenth before the calends of September.


A.D. 963. This year died Wulfstan, the deacon, on Childermass- day; (42) and afterwards died Gyric,
the mass-priest. In the same year took Abbot Athelwold to the bishopric of Winchester; and he was



consecrated on the vigil of St. Andrew, which happened on a Sunday. On the second year after he was
consecrated, he made many minsters; and drove out the clerks (43) from the bishopric, because they
would hold no rule, and set monks therein. He made there two abbacies; one of monks, another of
nuns. That was all within Winchester. Then came he afterwards to King Edgar, and requested that he
would give him all the minsters that heathen men had before destroyed; for that he would renew them.
This the king cheerfully granted; and the bishop came then first to Ely, where St. Etheldritha lies, and
ordered the minster to be repaired; which he gave to a monk of his, whose name was Britnoth, whom
he consecrated abbot: and there he set monks to serve God, where formerly were nuns. He then bought
many villages of the king, and made it very rich. Afterwards came Bishop Athelwold to the minster
called Medhamsted, which was formerly ruined by heathen folk; but he found there nothing but old
walls, and wild woods. In the old walls at length he found hid writings which Abbot Hedda had
formerly written; — how King Wulfhere and Ethelred his brother had wrought it, and how they freed it
against king and against bishop, and against all worldly service; and how Pope Agatho confirmed it
with his writ, as also Archbishop Deusdedit. He then ordered the minster to be rebuilt; and set there an
abbot, who was called Aldulf; and made monks, where before was nothing. He then came to the king,
and let him look at the writings which before were found; and the king then answered and said: "I
Edgar grant and give to-day, before God and before Archbishop Dunstan, freedom to St. Peter's
minster at Medhamsted, from king and from bishop; and all the thorps that thereto lie; that is,
Eastfield, and Dodthorp, and Eye, and Paston. And so I free it, that no bishop have any jurisdiction
there, but the abbot of the minster alone. And I give the town called Oundle, with all that thereto lieth,
called Eyot-hundred, with market and toll; so freely, that neither king, nor bishop, nor earl, nor sheriff,
have there any jurisdiction; nor any man but the abbot alone, and whom he may set thereto. And I give
to Christ and St. Peter, and that too with the advice of Bishop Athelwold, these lands; — that is,
Barrow, Warmington, Ashton, Kettering, Castor, Eylesworth, Walton, Witherington, Eye, Thorp, and
a minster at Stamford. These lands and al the others that belong to the minster I bequeath clear; that is,
with sack and sock, toll and team, and infangthief ; these privileges and all others bequeath I clear to
Christ and St. Peter. And I give the two parts of Whittlesey-mere, with waters and with wears and
fens; and so through Meerlade along to the water that is called Nen; and so eastward to Kingsdelf. And
I will that there be a market in the town itself, and that no other be betwixt Stamford and Huntingdon.
And I will that thus be given the toll; — first, from Whittlesey-mere to the king's toll of Norman-cross
hundred; then backward again from Whittlesey-mere through Meerlade along to the Nen, and as that
river runs to Crowland; and from Crowland to Must, and from Must to Kingsdelf and to Whittlesey-
mere. And I will that all the freedom, and all the privileges, that my predecessors gave, should remain;
and I write and confirm this with the rood-token of Christ." (+) — Then answered Dunstan, the
Archbishop of Canterbury, and said: "I grant, that all the things that here are given and spoken, and all
the things that thy predecessors and mine have given, shall remain firm; and whosoever breaketh it,
then give I him God's curse, and that of all saints, and of all hooded heads, and mine, unless he come
to repentance. And I give expressly to St. Peter my mass-hackle, and my stole, and my reef, to serve
Christ." "I Oswald, Archbishop of York, confirm all these words through the holy rood on which
Christ was crucified." (+) "I Bishop Athelwold bless all that maintain this, and I excommunicate all
that break it, unless they come to repentance." — Here was Bishop Ellstan, Bishop Athulf, and Abbot
Eskwy, and Abbot Osgar, and Abbot Ethelgar, and Alderman Elfere; .Alderman Ethelwin, Britnoth
and Oslac aldermen, and many other rich men; and all confirmed it and subscribed it with the cross of
Christ. (+) This was done in the year after our Lord's Nativity 972, the sixteenth year of this king.
Then bought the Abbot Aldulf lands rich and many, and much endowed the minster withal; and was
there until Oswald, Archbishop of York, was dead; and then he was chosen to be archbishop. Soon
after another abbot was chosen of the same monastery, whose name was Kenulf, who was afterwards
Bishop of Winchester. He first made the wall about the minster, and gave it then the name of
Peterborough, which before was Medhamsted. He was there till he was appointed Bishop of
Winchester, when another abbot was chosen of the same monastery, whose name was Elfsy, who
continued abbot fifty winters afterwards. It was he who took up St. Kyneburga and St. Kyneswitha,
that lay at Castor, and St. Tibba, that lay at Ryhall; and brought them to Peterborough, and offered
them all to St. Peter in one day, and preserved them all the while he was there.



((A.D. 963. This year, by King Edgar, St. Ethelwold was chosen to the bishoprick at Winchester. And
the Archbishop of Canterbury, St. Dunstan, consecrated him bishop on the first Sunday of Advent; that
was on the third before the kalends of December.))

A.D. 964. This year drove King Edgar the priests of Winchester out of the old minster, and also out of
the new minster; and from Chertsey; and from Milton; and replaced them with monks. And he
appointed Ethelgar abbot to the new minster, and Ordbert to Chertsey, and Cyneward to Milton.

((A.D. 964. This year were the canons driven out of the Old- minster by King Edgar, and also from the
New-minster, and from Chertsey and from Milton; and he appointed thereto monks and abbots: to the
New-minster Ethelgar, to Chertsey Ordbert, to Milton Cyneward.))

A.D. 965. This year King Edgar took Elfrida for his queen, who was daughter of Alderman Ordgar.

A.D. 966. This year Thored, the son of Gunner, plundered Westmorland; and the same year Oslac took
to the aldermanship.

A.D. 969. This year King Edgar ordered all Thanet-land to be plundered.



(41) So I understand the word. Gibson, from Wheloc, says — "in aetatis vigore;" a fact contradicted by
the statement of almost every historian. Names of places seldom occur in old MSS. with capital

(42) i.e. the feast of the Holy Innocents; a festival of great antiquity.

(43) i.e. the secular clergy, who observed no rule; opposed to the regulars, or monks.



A.D. 970. This year died Archbishop Oskytel; who was first consecrated diocesan bishop at
Dorchester, and afterwards it was by the consent of King Edred and all his council that he was
consecrated Archbishop of York. He was bishop two and twenty winters; and he died on Alhallow-
mas night, ten nights before Martinmas, at Thame. Abbot Thurkytel, his relative, carried the bishop's
body to Bedford, because he was the abbot there at that time.

A.D. 971. This year died Edmund Atheling, and his body lies at Rumsey.

((A.D. 972. This year Edgar the etheling was consecrated king at Bath, on Pentecost's mass-day, on
the fifth before the ides of May, the thirteenth year since he had obtained the kingdom; and he was
then one less than thirty years of age. And soon after that, the king led all his ship-forces to Chester;
and there came to meet him six kings, and they all plighted their troth to him, that they would be his
fellow-workers by sea and by land.))

A.D. 973.


Here was Edgar,

of number 'd years

of Angles lord,

from the birth of Christ,

with courtly pomp

the lofty king,

hallow'd to king

guardian of light,

at Akemancester,

save that thereto

the ancient city;

there yet was left

whose modern sons,

of winter-tale,

dwelling therein,

as writings say,

have named her BATH.

seven and twenty.

Much bliss was there

So near had run

by all enjoyed

of the lord of triumphs

on that happy day,

a thousand years,

named Pentecost

when this was done.

by men below.

Nine and twenty

A crowd of priests,

hard winters there

a throng of monks,

of irksome deeds

I understand,

had Edmund's son

in counsel sage,

seen in the world,

were gather'd there.

when this took place,

Then were agone

and on the thirtieth

ten hundred winters

was hallow'd king. (44)


Soon after this the king led all his marine force to Chester; and there came to meet him six kings; and
they all covenanted with him, that they would be his allies by sea and by land.




A.D. 975.


Here ended

with fervent love

his earthly dreams

of great Creation's Lord!

Edgar, of Angles king;

Neglected then

chose him other light,

the God of wonders,

serene and lovely,

victor of victors,

spurning this frail abode,

monarch of heaven, —

a life that mortals

his laws by man transgressed!

here call lean

Then too was driv'n

he quitted with disdain.

Oslac beloved

July the month,

an exile far

by all agreed

from his native land

in this our land,

over the rolling waves, —

whoever were

over the ganet-bath,

in chronic lore

over the water- throng,

correctly taught;

the abode of the whale, —

the day the eighth,

fair-hair'd hero,

when Edgar young,

wise and eloquent,

rewarder of heroes,

of home bereft!

his life — his throne — resigned.

Then too was seen,

Edward his son,

high in the heavens,

unwaxen child,

the star on his station,

of earls the prince,

that far and wide

succeeded then

wise men call —

to England's throne.

lovers of truth

Of royal race

and heav'nly lore —

ten nights before

"cometa" by name.

departed hence

Widely was spread

Cyneward the good —

God's vengeance then

prelate of manners mild.

throughout the land,

Well known to me

and famine scour'd the hills.

in Mercia then,

May heaven's guardian,

how low on earth

the glory of angels,

God's glory fell

avert these ills,

on every side:

and give us bliss again;

chaced from the land,

that bliss to all

his servants fled, —

abundance yields

their wisdom scorned;

from earth's choice fruits,

much grief to him

throughout this happy isle. (45)

whose bosom glow'd



((A.D. 975.The eighth before the ides of July.


Here Edgar died,

"Thaet" offspring of Edmund,

No fleet was so daring,

ruler of Angles,

o'er the ganet's-bath,

nor army so strong,

West-Saxons' joy,

honoured far,

that 'mid the English nation

and Mercians' protector.

Kings him widely

took from him aught,

Known was it widely

bowed to the king,

the while that the noble king

throughout many nations.

as was his due by kind.

ruled on his throne.



And this year Edward, Edgar's son, succeeded to the kingdom; and then soon, in the same year, during
harvest, appeared "cometa" the star; and then came in the following year a very great famine, and very
manifold commotions among the English people.


In his days,

whom Edgar, king, ordered erewhile

for his youth,

the holy bishop

God's gainsayers

Ethelwold to stablish;

God's law broke;

and widows they plundered,

Eldfere, ealdorman,

many times and oft:

and others many;

and many unrighteousnesses,

and rule monastic quashed,

and evil unjust-deeds

and minsters dissolved,

arose up afterwards:

and monks drove out,

and ever after that

and God's servants put down,

it greatly grew in evil.


And at that time, also, was Oslac the great earl banished from England.))

A.D. 976. This year was the great famine in England.

A.D. 977. This year was that great council at Kirtlington, (46) after Easter; and there died Bishop
Sideman a sudden death, on the eleventh day before the calends of May. He was Bishop of
Devonshire; and he wished that his resting-place should be at Crediton, his episcopal residence; but
King Edward and Archbishop Dunstan ordered men to carry him to St. Mary's minster that is at
Abingdon. And they did so; and he is moreover honourably buried on the north side in St. Paul's

A.D. 978. This year all the oldest counsellors of England fell at Calne from an upper floor; but the
holy Archbishop Dunstan stood alone upon a beam. Some were dreadfully bruised: and some did not
escape with life. This year was King Edward slain, at eventide, at Corfe-gate, on the fifteenth day
before the calends of April. And he was buried at Wareham without any royal honour. No worse deed
than this was ever done by the English nation since they first sought the land of Britain. Men murdered
him but God has magnified him. He was in life an earthly king — he is now after death a heavenly
saint. Him would not his earthly relatives avenge — but his heavenly father has avenged him amply.
The earthly homicides would wipe out his memory from the earth — but the avenger above has spread
his memory abroad in heaven and in earth. Those, Who would not before bow to his living body, now
bow on their knees to His dead bones. Now we may conclude, that the wisdom of men, and their
meditations, and their counsels, are as nought against the appointment of God. In this same year
succeeded Ethelred Etheling, his brother, to the government; and he was afterwards very readily, and
with great joy to the counsellors of England, consecrated king at Kingston. In the same year also died
Alfwold, who was Bishop of Dorsetshire, and whose body lieth in the minster at Sherborn.


A.D. 979. In this year was Ethelred consecrated king, on the Sunday fortnight after Easter, at
Kingston. And there were at his consecration two archbishops, and ten diocesan bishops. This same
year was seen a bloody welkin oft-times in the likeness of fire; and that was most apparent at
midnight, and so in misty beams was shown; but when it began to dawn, then it glided away.



((A.D. 979. This year was King Edward slain at even-tide, at Corfe-gate, on the fifteenth before the
kalends of April, and then was he buried at Wareham, without any kind of kingly honours.


There has not been 'mid Angles

on earth blot out,

a worse deed done

but the lofty Avenger

than this was,

hath his memory

since they first

in the heavens

Britain-land sought.

and on earth wide-spread.

Men him murdered,

They who would not erewhile

but God him glorified.

to his living

He was in life

body bow down,

an earthly king;

they now humbly

he is now after death

on knees bend

a heavenly saint.

to his dead bones.

Him would not his earthly

Now we may understand

kinsmen avenge,

that men's wisdom

but him hath his heavenly Father

and their devices,

greatly avenged.

and their councils,

The earthly murderers

are like nought

would his memory

'gainst God's resolves.


This year Ethelred succeeded to the kingdom; and he was very quickly after that, with much joy of the
English witan, consecrated king at Kingston.))


A.D. 980. In this year was Ethelgar consecrated bishop, on the sixth day before the nones of May, to
the bishopric of Selsey; and in the same year was Southampton plundered by a pirate-army, and most
of the population slain or imprisoned. And the same year was the Isle of Thanet overrun, and the
county of Chester was plundered by the pirate-army of the North. In this year Alderman Alfere fetched
the body of the holy King Edward at Wareham, and carried him with great solemnity to Shaftsbury.




(44) This poetical effusion on the coronation, or rather consecration, of King Edgar, as well as the
following on his death, appears to be imitated in Latin verse by Ethelwerd at the end of his curious
chronicle. This seems at least to prove that they were both written very near the time, as also the
eulogy on his reign, inserted 959.

(45) The following passage from Cotton Tiberius B iv., relating to the accession of Edward the
Martyr, should be added here — In his days, On account of his youth, The opponents of God Broke
through God's laws; Alfhere alderman, And others many; And marr'd monastic rules; Minsters they
razed, And monks drove away, And put God's laws to flight — Laws that King Edgar Commanded the
holy Saint Ethelwold bishop Firmly to settle — Widows they stript Oft

and at random. Many breaches of right And many bad laws Have arisen since; And after-times Prove
only worse. Then too was Oslac The mighty earl Hunted from England's shores.

(46) Florence of Worcester mentions three synods this year; Kyrtlinege, Calne, and Ambresbyrig.



A.D. 981. In this year was St. Petroc's-stow plundered; and in the same year was much harm done
everywhere by the sea-coast, both upon Devonshire and Wales. And in the same year died Elfstan,
Bishop of Wiltshire; and his body lieth in the minster at Abingdon; and Wulfgar then succeeded to the
bishopric. The same year died Womare, Abbot of Ghent.

((A.D. 981. This year came first the seven ships, and ravaged Southampton.))

A.D. 982. In this year came up in Dorsetshire three ships of the pirates, and plundered in Portland. The
same year London was burned. In the same year also died two aldermen, Ethelmer in Hampshire, and
Edwin in Sussex. Ethelmer's body lieth in Winchester, at New-minster, and Edwin's in the minster at
Abingdon. The same year died two abbesses in Dorsetshire; Herelufa at Shaftsbury, and Wulfwina at
Wareham. The same year went Otho, emperor of the Romans, into Greece; and there met he a great
army of the Saracens, who came up from the sea, and would have proceeded forthwith to plunder the
Christian folk; but the emperor fought with them. And there was much slaughter made on either side,
but the emperor gained the field of battle. He was there, however, much harassed, ere he returned
thence; and as he went homeward, his brother's son died, who was also called Otho; and he was the
son of Leodulf Atheling. This Leodulf was the son of Otho the Elder and of the daughter of King

A.D. 983. This year died Alderman Alfere, and Alfric succeeded to the same eldership; and Pope
Benedict also died.

A.D. 984. This year died the benevolent Bishop of Winchester, Athelwold, father of monks; and the
consecration of the following bishop, Elfheah, who by another name was called Godwin, was on the
fourteenth day before the calends of November; and he took his seat on the episcopal bench on the
mass-day of the two apostles Simon and Jude, at Winchester.

A.D. 985. This year was Alderman Alfric driven out of the land; and in the same year was Edwin
consecrated abbot of the minster at Abingdon.

A.D. 986. This year the king invaded the bishopric of Rochester; and this year came first the great
murrain of cattle in England.

A.D. 987. This year was the port of Watchet plundered.

A.D. 988. This year was Goda, the thane of Devonshire, slain; and a great number with him: and
Dunstan, the holy archbishop, departed this life, and sought a heavenly one. Bishop Ethelgar
succeeded him in the archbishopric; but he lived only a little while after, namely, one year and three

A.D. 989. This year died Abbot Edwin, and Abbot Wulfgar succeeded to the abbacy. Siric was this
year invested archbishop, and went afterwards to Rome after his pall.

A.D. 991. This year was Ipswich plundered; and very soon afterwards was Alderman Britnoth (47)
slain at Maldon. In this same year it was resolved that tribute should be given, for the first time, to the
Danes, for the great terror they occasioned by the sea-coast. That was first 10,000 pounds. The first
who advised this measure was Archbishop Siric.

A.D. 992. This year the blessed Archbishop Oswald departed this life, and sought a heavenly one; and
in the same year died Alderman Ethelwin. Then the king and all his council resolved, that all the ships
that were of any account should be gathered together at London; and the king committed the lead of
the land- force to Alderman Elfric, and Earl Thorod, and Bishop Elfstan, and Bishop Escwy; that they



should try if they could anywhere without entrap the enemy. Then sent Alderman Elfric, and gave
warning to the enemy; and on the night preceding the day of battle he sculked away from the army, to
his great disgrace. The enemy then escaped; except the crew of one ship, who were slain on the spot.
Then met the enemy the ships from East-Anglia, and from London; and there a great slaughter was
made, and they took the ship in which was the alderman, all armed and rigged. Then, after the death of
Archbishop Oswald, succeeded Aldulf , Abbot of Peterborough, to the sees of York and of Worcester;
and Kenulf to the abbacy of Peterborough.

((A.D. 992. This year Oswald the blessed archbishop died, and Abbot Eadulf succeeded to York and to
Worcester. And this year the king and all his witan decreed that all the ships which were worth
anything should be gathered together at London, in order that they might try if they could anywhere
betrap the army from without. But Aelfric the ealdorman, one of those in whom the king had most
confidence, directed the army to be warned; and in the night, as they should on the morrow have
joined battle, the selfsame Aelfric fled from the forces; and then the army escaped.))

A.D. 993. This year came Anlaf with three and ninety ships to Staines, which he plundered without,
and went thence to Sandwich. Thence to Ipswich, which he laid waste; and so to Maidon, where
Alderman Britnoth came against him with his force, and fought with him; and there they slew the
alderman, and gained the field of battle; whereupon peace was made with him, and the king received
him afterwards at episcopal hands by the advice of Siric, Bishop of Canterbury, and Elfeah of
Winchester. This year was Bamborough destroyed, and much spoil was there taken. Afterwards came
the army to the mouth of the Humber; and there did much evil both in Lindsey and in Northumbria.
Then was collected a great force; but when the armies were to engage, then the generals first
commenced a flight; namely, Frene and Godwin and Frithgist. In this same year the king ordered
Elfgar, son of Alderman Elfric, to be punished with blindness.

((A.D. 993. In this year came Olave with ninety-three ships to Staines, and ravaged there about, and
then went thence to Sandwich, and so thence to Ipswich, and that all overran; and so to Maidon. And
there Britnoth the ealdorman came against them with his forces, and fought against them: and they
there slew the ealdorman, and had possession of the place of carnage. And after that peace was made
with them; and him (Anlaf) the king afterwards received at the bishop's hands, through the instruction
of Siric, bishop of the Kentish-men, and of Aelphege of Winchester.))

A.D. 994. This year died Archbishop Siric: and Elfric, Bishop of Wiltshire, was chosen on Easter-day,
at Amesbury, by King Ethelred and all his council. This year came Anlaf and Sweyne to London, on
the Nativity of St. Mary, with four and ninety-ships. And they closely besieged the city, and would
fain have set it on fire; but they sustained more harm and evil than they ever supposed that any citizens
could inflict on them. The holy mother of God on that day in her mercy considered the citizens, and
ridded them of their enemies. Thence they advanced, and wrought the greatest evil that ever any army
could do, in burning and plundering and manslaughter, not only on the sea-coast in Essex, but in Kent
and in Sussex and in Hampshire. Next they took horse, and rode as wide as they would, and
committed unspeakable evil. Then resolved the king and his council to send to them, and offer them
tribute and provision, on condition that they desisted from plunder. The terms they accepted; and the
whole army came to Southampton, and there fixed their winter- quarters; where they were fed by all
the subjects of the West- Saxon kingdom. And they gave them 16,000 pounds in money. Then sent the
king; after King Anlaf Bishop Elfeah and Alderman Ethelwerd; (48) and, hostages being left with the
ships, they led Anlaf with great pomp to the king at Andover. And King Ethelred received him at
episcopal hands, and honoured him with royal presents. In return Anlaf promised, as he also
performed, that he never again would come in a hostile manner to England.


A.D. 995. This year appeared the comet-star.

A.D. 996. This year was Elfric consecrated archbishop at Christ Church. (49)

A.D. 997. This year went the army about Devonshire into Severn- mouth, and equally plundered the
people of Cornwall, North-Wales, (50) and Devon. Then went they up at Watchet, and there much evil
wrought in burning and manslaughter. Afterwards they coasted back about Penwithstert on the south
side, and, turning into the mouth of the Tamer, went up till they came to Liddyford, burning and
slaying everything that they met. Moreover, Ordulfs minster at Tavistock they burned to the ground,
and brought to their ships incalculable plunder. This year Archbishop Elfric went to Rome after his

A.D. 998. This year coasted the army back eastward into the mouth of the Frome, and went up
everywhere, as widely as they would, into Dorsetshire. Often was an army collected against them; but,
as soon as they were about to come together, then were they ever through something or other put to
flight, and their enemies always in the end had the victory. Another time they lay in the Isle of Wight,
and fed themselves meanwhile from Hampshire and Sussex.

A.D. 999. This year came the army about again into the Thames, and went up thence along the
Medway to Rochester; where the Kentish army came against them, and encountered them in a close
engagement; but, alas! they too soon yielded and fled; because they had not the aid that they should
have had. The Danes therefore occupied the field of battle, and, taking horse, they rode as wide as they
would, spoiling and overrunning nearly all West-Kent. Then the king with his council determined to
proceed against them with sea and land forces; but as soon as the ships were ready, then arose delay
from day to day, which harassed the miserable crew that lay on board; so that, always, the forwarder it
should have been, the later it was, from one time to another; — they still suffered the army of their
enemies to increase; — the Danes continually retreated from the sea-coast;— and they continually
pursued them in vain. Thus in the end these expeditions both by sea and land served no other purpose
but to vex the people, to waste their treasure, and to strengthen their enemies. "

A.D. 1000. This year the king went into Cumberland, and nearly laid waste the whole of it with his
army, whilst his navy sailed about Chester with the design of co-operating with his land- forces; but,
finding it impracticable, they ravaged Anglesey. The hostile fleet was this summer turned towards the
kingdom of Richard.

A.D. 1001. This year there was great commotion in England in consequence of an invasion by the
Danes, who spread terror and devastation wheresoever they went, plundering and burning and
desolating the country with such rapidity, that they advanced in one march as far as the town of Alton;
where the people of Hampshire came against them, and fought with them. There was slain Ethelwerd,
high-steward of the king, and Leofric of Whitchurch, and Leofwin, high-steward of the king, and
Wulfhere, a bishop's thane, and Godwin of Worthy, son of Bishop Elfsy; and of all the men who were
engaged with them eighty-one. Of the Danes there was slain a much greater number, though they
remained in possession of the field of battle. Thence they proceeded westward, until they came into
Devonshire; where Paley came to meet them with the ships which he was able to collect; for he had
shaken off his allegiance to King Ethelred, against all the vows of truth and fidelity which he had
given him, as well as the presents which the king had bestowed on him in houses and gold and silver.
And they burned Teignton, and also many other goodly towns that we cannot name; and then peace
was there concluded with them. And they proceeded thence towards Exmouth, so that they marched at
once till they came to Pin-hoo; where Cole, high- steward of the king, and Edsy, reve of the king,
came against them with the army that they could collect. But they were there put to flight, and there
were many slain, and the Danes had possession of the field of battle. And the next morning they
burned the village of Pin-hoo, and of Clist, and also many goodly towns that we cannot name. Then



they returned eastward again, till they came to the Isle of Wight. The next morning they burned the
town of Waltham, and many other small towns; soon after which the people treated with them, and
they made peace.

((A.D. 1001. This year the army came to Exmouth, and then went up to the town, and there continued
fighting stoutly; but they were very strenuously resisted. Then went they through the land, and did all
as was their wont; destroyed and burnt. Then was collected a vast force of the people of Devon and of
the people of Somerset, and they then came together at Pen. And so soon as they joined battle, then the
people gave way: and there they made great slaughter, and then they rode over the land, and their last
incursion was ever worse than the one before: and then they brought much booty with them to their
ships. And thence they went into the Isle of Wight, and there they roved about, even as they
themselves would, and nothing withstood them: nor any fleet by sea durst meet them; nor land force
either, went they ever so far up. Then was it in every wise a heavy time, because they never ceased
from their evil doings.))

A.D. 1002. This year the king and his council agreed that tribute should be given to the fleet, and
peace made with them, with the provision that they should desist from their mischief. Then sent the
king to the fleet Alderman Leofsy, who at the king's word and his council made peace with them, on
condition that they received food and tribute; which they accepted, and a tribute was paid of 24,000
pounds. In the meantime Alderman Leofsy slew Eafy, high-steward of the king; and the king banished
him from the land. Then, in the same Lent, came the Lady Elfgive Emma, Richard's daughter, to this
land. And in the same summer died Archbishop Eadulf; and also, in the same year the king gave an
order to slay all the Danes that were in England. This was accordingly done on the mass-day of St.
Brice; because it was told the king, that they would beshrew him of his life, and afterwards all his
council, and then have his kingdom without any resistance.

A.D. 1003. This year was Exeter demolished, through the French churl Hugh, whom the lady had
appointed her steward there. And the army destroyed the town withal, and took there much spoil. In
the same year came the army up into Wiltshire. Then was collected a very great force, from Wiltshire
and from Hampshire; which was soon ready on their march against the enemy: and Alderman Elfric
should have led them on; but he brought forth his old tricks, and as soon as they were so near, that
either army looked on the other, then he pretended sickness, and began to retch, saying he was sick;
and so betrayed the people that he should have led: as it is said, "When the leader is sick the whole
army is hindered." When Sweyne saw that they were not ready, and that they all retreated, then led he
his army into Wilton; and they plundered and burned the town. Then went he to Sarum; and thence
back to the sea, where he knew his ships were.

A.D. 1004. This year came Sweyne with his fleet to Norwich, plundering and burning the whole town.
Then Ulfkytel agreed with the council in East-Anglia, that it were better to purchase peace with the
enemy, ere they did too much harm on the land; for that they had come unawares, and he had not had
time to gather his force. Then, under the truce that should have been between them, stole the army up
from their ships, and bent their course to Thetford. When Ulfkytel understood that, then sent he an
order to hew the ships in pieces; but they frustrated his design. Then he gathered his forces, as secretly
as he could. The enemy came to Thetford within three weeks after they had plundered Norwich; and,
remaining there one night, they spoiled and burned the town; but, in the morning, as they were
proceeding to their ships, came Ulfkytel with his army, and said that they must there come to close
quarters. And, accordingly, the two armies met together; and much slaughter was made on both sides.
There were many of the veterans of the East- Angles slain; but, if the main army had been there, the
enemy had never returned to their ships. As they said themselves, that they never met with worse
hand-play in England than Ulfkytel brought them.



A.D. 1005. This year died Archbishop Elfric; and Bishop Elfeah succeeded him in the archbishopric.
This year was the great famine in England so severe that no man ere remembered such. The fleet this
year went from this land to Denmark, and took but a short respite, before they came again.



(47) Vid. "Hist. Eliens." ii. 6. He was a great benefactor to the church of Ely.

(48) This was probably the veteran historian of that name, who was killed in the severe encounter with
the Danes at Alton (Aethelingadene) in the year 1001.

(49) i.e. at Canterbury. He was chosen or nominated before, by King Ethelred and his council, at
Amesbury: vid. an. 994. This notice of his consecration, which is confirmed by Florence of Worcester,
is now first admitted into the text on the authority of three MSS.

(50) Not the present district so-called, but all that north of the Sea of Severn, as opposed to West-
Wales, another name for Cornwall.



A.D. 1006. This year Elfeah was consecrated Archbishop; Bishop Britwald succeeded to the see of
Wiltshire; Wulfgeat was deprived of all his property; (51) Wulfeah and Ufgeat were deprived of sight;
Alderman Elfelm was slain; and Bishop Kenulf (52) departed this life. Then, over midsummer, came
the Danish fleet to Sandwich, and did as they were wont; they harrowed and burned and slew as they
went. Then the king ordered out all the population from Wessex and from Mercia; and they lay out all
the harvest under arms against the enemy; but it availed nothing more than it had often done before.
For all this the enemy went wheresoever they would; and the expedition did the people more harm
than either any internal or external force could do. When winter approached, then went the army
home; and the enemy retired after Martinmas to their quarters in the Isle of Wight, and provided
themselves everywhere there with what they wanted. Then, about midwinter, they went to their ready
farm, throughout Hampshire into Berkshire, to Reading. And they did according to their custom, —
they lighted their camp-beacons as they advanced. Thence they marched to Wallingford, which they
entirely destroyed, and passed one night at Cholsey. They then turned along Ashdown to Cuckamsley-
hill, and there awaited better cheer; for it was often said, that if they sought Cuckamsley, they would
never get to the sea. But they went another way homeward. Then was their army collected at Kennet;
and they came to battle there, and soon put the English force to flight; and afterwards carried their
spoil to the sea. There might the people of Winchester see the rank and iniquitous foe, as they passed
by their gates to the sea, fetching their meat and plunder over an extent of fifty miles from sea. Then
was the king gone over the Thames into Shropshire; and there he fixed his abode during midwinter.
Meanwhile, so great was the fear of the enemy, that no man could think or devise how to drive them
from the land, or hold this territory against them; for they had terribly marked each shire in Wessex
with fire and devastation. Then the king began to consult seriously with his council, what they all
thought most advisable for defending this land, ere it was utterly undone. Then advised the king and
his council for the advantage of all the nation, though they were all loth to do it, that they needs must
bribe the enemy with a tribute. The king then sent to the army, and ordered it to be made known to
them, that his desire was, that there should be peace between them, and that tribute and provision
should be given them. And they accepted the terms; and they were provisioned throughout England.

((A.D. 1006. This year Elphege was consecrated archbishop [of Canterbury].))

A.D. 1007. In this year was the tribute paid to the hostile army; that was, 30,000 pounds. In this year
also was Edric appointed alderman over all the kingdom of the Mercians. This year went Bishop
Elfeah to Rome after his pall.

A.D. 1008. This year bade the king that men should speedily build ships over all England; that is, a
man possessed of three hundred and ten hides to provide on galley or skiff; and a man possessed of
eight hides only, to find a helmet and breastplate (53).

A.D. 1009. This year were the ships ready, that we before spoke about; and there were so many of
them as never were in England before, in any king's days, as books tell us. And they were all
transported together to Sandwich; that they should lie there, and defend this land against any out-force.
But we have not yet had the prosperity and the honour, that the naval armament should be useful to
this land, any more than it often before was. It was at this same time, or a little earlier, that Brihtric,
brother of Alderman Edric, bewrayed Wulnoth, the South-Saxon knight, father of Earl Godwin, to the
king; and he went into exile, and enticed the navy, till he had with him twenty ships; with which he
plundered everywhere by the south coast, and wrought every kind of mischief. When it was told the
navy that they might easily seize him, if they would look about them, then took Brihtric with him
eighty ships; and thought that he should acquire for himself much reputation, by getting Wulnoth into
his hands alive or dead. But, whilst they were proceeding thitherward, there came such a wind against
them, as no man remembered before; which beat and tossed the ships, and drove them aground;
whereupon Wulnoth soon came, and burned them. When this was known to the remaining ships,
where the king was, how the others fared, it was then as if all were lost. The king went home, with the



aldermen and the nobility; and thus lightly did they forsake the ships; whilst the men that were in them
rowed them back to London. Thus lightly did they suffer the labour of all the people to be in vain; nor
was the terror lessened, as all England hoped. When this naval expedition was thus ended, then came,
soon after Lammas, the formidable army of the enemy, called Thurkill's army, to Sandwich; and soon
they bent their march to Canterbury; which city they would quickly have stormed, had they not rather
desired peace; and all the men of East-Kent made peace with the army, and gave them 3,000 pounds
for security. The army soon after that went about till they came to the Isle of Wight; and everywhere in
Sussex, and in Hampshire, and also in Berkshire, they plundered and burned, as THEIR CUSTOM IS.
(54) Then ordered the king to summon out all the population, that men might hold firm against them
on every side; but nevertheless they marched as they pleased. On one occasion the king had begun his
march before them, as they proceeded to their ships, and all the people were ready to fall upon them;
but the plan was then frustrated through Alderman Edric, AS IT EVER IS STILL. Then after
Martinmas they went back again to Kent, and chose their winter-quarters on the Thames; obtaining
their provisions from Essex, and from the shires that were next, on both sides of the Thames. And oft
they fought against the city of London; but glory be to God, that it yet standeth firm: and they ever
there met with ill fare. Then after midwinter took they an excursion up through Chiltern, (55) and so to
Oxford; which city they burned, and plundered on both sides of the Thames to their ships. Being fore-
warned that there was an army gathered against them at London, they went over at Staines; and thus
were they in motion all the winter, and in spring, appeared again in Kent, and repaired their ships.

A.D. 1010. This year came the aforesaid army, after Easter, into East Anglia; and went up at Ipswich,
marching continually till they came where they understood Ulfcytel was with his army. This was on
the day called the first of the Ascension of our Lord. The East- Angles soon fled. Cambridgeshire stood
firm against them. There was slain Athelstan, the king's relative, and Oswy, and his son, and Wulfric,
son of Leofwin, and Edwy, brother of Efy, and many other good thanes, and a multitude of the people.
Thurkytel Myrehead first began the flight; and the Danes remained masters of the field of slaughter.
There were they horsed; and afterwards took possession of East-Anglia, where they plundered and
burned three months; and then proceeded further into the wild fens, slaying both men and cattle, and
burning throughout the fens. Thetford also they burned, and Cambridge; and afterwards went back
southward into the Thames; and the horsemen rode towards the ships. Then went they west-ward into
Oxfordshire, and thence to Buckinghamshire, and so along the Ouse till they came to Bedford, and so
forth to Temsford, always burning as they went. Then returned they to their ships with their spoil,
which they apportioned to the ships. When the king's army should have gone out to meet them as they
went up, then went they home; and when they were in the east, then was the army detained in the west;
and when they were in the south, then was the army in the north. Then all the privy council were
summoned before the king, to consult how they might defend this country. But, whatever was advised,
it stood not a month; and at length there was not a chief that would collect an army, but each fled as he
could: no shire, moreover, would stand by another. Before the feast-day of St. Andrew came the
enemy to Northampton, and soon burned the town, and took as much spoil thereabout as they would;
and then returned over the Thames into Wessex, and so by Cannings-marsh, burning all the way.
When they had gone as far as they would, then came they by midwinter to their ships.

A.D. 1011. This year sent the king and his council to the army, and desired peace; promising them
both tribute and provisions, on condition that they ceased from plunder. They had now overrun East-
Anglia [1], and Essex [2], and Middlesex [3], and Oxfordshire [4], and Cambridgeshire [5], and
Hertfordshire [6], and Buckinghamshire [7], and Bedfordshire [8], and half of Huntingdonshire [9],
and much of Northamptonshire [10]; and, to the south of the Thames, all Kent, and Sussex, and
Hastings, and Surrey, and Berkshire, and Hampshire, and much of Wiltshire. All these disasters befel
us through bad counsels; that they would not offer tribute in time, or fight with them; but, when they
had done most mischief, then entered they into peace and amity with them. And not the less for all this
peace, and amity, and tribute, they went everywhere in troops; plundering, and spoiling, and slaying
our miserable people. In this year, between the Nativity of St. Mary and Michaelmas, they beset
Canterbury, and entered therein through treachery; for Elfmar delivered the city to them, whose life



Archbishop Elfeah formerly saved. And there they seized Archbishop Elfeah, and Elfward the king's
steward, and Abbess Leofruna, (56) and Bishop Godwin; and Abbot Elfmar they suffered to go away.
And they took therein all the men, and husbands, and wives; and it was impossible for any man to say
how many they were; and in the city they continued afterwards as long as they would. And, when they
had surveyed all the city, they then returned to their ships, and led the archbishop with them.


Then was a captive
he who before was
of England head
and Christendom; —
there might be seen
great wretchedness,
where oft before
great bliss was seen,
in the fated city,
whence first to us
came Christendom,
and bliss 'fore God
and 'fore the world.

And the archbishop they kept with them until the time when they martyred him.

A.D. 1012. This year came Alderman Edric, and all the oldest counsellors of England, clerk and laity,
to London before Easter, which was then on the ides of April; and there they abode, over Easter, until
all the tribute was paid, which was 48,000 pounds. Then on the Saturday was the army much stirred
against the bishop; because he would not promise them any fee, and forbade that any man should give
anything for him. They were also much drunken; for there was wine brought them from the south.
Then took they the bishop, and led him to their hustings, on the eve of the Sunday after Easter, which
was the thirteenth before the calends of May; and there they then shamefully killed him. They
overwhelmed him with bones and horns of oxen; and one of them smote him with an axe-iron on the
head; so that he sunk downwards with the blow; and his holy blood fell on the earth, whilst his sacred
soul was sent to the realm of God. The corpse in the morning was carried to London; and the bishops,
Ednoth and Elfhun, and the citizens, received him with all honour, and buried him in St. Paul's
minster; where God now showeth this holy martyr's miracles. When the tribute was paid, and the
peace- oaths were sworn, then dispersed the army as widely as it was before collected. Then submitted
to the king five and forty of the ships of the enemy; and promised him, that they would defend this
land, and he should feed and clothe them.

A.D. 1013. The year after that Archbishop Elfeah was martyred, the king appointed Lifing to the
archiepiscopal see of Canterbury. And in the same year, before the month August, came King Sweyne
with his fleet to Sandwich; and very soon went about East-Anglia into the Humber-mouth, and so
upward along the Trent, until he came to Gainsborough. Then soon submitted to him Earl Utred, and
all the Northumbrians, and all the people of Lindsey, and afterwards the people of the Five Boroughs,
and soon after all the army to the north of Watling-street; and hostages were given him from each
shire. When he understood that all the people were subject to him, then ordered he that his army
should have provision and horses; and he then went southward with his main army, committing his
ships and the hostages to his son Knute. And after he came over Watling-street, they wrought the
greatest mischief that any army could do. Then he went to Oxford; and the population soon submitted,
and gave hostages; thence to Winchester, where they did the same. Thence went they eastward to
London; and many of the party sunk in the Thames, because they kept not to any bridge. When he
came to the city, the population would not submit; but held their ground in full fight against him,
because therein was King Ethelred, and Thurkill with him. Then went King Sweyne thence to



Wallingford; and so over Thames westward to Bath, where he abode with his army. Thither came
Alderman Ethelmar, and all the western thanes with him, and all submitted to Sweyne, and gave
hostages. When he had thus settled all, then went he northward to his ships; and all the population
fully received him, and considered him full king. The population of London also after this submitted to
him, and gave hostages; because they dreaded that he would undo them. Then bade Sweyne full tribute
and forage for his army during the winter; and Thurkill bade the same for the army that lay at
Greenwich: besides this, they plundered as oft as they would. And when this nation could neither resist
in the south nor in the north, King Ethelred abode some while with the fleet that lay in the Thames;
and the lady (57) went afterwards over sea to her brother Richard, accompanied by Elfsy, Abbot of
Peterborough. The king sent Bishop Elfun with the ethelings, Edward and Alfred, over sea; that he
might instruct them. Then went the king from the fleet, about midwinter, to the Isle of Wight; and
there abode for the season; after which he went over sea to Richard, with whom he abode till the time
when Sweyne died. Whilst the lady was with her brother beyond sea, Elfsy, Abbot of Peterborough,
who was there with her, went to the abbey called Boneval, where St. Florentine's body lay; and there
found a miserable place, a miserable abbot, and miserable monks: because they had been plundered.
There he bought of the abbot, and of the monks, the body of St. Florentine, all but the head, for 500
pounds; which, on his return home, he offered to Christ and St. Peter.

A.D. 1014. This year King Sweyne ended his days at Candlemas, the third day before the nones of
February; and the same year Elfwy, Bishop of York, was consecrated in London, on the festival of St.
Juliana. The fleet all chose Knute for king; whereupon advised all the counsellors of England, clergy
and laity, that they should send after King Ethelred; saying, that no sovereign was dearer to them than
their natural lord, if he would govern them better than he did before. Then sent the king hither his son
Edward, with his messengers; who had orders to greet all his people, saying that he would be their
faithful lord — would better each of those things that they disliked — and that each of the things should
be forgiven which had been either done or said against him; provided they all unanimously, without
treachery, turned to him. Then was full friendship established, in word and in deed and in compact, on
either side. And every Danish king they proclaimed an outlaw for ever from England. Then came King
Ethelred home, in Lent, to his own people; and he was gladly received by them all. Meanwhile, after
the death of Sweyne, sat Knute with his army in Gainsborough until Easter; and it was agreed between
him and the people of Lindsey, that they should supply him with horses, and afterwards go out all
together and plunder. But King Ethelred with his full force came to Lindsey before they were ready;
and they plundered and burned, and slew all the men that they could reach. Knute, the son of Sweyne,
went out with his fleet (so were the wretched people deluded by him), and proceeded southward until
he came to Sandwich. There he landed the hostages that were given to his father, and cut off their
hands and ears and their noses. Besides all these evils, the king ordered a tribute to the army that lay at
Greenwich, of 21,000 pounds. This year, on the eve of St. Michael's day, came the great sea-flood,
which spread wide over this land, and ran so far up as it never did before, overwhelming many towns,
and an innumerable multitude of people.




(51) See a more full and circumstantial account of these events, with some variation of names, in
Florence of Worcester.

(52) The successor of Elfeah, or Alphege, in the see of Winchester, on the translation of the latter to
the archiepiscopal see of Canterbury.

(53) This passage, though very important, is rather confused, from the Variations in the MSS.; so that
it is difficult to ascertain the exact proportion of ships and armour which each person was to furnish.
"Vid. Flor." an. 1008.

(54) These expressions in the present tense afford a strong proof that the original records of these
transactions are nearly coeval with the transactions themselves. Later MSS. use the past tense.

(55) i.e. the Chiltern Hills; from which the south-eastern part of Oxfordshire is called the Chiltern

(56) "Leofruna abbatissa". — Flor. The insertion of this quotation from Florence of Worcester is
important, as it confirms the reading adopted in the text. The abbreviation "abbt", instead of "abb",
seems to mark the abbess. She was the last abbess of St. Mildred's in the Isle of Thanet; not
Canterbury, as Harpsfield and Lambard say.

(57) This was a title bestowed on the queen.

(58) The "seven" towns mentioned above are reduced here to "five"; probably because two had already
submitted to the king on the death of the two thanes, Sigferth and Morcar. These five were, as
originally, Leicester, Lincoln, Stamford, Nottingham, and Derby. Vid. an. 942, 1013.


Part 4: A.D. 1015 - 1051

A.D. 1015. This year was the great council at Oxford; where Alderman Edric betrayed Sigferth and
Morcar, the eldest thanes belonging to the Seven Towns. He allured them into his bower, where they
were shamefully slain. Then the king took all their possessions, and ordered the widow of Sigferth to
be secured, and brought within Malmsbury. After a little interval, Edmund Etheling went and seized
her, against the king's will, and had her to wife. Then, before the Nativity of St. Mary, went the
etheling west-north into the Five Towns, (58) and soon plundered all the property of Sigferth and
Morcar; and all the people submitted to him. At the same time came King Knute to Sandwich, and
went soon all about Kent into Wessex, until he came to the mouth of the Frome; and then plundered in
Dorset, and in Wiltshire, and in Somerset. King Ethelred, meanwhile, lay sick at Corsham; and
Alderman Edric collected an army there, and Edmund the etheling in the north. When they came
together, the alderman designed to betray Edmund the etheling, but he could not; whereupon they
separated without an engagement, and sheered off from their enemies. Alderman Edric then seduced
forty ships from the king, and submitted to Knute. The West-Saxons also submitted, and gave
hostages, and horsed the army. And he continued there until midwinter.

A.D. 1016. This year came King Knute with a marine force of one hundred and sixty ships, and
Alderman Edric with him, over the Thames into Mercia at Cricklade; whence they proceeded to
Warwickshire, during the middle of the winter, and plundered therein, and burned, and slew all they
met. Then began Edmund the etheling to gather an army, which, when it was collected, could avail
him nothing, unless the king were there and they had the assistance of the citizens of London. The
expedition therefore was frustrated, and each man betook himself home. After this, an army was again
ordered, under full penalties, that every person, however distant, should go forth; and they sent to the
king in London, and besought him to come to meet the army with the aid that he could collect. When
they were all assembled, it succeeded nothing better than it often did before; and, when it was told the
king, that those persons would betray him who ought to assist him, then forsook he the army, and
returned again to London. Then rode Edmund the etheling to Earl Utred in Northumbria; and every
man supposed that they would collect an army King Knute; but they went into Stafforddhire, and to
Shrewsbury, and to Chester; and they plundered on their parts, and Knute on his. He went out through
Buckinghamshire to Bedfordshire; thence to Huntingdonshire, and so into Northamptonshire along the
fens to Stamford. Thence into Lincolnshire. Thence to Nottinghamshire; and so into Northumbria
toward York. When Utred understood this, he ceased from plundering, and hastened northward, and
submitted for need, and all the Northumbrians with him; but, though he gave hostages, he was
nevertheless slain by the advice of Alderman Edric, and Thurkytel, the son of Nafan, with him. After
this, King Knute appointed Eric earl over Northumbria, as Utred was; and then went southward
another way, all by west, till the whole army came, before Easter, to the ships. Meantime Edmund
Etheling went to London to his father: and after Easter went King Knute with all his ships toward
London; but it happened that King Ethelred died ere the ships came. He ended his days on St. George's
day; having held his kingdom in much tribulation and difficulty as long as his life continued. After his
decease, all the peers that were in London, and the citizens, chose Edmund king; who bravely
defended his kingdom while his time was. Then came the ships to Greenwich, about the gang-days,
and within a short interval went to London; where they sunk a deep ditch on the south side, and
dragged their ships to the west side of the bridge. Afterwards they trenched the city without, so that no
man could go in or out, and often fought against it: but the citizens bravely withstood them. King
Edmund had ere this gone out, and invaded the West-Saxons, who all submitted to him; and soon
afterward he fought with the enemy at Pen near Gillingham. A second battle he fought, after
midsummer, at Sherston; where much slaughter was made on either side, and the leaders themselves
came together in the fight. Alderman Edric and Aylmer the darling were assisting the army against
King Edmund. Then collected he his force the third time, and went to London, all by north of the
Thames, and so out through Clayhanger, and relieved the citizens, driving the enemy to their ships. It
was within two nights after that the king went over at Brentford; where he fought with the enemy, and



put them to flight: but there many of the English were drowned, from their own carelessness; who
went before the main army with a design to plunder. After this the king went into Wessex, and
collected his army; but the enemy soon returned to London, and beset the city without, and fought
strongly against it both by water and land. But the almighty God delivered them. The enemy went
afterward from London with their ships into the Orwell; where they went up and proceeded into
Mercia, slaying and burning whatsoever they overtook, as their custom is; and, having provided
themselves with meat, they drove their ships and their herds into the Medway. Then assembled King
Edmund the fourth time all the English nation, and forded over the Thames at Brentford; whence he
proceeded into Kent. The enemy fled before him with their horses into the Isle of Shepey; and the king
slew as many of them as he could overtake. Alderman Edric then went to meet the king at Aylesford;
than which no measure could be more ill-advised. The enemy, meanwhile, returned into Essex, and
advanced into Mercia, destroying all that he overtook. When the king understood that the army was
up, then collected he the fifth time all the English nation, and went behind them, and overtook them in
Essex, on the down called Assingdon; where they fiercely came together. Then did Alderman Edric as
he often did before — he first began the flight with the Maisevethians, and so betrayed his natural lord
and all the people of England. There had Knute the victory, though all England fought against him!
There was then slain Bishop Ednoth, and Abbot Wulsy, and Alderman Elfric, and Alderman Godwin
of Lindsey, and Ulfkytel of East-Anglia, and Ethelward, the son of Alderman Ethelsy (59). And all the
nobility of the English nation was there undone! After this fight went King Knute up with his army
into Glocestershire, where he heard say that King Edmund was. Then advised Alderman Edric, and the
counsellors that were there assembled, that the kings should make peace with each other, and produce
hostages. Then both the kings met together at Olney, south of Deerhurst, and became allies and sworn
brothers. There they confirmed their friendship both with pledges and with oaths, and settled the pay
of the army. With this covenant they parted: King Edmund took to Wessex, and Knute to Mercia and
the northern district. The army then went to their ships with the things they had taken; and the people
of London made peace with them, and purchased their security, whereupon they brought their ships to
London, and provided themselves winter-quarters therein. On the feast of St. Andrew died King
Edmund; and he is buried with his grandfather Edgar at Gastonbury. In the same year died Wulfgar,
Abbot of Abingdon; and Ethelsy took to the abbacy.

A.D. 1017. This year King Knute took to the whole government of England, and divided it into four
parts: Wessex for himself, East-Anglia for Thurkyll, Mercia for Edric, Northumbria for Eric. This year
also was Alderman Edric slain at London, and Norman, son of Alderman Leofwin, and Ethelward, son
of Ethelmar the Great, and Britric, son of Elfege of Devonshire. King Knute also banished Edwy
etheling, whom he afterwards ordered to be slain, and Edwy, king of the churls; and before the calends
of August the king gave an order to fetch him the widow of the other king, Ethelred, the daughter of
Richard, to wife.

((A.D. 1017. This year Canute was chosen king.))

A.D. 1018. This year was the payment of the tribute over all England; that was, altogether, two and
seventy thousand pounds, besides that which the citizens of London paid; and that was ten thousand
five hundred pounds. The army then went partly to Denmark; and forty ships were left with King
Knute. The Danes and Angles were united at Oxford under Edgar's law; and this year died Abbot
Ethelsy at Abingdon, to whom Ethelwine succeeded.

A.D. 1019. This year went King Knute with nine ships to Denmark, where he abode all the winter; and
Archbishop Elfstan died this year, who was also named Lifing. He was a very upright man both before
God and before the world.

((A.D. 1019. And this winter died Archbishop Elfstan [of Canterbury]: he was named Living; and he
was a very provident man, both as to God and as to the world.))



A.D. 1020. This year came King Knute back to England; and there was at Easter a great council at
Cirencester, where Alderman Ethelward was outlawed, and Edwy, king of the churls. This year went
the king to Assingdon; with Earl Thurkyll, and Archbishop Wulfstan, and other bishops, and also
abbots, and many monks with them; and he ordered to be built there a minster of stone and lime, for
the souls of the men who were there slain, and gave it to his own priest, whose name was Stigand; and
they consecrated the minster at Assingdon. And Ethelnoth the monk, who had been dean at Christ's
church, was the same year on the ides of November consecrated Bishop of Christ's church by
Archbishop Wulfstan.

((A.D. 1020. And caused to be built there [Canterbury] a minster of stone and lime, for the souls of the
men who there were slain, and gave it to one of his priests, whose name was Stigand.))

A.D. 1021. This year King Knute, at Martinmas, outlawed Earl Thurkyll; and Bishop Elfgar, the
abundant giver of alms, died in the morning of Christmas day.

A.D. 1022. This year went King Knute out with his ships to the Isle of Wight. And Bishop Ethelnoth
went to Rome; where he was received with much honour by Benedict the magnificent pope, who with
his own hand placed the pall upon him, and with great pomp consecrated him archbishop, and blessed
him, on the nones of October. The archbishop on the self-same day with the same pall performed
mass, as the pope directed him, after which he was magnificently entertained by the pope himself; and
afterwards with a full blessing proceeded homewards. Abbot Leofwine, who had been unjustly
expelled from Ely, was his companion; and he cleared himself of everything, which, as the pope
informed him, had been laid to his charge, on the testimony of the archbishop and of all the company
that were with him.

((A.D. 1022. And afterwards with the pall he there [at Rome] performed mass as the pope instructed
him: and he feasted after that with the pope; and afterwards went home with a full blessing.))

A.D. 1023. This year returned King Knute to England; and Thurkyll and he were reconciled. He
committed Denmark and his son to the care of Thurkyll, whilst he took Thurkyll's son with him to
England. This year died Archbishop Wulfstan; and Elfric succeeded him; and Archbishop Egelnoth
blessed him in Canterbury. This year King Knute in London, in St. Paul's minster, gave full leave (60)
to Archbishop Ethelnoth, Bishop Britwine, and all God's servants that were with them, that they might
take up from the grave the archbishop, Saint Elphege. And they did so, on the sixth day before the ides
of June; and the illustrious king, and the archbishop, and the diocesan bishops, and the earls, and very
many others, both clergy and laity, carried by ship his holy corpse over the Thames to Southwark. And
there they committed the holy martyr to the archbishop and his companions; and they with worthy
pomp and sprightly joy carried him to Rochester. There on the third day came the Lady Emma with
her royal son Hardacnute; and they all with much majesty, and bliss, and songs of praise, carried the
holy archbishop into Canterbury, and so brought him gloriously into the church, on the third day
before the ides of June. Afterwards, on the eighth day, the seventeenth before the calends of July,
Archbishop Ethelnoth, and Bishop Elfsy, and Bishop Britwine, and all they that were with them,
lodged the holy corpse of Saint Elphege on the north side of the altar of Christ; to the praise of God,
and to the glory of the holy archbishop, and to the everlasting salvation of all those who there his holy
body daily seek with earnest heart and all humility. May God Almighty have mercy on all Christian
men through the holy intercession of Elphege!




(59) There is a marked difference respecting the name of this alderman in MSS. Some have Ethelsy, as
above; others, Elfwine, and Ethelwine. The two last may be reconciled, as the name in either case
would now be Elwin; but Ethelsy, and Elsy are widely different. Florence of Worcester not only
supports the authority of Ethelwine, but explains it "Dei amici."

(60) Matthew of Westminster says the king took up the body with his own hands.


((A.D. 1023. And he caused St. Elphege's remains to be borne from London to Canterbury.))

A.D. 1025. This year went King Knute to Denmark with a fleet to the holm by the holy river; where
against him came Ulf and Eglaf, with a very large force both by land and sea, from Sweden. There
were very many men lost on the side of King Knute, both of Danish and English; and the Swedes had
possession of the field of battle.

A.D. 1026. This year went Bishop Elfric to Rome, and received the pall of Pope John on the second
day before the ides of November.

A.D. 1028. This year went King Knute from England to Norway with fifty ships manned with English
thanes, and drove King Olave from the land, which he entirely secured to himself.

A.D. 1029. This year King Knute returned home to England.

A.D. 1030. This year returned King Olave into Norway; but the people gathered together against him,
and fought against him; and he was there slain, in Norway, by his own people, and was afterwards
canonised. Before this, in the same year, died Hacon the doughty earl, at sea.

((A.D. 1030. This year came King Olave again into Norway, and the people gathered against him, and
fought against him; and he was there slain.))

A.D. 1031. This year returned King Knute; and as soon as he came to England he gave to Christ's
church in Canterbury the haven of Sandwich, and all the rights that arise therefrom, on either side of
the haven; so that when the tide is highest and fullest, and there be a ship floating as near the land as
possible, and there be a man standing upon the ship with a taper-axe in his hand, whithersoever the
large taper-axe might be thrown out of the ship, throughout all that land the ministers of Christ's
church should enjoy their rights. This year went King Knute to Rome; and the same year, as soon as
he returned home, he went to Scotland; and Malcolm, king of the Scots, submitted to him, and became
his man, with two other kings, Macbeth and Jehmar; but he held his allegiance a little while only.
Robert, Earl of Normandy, went this year to Jerusalem, where he died; and William, who was
afterwards King of England, succeeded to the earldom, though he was a child.

A.D. 1032. This year appeared that wild fire, such as no man ever remembered before, which did great
damage in many places. The same year died Elfsy, Bishop of Winchester; and Elfwin, the king's priest,
succeeded him.

A.D. 1033. This year died Bishop Merewhite in Somersetshire, who is buried at Glastonbury; and
Bishop Leofsy, whose body resteth at Worcester, and to whose see Brihteh was promoted.

A.D. 1034. This year died Bishop Etheric, who lies at Ramsey.

A.D. 1035. This year died King Knute at Shaftesbury, on the second day before the ides of November;
and he is buried at Winchester in the old minster. He was king over all England very near twenty
winters. Soon after his decease, there was a council of all the nobles at Oxford; wherein Earl Leofric,
and almost all the thanes north of the Thames, and the naval men in London, chose Harold to be
governor of all England, for himself and his brother Hardacnute, who was in Denmark. Earl Godwin,
and all the eldest men in Wessex, withstood it as long as they could; but they could do nothing against
it. It was then resolved that Elfgiva, the mother of Hardacnute, should remain at Winchester with the
household of the king her son. They held all Wessex in hand, and Earl Godwin was their chief man.
Some men said of Harold, that he was the son of King Knute and of Elfgive the daughter of Alderman



Elfelm; but it was thought very incredible by many men. He was, nevertheless, full king over all
England. Harold himself said that he was the son of Knute and of Elfgive the Hampshire lady; though
it was not true; but he sent and ordered to be taken from her all the best treasure that she could not
hold, which King Knute possessed; and she nevertheless abode there continually within the city as
long as she could.

A.D. 1036. This year came hither Alfred the innocent etheling, son of King Ethelred, and wished to
visit his mother, who abode at Winchester: but Earl Godwin, and other men who had much power in
this land, did not suffer it; because such conduct was very agreeable to Harold, though it was unjust.


Him did Godwin let,

The prince with courage met

and in prison set.

each cruel evil yet;

His friends, who did not fly,

till 'twas decreed,

they slew promiscuously.

they should him lead,

And those they did not sell,

all bound, as he was then,

like slaughter'd cattle fell !

to Ely-bury fen.

Whilst some they spared to bind,

But soon their royal prize

only to wander blind!

bereft they of his eyes !

Some ham-strung, helpless stood,

Then to the monks they brought

whilst others they pursued.

their captive; where he sought

A deed more dreary none

a refuge from his foes

in this our land was done,

till life's sad evening close.

since Englishmen gave place

His body ordered then

to hordes of Danish race.

these good and holy men,

But repose we must

according to his worth,

in God our trust,

low in the sacred earth,

that blithe as day

to the steeple full-nigh,

with Christ live they,

in the south aile to lie

who guiltless died —

of the transept west —

their country's pride !

his soul with Christ doth rest.


((A.D. 1036. This year died King Canute at Shaftesbury, and he is buried at Winchester in the Old-
minster: and he was king over all England very nigh twenty years. And soon after his decease there
was a meeting of all the witan at Oxford; and Leofric, the earl, and almost all the thanes north of the
Thames, and the "lithsmen" at London, chose Harold for chief of all England, him and his brother
Hardecanute who was in Denmark. And Godwin the earl and all the chief men of Wessex withstood it
as long as they could; but they were unable to effect anything in opposition to it. And then it was
decreed that Elfgive, Hardecanute's mother, should dwell at Winchester with the king's, her son's,
house- hold, and hold all Wessex in his power; and Godwin the earl was their man. Some men said of
Harold that he was son of King Canute and of Elfgive, daughter of Elfelm the ealdorman, but it
seemed quite incredible to many men; and he was nevertheless full king over all England.))


A.D. 1037. This year men chose Harold king over all; and forsook Hardacnute, because he was too
long in Denmark; and then drove out his mother Elgiva, the relict of King Knute, without any pity,
against the raging winter! She, who was the mother of Edward as well as of King Hardacnute, sought
then the peace of Baldwin by the south sea. Then came she to Bruges, beyond sea; and Earl Baldwin
well received her there; and he gave her a habitation at Bruges, and protected her, and entertained her
there as long as she had need. Ere this in the same year died Eafy, the excellent Dean of Evesham.



((A.D. 1037. This year was driven out Elfgive, King Canute's relict; she was King Hardecanute's
mother; and she then sought the protection of Baldwin south of the sea, and he gave her a dwelling in
Bruges, and protected and kept her, the while that she there was.))

A.D. 1038. This year died Ethelnoth, the good archbishop, on the calends of November; and, within a
little of this time, Bishop Ethelric in Sussex, who prayed to God that he would not let him live any
time after his dear father Ethelnoth; and within seven nights of this he also departed. Then, before
Christmas, died Bishop Brihteh in Worcestershire; and soon after this, Bishop Elfric in East Anglia.
Then succeeded Bishop Edsy to the archbishopric, Grimkytel to the see of Sussex, and Bishop Lifing
to that of Worcester shire and Gloucestershire.

((A.D. 1038. This year died Ethelnoth, the good archbishop, on the kalends of November, and a little
after, Ethelric, bishop in Sussex, and then before Christmas, Briteagus, Bishop in Worcestershire, and
soon after, Elfric, bishop in East-Anglia.))

A.D. 1039. This year happened the terrible wind; and Bishop Britmar died at Lichfield. The Welsh
slew Edwin, brother of Earl Leofric, and Thurkil, and Elfget, and many good men with them. This
year also came Hardacnute to Bruges, where his mother was.

((A.D. 1039. This year King Harold died at Oxford, on the sixteenth before the kalends of April, and
he was buried at Westminster. And he ruled England four years and sixteen weeks; and in his days
sixteen ships were retained in pay, at the rate of eight marks for each rower, in like manner as had
been before done in the days of King Canute. And in this same year came King Hardecanute to
Sandwich, seven days before midsummer. And he was soon acknowledged as well by English as by
Danes; though his advisers afterwards grievously requited it, when they decreed that seventy -two ships
should be retained in pay, at the rate of eight marks for each rower. And in this same year the sester of
wheat went up to fifty-five pence, and even further.))

A.D. 1040. This year died King Harold at Oxford, on the sixteenth before the calends of April; and he
was buried at Westminster. He governed England four years and sixteen weeks; and in his days tribute
was paid to sixteen ships, at the rate of eight marks for each steersman, as was done before in King
Knute's days. The same year they sent after Hardacnute to Bruges, supposing they did well; and he
came hither to Sandwich with sixty ships, seven nights before midsummer. He was soon received both
by the Angles and Danes, though his advisers afterwards severely paid for it. They ordered a tribute
for sixty-two ships, at the rate of eight marks for each steersman. Then were alienated from him all
that before desired him; for he framed nothing royal during his whole reign. He ordered the dead
Harold to be dragged up and thrown into a ditch. This year rose the sester of wheat to fifty-five pence,
and even further. This year Archbishop Edsy went to Rome.

((A.D. 1040. This year was the tribute paid; that twenty-one thousand pounds and ninety-nine pounds.
And after that they paid to thirty-two ships, eleven thousand and forty-eight pounds. And, in this same
year, came Edward, son of King Ethelred, hither to land, from Weal-land; he was brother of King
Hardecanute: they were both sons of Elfgive; Emma, who was daughter of Earl Richard.))

A.D. 1041. This year was the tribute paid to the army; that was, 21,099 pounds; and afterwards to
thirty-two ships, 1 1,048 pounds. This year also ordered Hardacnute to lay waste all Worcestershire, on
account of the two servants of his household, who exacted the heavy tribute. That people slew them in
the town within the minster. Early in this same year came Edward, the son of King Ethelred, hither to
land, from Weal-land to Madron. He was the brother of King Hardacnute, and had been driven from
this land for many years: but he was nevertheless sworn as king, and abode in his brother's court while
he lived. They were both sons of Elfgive Emma, who was the daughter oce Earl Richard.



In this year also Hardacnute betrayed Eadulf, under the mask of friendship. He was also allied to him
by marriage. This year was Egelric consecrated Bishop of York, on the third day before the ides of

((A.D. 1041. This year died King Hardecanute at Lambeth, on the sixth before the ides of June: and he
was king over all England two years wanting ten days; and he is buried in the Old-minster at
Winchester with King Canute his father. And his mother, for his soul, gave to the New-minster the
head of St. Valentine the martyr. And before he was buried, all people chose Edward for king at
London: may he hold it the while that God shall grant it to him! And all that year was a very heavy
time, in many things and divers, as well in respect to ill seasons as to the fruits of the earth. And so
much cattle perished in the year as no man before remembered, as well through various diseases as
through tempests. And in this same time died Elsinus, Abbot of Peterborough; and then Arnwius the
monk was chosen abbot, because he was a very good man, and of great simplicity.))

A.D. 1042. This year died King Hardacnute at Lambeth, as he stood drinking: he fell suddenly to the
earth with a tremendous struggle; but those who were nigh at hand took him up; and he spoke not a
word afterwards, but expired on the sixth day before the ides of June. He was king over all England
two years wanting ten nights; and he is buried in the old minster at Winchester with King Knute his
father. And his mother for his soul gave to the new minster the head of St. Valentine the Martyr: and
ere he was buried all people chose Edward for king in London. And they received him as their king, as
was natural; and he reigned as long as God granted him. All that year was the season very severe in
many and various respects: both from the inclemency of the weather, and the loss of the fruits of the
earth. More cattle died this year than any man ever remembered, either from various diseases, or from
the severity of the weather. At this same time died Elfsinus, Abbot of Peterborough; and they chose
Arnwy, a monk, for their abbot; because he was a very good and benevolent man.

A.D. 1043. This year was Edward consecrated king at Winchester, early on Easter-day, with much
pomp. Then was Easter on the third day before the nones of April. Archbishop Edsy consecrated him,
and before all people well admonished him. And Stigand the priest was consecrated bishop over the
East Angles. And this year, fourteen nights before the mass of St. Andrew, it was advised the king,
that he and Earl Leofric and Earl Godwin and Earl Siward with their retinue, should ride from
Gloucester to Winchester unawares upon the lady; and they deprived her of all the treasures that she
had; which were immense; because she was formerly very hard upon the king her son, and did less for
him than he wished before he was king, and also since: but they suffered her to remain there
afterwards. And soon after this the king determined to invest all the land that his mother had in her
hands, and took from her all that she had in gold and in silver and in numberless things; because she
formerly held it too fast against him. Soon after this Stigand was deprived of his bishopric; and they
took all that he had into their hands for the king, because he was nighest the counsel of his mother; and
she acted as he advised, as men supposed.

((A.D. 1043. This year was Edward consecrated king at Winchester on the first day of Easter. And this
year, fourteen days before Andrew's-mass, the king was advised to ride from Gloucester, and Leofric
the earl, and Godwin the earl, and Sigwarth [Siward] the earl, with their followers, to Winchester,
unawares upon the lady [Emma]; and they bereaved her of all the treasures which she possessed, they
were not to be told, because before that she had been very hard with the king her son; inasmuch as she
had done less for him than he would, before he was king, and also since: and they suffered her after
that to remain therein. This year King Edward took the daughter [Edgitha] of Godwin the earl for his
wife. And in this same year died Bishop Brithwin, and he held the bishopric thirty-eight years, that
was the bishopric of Sherborne, and Herman the king's priest succeeded to the bishopric. And in this
year Wulfric was hallowed Abbot of St. Augustine's at Christmas, on Stephen's mass-day, by leave of
the king, and, on account of his great infirmity, of Abbot Elfstun.))



A.D. 1044. This year Archbishop Edsy resigned his see from infirmity, and consecrated Siward, Abbot
of Abingdon, bishop thereto, with the permission and advice of the king and Earl Godwin. It was
known to few men else before it was done; because the archbishop feared that some other man would
either beg or buy it, whom he might worse trust and oblige than him, if it were known to many men.
This year there was very great hunger over all England, and corn so dear as no man remembered
before; so that the sester of wheat rose to sixty pence, and even further. And this same year the king
went out to Sandwich with thirty -five ships; and Athelstan, the churchwarden, succeeded to the abbacy
of Abingdon, and Stigand returned to his bishopric. In the same year also King Edward took to wife
Edgitha, the daughter of Earl Godwin, ten nights before Candlemas. And in the same year died
Britwold, Bishop of Wiltshire, on the tenth day before the calends of May; which bishopric he held
thirty -eight winters; that was, the bishopric of Sherborn. And Herman, the king's priest, succeeded to
the bishopric. This year Wulfric was consecrated Abbot of St. Augustine's, at Christmas, on the mass-
day of St. Stephen, by the king's leave and that of Abbot Elfstan, by reason of his great infirmity.

((A.D. 1044. This year died Living, Bishop in Devonshire, and Leoftic succeeded thereto; he was the
king's priest. And in this same year died Elfstan, Abbot of St. Augustine's, on the third before the
nones of July. And in this same year was outlawed Osgod Clapa.))

A.D. 1045. This year died Elfward, Bishop of London, on the eighth day before the calends of August.
He was formerly Abbot of Evesham, and well furthered that monastery the while that he was there. He
went then to Ramsey, and there resigned his life: and Mannie was chosen abbot, being consecrated on
the fourth day before the ides of August. This year Gunnilda, a woman of rank, a relative of King
Knute, was driven out, and resided afterwards at Bruges a long while, and then went to Denmark.
King Edward during the year collected a large fleet at Sandwich, through the threatening of Magnus of
Norway; but his contests with Sweyne in Denmark prevented him from coming hither.

((A.D. 1045. This year died Grimkytel, Bishop in Sussex, and Heca, the king's priest, succeeded
thereto. And in this year died Alwyn, Bishop of Winchester, on the fourth before the kalends of
September; and Stigand, bishop to the north [Flanders], succeeded thereto. And in the same year
Sweyn the earl went out to Baldwin's land [Of Elmham] to Bruges and abode there all the winter; and
then in summer he went out.))

A.D. 1046. This year died Lifting, the eloquent bishop, on the tenth day before the calends of April.
He had three bishoprics; one in Devonshire, one in Cornwall, and another in Worcestershire. Then
succeeded Leofric, who was the king's priest, to Devonshire and to Cornwall, and Bishop Aldred to
Worcestershire. This year died Elfwine, Bishop of Winchester, on the fourth day before the calends of
September; and Stigand, Bishop of Norfolk, was raised to his see. Ere this, in the same year, died
Grimkytel, Bishop of Sussex; and he lies at Christ-church, in Canterbury. And Heca, the' king's priest,
succeeded to the bishopric. Sweyne also sent hither, and requested the aid of fifty ships against
Magnus, king of the Norwegians; but it was thought unwise by all the people, and it was prevented,
because that Magnus had a large navy: and he drove Sweyne out, and with much slaughter won the
land. The Danes then gave him much money, and received him as king. The same year Magnus died.
The same year also Earl Sweyne went out to Baldwin's land, to Bruges; and remained there all the
winter. In the summer he departed.

A.D. 1046. This year went Earl Sweyne into Wales; and Griffin, king of the northern men with him;
and hostages were delivered to him. As he returned homeward, he ordered the Abbess of Leominster
to be fetched him; and he had her as long as he list, after which he let her go home. In this same year
was outlawed Osgod Clapa, the master of horse, before midwinter. And in the same year, after
Candlemas, came the strong winter, with frost and with snow, and with all kinds of bad weather; so
that there was no man then alive who could remember so severe a winter as this was, both through loss
of men and through loss of cattle; yea, fowls and fishes through much cold and hunger perished.



((A.D. 1046. This year died Brithwin, bishop in Wiltshire, and Herman was appointed to his see. In
that year King Edward gathered a large ship-force at Sandwich, on account of the threatening of
Magnus in Norway: but his and Sweyn's contention in Denmark hindered his coming here. This year
died Athelstan, Abbot of Abingdon, and Sparhawk, monk of St. Edmund's-bury, succeeded him. And
in this same year died bishop Siward, and Archbishop Eadsine again obtained the whole bishopric.
And in this same year Lothen and Irling came with twenty-five ships to Sandwich, and there took
unspeakable booty, in men, and in gold, and in silver, so that no man knew how much it all was. And
they then went about Thanet, and would there do the like; but the land's-folk strenuously withstood
them, and denied them as well landing as water; and thence utterly put them to flight. And they betook
themselves then into Essex, and there they ravaged, and took men, and property, and whatsoever they
might find. And they betook themselves then east to Baldwine's land, and there they sold what they
had plundered; and after that went their way east, whence they before had come. In this year was the
great synod at St. Remi's [Rheins]. Thereat was Leo the pope, and the Archbishop of Burgundy
[Lyons], and the Archbishop of Besancon, and the Archbishop of Treves, and the Archbishop of
Rheims; and many men besides, both clergy and laity. And King Edward sent thither Bishop Dudoc
[Of Wells], and Wulfric, Abbot of St. Augustine's, and Abbot Elfwin [Of Ramsey], that they might
make known to the king what should be there resolved on for Christendom. And in this same year
King Edward went out to Sandwich with a great fleet. And Sweyn the earl, son of Godwin the earl,
came in to Bosham with seven ships; and he obtained the king's protection, and he was promised that
he should be held worthy of everything which he before possessed. Then Harold the earl, his brother,
and Beorn the earl contended that he should not be held worthy of any of the things which the king
had granted to them: but a protection of four days was appointed him to go to his ships. Then befell it
during this, that word came to the king that hostile ships lay westward, and were ravaging. Then went
Godwin the earl west about with two of the king's ships; the one commanded Harold the earl, and the
other Tosty his brother; and forty-two of the people's ships. Then Harold the earl was removed from
the king's ship which Harold the earl before had commanded. Then went they west to Pevensey, and
lay there weather-bound. Upon this, after two days, then came Sweyn the earl thither, and spoke with
his father, and with Beorn the earl, and begged of Beorn that he would go with him to the king at
Sandwich, and help him to the king's friendship: and he granted it. Then went they as if they would go
to the king. Then whilst they were riding, then begged Sweyn of him that he would go with him to his
ships: saying that his seamen would depart from him unless he should at the soonest come thither.
Then went they both where his ships lay. When they came thither, then begged Sweyn the earl of him
that he would go with him on ship-board. He strenuously refused, so long as until his seamen seized
him, and threw him into the boat, and bound him, and rowed to the ship, and put him there aboard.
Then they hoisted up their sails and ran west to Exmouth, and had him with them until they slew him:
and they took the body and buried it in a church. And then his friends and litsmen came from London,
and took him up, and bore him to Winchester to the Old-minster, and he is there buried with King
Canute his uncle. And Sweyn went then east to Baldwin's land, and sat down there all the winter at
Bruges, with his full protection. And in the same year died Eadnoth [II.] bishop [Of Dorchester] of the
north and Ulf was made bishop.))

A.D. 1047. This year died Athelstan, Abbot of Abingdon, on the fourth day before the calends of
April; and Sparhawk, monk of St. Edmundsbury, succeeded him. Easter day was then on the third day
before the nones of April; and there was over all England very great loss of men this year also. The
same year came to Sandwich Lothen and Irling, with twenty-five ships, and plundered and took
incalculable spoil, in men, and in gold, and in silver, so that no man wist what it all was; and went then
about Thanet, and would there have done the same; but the land-folk firmly withstood, and resisted
them both by land and sea, and thence put them to flight withal. They betook themselves thence into
Essex, where they plundered and took men, and whatsoever they could find, whence they departed
eastward to Baldwin's land, and having deposited the booty they had gained, they returned east to the
place whence they had come before.



((A.D. 1047. This year died Living the eloquent bishop, on the tenth before the kalends of April, and
he had three bishoprics; one in Devonshire, and in Cornwall, and in Worcester. Then Leofric (61)
succeeded to Devonshire and to Cornwall, and Bishop Aldred to Worcester. And in this year Osgod,
the master of the horse, was outlawed: and Magnus [King of Norway] won Denmark. In this year there
was a great council in London at mid-Lent, and nine ships of lightermen were discharged, and five
remained behind. In this same year came Sweyn the earl into England. And in this same year was the
great synod at Rome, and King Edward sent thither Bishop Heroman and Bishop Aldred; and they
came thither on Easter eve. And afterwards the pope held a synod at Vercelli, and Bishop Ulf came
thereto; and well nigh would they have broken his staff, if he had not given very great gifts; because
he knew not how to do his duty so well as he should. And in this year died Archbishop Eadsine, on the
fourth before the kalends of November.))



(61) Leofric removed the see to Exeter.



A.D. 1048. This year came Sweyne back to Denmark; and Harold, the uncle of Magnus, went to
Norway on the death of Magnus, and the Northmen submitted to him. He sent an embassy of peace to
this land, as did also Sweyne from Denmark, requesting of King Edward naval assistance to the
amount at least of fifty ships; but all the people resisted it. This year also there was an earthquake, on
the calends of May, in many places; at Worcester, at Wick, and at Derby, and elsewhere wide
throughout England; with very great loss by disease of men and of cattle over all England; and the
wild fire in Derbyshire and elsewhere did much harm. In the same year the enemy plundered
Sandwich, and the Isle of Wight, and slew the best men that were there; and King Edward and the
earls went out after them with their ships. The same year Bishop Siward resigned his bishopric from
infirmity, and retired to Abingdon; upon which Archbishop Edsy resumed the bishopric; and he died
within eight weeks of this, on the tenth day before the calends of November.

((A.D. 1048. This year was the severe winter: and this year died Alwyn, Bishop of Winchester, and
Bishop Stigand was raised to his see. And before that, in the same year, died Grinketel, Bishop in
Sussex, and Heca the priest succeeded to the bishopric. And Sweyn also sent hither, begging
assistance against Magnus, King of Norway; that fifty ships should be sent to his aid. But it seemed
unadvisable to all people: and it was then hindered by reason that Magnus had a great ship-force. And
he then drove out Sweyn, and with much man-slaying won the land: and the Danes paid him much
money and acknowledged him as king. And that same year Magnus died. In this year King Edward
appointed Robert, of London, Archbishop of Canterbury, during Lent. And in the same Lent he went
to Rome after his pall: and the king gave the bishopric of London to Sparhafoc, Abbot of Abingdon;
and the king gave the abbacy of Abingdon to Bishop Rodulf, his kinsman. Then came the archbishop
from Rome one day before St. Peter's mass- eve, and entered on his archiepiscopal see at Christ's
Church on St. Peter's mass-day; and soon after went to the king. Then came Abbot Sparhafoc to him
with the king's writ and seal, in order that he should consecrate him Bishop of London. Then the
archbishop refused, and said that the pope had forbidden it him. Then went the abbot to the archbishop
again for that purpose, and there desired episcopal ordination; and the archbishop constantly refused
him, and said that the pope had forbidden it him. Then went the abbot to London, and occupied the
bishopric which the king before had granted him, with his full leave, all the summer and the harvest.
And then came Eustace [Earl of Boulogne] from beyond sea soon after the bishop, and went to the
king, and spoke with him that which he then would, and went then homeward. When he came to
Canterbury, east, then took he refreshment there, and his men, and went to Dover. When he was some
mile or more, on this side of Dover, then he put on his breast-plate, and so did all his companions, and
went to Dover. When they came thither, then would they lodge themselves where they chose. Then
came one of his men, and would abide in the house of a householder against his will, and wounded the
householder; and the householder slew the other. Then Eustace got upon his horse, and his
companions upon theirs; and they went to the householder, and slew him within his own dwelling; and
they went up towards the town, and slew, as well within as without, more than twenty men. And the
townsmen slew nineteen men on the other side, and wounded they knew not how many. And Eustace
escaped with a few men, and went again to the king, and made known to him, in part, how they had
fared. And the king became very wroth with the townsmen. And the king sent off Godwin the earl, and
bade him go into Kent in a hostile manner to Dover: for Eustace had made it appear to the king, that it
had been more the fault of the townsmen than his: but it was not so. And the earl would not consent to
the inroad, because he was loth to injure his own people. Then the king sent after all his council, and
bade them come to Gloucester, nigh the aftermass of St. Mary. Then had the Welshmen erected a
castle in Herefordshire among the people of Sweyn the earl, and wrought every kind of harm and
disgrace to the king's men there about which they could. Then came Godwin the earl, and Sweyn the
earl, and Harold the earl, together at Beverstone, and many men with them, in order that they might go
to their royal lord, and to all the peers who were assembled with him, in order that they might have the
advice of the king and his aid, and of all this council, how they might avenge the king's disgrace, and
the whole nation's. Then were the Welshmen with the king beforehand, and accused the earls, so that
they might not come within his eyes' sight; because they said that they were coming thither in order to



betray the king. Thither had come Siward the earl [Of Northumbria] and Leofric the earl [Of Mercia],
and much people with them, from the north, to the king; and it was made known to the Earl Godwin
and his sons, that the king and the men who were with him, were taking counsel concerning them: and
they arrayed themselves on the other hand resolutely, though it were loathful to them that they should
stand against their royal lord. Then the peers on either side decreed that every kind of evil should
cease: and the king gave the peace of God and his full friendship to either side. Then the king and his
peers decreed that a council of all the nobles should be held for the second time in London at the
harvest equinox; and the king directed the army to be called out, as well south of the Thames as north,
all that was in any way most eminent. Then declared they Sweyn the earl an outlaw, and summoned
Godwin the earl and Harold the earl, to the council, as quickly as they could effect it. When they had
come thither, then were they summoned into the council. Then required he safe conduct and hostages,
so that he might come, unbetrayed, into the council and out of the council. Then the king demanded all
the thanes whom the earls before had: and they granted them all into his hands. Then the king sent
again to them, and commanded them that they should come with twelve men to the king's council.
Then the earl again required safe conduct and hostages, that he might defend himself against each of
those things which were laid to him. Then were the hostages refused him; and he was allowed a safe
conduct for five nights to go out of the land. And then Godwin the earl and Sweyn the earl went to
Bosham, and shoved out their ships, and betook themselves beyond sea, and sought Baldwin's
protection, and abode there all the winter. And Harold the earl went west to Ireland, and was there all
the winter within the king's protection. And soon after this happened, then put away the king the lady
who had been consecrated his queen [Editha], and caused to be taken from her all which she
possessed, in land, and in gold, and in silver, and in all things, and delivered her to his sister at
Wherwell. And Abbot Sparhafoc was then driven out of the bishopric of London, and William the
king's priest was ordained thereto. And then Odda was appointed earl over Devonshire, and over
Somerset, and over Dorset, and over the Welsh. And Algar, the son of Leofric the earl, was appointed
to the earldom which Harold before held.))

A.D. 1049. (62) This year the emperor gathered an innumerable army against Baldwin of Bruges,
because he had destroyed the palace of Nimeguen, and because of many other ungracious acts that he
did against him. The army was immense that he had collected together. There was Leo, the Pope of
Rome, and the patriarch, and many other great men of several provinces. He sent also to King Edward,
and requested of him naval aid, that he might not permit him to escape from him by water. Whereupon
he went to Sandwich, and lay there with a large naval armament, until the emperor had all that he
wished of Baldwin. Thither also came back again Earl Sweyne, who had gone from this land to
Denmark, and there ruined his cause with the Danes. He came hither with a pretence, saying that he
would again submit to the king, and be his man; and he requested Earl Beorn to be of assistance to
him, and give him land to feed him on. But Harold, his brother, and Earl Beorn resisted, and would
give him nothing of that which the king had given them. The king also refused him everything.
Whereupon Swevne retired to his ships at Bosham. Then, after the settlement between the emperor
and Baldwin, many ships went home, and the king remained behind Sandwich with a few ships. Earl
Godwin also sailed forty-two ships from Sandwich to Pevensey, and Earl Beorn went with him. Then
the king gave leave to all the Mercians to return home, and they did so. Then it was told the king that
Osgod lay at Ulps with thirty -nine ships; whereupon the king sent after the ships that he might
dispatch, which before had gone homewards, but still lay at the Nore. Then Osgod fetched his wife
from Bruges; and they went back again with six ships; but the rest went towards Essex, to Eadulf s-
ness, and there plundered, and then returned to their ships. But there came upon them a strong wind, so
that they were all lost but four persons, who were afterwards slain beyond sea. Whilst Earl Godwin
and Earl Beorn lay at Pevensey with their ships, came Earl Sweyne, and with a pretence requested of
Earl Beorn, who was his uncle's son, that he would be his companion to the king at Sandwich, and
better his condition with him; adding, that he would swear oaths to him, and be faithful to him.
Whereupon Beorn concluded, that he would not for their relationship betray him. He therefore took
three companions with him, and they rode to Bosham, where his (63) ships lay, as though they should



proceed to Sandwich; but they suddenly bound him, and led him to the ships, and went thence with
him to Dartmouth, where they ordered him to be slain and buried deep. He was afterwards found, and
Harold his cousin fetched him thence, and led him to Winchester, to the old minster, where he buried
him with King Knute, his uncle. Then the king and all the army proclaimed Sweyne an outlaw. A little
before this the men of Hastings and thereabout fought his two ships with their ships, and slew all the
men, and brought the ships to Sandwich to the king. Eight ships had he, ere he betrayed Beorn;
afterwards they all forsook him except two; whereupon he went eastward to the land of Baldwin, and
sat there all the winter at Bruges, in full security. In the same year came up from Ireland thirty-six
ships on the Welsh coast, and thereabout committed outrages, with the aid of Griffin, the Welsh king.
The people were soon gathered against them, and there was also with them Bishop Eldred, but they
had too little assistance, and the enemy came unawares on them very early in the morning, and slew on
the spot many good men; but the others burst forth with the bishop. This was done on the fourth day
before the calends of August. This year died the good Bishop Ednoth in Oxfordshire; and Oswy,
Abbot of Thomey; and Wulfnoth, Abbot of Westminster; and King Edward gave the bishopric which
Ednoth had to Ulf his priest, but it ill betided him; and he was driven from it, because he did nought
like a bishop therein, so that it shameth us now to say more. Bishop Siward also died who lies at
Abingdon. In this same year King Edward put nine ships out of pay; and the crews departed, and went
away with the ships withal, leaving five ships only behind, for whom the king ordered twelve months
pay. The same year went Bishops Hereman and Aldred to the pope at Rome on the king's errand. This
year was also consecrated the great minster at Rheims, in the presence of Pope Leo and the emperor.
There was also a great synod at St. Remy; (64) at which was present Pope Leo, with the Archbishops
of Burgundy, of Besancon, of Treves, and of Rheims; and many wise men besides, both clergy and
laity. A great synod there held they respecting the service of God, at the instance of St. Leo the pope.
It is difficult to recognise all the bishops that came thither, and also abbots. King Edward sent thither
Bishop Dudoc, and Abbot Wulfric, of St. Augustine's, and Elfwin, Abbot of Ramsey, with the intent
that they should report to the king what was determined there concerning Christendom. This same year
came Earl Sweyne into England.

((A.D. 1049. This year Sweyn came again to Denmark, and Harold, uncle of Magnus, went to Norway
after Magnus was dead; and the Normans acknowledged him: and he sent hither to land concerning
peace. And Sweyn also sent from Denmark, and begged of King Edward the aid of his ships. They
were to be at least fifty ships: but all people opposed it. And this year also there was an earthquake, on
the kalends of May, in many places in Worcester, and in Wick, and in Derby, and elsewhere; and also
there was a great mortality among men, and murrain among cattle: and moreover, the wild-fire did
much evil in Derbyshire and elsewhere.))

A.D. 1050. This year returned the bishops home from Rome; (65) and Earl Sweyne had his sentence of
outlawry reversed. The same year died Edsy, Archbishop of Canterbury, on the fourth day before the
calends of November; and also in the same year Elfric, Archbishop of York, on the eleventh before the
calends of February, a very venerable man and wise, and his body lies at Peterborough. Then had King
Edward a meeting of the great council in London, in mid-lent, at which he appointed Robert the Frank,
who was before Bishop of London, Archbishop of Canterbury; and he, during the same Lent, went to
Rome after his pall. The king meanwhile gave the see of London to Sparhawk, Abbot of Abingdon,
but it was taken from him again before he was consecrated. The king also gave the abbacy of
Abingdon to Bishop Rodulph his cousin. The same year he put all the lightermen out of pay. (66) The
pope held a council again, at Vercelli; and Bishop Ulf came thither, where he nearly had his staff
broken, had he not paid more money, because he could not perform his duties so well as he should do.
The same year King Edward abolished the Danegeld which King Ethelred imposed. That was in the
thirty-ninth year after it had begun. That tribute harassed all the people of England so long as is above
written; and it was always paid before other imposts, which were levied indiscriminately, and vexed
men variously.



((A.D. 1050. Thither also came Sweyn the earl, who before had gone from this land to Denmark, and
who there had ruined himself with the Danes. He came thither with false pretences; saying that he
would again be obedient to the king. And Beorn the earl promised him that he would be of assistance
to him. Then, after the reconciliation of the emperor and of Baldwin, many of the ships went home,
and the king remained behind at Sandwich with a few ships; and Godwin the earl also went with forty-
two ships from Sandwich to Pevensey, and Beorn the earl went with him. Then was it made known to
the king that Osgood lay at Ulps with thirty-nine ships; and the king then sent after the ships which
before had gone home, that he might send after him. And Osgod fetched his wife from Bruges, and
they went back again with six ships. And the others landed in Sussex [Essex] at Eadulf-ness, and there
did harm, and went again to their ships: and then a strong wind came against them, so that they were
all destroyed, except four, whose crews were slain beyond sea. While Godwin the earl and Beorn the
earl lay at Pevensey, then came Sweyn the earl, and begged Beorn the earl, with fraud, who was his
uncle's son, that he would be his companion to the king at Sandwich, and better his affairs with him.
He went then, on account of the relationship, with three companions, with him; and he led him then
towards Bosham, where his ships lay: and then they bound him, and led him on ship-board. Then went
he thence with him to Dartmouth, and there ordered him to be slain, and deeply buried. Afterwards he
was found, and borne to Winchester, and buried with king Canute his uncle. A little before that, the
men of Hastings and thereabout, fought two of his ships with their ships; and slew all the men, and
brought the ships to Sandwich to the king. Eight ships he had before he betrayed Beorn; after that all
forsook him except two. In the same year arrived in the Welsh Axa, from Ireland, thirty-six ships, and
thereabout did harm, with the help of Griffin the Welsh king. The people were gathered together
against them; Bishop Aldred [Of Worchester] was also there with them; but they had too little power.
And they came unawares upon them at very early morn; and there they slew many good men, and the
others escaped with the bishop: this was done on the fourth before the kalends of August. This year
died, in Oxfordshire, Oswy, Abbot of Thorney, and Wulfnoth, Abbot of Westminster; and Ulf the
priest was appointed as pastor to the bishopric which Eadnoth had held; but he was after that driven
away; because he did nothing bishop-like therein: so that it shameth us now to tell more about it. And
Bishop Siward died: he lieth at Abingdon. And this year was consecrated the great minster at Rheims:
there was Pope Leo [IX.] and the emperor [Henry III]; and there they held a great synod concerning
God's service. St. Leo the pope presided at the synod: it is difficult to have a knowledge of the bishops
who came there, and how many abbots: and hence, from this land were sent two — from St.
Augustine's and from Ramsey.))




(62) So Florence of Worcester, whose authority we here follow for the sake of perspicuity, though
some of these events are placed in the MSS. to very different years; as the story of Beorn.

(63) i.e. The ships of Sweyne, who had retired thither, as before described.

(64) "Vid. Flor." A.D. 1049, and verbatim from him in the same year, Sim. Dunelm. "inter X. Script,
p. 184, 1, 10. See also Ordericus Vitalis, A.D. 1050. This dedication of the church of St. Remi, a
structure well worth the attention of the architectural antiquary, is still commemorated by an annual
loire, or fair, on the first of October, at which the editor was present in the year 1815, and purchased at
a stall a valuable and scarce history of Rheims, from which he extracts the following account of the
synod mentioned above: — "II fut assemble a l'occasion de la dedicace de la nouvelle eglise qu'
Herimar, abbe de ce monastere, avoit fait batir, seconde par les liberalites des citoyens, etc." ("Hist, de
Reims", p. 226.) But, according to our Chronicle, the pope took occasion from this synod to make
some general regulations which concerned all Christendom.

(65) Hereman and Aldred, who went on a mission to the pope from King Edward, as stated in the
preceding year.

(66) Nine ships were put out of commission the year before; but five being left on the pay-list for a
twelvemonth, they were also now laid up.



A.D. 1051. This year came Archbishop Robert hither over sea with his pall from Rome, one day
before St. Peter's eve: and he took his archiepiscopal seat at Christ-church on St. Peter's day, and soon
after this went to the king. Then came Abbot Sparhawk to him with the king's writ and seal, to the
intent that he should consecrate him Bishop oce London; but the archbishop refused, saying that the
pope had forbidden him. Then went the abbot to the archbishop again for the same purpose, and there
demanded episcopal consecration; but the archbishop obstinately refused, repeating that the pope had
forbidden him. Then went the abbot to London, and sat at the bishopric which the king had before
given him, with his full leave, all the summer and the autumn. Then during the same year came
Eustace, who had the sister of King Edward to wife, from beyond sea, soon after the bishop, and went
to the king; and having spoken with him whatever he chose, he then went homeward. When he came
to Canterbury eastward, there took he a repast, and his men; whence he proceeded to Dover. When he
was about a mile or more on this side Dover, he put on his breast-plate; and so did all his companions:
and they proceeded to Dover. When they came thither, they resolved to quarter themselves wherever
they lived. Then came one of his men, and would lodge at the house of a master of a family against his
will; but having wounded the master of the house, he was slain by the other. Then was Eustace quickly
upon his horse, and his companions upon theirs; and having gone to the master of the family, they
slew him on his own hearth; then going up to the boroughward, they slew both within and without
more than twenty men. The townsmen slew nineteen men on the other side, and wounded more, but
they knew not how many. Eustace escaped with a few men, and went again to the king, telling him
partially how they had fared. The king was very wroth with the townsmen, and sent off Earl Godwin,
bidding him go into Kent with hostility to Dover. For Eustace had told the king that the guilt of the
townsmen was greater than his. But it was not so: and the earl would not consent to the expedition,
because he was loth to destroy his own people. Then sent the king after all his council, and bade them
come to Gloucester nigh the after-mass of St. Mary. Meanwhile Godwin took it much to heart, that in
his earldom such a thing should happen. Whereupon be began to gather forces over all his earldom,
and Earl Sweyne, his son, over his; and Harold, his other son, over his earldom: and they assembled all
in Gloucestershire, at Langtree, a large and innumerable army, all ready for battle against the king;
unless Eustace and his men were delivered to them handcuffed, and also the Frenchmen that were in
the castle. This was done seven nights before the latter mass of St. Mary, when King Edward was
sitting at Gloucester. Whereupon he sent after Earl Leofric, and north after Earl Siward, and
summoned their retinues. At first they came to him with moderate aid; but when they found how it
was in the south, then sent they north over all their earldom, and ordered a large force to the help of
their lord. So did Ralph also over his earldom. Then came they all to Gloucester to the aid of the king,
though it was late. So unanimous were they all in defence of the king, that they would seek Godwin's
army if the king desired it. But some prevented that; because it was very unwise that they should come
together; for in the two armies was there almost all that was noblest in England. They therefore
prevented this, that they might not leave the land at the mercy of our foes, whilst engaged in a
destructive conflict betwixt ourselves. Then it was advised that they should exchange hostages
between them. And they issued proclamations throughout to London, whither all the people were
summoned over all this north end in Siward's earldom, and in Leofric's, and also elsewhere; and Earl
Godwin was to come thither with his sons to a conference; They came as far as Southwark, and very
many with them from Wessex; but his army continually diminished more and more; for they bound
over to the king all the thanes that belonged to Earl Harold his son, and outlawed Earl Sweyne his
other son. When therefore it could not serve his purpose to come to a conference against the king and
against the army that was with him, he went in the night away. In the morning the king held a council,
and proclaimed him an outlaw, with his whole army; himself and his wife, and all his three sons —
Sweyne and Tosty and Grith. And he went south to Thorney, (67) with his wife, and Sweyne his son,
and Tosty and his wife, a cousin of Baldwin of Bruges, and his son Grith. Earl Harold with Leofwine
went to Bristol in the ship that Earl Sweyne had before prepared and provisioned for himself; and the
king sent Bishop Aldred



from London with his retinue, with orders to overtake him ere he came to ship. But they either could
not or would not: and he then went out from the mouth of the Avon; but he encountered such adverse
weather, that he got off with difficulty, and suffered great loss. He then went forth to Ireland, as soon
as the weather permitted. In the meantime the Welshmen had wrought a castle in Herefordshire, in the
territory of Earl Sweyne, and brought as much injury and disgrace on the king's men thereabout as
they could. Then came Earl Godwin, and Earl Sweyne, and Earl Harold, together at Beverstone, and
many men with them; to the intent that they might go to their natural lord, and to all the peers that
were assembled with him; to have the king's counsel and assistance, and that of all the peers, how they
might avenge the insult offered to the king, and to all the nation. But the Welshmen were before with
the king, and bewrayed the earls, so that they were not permitted to come within the sight of his eyes;
for they declared that they intended to come thither to betray the king. There was now assembled
before the king (68) Earl Siward, and Earl Leofric, and much people with them from the north: and it
was told Earl Godwin and his sons, that the king and the men who were with him would take counsel
against them; but they prepared themselves firmly to resist, though they were loth to proceed against
their natural lord. Then advised the peers on either side, that they should abstain from all hostility: and
the king gave God's peace and his full friendship to each party. Then advised the king and his council,
that there should be a second time a general assembly of all the nobles in London, at the autumnal
equinox: and the king ordered out an army both south and north of the Thames, the best that ever was.
Then was Earl Sweyne proclaimed an outlaw; and Earl Godwin and Earl Harold were summoned to
the council as early as they could come. When they came thither and were cited to the council, then
required they security and hostages, that they might come into the council and go out without
treachery. The king then demanded all the thanes that the earls had; and they put them all into his
hands. Then sent the king again to them, and commanded them to come with twelve men to the king's
council. Then desired the earl again security and hostages, that he might answer singly to each of the
things that were laid to his charge. But the hostages were refused; and a truce of five nights was
allowed him to depart from the land. Then went Earl Godwin and Earl Sweyne to Bosham, and drew
out their ships, and went beyond sea, seeking the protection of Baldwin; and there they abode all the
winter. Earl Harold went westward to Ireland, and was there all the winter on the king's security. It
was from Thorney (69) that Godwin and those that were with him went to Bruges, to Baldwin's land,
in one ship, with as much treasure as they could lodge therein for each man. Wonderful would it have
been thought by every man that was then in England, if any person had said before this that it would
end thus! For he was before raised to such a height, that he ruled the king and all England; his sons
were earls, and the king's darlings; and his daughter wedded and united to the king. Soon after this
took place, the king dismissed the lady who had been consecrated his queen, and ordered to be taken
from her all that she had in land, and in gold, and in silver, and in all things; and committed her to the
care of his sister at Wherwell. Soon after came Earl William from beyond sea with a large retinue of
Frenchmen; and the king entertained him and as many of his companions as were convenient to him,
and let him depart again. Then was Abbot Sparhawk driven from his bishopric at London; and
William the king's priest was invested therewith. Then was Oddy appointed earl over Devonshire, and
over Somerset, and over Dorset, and over Wales; and Algar, the son of Earl Leofric, was promoted to
the earldom which Harold before possessed.

((A.D. 1051. In this year died Eadsine, Archbishop of Canterbury; and the king gave to Robert the
Frenchman, who before had been Bishop of London, the archbishopric. And Sparhafoc, Abbot of
Abingdon, succeeded to the bishopric of London; and it was afterwards taken from him before he was
consecrated. And Bishop Heroman and Bishop Aldred went to Rome.))




(67) The ancient name of Westminster; which came into disuse because there was another Thorney in

(68) i.e. at Gloucester, according to the printed Chronicle; which omits all that took place in the
meantime at London and Southwark.


(69) Now Westminster


Part 5: A.D. 1052 - 1069


A.D. 1052. This year, on the second day before the nones of March, died the aged Lady Elfgiva
Emma, the mother of King Edward and of King Hardacnute, the relict of King Ethelred and of King
Knute; and her body lies in the old minster with King Knute. At this time Griffin, the Welsh king,
plundered in Herefordshire till he came very nigh to Leominster; and they gathered against him both
the landsmen and the Frenchmen from the castle; and there were slain very many good men of the
English, and also of the French. This was on the same day thirteen years after that Edwin was slain
with his companions. In the same year advised the king and his council, that ships should be sent out
to Sandwich, and that Earl Ralph and Earl Odda should be appointed headmen thereto. Then went Earl
Godwin out from Bruges with his ships to Ysendyck; and sailed forth one day before midsummer-eve,
till he came to the Ness that is to the south of Romney. When it came to the knowledge of the earls out
at Sandwich, they went out after the other ships; and a land-force was also ordered out against the
ships. Meanwhile Earl Godwin had warning, and betook himself into Pevensey: and the weather was
so boisterous, that the earls could not learn what had become of Earl Godwin. But Earl Godwin then
went out again until he came back to Bruges; and the other ships returned back again to Sandwich.
Then it was advised that the ships should go back again to London, and that other earls and other pilots
should be appointed over them. But it was delayed so long that the marine army all deserted; and they
all betook themselves home. When Earl Godwin understood that, he drew up his sail and his ship: and
they (70) went west at once to the Isle of Wight; and landing there, they plundered so long that the
people gave them as much as they required of them. Then proceeded they westward until they came to
Portland, where they landed and did as much harm as they could possibly do. Meanwhile Harold had
gone out from Ireland with nine ships, and came up at Potlock with his ships to the mouth of the
Severn, near the boundaries of Somerset and Devonshire, and there plundered much. The land-folk
collected against him, both from Somerset and from Devonshire: but he put them to flight, and slew
there more than thirty good thanes, besides others; and went soon after about Penwithstert, where was
much people gathered against him; but he spared not to provide himself with meat, and went up and
slew on the spot a great number of the people — seizing in cattle, in men, and in money, whatever he
could. Then went he eastward to his father; and they went both together eastward (71) until they came
to the Isle of Wight, where they seized whatever had been left them before. Thence they went to
Pevensey, and got out with them as many ships as had gone in there, and so proceeded forth till they
came to the Ness; (72) getting all the ships that were at Romney, and at Hithe, and at Folkstone. Then
ordered King Edward to fit out forty smacks that lay at Sandwich many weeks, to watch Earl Godwin,
who was at Bruges during the winter; but he nevertheless came hither first to land, so as to escape their
notice. And whilst he abode in this land, he enticed to him all the Kentish men, and all the boatmen
from Hastings, and everywhere thereabout by the sea-coast, and all the men of Essex and Sussex and
Surrey, and many others besides. Then said they all that they would with him live or die. When the
fleet that lay at Sandwich had intelligence about Godwin's expedition, they set sail after him; but he
escaped them, and betook himself wherever he might: and the fleet returned to Sandwich, and so
homeward to London. When Godwin understood that the fleet that lay at Sandwich was gone home,
then went he back again to the Isle of Wight, and lay thereabout by the sea-coast so long that they
came together — he and his son Earl Harold. But they did no great harm after they came together; save
that they took meat, and enticed to them all the land-folk by the sea- coast and also upward in the land.
And they proceeded toward Sandwich, ever alluring forth with them all the boatmen that they met; and
to Sandwich they came with an increasing army. They then steered eastward round to Dover, and
landing there, took as many ships and hostages as they chose, and so returned to Sandwich, where they
did the same; and men everywhere gave them hostages and provisions, wherever they required them.
Then proceeded they to the Nore, and so toward London; but some of the ships landed on the Isle of
Shepey, and did much harm there; whence they steered to Milton Regis, and burned it all, and then
proceeded toward London after the earls. When they came to London, there lay the king and all his
earls to meet them, with fifty ships. The earls (73) then sent to the king, praying that they might be
each possessed of those things which had been unjustly taken from them. But the king resisted some



while; so long that the people who were with the earl were very much stirred against the king and
against his people, so that the earl himself with difficulty appeased them. When King Edward
understood that, then sent he upward after more aid; but they came very late. And Godwin stationed
himself continually before London with his fleet, till he came to Southwark; where he abode some
time, until the flood (74) came up. On this occasion he also contrived with the burgesses that they
should do almost all that he would. When he had arranged his whole expedition, then came the flood;
and they soon weighed anchor, and steered through the bridge by the south side. The land-force
meanwhile came above, and arranged themselves by the Strand; and they formed an angle with the
ships against the north side, as if they wished to surround the king's ships. The king had also a great
land- force on his side, to add to his shipmen: but they were most of them loth to fight with their own
kinsmen — for there was little else of any great importance but Englishmen on either side; and they
were also unwilling that this land should be the more exposed to outlandish people, because they
destroyed each other. Then it was determined that wise men should be sent between them, who should
settle peace on either side. Godwin went up, and Harold his son, and their navy, as many as they then
thought proper. Then advanced Bishop Stigand with God's assistance, and the wise men both within
the town and without; who determined that hostages should be given on either side. And so they did.
When Archbishop Robert and the Frenchmen knew that, they took horse; and went some west to
Pentecost Castle, some north to Robert's castle. Archbishop Robert and Bishop Ulf, with their
companions, went out at Eastgate, slaying or else maiming many young men, and betook themselves
at once to Eadulf s-ness; where he put himself on board a crazy ship, and went at once over sea,
leaving his pall and all Christendom here on land, as God ordained, because he had obtained an
honour which God disclaimed. Then was proclaimed a general council without London; and all the
earls and the best men in the land were at the council. There took up Earl Godwin his burthen, and
cleared himself there before his lord King Edward, and before all the nation; proving that he was
innocent of the crime laid to his charge, and to his son Harold and all his children. And the king gave
the earl and his children, and all the men that were with him, his full friendship, and the full earldom,
and all that he possessed before; and he gave the lady all that she had before. Archbishop Robert was
fully proclaimed an outlaw, with all the Frenchmen; because they chiefly made the discord between
Earl Godwin and the king: and Bishop Stigand succeeded to the archbishopric at Canterbury. At the
council therefore they gave Godwin fairly his earldom, so full and so free as he at first possessed it;
and his sons also all that they formerly had; and his wife and his daughter so full and so free as they
formerly had. And they fastened full friendship between them, and ordained good laws to all people.
Then they outlawed all Frenchmen — who before instituted bad laws, and judged unrighteous
judgment, and brought bad counsels into this land — except so many as they concluded it was
agreeable to the king to have with him, who were true to him and to all his people. It was with
difficulty that Bishop Robert, and Bishop William, and Bishop Ulf, escaped with the Frenchmen that
were with them, and so went over sea. Earl Godwin, and Harold, and the queen, sat in their stations.
Sweyne had before gone to Jerusalem from Bruges, and died on his way home at Constantinople, at
Michaelmas. It was on the Monday after the festival of St. Mary, that Godwin came with his ships to
Southwark: and on the morning afterwards, on the Tuesday, they were reconciled as it stands here
before recorded. Godwin then sickened soon after he came up, and returned back. But he made
altogether too little restitution of God's property, which he acquired from many places. At the same
time Arnwy, Abbot of Peterborough, resigned his abbacy in full health; and gave it to the monk
Leofric, with the king's leave and that of the monks; and the Abbot Arnwy lived afterwards eight
winters. The Abbot Leofric gilded the minster, so that it was called Gildenborough; and it then waxed
very much in land, and in gold, and in silver.

((A.D. 1052. This year died Alfric, Archbishop of York, a very pious man, and wise. And in the same
year King Edward abolished the tribute, which King Ethelred had before imposed: that was in the
nine-and-thirtieth year after he had begun it. That tax distressed all the English nation during so long a
time, as it has been written; that was ever before other taxes which were variously paid, and wherewith
the people were manifestly distressed. In the same year Eustace [Earl of Boulougne] landed at Dover:



he had King Edward's sister to wife. Then went his men inconsiderately after quarters, and a certain
man of the town they slew; and another man of the town their companion; so that there lay seven of
his companions. And much harm was there done on either side, by horse and also by weapons, until
the people gathered together: and then they fled away until they came to the king at Gloucester; and he
gave them protection. When Godwin, the earl, understood that such things should have happened in
his earldom, then began he to gather together people over all his earldom, (75) and Sweyn, the earl, his
son, over his, and Harold, his other son, over his earldom; and they all drew together in
Gloucestershire, at Langtree, a great force and countless, all ready for battle against the king, unless
Eustace were given up, and his men placed in their hands, and also the Frenchmen who were in the
castle. This was done seven days before the latter mass of St. Mary. Then was King Edward sitting at
Gloucester. Then sent he after Leofric the earl [Of Mercia] and north after Siward the earl [Of
Northumbria] and begged their forces. And then they came to him; first with a moderate aid, but after
they knew how it was there, in the south, then sent they north over all their earldoms, and caused to be
ordered out a large force for the help of their lord; and Ralph, also, over his earldom: and then came
they all to Gloucester to help the king, though it might be late. Then were they all so united in opinion
with the king that they would have sought out Godwin's forces if the king had so willed. Then thought
some of them that it would be a great folly that they should join battle; because there was nearly all
that was most noble in England in the two armies, and they thought that they should expose the land to
our foes, and cause great destruction among ourselves. Then counselled they that hostages should be
given mutually; and they appointed a term at London, and thither the people were ordered out over all
this north end, in Siward's earldom, and in Leofric's, and also elsewhere; and Godwin, the earl, and his
sons were to come there with their defence. Then came they to Southwark, and a great multitude with
them, from Wessex; but his band continually diminished the longer he stayed. And they exacted
pledges for the king from all the thanes who were under Harold, the earl, his son; and then they
outlawed Sweyn, the earl, his other son. Then did it not suit him to come with a defence to meet the
king, and to meet the army which was with him. Then went he by night away; and the king on the
morrow held a council, and, together with all the army, declared him an outlaw, him and all his sons.
And he went south to Thorney, and his wife, and Sweyn his son, and Tosty and his wife, Baldwin's
relation of Bruges, and Grith his son. And Harold, the earl, and Leofwine, went to Bristol in the ship
which Sweyn, the earl, had before got ready for himself, and provisioned. And the king sent Bishop
Aldred [Of Worcester] to London with a force; and they were to overtake him ere he came on ship-
board: but they could not or they would not. And he went out from Avonmouth, and met with such
heavy weather that he with difficulty got away; and there he sustained much damage. Then went he
forth to Ireland when fit weather came. And Godwin, and those who were with him, went from
Thorney to Bruges, to Baldwin's land, in one ship, with as much treasure as they might therein best
stow for each man. It would have seemed wondrous to every man who was in England if any one
before that had said that it should end thus; for he had been ere while to that degree exalted, as if he
ruled the king and all England; and his sons were earls and the king's darlings, and his daughter
wedded and united to the king: she was brought to Wherwell, and they delivered her to the abbess.
Then, soon, came William, the earl [Of Normandy], from beyond seas with a great band of
Frenchmen; and the king received him, and as many of his companions as it pleased him; and let him
away again. This same year was given to William, the priest, the bishopric of London, which before
had been given to Sparhafoc.))

((A.D. 1052. This year died Elfgive, the lady, relict of King Ethelred and of King Canute, on the
second before the nones of March. In the same year Griffin, the Welsh king, plundered in
Herefordshire, until he came very nigh to Leominster; and they gathered against him, as well the
landsmen as the Frenchmen of the castle, and there were slain of the English very many good men,
and also of the Frenchmen; that was on the same day, on which, thirteen years before, Eadwine had
been slain by his companions.))



((A.D. 1052. In this year died Elgive Emma, King Edward's mother and King Hardecanute's. And in
this same year, the king decreed, and his council, that ships should proceed to Sandwich; and they set
Ralph, the earl, and Odda, the earl [Of Devon], as headmen thereto. Then Godwin, the earl, went out
from Bruges with his ships to Ysendyck, and left it one day before Midsummer's-mass eve, so that he
came to Ness, which is south of Romney. Then came it to the knowledge of the earls out at Sandwich;
and they then went out after the other ships, and a land-force was ordered out against the ships. Then
during this, Godwin, the earl, was warned, and then he went to Pevensey; and the weather was very
severe, so that the earls could not learn what was become of Godwin, the earl. And then Godwin, the
earl, went out again, until he came once more to Bruges; and the other ships returned again to
Sandwich. And then it was decreed that the ships should return once more to London, and that other
earls and commanders should be appointed to the ships. Then was it delayed so long that the ship-
force all departed, and all of them went home. When Godwin, the earl, learned that, then drew he up
his sail, and his fleet, and then went west direct to the Isle of Wight, and there landed and ravaged so
long there, until the people yielded them so much as they laid on them. And then they went westward
until they came to Portland, and there they landed, and did whatsoever harm they were able to do.
Then was Harold come out from Ireland with nine ships; and then landed at Porlock, and there much
people was gathered against him; but he failed not to procure himself provisions. He proceeded
further, and slew there a great number of the people, and took of cattle, and of men, and of property as
it suited him. He then went eastward to his father; and then they both went eastward until they came to
the Isle of Wight, and there took that which was yet remaining for them. And then they went thence to
Pevensey and got away thence as many ships as were there fit for service, and so onwards until he
came to Ness, and got all the ships which were in Romney, and in Hythe, and in Folkstone. And then
they went east to Dover, and there landed, and there took ships and hostages, as many as they would,
and so went to Sandwich and did "hand" the same; and everywhere hostages were given them, and
provisions wherever they desired. And then they went to North- mouth, and so toward London; and
some of the ships went within Sheppey, and there did much harm, and went their way to King's
Milton, and that they all burned, and betook themselves then toward London after the earls. When they
came to London, there lay the king and all the earls there against them, with fifty ships. Then the earls
sent to the king, and required of him, that they might be held worthy of each of those things which had
been unjustly taken from them. Then the king, however, resisted some while; so long as until the
people who were with the earl were much stirred against the king and against his people, so that the
earl himself with difficulty stilled the people. Then Bishop Stigand interposed with God's help, and the
wise men as well within the town as without; and they decreed that hostages should be set forth on
either side: and thus was it done. When Archbishop Robert and the Frenchmen learned that, they took
their horses and went, some west to Pentecost's castle, some north to Robert's castle. And Archbishop
Robert and Bishop Ulf went out at East-gate, and their companions, and slew and otherwise injured
many young men, and went their way to direct Eadulf s-ness; and he there put himself in a crazy ship,
and went direct over sea, and left his pall and all Christendom here on land, so as God would have it,
inasmuch as he had before obtained the dignity so as God would not have it. Then there was a great
council proclaimed without London: and all the earls and the chief men who were in this land were at
the council. There Godwin bore forth his defence, and justified himself, before King Edward his lord,
and before all people of the land, that he was guiltless of that which was laid against him, and against
Harold his son, and all his children. And the king gave to the earl and his children his full friendship,
and full earldom, and all that he before possessed, and to all the men who were with him. And the king
gave to the lady [Editha] all that she before possessed. And they declared Archbishop Robert utterly
an outlaw, and all the Frenchmen, because they had made most of the difference between Godwin, the
earl, and the king. And Bishop Stigand obtained the Archbishopric of Canterbury. In this same time
Arnwy, Abbot of Peterborough, left the abbacy, in sound health, and gave it to Leofric the monk, by
leave of the king and of the monks; and Abbot Arnwy lived afterwards eight years. And Abbot Leofric
then (enriched) the minster, so that it was called the Golden-borough. Then it waxed greatly, in land,
and in gold, and in silver.))



(70) i.e. Earl Godwin and his crew.

(71) i.e. from the Isle of Portland; where Godwin had landed after the plunder of the Isle of Wight.

(72) i.e. Dungeness; where they collected all the ships stationed in the great bay formed by the ports of
Romney, Hithe, and Folkstone.

(73) i.e. Godwin and his son Harold.

(74) i.e. the tide of the river.

(75) Godwin's earldom consisted of Wessex, Sussex, and Kent: Sweyn's of Oxford, Gloucester,
Hereford, Somerset, and Berkshire: and Harold's of Essex, East-Anglia, Huntingdon, and



((A.D. 1052. And went so to the Isle of Wight, and there took all the ships which could be of any
service, and hostages, and betook himself so eastward. And Harold had landed with nine ships at
Porlock, and slew there much people, and took cattle, and men, and property, and went his way
eastward to his father, and they both went to Romney, to Hythe, to Folkstone, to Dover, to Sandwich,
and ever they took all the ships which they found, which could be of any service, and hostages, all as
they proceeded; and went then to London.))

A.D. 1053. About this time was the great wind, on the mass-night of St. Thomas; which did much
harm everywhere. And all the midwinter also was much wind. It was this year resolved to slay Rees,
the Welsh king's brother, because he did harm; and they brought his head to Gloucester on the eve of
Twelfth-day. In this same year, before Allhallowmas, died Wulfsy, Bishop of Lichfield; and Godwin,
Abbot of Winchcomb; and Aylward, Abbot of Glastonbury; all within one month. And Leofwine,
Abbot of Coventry, took to the bishopric at Lichfield; Bishop Aldred to the abbacy at Winchcomb;
and Aylnoth took to the abbacy at Glastonbury. The same year died Elfric, brother of Odda, at
Deerhurst; and his body resteth at Pershore. In this year was the king at Winchester, at Easter; and Earl
Godwin with him, and Earl Harold his son, and Tosty. On the day after Easter sat he with the king at
table; when he suddenly sunk beneath against the foot-rail, deprived of speech and of all his strength.
He was brought into the king's chamber; and they supposed that it would pass over: but it was not so.
He continued thus speechless and helpless till the Thursday; when he resigned his life, on the
seventeenth before the calends of May; and he was buried at Winchester in the old minster. Earl
Harold, his son, took to the earldom that his father had before, and to all that his father possessed;
whilst Earl Elgar took to the earldom that Harold had before. The Welshmen this year slew a great
many of the warders of the English people at Westbury. This year there was no archbishop in this
land: but Bishop Stigand held the see of Canterbury at Christ church, and Kinsey that of York.
Leofwine and Wulfwy went over sea, and had themselves consecrated bishops there. Wulfwy took to
the bishopric which Ulf had whilst he was living and in exile.

((A.D. 1053. This year was the great wind on Thomas's-mass- night, and also the whole midwinter
there was much wind; and it was decreed that Rees, the Welsh king's brother, should be slain, because
he had done harm; and his head was brought to Gloucester on Twelfth-day eve. And the same year,
before All Hallows-mass, died Wulfsy, Bishop of Lichfield, and Godwin, Abbot of Winchcomb, and
Egelward, Abbot of Clastonbury, all within one month, and Leofwine succeeded to the Bishopric of
Lichfield, and Bishop Aidred [Of Worcester] took the abbacy at Winchcomb, and Egelnoth succeeded
to the abbacy at Glastonbury. And the same year died Elfric, Odda's brother at Deorhurst; and his body
resteth at Pershore. And the same year died Godwin the earl; and he fell ill as he sat with the king at
Winchester. And Harold his son succeeded to the earldom which his father before held; and Elgar, the
earl, succeeded to the earldom which Harold before held.))

((A.D. 1053. In this year died Godwin, the earl, on the seventeenth before the kalends of May, and he
is buried at Winchester, in the Old-minster; and Harold, the earl, his son, succeeded to the earldom,
and to all that which his father had held: and Elgar, the earl, succeeded to the earldom which Harold
before held.))

A.D. 1054. This year died Leo the holy pope, at Rome: and Victor was chosen pope in his stead. And
in this year was so great loss of cattle as was not remembered for many winters before. This year went
Earl Siward with a large army against Scotland, consisting both of marines and landforces; and
engaging with the Scots, he put to flight the King Macbeth; slew all the best in the land; and led thence
much spoil, such as no man before obtained. Many fell also on his side, both Danish and English; even
his own son, Osborn, and his sister's son, Sihward: and many of his house-carls, and also of the king's,
were there slain that day, which was that of the Seven Sleepers. This same year went Bishop Aldred
south over sea into Saxony, to Cologne, on the king's errand; where he was entertained with great
respect by the emperor, abode there well-nigh a year, and received presents not only from the court,



but from the Bishop of Cologne and the emperor. He commissioned Bishop Leofwine to consecrate
the minster at Evesham; and it was consecrated in the same year, on the sixth before the ides of
October. This year also died Osgod Clapa suddenly in his bed, as he lay at rest.

((A.D. 1054. This year went Siward the earl with a great army into Scotland, both with a ship-force
and with a landforce, and fought against the Scots, and put to flight King Macbeth, and slew all who
were the chief men in the land, and led thence much booty, such as no man before had obtained. But
his son Osborn, and his sister's son Siward, and some of his house-carls, and also of the king's, were
there slain, on the day of the Seven Sleepers. The same year went Bishop Aldred to Cologne, over sea,
on the king's errand; and he was there received with much worship by the emperor [Henry III], and
there he dwelt well nigh a year; and either gave him entertainment, both the Bishop of Cologne and
the emperor. And he gave leave to Bishop Leofwine [Of Lichfield] to consecrate the minster at
Evesham on the sixth before the ides of October. In this year died Osgod suddenly in his bed. And this
year died St. Leo the pope; and Victor was chosen pope in his stead.))

A.D. 1055. This year died Earl Siward at York; and his body lies within the minster at Galmanho, (76)
which he had himself ordered to be built and consecrated, in the name of God and St. Olave, to the
honour of God and to all his saints. Archbishop Kinsey fetched his pall from Pope Victor. Then,
within a little time after, a general council was summoned in London, seven nights before mid-Lent; at
which Earl Elgar, son of Earl Leofric, was outlawed almost without any guilt; because it was said
against him that he was the betrayer of the king and of all the people of the land. And he was arraigned
thereof before all that were there assembled, though the crime laid to his charge was unintentional.
The king, however, gave the earldom, which Earl Siward formerly had, to Tosty, son of Earl Godwin.
Whereupon Earl Elgar sought Griffin's territory in North -Wales; whence he went to Ireland, and there
gave him a fleet of eighteen ships, besides his own; and then returned to Wales to King Griffin with
the armament, who received him on terms of amity. And they gathered a great force with the Irishmen
and the Welsh: and Earl Ralph collected a great army against them at the town of Hereford; where
they met; but ere there was a spear thrown the English people fled, because they were on horses. The
enemy then made a great slaughter there — about four hundred or five hundred men; they on the other
side none. They went then to the town, and burned it utterly; and the large minster (77) also which the
worthy Bishop Athelstan had caused to be built, that they plundered and bereft of relic and of reef, and
of all things whatever; and the people they slew, and led some away. Then an army from all parts of
England was gathered very nigh; (78) and they came to Gloucester: whence they sallied not far out
against the Welsh, and there lay some time. And Earl Harold caused the dike to be dug about the town
the while. Meantime men began to speak of peace; and Earl Harold and those who were with him
came to Bilsley, where amity and friendship were established between them. The sentence of outlawry
against Earl Elgar was reversed; and they gave him all that was taken from him before. The fleet
returned to Chester, and there awaited their pay, which Elgar promised them. The slaughter was on the
ninth before the calends of November. In the same year died Tremerig, the Welsh bishop, soon after
the plundering; who was Bishop Athelstan's substitute, after he became infirm.

((A.D. 1055. In this year died Siward the earl at York, and he lies at Galmanho, in the minster which
himself caused to be built, and consecrated in God's and Olave's name. And Tosty succeeded to the
earldom which he had held. And Archbishop Kynsey [Of York], fetched his pall from Pope Victor.
And soon thereafter was outlawed Elgar the earl, son of Leofric the earl, well-nigh without guilt. But
he went to Ireland and to Wales, and procured himself there a great force, and so went to Hereford: but
there came against him Ralph the earl, with a large army, and with a slight conflict he put them to
flight, and much people slew in the flight: and they went then into Hereford-port, and that they
ravaged, and burned the great minster which Bishop Athelstan had built, and slew the priests within
the minster, and many in addition thereto, and took all the treasures therein, and carried them away
with them. And when they had done the utmost evil, this counsel was counselled: that Elgar the earl
should be inlawed, and be given his earldom, and all that had been taken from him. This ravaging



happened on the 9th before the Kalends of November. In the same year died Tremerin the Welsh
bishop [Of St. David's] soon after that ravaging: and he was Bishop Athelstan's coadjutor from the
time that he had become infirm.))

((A.D. 1055. In this year died Siward the earl: and then was summoned a general council, seven days
before Mid-lent; and they outlawed Elgar the earl, because it was cast upon him that he was a traitor to
the king and to all the people of the land. And he made a confession of it before all the men who were
there gathered; though the word escaped him unintentionally. And the king gave the earldom to Tosty,
son of Earl Godwin, which Siward the earl before held. And Elgar the earl sought Griffin's protection
in North-Wales. And in this year Griffin and Elgar burned St. Ethelbert's minster, and all the town of

A.D. 1056. This year Bishop Egelric resigned his bishopric at Durham, and retired to Peterborough
minster; and his brother Egelwine succeeded him. The worthy Bishop Athelstan died on the fourth
before the ides of February; and his body lies at Hereford. To him succeeded Leofgar, who was Earl
Harold's mass- priest. He wore his knapsack in his priesthood, until he was a bishop. He abandoned his
chrism and his rood — his ghostly weapons — and took to his spear and to his sword, after his
bishophood; and so marched to the field against Griffin the Welsh king. (79) But he was there slain,
and his priests with him, and Elnoth the sheriff, and many other good men with them; and the rest fled.
This was eight nights before midsummer. Difficult is it to relate all the vexation and the journeying,
the marching and the fatigue, the fall of men, and of horses also, which the whole army of the English
suffered, until Earl Leofric, and Earl Harold, and Bishop Eldred, came together and made peace
between them; so that Griffin swore oaths, that he would be a firm and faithful viceroy to King
Edward. Then Bishop Eldred took to the bishopric which Leofgar had before eleven weeks and four
days. The same year died Cona the emperor; and Earl Odda, whose body lies at Pershore, and who
was admitted a monk before his end; which was on the second before the calends of September; a
good man and virtuous and truly noble.

A.D. 1057. This year came Edward Etheling, son of King Edmund, to this land, and soon after died.
His body is buried within St. Paul's minster at London. He was brother's son to King Edward. King
Edmund was called Ironside for his valour. This etheling King Knute had sent into Hungary, to betray
him; but he there grew in favour with good men, as God granted him, and it well became him; so that
he obtained the emperor's cousin in marriage, and by her had a fair offspring. Her name was Agatha.
We know not for what reason it was done, that he should see his relation, King Edward. Alas! that was
a rueful time, and injurious to all this nation — that he ended his life so soon after he came to England,
to the misfortune of this miserable people. The same year died Earl Leofric, on the second before the
calends of October; who was very wise before God, and also before the world; and who benefited all
this nation. (80) He lies at Coventry (81): and his son Elgar took to his territory. This year died Earl
Ralph, on the twelfth before the calends of January; and lies at Peterborough. Also died Bishop Heca,
in Sussex; and Egelric was elevated to his see. This year also died Pope Victor; and Stephen was
chosen pope, who was Abbot of Monut Cassino.

((A.D. 1057. In this year Edward Etheling, King Edmund's son, came hither to land, and soon after
died- and his body is buried within St. Paul's minster at London. And Pope Victor died, and Stephen
[IX.] was chosen pope: he was Abbot of Mont-Cassino. And Leofric the earl died, and Elgar his son
succeeded to the earldom which the father before held.))

A.D. 1058. This year was Earl Elgar banished: but he soon came in again by force, through Griffin's
assistance: and a naval armament came from Norway. It is tedious to tell how it all fell out. In this
same year Bishop Aldred consecrated the minster church at Gloucester, which he himself had raised
(82) to the honour of God and St. Peter; and then went to Jerusalem (83) with such dignity as no other
man did before him, and betook himself there to God. A worthy gift he also offered to our Lord's



sepulchre; which was a golden chalice of the value of five marks, of very wonderful workmanship. In
the same year died Pope Stephen; and Benedict was appointed pope. He sent hither the pall to Bishop
Stigand; who as archbishop consecrated Egelric a monk at Christ church, Bishop of Sussex; and Abbot
Siward Bishop of Rochester.

((A.D. 1058. This year died Pope Stephen, and Benedict was consecrated pope: the same sent hither to
land a pall to Archbishop Stigand. And in this year died Heca, Bishop of Sussex; and Archbishop
Stigand ordained Algeric, a monk at Christchurch, Bishop of Sussex, and Abbot Siward Bishop of

A.D. 1059. This year was Nicholas chosen pope, who had been Bishop of Florence; and Benedict was
expelled, who was pope before. This year also was consecrated the steeple (84) at Peterborough, on
the sixteenth before the calends of November.

A.D. 1060. This year was a great earthquake on the Translation of St. Martin, and King Henry died in
France. Kinsey, Archbishop of York, died on the eleventh before the calends of January; and he lies at
Peterborough. Bishop Aldred succeeded to the see, and Walter to that of Herefordshire. Dudoc also
died, who was Bishop of Somersetshire; and Gisa the priest was appointed in his stead.




(76) The church, dedicated to St. Olave, was given by Alan Earl of Richmond, about thirty-three years
afterwards, to the first abbot of St. Mary's in York, to assist him in the construction of the new abbey.
It appears from a MS. quoted by Leland, that Bootham-bar was formerly called "Galman- hithe", not
Galmanlith, as printed by Tanner and others.

(77) Called St. Ethelbert's minster; because the relics of the holy King Ethelbert were there deposited
and preserved.

(78) The place where this army was assembled, though said to be very nigh to Hereford, was only so
with reference to the great distance from which some part of the forces came; as they were gathered
from all England. They met, I conjecture, on the memorable spot called "Harold's Cross", near
Cheltenham, and thence proceeded, as here stated, to Gloucester.

(79) This was no uncommon thing among the Saxon clergy, bishops and all. The tone of elevated
diction in which the writer describes the military enterprise of Leofgar and his companions, testifies
his admiration.

(80) See more concerning him in Florence of Worcester. His lady, Godiva, is better known at
Coventry. See her story at large in Bromton and Matthew of Westminster.

(81) He died at his villa at Bromleage (Bromley in Staffordshire). — Flor.

(82) He built a new church from the foundation, on a larger plan. The monastery existed from the
earliest times.

(83) Florence of Worcester says, that he went through Hungary to Jerusalem.

(84) This must not be confounded with a spire-steeple. The expression was used to denote a tower,
long before spires were invented.



A.D. 1061. This year went Bishop Aldred to Rome after his pall; which he received at the hands of
Pope Nicholas. Earl Tosty and his wife also went to Rome; and the bishop and the earl met with great
difficulty as they returned home. In the same year died Bishop Godwin at St. Martin's, (85) on the
seventh before the ides of March; and in the self-same year died Wulfric, Abbot of St. Augustine's, in
the Easterweek, on the fourteenth before the calends of May. Pope Nicholas also died; and Alexander
was chosen pope, who was Bishop of Lucca. When word came to the king that the Abbot Wulfric was
dead, then chose he Ethelsy, a monk of the old minster, to succeed; who followed Archbishop Stigand,
and was consecrated abbot at Windsor on St. Augustine s mass-day.

((A.D. 1061. In this year died Dudoc, Bishop of Somerset, and Giso succeeded. And in the same year
died Godwin, Bishop of St. Martin's, on the seventh before the ides of March. And in the self-same
year died Wulfric, Abbot of St. Augustine's, within the Easter week, on the fourteenth before the
kalends of May. When word came to the king that Abbot Wulfric was departed, then chose he Ethelsy
the monk thereto, from the Old-Minster, who then followed Archbishop Stigand, and was consecrated
abbot at Windsor, on St. Augustine's mass-day.))

A.D. 1063. This year went Earl Harold, after mid-winter, from Gloucester to Rhyddlan; which
belonged to Griffin: and that habitation he burned, with his ships and all the rigging belonging thereto;
and put him to flight. Then in the gang-days went Harold with his ships from Bristol about Wales;
where he made a truce with the people, and they gave him hostages. Tosty meanwhile advanced with a
land-force against them, and plundered the land. But in the harvest of the same year was King Griffin
slain, on the nones of August, by his own men, through the war that he waged with Earl Harold. He
was king over all the Welsh nation. And his head was brought to Earl Harold; who sent it to the king,
with his ship's head, and the rigging therewith. King Edward committed the land to his two brothers,
Blethgent and Rigwatle; who swore oaths, and gave hostages to the king and to the earl, that they
would be faithful to him in all things, ready to aid him everywhere by water and land, and would pay
him such tribute from the land as was paid long before to other kings.

((A.D. 1063. This year went Harold the earl, and his brother Tosty the earl, as well with a land-force
as a shipforce, into Wales, and they subdued the land; and the people delivered hostages to them, and
submitted; and went afterwards and slew their King Griffin, and brought to Harold his head: and he
appointed another king thereto.))

A.D. 1065. This year, before Lammas, ordered Earl Harold his men to build at Portskeweth in Wales.
But when he had begun, and collected many materials, and thought to have King Edward there for the
purpose of hunting, even when it was all ready, came Caradoc, son of Griffin, with all the gang that he
could get, and slew almost all that were building there; and they seized the materials that were there
got ready. Wist we not who first advised the wicked deed. This was done on the mass-day of St.
Bartholomew. Soon after this all the thanes in Yorkshire and in Northumberland gathered themselves
together at York, and outlawed their Earl Tosty; slaying all the men of his clan that they could reach,
both Danish and English; and took all his weapons in York, with gold and silver, and all his money
that they could anywhere there find. They then sent after Morkar, son of Earl Elgar, and chose him for
their earl. He went south with all the shire, and with Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire and
Lincolnshire, till he came to Northampton; where his brother Edwin came to meet him with the men
that were in his earldom. Many Britons also came with him. Harold also there met them; on whom
they imposed an errand to King Edward, sending also messengers with him, and requesting that they
might have Morcar for their earl. This the king granted; and sent back Harold to them, to
Northampton, on the eve of St. Simon and St. Jude; and announced to them the same, and confirmed it
by hand, and renewed there the laws of Knute. But the Northern men did much harm about
Northampton, whilst he went on their errand: either that they slew men, and burned houses and corn;
or took all the cattle that they could come at; which amounted to many thousands. Many hundred men
also they took, and led northward with them; so that not only that shire, but others near it were the



worse for many winters. Then Earl Tosty and his wife, and all they who acted with him, went south
over sea with him to Earl Baldwin; who received them all: and they were there all the winter. About
midwinter King Edward came to Westminster, and had the minster there consecrated, which he had
himself built to the honour of God, and St. Peter, and all God's saints. This church-hallowing was on
Childermas-day. He died on the eve of twelfth-day; and he was buried on twelfth-day in the same
minster; as it is hereafter said.


Here Edward king, (86)

the first in rank,

Edward the noble;

of Angles lord,

that to Edward all

by his country defended —

sent his stedfast

the noble king

by land and people.

soul to Christ.

were firmly held

Until suddenly came

In the kingdom of God

high-seated men.

the bitter Death

a holy spirit!

Blithe-minded aye

and this king so dear

He in the world here

was the harmless king;

snatched from the earth.

abode awhile,

though he long ere,

Angels carried

in the kingly throng

of land bereft,

his soul sincere

of council sage.

abode in exile

into the light of heaven.

Four and twenty

wide on the earth;

But the prudent king

winters wielding

when Knute o'ercame

had settled the realm

the sceptre freely,

the kin of Ethelred,

on high-born men —

wealth he dispensed.

and the Danes wielded

on Harold himself,

In the tide of health,

the dear kingdom

the noble earl;

the youthful monarch,

of Engle-land.

who in every season

offspring of Ethelred!

Eight and twenty

faithfully heard

ruled well his subjects;

winters' rounds

and obeyed his lord,

the Welsh and the Scots,

they wealth dispensed.

in word and deed;

and the Britons also,

Then came forth

nor gave to any

Angles and Saxons

free in his chambers,

what might be wanted

relations of old.

in royal array,

by the nation's king.

So apprehend

good, pure, and mild,



This year also was Earl Harold hallowed to king; but he enjoyed little tranquillity therein the while
that he wielded the kingdom.

((A.D. 1065. And the man-slaying was on St. Bartholomew's mass-day. And then, after Michael's-
mass, all the thanes in Yorkshire went to York, and there slew all Earl Tosty's household servants
whom they might hear of, and took his treasures: and Tosty was then at Britford with the king. And
then, very soon thereafter, was a great council at Northampton; and then at Oxford on the day of
Simon and Jude. And there was Harold the earl, and would work their reconciliation if he might, but
he could not: but all his earldom him unanimously forsook and outlawed, and all who with him
lawlessness upheld, because he robbed God first, and all those bereaved over whom he had power of
life and of land. And they then took to themselves Morkar for earl; and Tosty went then over sea, and
his wife with him, to Baldwin's land, and they took up their winter residence at St. Omer's.))


A.D. 1066. This year came King Harold from York to Westminster, on the Easter succeeding the
midwinter when the king (Edward) died. Easter was then on the sixteenth day before the calends of
May. Then was over all England such a token seen as no man ever saw before. Some men said that it
was the comet-star, which others denominate the long-hair'd star. It appeared first on the eve called
"Litania major", that is, on the eighth before the calends off May; and so shone all the week. Soon
after this came in Earl Tosty from beyond sea into the Isle of Wight, with as large a fleet as he could
get; and he was there supplied with money and provisions. Thence he proceeded, and committed



outrages everywhere by the sea-coast where he could land, until he came to Sandwich. When it was
told King Harold, who was in London, that his brother Tosty was come to Sandwich, he gathered so
large a force, naval and military, as no king before collected in this land; for it was credibly reported
that Earl William from Normandy, King Edward's cousin, would come hither and gain this land; just
as it afterwards happened. When Tosty understood that King Harold was on the way to Sandwich, he
departed thence, and took some of the boatmen with him, willing and unwilling, and went north into
the Humber with sixty skips; whence he plundered in Lindsey, and there slew many good men. When
the Earls Edwin and Morkar understood that, they came hither, and drove him from the land. And the
boatmen forsook him. Then he went to Scotland with twelve smacks; and the king of the Scots
entertained him, and aided him with provisions; and he abode there all the summer. There met him
Harold, King of Norway, with three hundred ships. And Tosty submitted to him, and became his man.
(87) Then came King Harold (88) to Sandwich, where he awaited his fleet; for it was long ere it could
be collected: but when it was assembled, he went into the Isle of Wight, and there lay all the summer
and the autumn. There was also a land-force every where by the sea, though it availed nought in the
end. It was now the nativity of St. Mary, when the provisioning of the men began; and no man could
keep them there any longer. They therefore had leave to go home: and the king rode up, and the ships
were driven to London; but many perished ere they came thither. When the ships were come home,
then came Harald, King of Norway, north into the Tine, unawares, with a very great sea-force — no
small one; that might be, with three hundred ships or more; and Earl Tosty came to him with all those
that he had got; just as they had before said: and they both then went up with all the fleet along the
Ouse toward York. (89) When it was told King Harold in the south, after he had come from the ships,
that Harald, King of Norway, and Earl Tosty were come up near York, then went he northward by day
and night, as soon as he could collect his army. But, ere King Harold could come thither, the Earls
Edwin and Morkar had gathered from their earldoms as great a force as they could get, and fought
with the enemy. (90) They made a great slaughter too; but there was a good number of the English
people slain, and drowned, and put to flight: and the Northmen had possession of the field of battle. It
was then told Harold, king of the English, that this had thus happened. And this fight was on the eve of
St. Matthew the apostle, which was Wednesday. Then after the fight went Harold, King of Norway,
and Earl Tosty into York with as many followers as they thought fit; and having procured hostages
and provisions from the city, they proceeded to their ships, and proclaimed full friendship, on
condition that all would go southward with them, and gain this land. In the midst of this came Harold,
king of the English, with all his army, on the Sunday, to Tadcaster; where he collected his fleet.
Thence he proceeded on Monday throughout York. But Harald, King of Norway, and Earl Tosty, with
their forces, were gone from their ships beyond York to Stanfordbridge; for that it was given them to
understand, that hostages would be brought to them there from all the shire. Thither came Harold, king
of the English, unawares against them beyond the bridge; and they closed together there, and
continued long in the day fighting very severely. There was slain Harald the Fair-hair'd, King of
Norway, and Earl Tosty, and a multitude of people with them, both of Normans and English; (91) and
the Normans that were left fled from the English, who slew them hotly behind; until some came to
their ships, some were drowned, some burned to death, and thus variously destroyed; so that there was
little left: and the English gained possession of the field. But there was one of the Norwegians who
withstood the English folk, so that they could not pass over the bridge, nor complete the victory. An
Englishman aimed at him with a javelin, but it availed nothing. Then came another under the bridge,
who pierced him terribly inwards under the coat of mail. And Harold, king of the English, then came
over the bridge, followed by his army; and there they made a great slaughter, both of the Norwegians
and of the Flemings. But Harold let the king's son, Edmund, go home to Norway with all the ships. He
also gave quarter to Olave, the Norwegian king's son, and to their bishop, and to the earl of the
Orkneys, and to all those that were left in the ships; who then went up to our king, and took oaths that
they would ever maintain faith and friendship unto this land. Whereupon the King let them go home
with twenty- four ships. These two general battles were fought within five nights. Meantime Earl
William came up from Normandy into Pevensey on the eve of St. Michael's mass; and soon after his
landing was effected, they constructed a castle at the port of Hastings. This was then told to King
Harold; and he gathered a large force, and came to meet him at the estuary of Appledore. William,



however, came against him unawares, ere his army was collected; but the king, nevertheless, very
hardly encountered him with the men that would support him: and there was a great slaughter made on
either side. There was slain King Harold, and Leofwin his brother, and Earl Girth his brother, with
many good men: and the Frenchmen gained the field of battle, as God granted them for the sins of the
nation. Archbishop Aldred and the corporation of London were then desirous of having child Edgar to
king, as he was quite natural to them; and Edwin and Morkar promised them that they would fight
with them. But the more prompt the business should ever be, so was it from day to day the later and
worse; as in the end it all fared. This battle was fought on the day of Pope Calixtus: and Earl William
returned to Hastings, and waited there to know whether the people would submit to him. But when he
found that they would not come to him, he went up with all his force that was left and that came since
to him from over sea, and ravaged all the country that he overran, until he came to Berkhampstead;
where Archbishop Aldred came to meet him, with child Edgar, and Earls Edwin and Morkar, and all
the best men from London; who submitted then for need, when the most harm was done. It was very
ill-advised that they did not so before, seeing that God would not better things for our sins. And they
gave him hostages and took oaths: and he promised them that he would be a faithful lord to them;
though in the midst of this they plundered wherever they went. Then on midwinter's day Archbishop
Aldred hallowed him to king at Westminster, and gave him possession with the books of Christ, and
also swore him, ere that he would set the crown on his head, that he would so well govern this nation
as any before him best did, if they would be faithful to him. Neverrhetess he laid very heavy tribute on
men, and in Lent went over sea to Normandy, taking with him Archbishop Stigand, and Abbot
Aylnoth of Glastonbury, and the child Edgar, and the Earls Edwin, Morkar, and Waltheof, and many
other good men of England. Bishop Odo and Earl William lived here afterwards, and wrought castles
widely through this country, and harassed the miserable people; and ever since has evil increased very
much. May the end be good, when God will! In that same expedition (92) was Leofric, Abbot of
Peterborough; who sickened there, and came home, and died soon after, on the night of Allhallow-
mass. God honour his soul! In his day was all bliss and all good at Peterborough. He was beloved by
all; so that the king gave to St. Peter and him the abbey at Burton, and that at Coventry, which the Earl
Leofric, who was his uncle, had formerly made; with that of Croyland, and that of Thorney. He did so
much good to the minster of Peterborough, in gold, and in silver, and in shroud, and in land, as no
other ever did before him, nor any one after him. But now was Gilden-borough become a wretched
borough. The monks then chose for abbot Provost Brand, because he was a very good man, and very
wise; and sent him to Edgar Etheling, for that the land-folk supposed that he should be king: and the
etheling received him gladly. When King William heard say that, he was very wroth, and said that the
abbot had renounced him: but good men went between them, and reconciled them; because the abbot
was a good man. He gave the king forty marks of gold for his reconciliation; and he lived but a little
while after — only three years. Afterwards came all wretchedness and all evil to the minster. God have
mercy on it!

((A.D. 1066. This year died King Edward, and Harold the earl succeeded to the kingdom, and held it
forty weeks and one day. And this year came William, and won England. And in this year Christ-
Church [Canterbury] was burned. And this year appeared a comet on the fourteenth before the kalends

of May.))

((A.D. 1066. ...And then he [Tosty] went thence, and did harm everywhere by the sea-coast where he
could land, as far as Sandwich. Then was it made known to King Harold, who was in London, that
Tosty his brother was come to Sandwich. Then gathered he so great a ship-force, and also a land force,
as no king here in the land had before gathered, because it had been soothly said unto him, that
William the earl from Normandy, King Edward's kinsman, would come hither and subdue this land:
all as it afterwards happened. When Tosty learned that King Harold was on his way to Sandwich, then
went he from Sandwich, and took some of the boatmen with him, some willingly and some
unwillingly; and went then north into Humber, and there ravaged in Lindsey, and there slew many
good men. When Edwin the earl and Morcar the earl understood that, then came they thither, and
drove him out of the land. And he went then to Scotland: and the king of Scots protected him, and



assisted him with provisions; and he there abode all the summer. Then came King Harold to
Sandwich, and there awaited his fleet, because it was long before it could be gathered together. And
when his fleet was gathered together, then went he into the Isle of Wight, and there lay all the summer
and the harvest; and a land-force was kept everywhere by the sea, though in the end it was of no
benefit. When it was the Nativity of St. Mary, then were the men's provisions gone, and no man could
any longer keep them there. Then were the men allowed to go home, and the king rode up, and the
ships were dispatched to London; and many perished before they came thither. When the ships had
reached home, then came King Harald from Norway, north into Tyne, and unawares, with a very large
ship-force, and no small one; that might be, or more. And Tosty the earl came to him with all that he
had gotten, all as they had before agreed; and then they went both, with all the fleet, along the Ouse,
up towards York. Then was it made known to King Harold in the south, as he was come from on ship-
board, that Harald King of Norway and Tosty the earl were landed near York. Then went he
northward, day and night, as quickly as he could gather his forces. Then, before that King Harold
could come thither, then gathered Edwin the earl and Morcar the earl from their earldom as great a
force as they could get together; and they fought against the army, and made great slaughter: and there
was much of the English people slain, and drowned, and driven away in flight; and the Northmen had
possession of the place of carnage. And this fight was on the vigil of St. Matthew the apostle, and it
was Wednesday. And then, after the fight, went Harald, King of Norway, and Tosty the earl, into
York, with as much people as seemed meet to them. And they delivered hostages to them from the
city, and also assisted them with provisions; and so they went thence to their ships, and they agreed
upon a full peace, so that they should all go with him south, and this land subdue. Then, during this,
came Harold, king of the Angles, with all his forces, on the Sunday, to Tadcaster, and there drew up
his force, and went then on Monday throughout York; and Harald, King of Norway, and Tosty the
earl, and their forces, were gone from their ships beyond York to Stanfordbridge, because it had been
promised them for a certainty, that there, from all the shire, hostages should be brought to meet them.
Then came Harold, king of the English, against them, unawares, beyond the bridge, and they there
joined battle, and very strenuously, for a long time of the day, continued fighting: and there was
Harald, King of Norway, and Tosty the earl slain, and numberless of the people with them, as well of
the Northmen as of the English: and the Northmen fled from the English. Then was there one of the
Norwegians who withstood the English people, so that they might not pass over the bridge, nor obtain
the victory. Then an Englishman aimed at him with a javelin, but availed nothing; and then came
another under the bridge, and pierced him terribly inwards under the coat of mail. Then came Harold,
king of the English, over the bridge, and his forces onward with him, and there made great slaughter,
as well of Norwegians as of Flemings. And the King's son, Edmund, Harold let go home to Norway,
with all the ships.))

((A.D. 1066. In this year was consecrated the minster at Westminster, on Childer-mass-day. And King
Edward died on the eve of Twelfth-day; and he was buried on Twelfth-day within the newly
consecrated church at Westminster. And Harold the earl succeeded to the kingdom of England, even as
the king had granted it to him, and men also had chosen him thereto; and he was crowned as king on
Twelfth-day. And that same year that he became king, he went out with a fleet against William [Earl
of Normandy]; and the while, came Tosty the earl into Humber with sixty ships. Edwin the earl came
with a land-force and drove him out; and the boatmen forsook him. And he went to Scotland with
twelve vessels; and Harald, the King of Norway, met him with three hundred ships, and Tosty
submitted to him; and they both went into Humber, until they came to York. And Morcar the earl, and
Edwin the earl, fought against them; and the king of the Norwegians had the victory. And it was made
known to King Harold how it there was done, and had happened; and he came there with a great army
of English men, and met him at Stanfordbridge, and slew him and the earl Tosty, and boldly overcame
all the army. And the while, William the earl landed at Hastings, on St. Michael's-day: and Harold
came from the north, and fought against him before all his army had come up: and there he fell, and
his two brothers, Girth and Leofwin; and William subdued this land. And he came to Westminster, and
Archbishop Aldred consecrated him king, and men paid him tribute, delivered him hostages, and
afterwards bought their land. And then was Leofric, Abbot of Peterborough, in that same expedition;



and there he sickened, and came home, and was dead soon thereafter, on All-hallows-mass- night; God
be merciful to his soul! In his day was all bliss and all good in Peterborough; and he was dear to all
people, so that the king gave to St. Peter and to him the abbacy at Burton, and that of Coventry, which
Leofric the earl, who was his uncle, before had made, and that of Crowland, and that of Thorney. And
he conferred so much of good upon the minster of Peterborough, in gold, and in silver, and in
vestments, and in land, as never any other did before him, nor any after him. After, Golden-borough
became a wretched borough. Then chose the monks for abbot Brand the provost, by reason that he was
a very good man, and very wise, and sent him then to Edgar the etheling, by reason that the people of
the land supposed that he should become king: and the etheling granted it him then gladly. When King
William heard say that, then was he very wroth, and said that the abbot had despised him. Then went
good men between them, and reconciled them, by reason that the abbot was a good man. Then gave he
the king forty marks of gold for a reconciliation; and then thereafter, lived he a little while, but three
years. After that came every tribulation and every evil to the minster. God have mercy on it!))

A.D. 1067. This year came the king back again to England on St. Nicholas's day; and the same day
was burned the church of Christ at Canterbury. Bishop Wulfwy also died, and is buried at his see in
Dorchester. The child Edric and the Britons were unsettled this year, and fought with the castlemen at
Hereford, and did them much harm. The king this year imposed a heavy guild on the wretched people;
but, notwithstanding, let his men always plunder all the country that they went over; and then he
marched to Devonshire, and beset the city of Exeter eighteen days. There were many of his army slain;
out he had promised them well, and performed ill; and the citizens surrendered the city because the
thanes had betrayed them. This summer the child Edgar departed, with his mother Agatha, and his two
sisters, Margaret and Christina, and Merle-Sweyne, and many good men with them; and came to
Scotland under the protection of King Malcolm, who entertained them all. Then began King Malcolm
to yearn after the child's sister, Margaret, to wife; but he and all his men long refused; and she also
herself was averse, and said that she would neither have him nor any one else, if the Supreme Power
would grant, that she in her maidenhood might please the mighty Lord with a carnal heart, in this short
life, in pure continence. The king, however, earnestly urged her brother, until he answered Yea. And
indeed he durst not otherwise; for they were come into his kingdom. So that then it was fulfilled, as
God had long ere foreshowed; and else it could not be; as he himself saith in his gospel: that "not even
a sparrow on the ground may fall, without his foreshowing." The prescient Creator wist long before
what he of her would have done; for that she should increase the glory of God in this land, lead the
king aright from the path of error, bend him and his people together to a better way, and suppress the
bad customs which the nation formerly followed: all which she afterwards did. The king therefore
received her, though it was against her will, and was pleased with her manners, and thanked God, who
in his might had given him such a match. He wisely bethought himself, as he was a prudent man, and
turned himself to God, and renounced all impurity; accordingly, as the apostle Paul, the teacher of all
the gentries, saith: "Salvabitur vir infidelis per mulierem fidelem; sic et mulier infidelis per virum
fidelem," etc.: that is in our language, "Full oft the unbelieving husband is sanctified and healed
through the believing wife, and so belike the wife through the believing husband." This queen
aforesaid performed afterwards many useful deeds in this land to the glory of God, and also in her
royal estate she well conducted herself, as her nature was. Of a faithful and noble kin was she sprung.
Her father was Edward Etheling, son of King Edmund. Edmund was the son of Ethelred; Ethelred the
son of Edgar; Edgar the son of Edred; and so forth in that royal line: and her maternal kindred goeth to
the Emperor Henry, who had the sovereignty over Rome. This year went out Githa, Harold's mother,
and the wives of many good men with her, to the Flat-Holm, and there abode some time; and so
departed thence over sea to St. Omer's. This Easter came the king to Winchester; and Easter was then
on the tenth before the calends of April. Soon after this came the Lady Matilda hither to this land; and
Archbishop Eldred hallowed her to queen at Westminster on Whit Sunday. Then it was told the king,
that the people in the North had gathered themselves together, and would stand against him if he came.
Whereupon he went to Nottingham, and wrought there a castle; and so advanced to York, and there
wrought two castles; and the same at Lincoln, and everywhere in that quarter. Then Earl Gospatric and
the best men went into Scotland. Amidst this came one of Harold's sons from Ireland with a naval



force into the mouth of the Avon unawares, and plundered soon over all that quarter; whence they
went to Bristol, and would have stormed the town; but the people bravely withstood them. When they
could gain nothing from the town, they went to their ships with the booty which they had acquired by
plunder; and then they advanced upon Somersetshire, and there went up; and Ednoth, master of the
horse, fought with them; but he was there slain, and many good men on either side; and those that
were left departed thence.

A.D. 1068. This year King William gave Earl Robert the earldom over Northumberland; but the
landsmen attacked him in the town of Durham, and slew him, and nine hundred men with him. Soon
afterwards Edgar Etheling came with all the Northumbrians to York; and the townsmen made a treaty
with him: but King William came from the South unawares on them with a large army, and put them
to flight, and slew on the spot those who could not escape; which were many hundred men; and
plundered the town. St. Peter's minster he made a profanation, and all other places also he despoiled
and trampled upon; and the etheling went back again to Scotland. After this came Harold's sons from
Ireland, about midsummer, with sixty-four ships into the mouth of the Taft, where they unwarily
landed: and Earl Breon came unawares against them with a large army, and fought with them, and
slew there all the best men that were in the fleet; and the others, being small forces, escaped to the
ships: and Harold's sons went back to Ireland again.

A.D. 1069. This year died Aldred, Archbishop of York; and he is there buried, at his see. He died on
the day of Protus and Hyacinthus, having held the see with much dignity ten years wanting only
fifteen weeks. Soon after this came from Denmark three of the sons of King Sweyne with two hundred
and forty ships, together with Earl Esborn and Earl Thurkill, into the Humber; where they were met by
the child Edgar, and Earl Waltheof, and Merle-Sweyne, and Earl Gospatric with the Northumbrians,
and all the landsmen; riding and marching full merrily with an immense army: and so all unanimously
advanced to York; where they stormed and demolished the castle, and won innumerable treasures
therein; slew there many hundreds of Frenchmen, and led many with them to the ships; but, ere that
the shipmen came thither, the Frenchmen had burned the city, and also the holy minster of St. Peter
had they entirely plundered, and destroyed with fire. When the king heard this, then went he
northward with all the force that he could collect, despoiling and laying waste the shire withal; whilst
the fleet lay all the winter in the Humber, where the king could not come at them. The king was in
York on Christmas Day, and so all the winter on land, and came to Winchester at Easter. Bishop
Egelric, who was at Peterborough, was this year betrayed, and led to Westminster; and his brother
Egelwine was outlawed. This year also died Brand, Abbot of Peterborough, on the fifth before the
calends of December.




(85) Lye interprets it erroneously the "festival" of St. Martin. — "ad S. Martini festum:" whereas the
expression relates to the place, not to the time of his death, which is mentioned immediately

(86) This threnodia on the death of Edward the Confessor will be found to correspond, both in metre
and expression, with the poetical paraphrase of Genesis ascribed to Caedmon.

(87) These facts, though stated in one MS. only, prove the early cooperation of Tosty with the King of
Norway. It is remarkable that this statement is confirmed by Snorre, who says that Tosty was with
Harald, the King of Norway, in all these expeditions. Vid "Antiq. Celto-Scand." p. 204.

(88) i.e. Harold, King of England; "our" king, as we find him Afterwards called in B iv., to distinguish
him from Harald, King of Norway.

(89) Not only the twelve smacks with which he went into Scotland during the summer, as before
stated, but an accession of force from all quarters.

(90) On the north bank of the Ouse, according to Florence of Worcester; the enemy having landed at
Richale (now "Riccal"). Simeon of Durham names the spot "Apud Fulford," i.e. Fulford-water, south
of the city of York.

(91) It is scarcely necessary to observe that the term "English" begins about this time to be substituted
for "Angles"; and that the Normans are not merely the Norwegians, but the Danes and other
adventurers from the north, joined with the forces of France and Flanders; who, we shall presently see,
overwhelmed by their numbers the expiring, liberties of England. The Franks begin also to assume the
name of Frencyscan or "Frenchmen".

(92) i.e. in the expedition against the usurper William.


Part 6: A.D. 1070 - 1101

A.D. 1070. This year Landfranc, who was Abbot of Caen, came to England; and after a few days he
became Archbishop of Canterbury. He was invested on the fourth before the calends of September in
his own see by eight bishops, his suffragans. The others, who were not there, by messengers and by
letter declared why they could not be there. The same year Thomas, who was chosen Bishop of York,
came to Canterbury, to be invested there after the ancient custom. But when Landfranc craved
confirmation of his obedience with an oath, he refused; and said, that he ought not to do it. Whereupon
Archbishop Landfranc was wroth, and bade the bishops, who were come thither by Archbishop
Landfranc's command to do the service, and all the monks to unrobe themselves. And they by his
order so did. Thomas, therefore, for the time, departed without consecration. Soon after this, it
happened that the Archbishop Landfranc went to Rome, and Thomas with him. When they came
thither, and had spoken about other things concerning which they wished to speak, then began Thomas
his speech: how he came to Canterbury, and how the archbishop required obedience of him with an
oath; but he declined it. Then began the Archbishop Landfranc to show with clear distinction, that
what he craved he craved by right; and with strong arguments he confirmed the same before the Pope
Alexander, and before all the council that was collected there; and so they went home. After this came
Thomas to Canterbury; and all that the archbishop required of him he humbly fulfilled, and afterwards
received consecration. This year Earl Waltheof agreed with the king; but in the Lent of the same year
the king ordered all the monasteries in England to be plundered. In the same year came King Sweyne
from Denmark into the Humber; and the landsmen came to meet him, and made a treaty with him;
thinking that he would overrun the land. Then came into Ely Christien, the Danish bishop, and Earl
Osbern, and the Danish domestics with them; and the English people from all the fen-lands came to
them; supposing that they should win all that land. Then the monks of Peterborough heard say, that
their own men would plunder the minster; namely Hereward and his gang: because they understood
that the king had given the abbacy to a French abbot, whose name was Thorold; — that he was a very
stern man, and was then come into Stamford with all his Frenchmen. Now there was a churchwarden,
whose name was Yware; who took away by night all that he could, testaments, mass-hackles, cantel-
copes, and reefs, and such other small things, whatsoever he could; and went early, before day, to the
Abbot Thorold; telling him that he sought his protection, and informing him how the outlaws were
coming to Peterborough, and that he did all by advice of the monks. Early in the morning came all the
outlaws with many ships, resolving to enter the minster; but the monks withstood, so that they could
not come in. Then they laid on fire, and burned all the houses of the monks, and all the town except
one house. Then came they in through fire at the Bull-hithe gate; where the monks met them, and
besought peace of them. But they regarded nothing. They went into the minster, climbed up to the holy
rood, took away the diadem from our Lord's head, all of pure gold, and seized the bracket that was
underneath his feet, which was all of red gold. They climbed up to the steeple, brought down the table
that was hid there, which was all of gold and silver, seized two golden shrines, and nine of silver, and
took away fifteen large crucifixes, of gold and of silver; in short, they seized there so much gold and
silver, and so many treasures, in money, in raiment, and in books, as no man could tell another; and
said, that they did it from their attachment to the minster. Afterwards they went to their ships,
proceeded to Ely, and deposited there all the treasure. The Danes, believing that they should overcome
the Frenchmen, drove out all the monks; leaving there only one, whose name was Leofwine Lang,
who lay sick in the infirmary. Then came Abbot Thorold and eight times twenty Frenchmen with him,
all full-armed. When he came thither, he found all within and without consumed by fire, except the
church alone; but the outlaws were all with the fleet, knowing that he would come thither. This was
done on the fourth day before the nones of June. The two kings, William and Sweyne, were now
reconciled; and the Danes went out of Ely with all the aforesaid treasure, and carried it away with
them. But when they came into the middle of the sea, there came a violent storm, and dispersed all the
ships wherein the treasures were. Some went to Norway, some to Ireland, some to Denmark. All that
reached the latter, consisted of the table, and some shrines, and some crucifixes, and many of the other
treasures; which theybrought to a king's town, called — , and deposited it all there in the church.



Afterwards through their own carelessness, and through their drunkenness, in one night the church and
all that was therein was consumed by fire. Thus was the minster of Peterborough burned and
plundered. Almighty God have mercy on it through his great goodness. Thus came the Abbot Thorold
to Peterborough; and the monks too returned, and performed the service of Christ in the church, which
had before stood a full week without any kind of rite. When Bishop Aylric heard it, he
excommunicated all the men who that evil deed had done. There was a great famine this year: and in
the summer came the fleet in the north from the Humber into the Thames, and lay there two nights,
and made afterwards for Denmark. Earl Baldwin also died, and his son Arnulf succeeded to the
earldom. Earl William, in conjunction with the king of the Franks, was to be his guardian; but Earl
Robert came and slew his kinsman Arnulf and the earl, put the king to flight, and slew many thousands
of his men.

A.D. 1071. This year Earl Edwin and Earl Morkar fled out, (93) and roamed at random in woods and
in fields. Then went Earl Morkar to Ely by ship; but Earl Edwin was treacherously slain by his own
men. Then came Bishop Aylwine, and Siward Barn, and many hundred men with them, into Ely.
When King William heard that, then ordered he out a naval force and land force, and beset the land all
about, and wrought a bridge, and went in; and the naval force at the same time on the sea-side. And
the outlaws then all surrendered; that was, Bishop Aylwine, and Earl Morkar, and all that were with
them; except Hereward (94) alone, and all those that would join him, whom he led out triumphantly.
And the king took their ships, and weapons, and many treasures; (95) and all the men he disposed of
as he thought proper. Bishop Aylwine he sent to Abingdon, where he died in the beginning of the

A.D. 1072. This year King William led a naval force and a land force to Scotland, and beset that land
on the sea-side with ships, whilst he led his land-force in at the Tweed; (96) but he found nothing there
of any value. King Malcolm, however, came, and made peace with King William, and gave hostages,
and became his man; whereupon the king returned home with all his force. This year died Bishop
Aylric. He had been invested Bishop of York; but that see was unjustly taken from him, and he then
had the bishopric of Durham given him; which he held as long as he chose, but resigned it afterwards,
and retired to Peterborough minster; where he abode twelve years. After that King William won
England, then took he him from Peterborough, and sent him to Westminster; where he died on the ides
of October, and he is there buried, within the minster, in the porch of St. Nicholas.

A.D. 1073. This year led King William an army, English and French, over sea, and won the district of
Maine; which the English very much injured by destroying the vineyards, burning the towns, and
spoiling the land. But they subdued it all into the hand of King William, and afterwards returned home
to England.

A.D. 1074. This year King William went over sea to Normandy; and child Edgar came from Flanders
into Scotland on St. Grimbald's mass-day; where King Malcolm and his sister Margaret received him
with much pomp. At the same time sent Philip, the King of France, a letter to him, bidding him to
come to him, and he would give him the castle of Montreuil; that he might afterwards daily annoy his
enemies. What then? King Malcolm and his sister Margaret gave him and his men great presents, and
many treasures; in skins ornamented with purple, in pelisses made of martin- skins, of grey-skins, and
of ermine-skins, in palls, and in vessels of gold and silver; and conducted him and his crew with great
pomp from his territory. But in their voyage evil befel them; for when they were out at sea, there came
upon them such rough weather, and the stormy sea and the strong wind drove them so violently on the
shore, that all their ships burst, and they also themselves came with difficulty to the land. Their
treasure was nearly all lost, and some of his men also were taken by the French; but he himself and his
best men returned again to Scotland, some roughly travelling on foot, and some miserably mounted.
Then King Malcolm advised him to send to King William over sea, to request his friendship, which he
did; and the king gave it him, and sent after him. Again, therefore, King Malcolm and his sister gave



him and all his men numberless treasures, and again conducted him very magnificently from their
territory. The sheriff of York came to meet him at Durham, and went all the way with him; ordering
meat and fodder to be found for him at every castle to which they came, until they came over sea to
the king. Then King William received him with much pomp; and he was there afterwards in his court,
enjoying such rights as he confirmed to him by law.

A.D. 1075. This year King William gave Earl Ralph the daughter of William Fitz-Osborne to wife.
This same Ralph was British on his mother's side; but his father, whose name was also Ralph, was
English; and born in Norfolk. The king therefore gave his son the earldom of Norfolk and Suffolk; and
he then led the bride to Norwich.

There was that bride-ale
The source of man's bale.

There was Earl Roger, and Earl Waltheof, and bishops, and abbots; who there resolved, that they
would drive the king out of the realm of England. But it was soon told the king in Normandy how it
was determined. It was Earl Roger and Earl Ralph who were the authors of that plot; and who enticed
the Britons to them, and sent eastward to Denmark after a fleet to assist them. Roger went westward to
his earldom, and collected his people there, to the king's annoyance, as he thought; but it was to the
great disadvantage of himself. He was however prevented. Ralph also in his earldom would go forth
with his people; but the castlemen that were in England and also the people of the land, came against
him, and prevented him from doing anything. He escaped however to the ships at Norwich. (97) And
his wife was in the castle; which she held until peace was made with her; when she went out of
England, with all her men who wished to join her. The king afterwards came to England, and seized
Earl Roger, his relative, and put him in prison. And Earl Waltheof went over sea, and bewrayed
himself; but he asked forgiveness, and proffered gifts of ransom. The king, however, let him off
lightly, until he (98) came to England; when he had him seized. Soon after that came east from
Denmark two hundred ships; wherein were two captains, Cnute Swainson, and Earl Hacco; but they
durst not maintain a fight with King William. They went rather to York, and broke into St. Peter's
minster, and took therein much treasure, and so went away. They made for Flanders over sea; but they
all perished who were privy to that design; that was, the son of Earl Hacco, and many others with him.
This year died the Lady Edgitha, who was the relict of King Edward, seven nights before Christmas, at
Winchester; and the king caused her to be brought to Westminster with great pomp; and he laid her
with King Edward, her lord. And the king was then at Westminster, at midwinter; where all the
Britons were condemned who were at the bride-ale at Norwich. Some were punished with blindness;
some were driven from the land; and some were towed to Scandinavia. So were the traitors of King
William subdued.

A.D. 1076. This year died Sweyne, King of Denmark; and Harold his son took to the kingdom. And
the king gave the abbacy of Westminster to Abbot Vitalis, who had been Abbot of Bernay. This year
also was Earl Waltheof beheaded at Winchester, on the mass- day of St. Petronilla; (99) and his body
was carried to Croyland, where he lies buried. King William now went over sea, and led his army to
Brittany, and beset the castle of Dol; but the Bretons defended it, until the king came from France;
whereupon William departed thence, having lost there both men and horses, and many of his treasures.

A.D. 1077. This year were reconciled the king of the Franks and William, King of England. But it
continued only a little while. This year was London burned, one night before the Assumption of St.
Mary, so terribly as it never was before, since it was built. This year the moon was eclipsed three
nights before Candlemas; and in the same year died Aylwy, the prudent Abbot of Evesham, on the
fourteenth day before the calends of March, on the mass-day of St. Juliana; and Walter was appointed
abbot in his stead; and Bishop Herman also died, on the tenth day before the calends of March, who
was Bishop in Berkshire, and in Wiltshire, and in Dorsetshire. This year also King Malcolm won the



mother of Malslaythe.... and all his best men, and all his treasures, and his cattle; and he himself not
easily escaped.... This year also was the dry summer; and wild fire came upon many shires, and burned
many towns; and also many cities were ruined thereby.

A.D. 1079. This year Robert, the son of King William, deserted from his father to his uncle Robert in
Flanders; because his father would not let him govern his earldom in Normandy; which he himself,
and also King Philip with his permission, had given him. The best men that were in the land also had
sworn oaths of allegiance to him, and taken him for their lord. This year, therefore, Robert fought with
his father, without Normandy, by a castle called Gerberoy; and wounded him in the hand; and his
horse, that he sat upon, was killed under him; and he that brought him another was killed there right
with a dart. That was Tookie Wiggodson. Many were there slain, and also taken. His son William too
was there wounded; but Robert returned to Flanders. We will not here, however, record any more
injury that he did his father. This year came King Malcolm from Scotland into England, betwixt the
two festivals of St. Mary, with a large army, which plundered Northumberland till it came to the Tine,
and slew many hundreds of men, and carried home much coin, and treasure, and men in captivity.




(93) i.e. — threw off their allegiance to the Norman usurper, and became voluntary outlaws. The habits
of these outlaws, or, at least, of their imitators and descendants in the next century, are well described
in the romance of "Ivanhoe".

(94) The author of the Gallo-Norman poem printed by Sparke elevates his diction to a higher tone,
when describing the feasts of this same Hereward, whom he calls "le uthlage hardi."

(95) Or much "coin"; many "scaettae"; such being the denomination of the silver money of the Saxons.

(96) Florence of Worcester and those who follow him say that William proceeded as far as Abernethy;
where Malcolm met him, and surrendered to him.

(97) Whence he sailed to Bretagne, according to Flor. S. Dunelm, etc.; but according to Henry of
Huntingdon he fled directly to Denmark, returning afterwards with Cnute and Hacco, who invaded
England with a fleet of 200 sail.

(98) i.e. Earl Waltheof.

(99) This notice of St. Petronilla, whose name and existence seem scarcely to have been known to the
Latin historians, we owe exclusively to the valuable MS. "Cotton Tiberius" B lv. Yet if ever female
saint deserved to be commemorated as a conspicuous example of early piety and christian zeal, it must
be Petronilla.



A.D. 1080. This year was Bishop Walker slain in Durham, at a council; and an hundred men with him,
French and Flemish. He himself was born in Lorrain. This did the Northumbrians in the month of
May. (100)

A.D. 1081. This year the king led an army into Wales, and there freed many hundreds of men.

A.D. 1082. This year the king seized Bishop Odo; and this year also was a great famine.

A.D. 1083. This year arose the tumult at Glastonbury betwixt the Abbot Thurstan and his monks. It
proceeded first from the abbot's want of wisdom, that he misgoverned his monks in many things. But
the monks meant well to him; and told him that he should govern them rightly, and love them, and
they would be faithful and obedient to him. The abbot, however, would hear nothing of this; but evil
entreated them, and threatened them worse. One day the abbot went into the chapter-house, and spoke
against the monks, and attempted to mislead them; (101) and sent after some laymen, and they came
full-armed into the chapter- house upon the monks. Then were the monks very much afraid (102) of
them, and wist not what they were to do, but they shot forward, and some ran into the church, and
locked the doors after them. But they followed them into the minster, and resolved to drag them out,
so that they durst not go out. A rueful thing happened on that day. The Frenchmen broke into the
choir, and hurled their weapons toward the altar, where the monks were; and some of the knights went
upon the upper floor, (103) and shot their arrows downward incessantly toward the sanctuary; so that
on the crucifix that stood above the altar they stuck many arrows. And the wretched monks lay about
the altar, and some crept under, and earnestly called upon God, imploring his mercy, since they could
not obtain any at the hands of men. What can we say, but that they continued to shoot their arrows;
whilst the others broke down the doors, and came in, and slew (104) some of the monks to death, and
wounded many therein; so that the blood came from the altar upon the steps, and from the steps on the
floor. Three there were slain to death, and eighteen wounded. And in this same year departed Matilda,
queen of King William, on the day after All-Hallow-mass. And in the same year also, after mid-
winter, the king ordained a large and heavy contribution (105) over all England; that was, upon each
hide of land, two and seventy pence.

A.D. 1084. In this year died Wulfwold, Abbot of Chertsey, on the thirteenth day before the calends of

A.D. 1085. In this year men reported, and of a truth asserted, that Cnute, King of Denmark, son of
King Sweyne, was coming hitherward, and was resolved to win this land, with the assistance of
Robert, Earl of Flanders; (106) for Cnute had Robert's daughter. When William, King of England, who
was then resident in Normandy (for he had both England and Normandy), understood this, he went
into England with so large an army of horse and foot, from France and Brittany, as never before
sought this land; so that men wondered how this land could feed all that force. But the king left the
army to shift for themselves through all this land amongst his subjects, who fed them, each according
to his quota of land. Men suffered much distress this year; and the king caused the land to be laid
waste about the sea coast; that, if his foes came up, they might not have anything on which they could
very readily seize. But when the king understood of a truth that his foes were impeded, and could not
further their expedition, (107) then let he some of the army go to their own land; but some he held in
this land over the winter. Then, at the midwinter, was the king in Glocester with his council, and held
there his court five days. And afterwards the archbishop and clergy had a synod three days. There was
Mauritius chosen Bishop of London, William of Norfolk, and Robert of Cheshire. These were all the
king's clerks. After this had the king a large meeting, and very deep consultation with his council,
about this land; how it was occupied, and by what sort of men. Then sent he his men over all England
into each shire; commissioning them to find out "How many hundreds of hides were in the shire, what
land the king himself had, and what stock upon the land; or, what dues he ought to have by the year
from the shire." Also he commissioned them to record in writing, "How much land his archbishops



had, and his diocesan bishops, and his abbots, and his earls;" and though I may be prolix and tedious,
"What, or how much, each man had, who was an occupier of land in England, either in land or in
stock, and how much money it were worth." So very narrowly, indeed, did he commission them to
trace it out, that there was not one single hide, nor a yard (108) of land, nay, moreover (it is shameful
to tell, though he thought it no shame to do it), not even an ox, nor a cow, nor a swine was there left,
that was not set down in his writ. And all the recorded particulars were afterwards brought to him.

A.D. 1086. This year the king bare his crown, and held his court, in Winchester at Easter; and he so
arranged, that he was by the Pentecost at Westminster, and dubbed his son Henry a knight there.
Afterwards he moved about so that he came by Lammas to Sarum; where he was met by his
councillors; and all the landsmen that were of any account over all England became this man's vassals
as they were; and they all bowed themselves before him, and became his men, and swore him oaths of
allegiance that they would against all other men be faithful to him. Thence he proceeded into the Isle
of Wight; because he wished to go into Normandy, and so he afterwards did; though he first did
according to his custom; he collected a very large sum from his people, wherever he could make any
demand, whether with justice or otherwise. Then he went into Normandy; and Edgar Etheling, the
relation of King Edward, revolted from him, for he received not much honour from him; but may the
Almighty God give him honour hereafter. And Christina, the sister of the etheling, went into the
monastery of Rumsey, and received the holy veil. And the same year there was a very heavy season,
and a swinkful and sorrowful year in England, in murrain of cattle, and corn and fruits were at a stand,
and so much untowardness in the weather, as a man may not easily think; so tremendous was the
thunder and lightning, that it killed many men; and it continually grew worse and worse with men.
May God Almighty better it whenever it be his will.

A.D. 1087. After the birth of our Lord and Saviour Christ, one thousand and eighty-seven winters; in
the one and twentieth year after William began to govern and direct England, as God granted him, was
a very heavy and pestilent season in this land. Such a sickness came on men, that full nigh every other
man was in the worst disorder, that is, in the diarrhoea; and that so dreadfully, that many men died in
the disorder. Afterwards came, through the badness of the weather as we before mentioned, so great a
famine over all England, that many hundreds of men died a miserable death through hunger. Alas !
how wretched and how rueful a time was there! When the poor wretches lay full nigh driven to death
prematurely, and afterwards came sharp hunger, and dispatched them withall! Who will not be
penetrated with grief at such a season? or who is so hardhearted as not to weep at such misfortune?
Yet such things happen for folks' sins, that they will not love God and righteousness. So it was in those
days, that little righteousness was in this land with any men but with the monks alone, wherever they
fared well. The king and the head men loved much, and overmuch, covetousness in gold and in silver;
and recked not how sinfully it was got, provided it came to them. The king let his land at as high a rate
as he possibly could; then came some other person, and bade more than the former one gave, and the
king let it to the men that bade him more. Then came the third, and bade yet more; and the king let it
to hand to the men that bade him most of all: and he recked not how very sinfully the stewards got it of
wretched men, nor how many unlawful deeds they did; but the more men spake about right law, the
more unlawfully they acted. They erected unjust tolls, and many other unjust things they did, that are
difficult to reckon. Also in the same year, before harvest, the holy minster of St. Paul, the episcopal
see in London, was completely burned, with many other minsters, and the greatest part, and the richest
of the whole city. So also, about the same time, full nigh each head-port in all England was entirely
burned. Alas! rueful and woeful was the fate of the year that brought forth so many misfortunes. In the
same year also, before the Assumption of St. Mary, King William went from Normandy into France
with an army, and made war upon his own lord Philip, the king, and slew many of his men, and burned
the town of Mante, and all the holy minsters that were in the town; and two holy men that served God,
leading the life of anachorets, were burned therein. This being thus done, King William returned to
Normandy. Rueful was the thing he did; but a more rueful him befel. How more rueful? He fell sick,



and it dreadfully ailed him. What shall I say? Sharp death, that passes by neither rich men nor poor,
seized him also. He died in Normandy, on the next day after the Nativity of St. Mary, and he was
buried at Caen in St. Stephen's minster, which he had formerly reared, and afterwards endowed with
manifold gifts. Alas! how false and how uncertain is this world's weal! He that was before a rich king,
and lord of many lands, had not then of all his land more than a space of seven feet! and he that was
whilom enshrouded in gold and gems, lay there covered with mould! He left behind him three sons;
the eldest, called Robert, who was earl in Normandy after him; the second, called William, who wore
the crown after him in England; and the third, called Henry, to whom his father bequeathed immense
treasure. If any person wishes to know what kind of man he was, or what honour he had, or of how
many lands he was lord, then will we write about him as well as we understand him: we who often
looked upon him, and lived sometime in his court. This King William then that we speak about was a
very wise man, and very rich; more splendid and powerful than any of his predecessors were. He was
mild to the good men that loved God, and beyond all measure severe to the men that gainsayed his
will. On that same spot where God granted him that he should gain England, he reared a mighty
minster, and set monks therein, and well endowed it. In his days was the great monastery in
Canterbury built, and also very many others over all England. This land was moreover well filled with
monks, who modelled their lives after the rule of St. Benedict. But such was the state of Christianity in
his time, that each man followed what belonged to his profession — he that would. He was also very
dignified. Thrice he bare his crown each year, as oft as he was in England. At Easter he bare it in
Winchester, at Pentecost in Westminster, at midwinter in Glocester. And then were with him all the
rich men over all England; archbishops and diocesan bishops, abbots and earls, thanes and knights. So
very stern was he also and hot, that no man durst do anything against his will. He had earls in his
custody, who acted against his will. Bishops he hurled from their bishoprics, and abbots from their
abbacies, and thanes into prison. At length he spared not his own brother Odo, who was a very rich
bishop in Normandy. At Baieux was his episcopal stall; and he was the foremost man of all to
aggrandise the king. He had an earldom in England; and when the king was in Normandy, then was he
the mightiest man in this land. Him he confined in prison. But amongst other things is not to be
forgotten that good peace that he made in this land; so that a man of any account might go over his
kingdom unhurt with his bosom full of gold. No man durst slay another, had he never so much evil
done to the other; and if any churl lay with a woman against her will, he soon lost the limb that he
played with. He truly reigned over England; and by his capacity so thoroughly surveyed it, that there
was not a hide of land in England that he wist not who had it, or what it was worth, and afterwards set
it down in his book. (110) The land of the Britons was in his power; and he wrought castles therein;
and ruled Anglesey withal. So also he subdued Scotland by his great strength. As to Normandy, that
was his native land; but he reigned also over the earldom called Maine; and if he might have yet lived
two years more, he would have won Ireland by his valour, and without any weapons. Assuredly in his
time had men much distress, and very many sorrows. Castles he let men build, and miserably swink
the poor. The king himself was so very rigid; and extorted from his subjects many marks of gold, and
many hundred pounds of silver; which he took of his people, for little need, by right and by unright.
He was fallen into covetousness, and greediness he loved withal. He made many deer-parks; and he
established laws therewith; so that whosoever slew a hart, or a hind, should be deprived of his
eyesight. As he forbade men to kill the harts, so also the boars; and he loved the tall deer as if he were
their father. Likewise he decreed by the hares, that they should go free. His rich men bemoaned it, and
the poor men shuddered at it. But he was so stern, that he recked not the hatred of them all; for they
must follow withal the king's will, if they would live, or have land, or possessions, or even his peace.
Alas ! that any man should presume so to puff himself up, and boast o'er all men. May the Almighty
God show mercy to his soul, and grant him forgiveness of his sins! These things have we written
concerning him, both good and evil; that men may choose the good after their goodness, and flee from
the evil withal, and go in the way that leadeth us to the kingdom of heaven. Many things may we write
that were done in this same year. So it was in Denmark, that the Danes, a nation that was formerly
accounted the truest of all, were turned aside to the greatest untruth, and to the greatest treachery that
ever could be. They chose and bowed to King Cnute, and swore him oaths, and afterwards dastardly
slew him in a church. It happened also in Spain, that the heathens went and made inroads upon the



Christians, and reduced much of the country to their dominion. But the king of the Christians,
Alphonzo by name, sent everywhere into each land, and desired assistance. And they came to his
support from every land that was Christian; and they went and slew or drove away all the heathen folk,
and won their land again, through God's assistance. In this land also, in the same year, died many rich
men; Stigand, Bishop of Chichester, and the Abbot of St. Augustine, and the Abbot of Bath, and the
Abbot of Pershore, and the lord of them all, William, King of England, that we spoke of before. After
his death his son, called William also as the father, took to the kingdom, and was blessed to king by
Archbishop Landfranc at Westminster three days ere Michaelmas day. And all the men in England
submitted to him, and swore oaths to him. This being thus done, the king went to Winchester, and
opened the treasure house, and the treasures that his father had gathered, in gold, and in silver, and in
vases, and in palls, and in gems, and in many other valuable things that are difficult to enumerate.
Then the king did as his father bade him ere he was dead; he there distributed treasures for his father's
soul to each monastery that was in England; to some ten marks of gold, to some six, to each upland
(111) church sixty pence. And into each shire were sent a hundred pounds of money to distribute
amongst poor men for his soul. And ere he departed, he bade that they should release all the men that
were in prison under his power. And the king was on the midwinter in London.



(100) The brevity of our Chronicle here, and in the two following years, in consequence of the
termination of "Cotton Tiberius" B iv., is remarkable. From the year 1083 it assumes a character more
decidedly Anglo-Norman.

(101) i.e. In the service; by teaching them a new-fangled chant, brought from Feschamp in Normandy,
instead of that to which they had been accustomed, and which is called the Gregorian chant.

(102) Literally, "afeared of them" — i.e. terrified by them.

(103) Probably along the open galleries in the upper story of the choir.

(104) "Slaegan", in its first sense, signifies "to strike violently"; whence the term "sledge-hammer".
This consideration will remove the supposed pleonasm in the Saxon phrase, which is here literally

(105) "Gild," Sax.; which in this instance was a land-tax of one shilling to a yardland.

(106) - and of Clave Kyrre, King of Norway. Vid. "Antiq. Celto-Scand".

(107) Because there was a mutiny in the Danish fleet; which was carried to such a height, that the
king, after his return to Denmark, was slain by his own subjects. Vid. "Antiq. Celto- Scand", also our
"Chronicle" A.D. 1087.

(108) i.e. a fourth part of an acre.

(109) At Winchester; where the king held his court at Easter in the following year; and the survey was
accordingly deposited there; whence it was called "Rotulus Wintoniae", and "Liber Wintoniae".

(1 10) An evident allusion to the compilation of Doomsday book, already described in A.D. 1085.

(111) Uppe-land, Sax. — i.e. village-church.



A.D. 1088. In this year was this land much stirred, and filled with great treachery; so that the richest
Frenchmen that were in this land would betray their lord the king, and would have his brother Robert
king, who was earl in Normandy. In this design was engaged first Bishop Odo, and Bishop Gosfrith,
and William, Bishop of Durham. So well did the king by the bishop [Odo] that all England fared
according to his counsel, and as he would. And the bishop thought to do by him as Judas Iscariot did
by our Lord. And Earl Roger was also of this faction; and much people was with him all Frenchmen.
This conspiracy was formed in Lent. As soon as Easter came, then went they forth, and harrowed, and
burned, and wasted the king's farms; and they despoiled the lands of all the men that were in the king's
service. And they each of them went to his castle, and manned it, and provisioned it as well as they
could. Bishop Gosfrith, and Robert the peace- breaker, went to Bristol, and plundered it, and brought
the spoil to the castle. Afterwards they went out of the castle, and plundered Bath, and all the land
thereabout; and all the honor (1 12) of Berkeley they laid waste. And the men that eldest were of
Hereford, and all the shire forthwith, and the men of Shropshire, with much people of Wales, came
and plundered and burned in Worcestershire, until they came to the city itself, which it was their
design to set on fire, and then to rifle the minster, and win the king's castle to their hands. The worthy
Bishop Wulfstan, seeing these things, was much agitated in his mind, because to him was betaken the
custody of the castle. Nevertheless his hired men went out of the castle with few attendants, and,
through God's mercy and the bishop's merits, slew or took five hundred men, and put all the others to
flight. The Bishop of Durham did all the harm that he could over all by the north. Roger was the name
of one of them; (113) who leaped into the castle at Norwich, and did yet the worst of all over all that
land. Hugh also was one, who did nothing better either in Leicestershire or in Northamptonshire. The
Bishop Odo being one, though of the same family from which the king himself was descended, went
into Kent to his earldom, and greatly despoiled it; and having laid waste the lands of the king and of
the archbishop withal, he brought the booty into his castle at Rochester. When the king understood all
these things, and what treachery they were employing against him, then was he in his mind much
agitated. He then sent after Englishmen, described to them his need, earnestly requested their support,
and promised them the best laws that ever before were in this land; each unright guild he forbade, and
restored to the men their woods and chaces. But it stood no while. The Englishmen however went to
the assistance of the king their lord. They advanced toward Rochester, with a view to get possession of
the Bishop Odo; for they thought, if they had him who was at first the head of the conspiracy, they
might the better get possession of all the others. They came then to the castle at Tunbridge; and there
were in the castle the knights of Bishop Odo, and many others who were resolved to hold it against the
king. But the Englishmen advanced, and broke into the castle, and the men that were therein agreed
with the king. The king with his army went toward Rochester. And they supposed that the bishop was
therein; but it was made known to the king that the bishop was gone to the castle at Pevensea. And the
king with his army went after, and beset the castle about with a very large force full six weeks. During
this time the Earl of Normandy, Robert, the king's brother, gathered a very considerable force, and
thought to win England with the support of those men that were in this land against the king. And he
sent some of his men to this land, intending to come himself after. But the Englishmen that guarded
the sea lighted upon some of the men, and slew them, and drowned more than any man could tell.
When provisions afterwards failed those within the castle, they earnestly besought peace, and gave
themselves up to the king; and the bishop swore that he would depart out of England, and no more
come on this land, unless the king sent after him, and that he would give up the castle at Rochester.
Just as the bishop was going with an intention to give up the castle, and the king had sent his men with
him, then arose the men that were in the castle, and took the bishop and the king's men, and put them
into prison. In the castle were some very good knights; Eustace the Young, and the three sons of Earl
Roger, and all the best born men that were in this land or in Normandy. When the king understood this
thing, then went he after with the army that he had there, and sent over all England, and bade that each
man that was faithful should come to him, French and English, from sea-port and from upland. Then
came to him much people; and he went to Rochester, and beset the castle, until they that were therein
agreed, and gave up the castle. The Bishop Odo with the men that were in the castle went over sea, and
the bishop thus abandoned the dignity that he had in this land. The king afterwards sent an army to
Durham, and allowed it to beset the castle, and the bishop agreed, and gave up the castle, and



relinquished his bishopric, and went to Normandy. Many Frenchmen also abandoned their lands, and
went over sea; and the king gave their lands to the men that were faithful to him.

A.D. 1089. In this year the venerable father and favourer of monks, Archbishop Landfranc, departed
this life; but we hope that he is gone to the heavenly kingdom. There was also over all England much
earth-stirring on the third day before the ides of August, and it was a very late year in corn, and in
every kind of fruits, so that many men reaped their corn about Martinmas, and yet later.

A.D. 1090. Indiction XIII. These things thus done, just as we have already said above, by the king, and
by his brother and by this men, the king was considering how he might wreak his vengeance on his
brother Robert, harass him most, and win Normandy of him. And indeed through his craft, or through
bribery, he got possession of the castle at St. Valeri, and the haven; and so he got possession of that at
Albemarle. And therein he set his knights; and they did harm to the land in harrowing and burning.
After this he got possession of more castles in the land; and therein lodged his horsemen. When the
Earl of Normandy, Robert, understood that his sworn men deceived him, and gave up their castles to
do him harm, then sent he to his lord, Philip, king of the Franks; and he came to Normandy with a
large army, and the king and the earl with an immense force beset the castle about, wherein were the
men of the King of England. But the King William of England sent to Philip, king of the Franks; and
he for his love, or for his great treasure, abandoned thus his subject the Earl Robert and his land; and
returned again to France, and let them so remain. And in the midst of these things this land was much
oppressed by unlawful exactions and by many other misfortunes.

A.D. 1091. In this year the King William held his court at Christmas in Westminster, and thereafter at
Candlemas he went, for the annoyance of his brother, out of England into Normandy. Whilst he was
there, their reconciliation took place, on the condition, that the earl put into his hands Feschamp, and
the earldom of Ou, and Cherbourg; and in addition to this, that the king's men should be secure in the
castles that they had won against the will of the earl. And the king in return promised him those many
[castles] that their father had formerly won, and also to reduce those that had revolted from the earl,
also all that his father had there beyond, except those that he had then given the king, and that all
those, that in England before for the earl had lost their land, should have it again by this treaty, and
that the earl should have in England just so much as was specified in this agreement. And if the earl
died without a son by lawful wedlock, the king should be heir of all Normandy; and by virtue of this
same treaty, if the king died, the earl should be heir of all England. To this treaty swore twelve of the
best men of the king's side, and twelve of the earl's, though it stood but a little while afterwards. In the
midst of this treaty was Edgar Etheling deprived of the land that the earl had before permitted him to
keep in hand; and he went out of Normandy to the king, his sister's husband, in Scotland, and to his
sister. Whilst the King William was out of England, the King Malcolm of Scotland came hither into
England, and overran a great deal of it, until the good men that governed this land sent an army against
him and repulsed him. When the King William in Normandy heard this, then prepared he his
departure, and came to England, and his brother, the Earl Robert, with him; and he soon issued an
order to collect a force both naval and military; but the naval force, ere it could come to Scotland,
perished almost miserably, a few days before St. Michael's mass. And the king and his brother
proceeded with the land-force; but when the King Malcolm heard that they were resolved to seek him
with an army, he went with his force out of Scotland into Lothaine in England, and there abode. When
the King William came near with his army, then interceded between them Earl Robert, and Edgar
Etheling, and so made the peace of the kings, that the King Malcolm came to our king, and did
homage, (1 14) promising all such obedience as he formerly paid to his father; and that he confirmed
with an oath. And the King William promised him in land and in all things whatever he formerly had
under his father. In this settlement was also Edgar Etheling united with the king. And the kings then
with much satisfaction departed; yet that stood but a little while. And the Earl Robert tarried here full
nigh until Christmas with the king, and during this time found but little of the truth of their agreement;
and two days before that tide he took ship in the Isle of Wight, and went into Normandy, and Edgar
Etheling with him.



A.D. 1092. In this year the King William with a large army went north to Carlisle, and restored the
town, and reared the castle, and drove out Dolphin that before governed the land, and set his own men
in the castle, and then returned hither southward. And a vast number of rustic people with wives and
with cattle he sent thither, to dwell there in order to till the land.

A.D. 1093. In this year, during Lent, was the King William at Glocester so sick, that he was by all
reported dead. And in his illness he made many good promises to lead his own life aright; to grant
peace and protection to the churches of God, and never more again with fee to sell; to have none but
righteous laws amongst his people. The archbishopric of Canterbury, that before remained in his own
hand, he transferred to Anselm, who was before Abbot of Bee; to Robert his chancellor the bishopric
of Lincoln; and to many minsters he gave land; but that he afterwards took away, when he was better,
and annulled all the good laws that he promised us before. Then after this sent the King of Scotland,
and demanded the fulfilment of the treaty that was promised him. And the King William cited him to
Glocester, and sent him hostages to Scotland; and Edgar Etheling, afterwards, and the men returned,
that brought him with great dignity to the king. But when he came to the king, he could not be
considered worthy either of our king's speech, or of the conditions that were formerly promised him.
For this reason therefore they parted with great dissatisfaction, and the King Malcolm returned to
Scotland. And soon after he came home, he gathered his army, and came harrowing into England with
more hostility than behoved him; and Robert, the Earl of Northumberland, surrounded him unawares
with his men, and slew him. Morel of Barnborough slew him, who was the earl's steward, and a
baptismal friend (115) of King Malcolm. With him was also slain Edward his son; who after him
should have been king, if he had lived. When the good Queen Margaret heard this — her most beloved
lord and son thus betrayed she was in her mind almost distracted to death. She with her priests went to
church, and performed her rites, and prayed before God, that she might give up the ghost. And the
Scots then chose (116) Dufenal to king, Malcolm's brother, and drove out all the English that formerly
were with the King Malcolm. When Duncan, King Malcolm's son, heard all that had thus taken place
(he was then in the King William's court, because his father had given him as a hostage to our king's
father, and so he lived here afterwards), he came to the king, and did such fealty as the king required at
his hands; and so with his permission went to Scotland, with all the support that he could get of
English and French, and deprived his uncle Dufenal of the kingdom, and was received as king. But the
Scots afterwards gathered some force together, and slew full nigh all his men; and he himself with a
few made his escape. (117) Afterwards they were reconciled, on the condition that he never again
brought into the land English or French.

A.D. 1094. This year the King William held his court at Christmas in Glocester; and messengers came
to him thither from his brother Robert of Normandy; who said that his brother renounced all peace and
conditions, unless the king would fulfil all that they had stipulated in the treaty; and upon that he
called him forsworn and void of truth, unless he adhered to the treaty, or went thither and explained
himself there, where the treaty was formerly made and also sworn. Then went the king to Hastings at
Candlemas; and whilst he there abode waiting the weather, he let hallow the minster at Battel, and
deprived Herbert Losang, the Bishop of Thetford, of his staff; and thereafter about mid-Lent went over
sea into Normandy. After he came, thither, he and his brother Robert, the earl, said that they should
come together in peace (and so they did), and might be united. Afterwards they came together with the
same men that before made the treaty, and also confirmed it by oaths; and all the blame of breaking
the treaty they threw upon the king; but he would not confess this, nor even adhere to the treaty; and
for this reason they parted with much dissatisfaction. And the king afterwards won the castle at Bures,
and took the earl's men therein; some of whom he sent hither to this land. On the other hand the earl,
with the assistance of the King of France, won the castle at Argence, and took therein Roger of Poitou,
(118) and seven hundred of the king's knights with him; and afterwards that at Hulme; and oft readily
did either of them burn the towns of the other, and also took men. Then sent the king hither to this
land, and ordered twenty thousand Englishmen to be sent out to Normandy to his assistance; but when
they came to sea, they then had orders to return, and to pay to the king's behoof the fee that they had



taken; which was half a pound each man; and they did so. And the earl after this, with the King of
France, and with all that he could gather together, went through the midst of Normandy, towards Ou,
where the King William was, and thought to besiege him within; and so they advanced until they came
to Luneville. There was the King of France through cunning turned aside; and so afterwards all the
army dispersed. In the midst of these things the King William sent after his brother Henry, who was in
the castle at Damfront; but because he could not go through Normandy with security, he sent ships
after him, and Hugh, Earl of Chester. When, however, they should have gone towards Ou where the
king was, they went to England, and came up at Hamton, (119) on the eve of the feast of All Saints,
and here afterwards abode; and at Christmas they were in London. In this same year also the
Welshmen gathered themselves together, and with the French that were in Wales, or in the
neighbourhood, and had formerly seized their land, stirred up war, and broke into many fastnesses and
castles, and slew many men. And when their followers had increased, they divided themselves into
larger parties. With some part of them fought Hugh, Earl of Shropshire, (120) and put them to flight.
Nevertheless the other part of them all this year omitted no evil that they could do. This year also the
Scots ensnared their king, Duncan, and slew him; and afterwards, the second time, took his uncle
Dufenal to king, through whose instruction and advice he was betrayed to death.



(1 12) i.e. jurisdiction. We have adopted the modern title of the district; but the Saxon term occurs in
many of the ancient evidences of Berkeley Castle.

(113) i.e. of the conspirators.

(114) Literally "became his man" — "Ic becom eowr man" was the formula of doing homage.

(115) Literally a "gossip"; but such are the changes which words undergo in their meaning as well as
in their form, that a title of honour formerly implying a spiritual relationship in God, is now applied
only to those whose conversation resembles the contemptible tittle-tattle of a Christening.

(116) From this expression it is evident, that though preference was naturally and properly given to
hereditary claims, the monarchy of Scotland, as well as of England, was in principle "elective". The
doctrine of hereditary, of divine, of indefeasible "right", is of modern growth.

(117) See the following year towards the end, where Duncan is said to be slain.

(118) Peitevin, which is the connecting link between "Pictaviensem" and "Poitou".

(119) Now called Southampton, to distinguish it from Northampton, but the common people in both
neighbourhoods generally say "Hamton" to this day (1823).

(120) The title is now Earl of Shrewsbury.



A.D. 1095. In this year was the King William the first four days of Christmas at Whitsand, and after
the fourth day came hither, and landed at Dover. And Henry, the king's brother, abode in this land until
Lent, and then went over sea to Normandy, with much treasure, on the king's behalf, against their
brother, Earl Robert, and frequently fought against the earl, and did him much harm, both in land and
in men. And then at Easter held the king his court in Winchester; and the Earl Robert of
Northumberland would not come to court. And the king was much stirred to anger with him for this,
and sent to him, and bade him harshly, if he would be worthy of protection, that he would come to
court at Pentecost. In this year was Easter on the eighth day before the calends of April; and upon
Easter, on the night of the feast of St Ambrose, that is, the second before the nones of April, (121)
nearly over all this land, and almost all the night, numerous and manifold stars were seen to fall from
heaven; not by one or two, but so thick in succession, that no man could tell it. Hereafter at Pentecost
was the king at Windsor, and all his council with him, except the Earl of Northumberland; for the king
would neither give him hostages, nor own upon truth, that he might come and go with security. And
the king therefore ordered his army, and went against the earl to Northumberland; and soon after he
came thither, he won many and nearly all the best of the earl's clan in a fortress, and put them into
custody; and the castle at Tinemouth he beset until he won it, and the earl's brother therein, and all that
were with him; and afterwards went to Bamborough, and beset the earl therein. But when the king saw
that he could not win it, then ordered he his men to make a castle before Bamborough, and called it in
his speech "Malveisin"; that is in English, "Evil Neighbour". And he fortified it strongly with his men,
and afterwards went southward. Then, soon after that the king was gone south, went the earl one night
out of Bamborough towards Tinemouth; but they that were in the new castle were aware of him, and
went after him, and fought him, and wounded him, and afterwards took him. And of those that were
with him some they slew, and some they took alive. Among these things it was made known to the
king, that the Welshmen in Wales had broken into a castle called Montgomery, and slain the men of
Earl Hugo, that should have held it. He therefore gave orders to levy another force immediately, and
after Michaelmas went into Wales, and shifted his forces, and went through all that land, so that the
army came all together by All Saints to Snowdon. But the Welsh always went before into the
mountains and the moors, that no man could come to them. The king then went homeward; for he saw
that he could do no more there this winter. When the king came home again, he gave orders to take the
Earl Robert of Northumberland, and lead him to Bamborough, and put out both his eyes, unless they
that were therein would give up the castle. His wife held it, and Morel who was steward, and also his
relative. Through this was the castle then given up; and Morel was then in the king's court; and
through him were many both of the clergy and laity surrendered, who with their counsels had
conspired against the king. The king had before this time commanded some to be brought into prison,
and afterwards had it very strictly proclaimed over all this country, "That all who held land of the king,
as they wished to be considered worthy of protection, should come to court at the time appointed."
And the king commanded that the Earl Robert should be led to Windsor, and there held in the castle.
Also in this same year, against Easter, came the pope's nuncio hither to this land. This was Bishop
Walter, a man of very good life, of the town of Albano; and upon the day of Pentecost on the behalf of
Pope Urban he gave Archbishop Anselm his pall, and he received him at his archiepiscopal stall in
Canterbury. And Bishop Walter remained afterwards in this land a great part of the year; and men then
sent by him the Rome-scot, (122) which they had not done for many years before. This same year also
the weather was very unseasonable; in consequence of which throughout all this land were all the
fruits of the earth reduced to a moderate crop.



A.D. 1096. In this year held the King William his court at Christmas in Windsor; and William Bishop
of Durham died there on new-year's day; and on the octave of the Epiphany was the king and all his
councillors at Salisbury. There Geoffry Bainard challenged William of Ou, the king's relative,
maintaining that he had been in the conspiracy against the king. And he fought with him, and
overcame him in single combat; and after he was overcome, the king gave orders to put out his eyes,
and afterwards to emasculate him; and his steward, William by name, who was the son of his
stepmother, the king commanded to be hanged on a gibbet. Then was also Eoda, Earl of Champagne,
the king's son-in-law, and many others, deprived of their lands; whilst some were led to London, and
there killed. This year also, at Easter, there was a very great stir through all this nation and many
others, on account of Urban, who was declared Pope, though he had nothing of a see at Rome. And an
immense multitude went forth with their wives and children, that they might make war upon the
heathens. Through this expedition were the king and his brother, Earl Robert, reconciled; so that the
king went over sea, and purchased all Normandy of him, on condition that they should be united. And
the earl afterwards departed; and with him the Earl of Flanders, and the Earl of Boulogne, and also
many other men of rank (123). And the Earl Robert, and they that went with him, passed the winter in
Apulia; but of the people that went by Hungary many thousands miserably perished there and by the
way. And many dragged themselves home rueful and hunger-bitten on the approach of winter. This
was a very heavy-timed year through all England, both through the manifold tributes, and also through
the very heavy-timed hunger that severely oppressed this earth in the course of the year. In this year
also the principal men who held this land, frequently sent forces into Wales, and many men thereby
grievously afflicted, producing no results but destruction of men and waste of money.

A.D. 1097. In this year was the King William at Christmas in Normandy; and afterwards against
Easter he embarked for this land; for that he thought to hold his court at Winchester; but he was
weather-bound until Easter-eve, when he first landed at Arundel; and for this reason held his court at
Windsor. And thereafter with a great army he went into Wales, and quickly penetrated that land with
his forces, through some of the Welsh who were come to him, and were his guides; and he remained in
that country from midsummer nearly until August, and suffered much loss there in men and in horses,
and also in many other things. The Welshmen, after they had revolted from the king, chose them many
elders from themselves; one of whom was called Cadwgan, (124) who was the worthiest of them,
being brother's son to King Griffin. And when the king saw that he could do nothing in furtherance of
his will, he returned again into this land; and soon after that he let his men build castles on the borders.
Then upon the feast of St. Michael, the fourth day before the nones of October, (125) appeared an
uncommon star, shining in the evening, and soon hastening to set. It (126) was seen south-west, and
the ray that stood off from it was thought very long, shining south-east. And it appeared on this wise
nearly all the week. Many men supposed that it was a comet. Soon after this Archbishop Anselm of
Canterbury obtained leave (127) of the king (though it was contrary to the wishes of the king, as men
supposed), and went over sea; because he thought that men in this country did little according to right
and after his instruction. And the king thereafter upon St. Martin's mass went over sea into Normandy;
but whilst he was waiting for fair weather, his court in the county where they lay, did the most harm
that ever court or army could do in a friendly and peaceable land. This was in all things a very heavy-
timed year, and beyond measure laborious from badness of weather, both when men attempted to till
the land, and afterwards to gather the fruits of their tilth; and from unjust contributions they never
rested. Many counties also that were confined to London by work, were grievously oppressed on
account of the wall that they were building about the tower, and the bridge that was nearly all afloat,
and the work of the king's hall that they were building at Westminster; and many men perished
thereby. Also in this same year soon after Michaelmas went Edgar Etheling with an army through the
king's assistance into Scotland, and with hard fighting won that land, and drove out the King Dufnal;
and his nephew Edgar, who was son of King Malcolm and of Margaret the queen, he there appointed
king in fealty to the King William; and afterwards again returned to England.



A.D. 1098. In this year at Christmas was the King William in Normandy; and Walkelin, Bishop of
Winchester, and Baldwin, Abbot of St. Edmund's, within this tide (128) both departed. And in this
year also died Turold, Abbot of Peterborough. In the summer of this year also, at Finchamstead in
Berkshire, a pool welled with blood, as many true men said that should see it. And Earl Hugh was
slain in Anglesey by foreign pirates, (129) and his brother Robert was his heir, as he had settled it
before with the king. Before Michaelmas the heaven was of such an hue, as if it were burning, nearly
all the night. This was a very troublesome year through manifold impositions; and from the abundant
rains, that ceased not all the year, nearly all the tilth in the marsh- lands perished.

A.D. 1099. This year was the King William at midwinter in Normandy, and at Easter came hither to
land, and at Pentecost held his court the first time in his new building at Westminster; and there he
gave the bishopric of Durham to Ranulf his chaplain, who had long directed and governed his councils
over all England. And soon after this he went over sea, and drove the Earl Elias out of Maine, which
he reduced under his power, and so by Michaelmas returned to this land. This year also, on the festival
of St. Martin, the sea-flood sprung up to such a height, and did so much harm, as no man remembered
that it ever did before. And this was the first day of the new moon. And Osmond, Bishop of Salisbury,
died in Advent.

A.D. 1 100. In this year the King William held his court at Christmas in Glocester, and at Easter in
Winchester, and at Pentecost in Westminster. And at Pentecost was seen in Berkshire at a certain town
blood to well from the earth; as many said that should see it. And thereafter on the morning after
Lammas day was the King William shot in hunting, by an arrow from his own men, and afterwards
brought to Winchester, and buried in the cathedral. (130) This was in the thirteenth year after that he
assumed the government. He was very harsh and severe over his land and his men, and with all his
neighbours; and very formidable; and through the counsels of evil men, that to him were always
agreeable, and through his own avarice, he was ever tiring this nation with an army, and with unjust
contributions. For in his days all right fell to the ground, and every wrong rose up before God and
before the world. God's church he humbled; and all the bishoprics and abbacies, whose elders fell in
his days, he either sold in fee, or held in his own hands, and let for a certain sum; because he would be
the heir of every man, both of the clergy and laity; so that on the day that he fell he had in his own
hand the archbishopric of Canterbury, with the bishopric of Winchester, and that of Salisbury, and
eleven abbacies, all let for a sum; and (though I may be tedious) all that was loathsome to God and
righteous men, all that was customary in this land in his time. And for this he was loathed by nearly all
his people, and odious to God, as his end testified: — for he departed in the midst of his
unrighteousness, without any power of repentance or recompense for his deeds. On the Thursday he
was slain; and in the morning afterwards buried; and after he was buried, the statesmen that were then
nigh at hand, chose his brother Henry to king. And he immediately (131) gave the bishopric of
Winchester to William Giffard; and afterwards went to London; and on the Sunday following, before
the altar at Westminster, he promised God and all the people, to annul all the unrighteous acts that
took place in his brother's time, and to maintain the best laws that were valid in any king's day before
him. And after this the Bishop of London, Maurice, consecrated him king; and all in this land
submitted to him, and swore oaths, and became his men. And the king, soon after this, by the advice of
those that were about him, allowed men to take the Bishop Ranulf of Durham, and bring him into the
Tower of London, and hold him there. Then, before Michaelmas, came the Archbishop Anselm of
Canterbury hither to this land; as the King Henry, by the advice of his ministers had sent after him,
because he had gone out of this land for the great wrongs that the King William did unto him. And
soon hereafter the king took him to wife Maud, daughter of Malcolm, King of Scotland, and of
Margaret the good queen, the relative of King Edward, and of the right royal (132) race of England.
And on Martinmas day she was publicly given to him with much pomp at Westminster, and the
Archbishop Anselm wedded her to him, and afterwards consecrated her queen. And the Archbishop
Thomas of York soon hereafter died. During the harvest of this same year also came the Earl Robert
home into Normandy, and the Earl Robert of Flanders, Eustace, Earl of Boulogne, from Jerusalem.



And as soon as the Earl Robert came into Normandy, he was joyfully received by all his people;
except those of the castles that were garrisoned with the King Henry's men. Against them he had many
contests and struggles.

A.D. 1 101. In this year at Christmas held the King Henry his court in Westminster, and at Easter in
Winchester. And soon thereafter were the chief men in this land in a conspiracy against the king;
partly from their own great infidelity, and also through the Earl Robert of Normandy, who with
hostility aspired to the invasion of this land. And the king afterwards sent ships out to sea, to thwart
and impede his brother; but some of them in the time of need fell back, and turned from the king, and
surrendered themselves to the Earl Robert. Then at midsummer went the king out to Pevensey with all
his force against his brother, and there awaited him. But in the meantime came the Earl Robert up at
Portsmouth twelve nights before Lammas; and the king with all his force came against him. But the
chief men interceded between them, and settled the brothers on the condition, "that the king should
forego all that he held by main strength in Normandy against the earl; and that all then in England
should have their lands again, who had lost it before through the earl, and Earl Eustace also all his
patrimony in this land; and that the Earl Robert every year should receive from England three
thousand marks of silver; and particularly, that whichever of the brothers should survive the other, he
should be heir of all England and also of Normandy, except the deceased left an heir by lawful
wedlock." And this twelve men of the highest rank on either side then confirmed with an oath. And the
earl afterwards remained in this land till after Michaelmas; and his men did much harm wherever they
went, the while that the earl continued in this land. This year also the Bishop Ranulf at Candlemas
burst out of the Tower of London by night, where he was in confinement, and went into Normandy;
through whose contrivance and instigation mostly the Earl Robert this year sought this land with



(121) The fourth of April. Vid. "Ord. Vit."

(122) Commonly called "Peter-pence".

(123) Literally "head-men, or chiefs". The term is still retained with a slight variation in the north of
Europe, as the "hetman" Platoff of celebrated memory.

(124) This name is now written, improperly, Cadogan; though the ancient pronunciation continues.
"Cadung", "Ann. Wav." erroneously, perhaps, for "Cadugn".

(125) It was evidently, therefore, not on Michaelmas day, but during the continuance of the mass or
festival which was celebrated till the octave following.

(126) In the original "he"; so that the Saxons agreed with the Greeks and Romans with respect to the
gender of a comet.

(127) Literally "took leave": hence the modern phrase to signify the departure of one person from
another, which in feudal times could not be done without leave or permission formally obtained.

(128) That is, within the twelve days after Christmas, or the interval between Christmas day, properly
called the Nativity, and the Epiphany, the whole of which was called Christmas-tide or Yule-tide, and
was dedicated to feasting and mirth.

(129) The King of Norway and his men. "Vid. Flor."

(130) His monument is still to be seen there, a plain gravestone of black marble, of the common shape
called "dos d'ane"; such as are now frequently seen, though of inferior materials, in the churchyards of
villages; and are only one remove from the grassy sod.

(131) i.e. before he left Winchester for London; literally "there -right" — an expression still used in
many parts of England. Neither does the word "directly", which in its turn has almost become too
vulgar to be used, nor its substitute, "immediately", which has nearly superseded it, appear to answer
the purpose so well as the Saxon, which is equally expressive with the French "sur le champ".

(132) This expression shows the adherence of the writer to the Saxon line of kings, and his consequent
satisfaction in recording this alliance of Henry with the daughter of Margaret of Scotland.


Part 7: A.D. 1102 - 1154

A.D. 1 102. In this year at the Nativity was the King Henry at Westminster, and at Easter in
Winchester. And soon thereafter arose a dissention between the king and the Earl Robert of Belesme,
who held in this land the earldom of Shrewsbury, that his father, Earl Roger, had before, and much
territory therewith both on this side and beyond the sea. And the king went and beset the castle at
Arundel; but when he could not easily win it, he allowed men to make castles before it, and filled them
with his men; and afterwards with all his army he went to Bridgenorth, and there continued until he
had the castle, and deprived the Earl Robert of his land, and stripped him of all that he had in England.
And the earl accordingly went over sea, and the army afterwards returned home. Then was the king
thereafter by Michaelmas at Westminster; and all the principal men in this land, clerk, and laity. And
the Archbishop Anselm held a synod of clergy; and there they established many canons that belong to
Christianity. And many, both French and English, were there deprived of their staves and dignity,
which they either obtained with injustice, or enjoyed with dishonour. And in this same year, in the
week of the feast of Pentecost, there came thieves, some from Auvergne, (133) some from France, and
some from Flanders, and broke into the minster of Peterborough, and therein seized much property in
gold and in silver; namely, roods, and chalices, and candlesticks.

A.D. 1 103. In this year, at midwinter, was the King Henry at Westminster. And soon afterwards
departed the Bishop William Giffard out of this land; because he would not against right accept his
hood at the hands of the Archbishop Gerard of York. And then at Easter held the king his court at
Winchester, and afterwards went the Archbishop Anselm from Canterbury to Rome, as was agreed
between him and the king. This year also came the Earl Robert of Normandy to speak with the king in
this land; and ere he departed hence he forgave the King Henry the three thousand marks that he was
bound by treaty to give him each year. In this year also at Hamstead in Berkshire was seen blood [to
rise] from the earth. This was a very calamitous year in this land, through manifold impositions, and
through murrain of cattle, and deficiency of produce, not only in corn, but in every kind of fruit. Also
in the morning, upon the mass day of St. Laurence, the wind did so much harm here on land to all
fruits, as no man remembered that ever any did before. In this same year died Matthias, Abbot of
Peterborough, who lived no longer than one year after he was abbot. After Michaelmas, on the twelfth
day before the calends of November, he was in full procession received as abbot; and on the same day
of the next year he was dead at Glocester, and there buried.

A.D. 1 104. In this year at Christmas held the King Henry his court at Westminster, and at Easter in
Winchester, and at Pentecost again at Westminster. This year was the first day of Pentecost on the
nones of June; and on the Tuesday following were seen four circles at mid-day about the sun, of a
white hue, each described under the other as if they were measured. All that saw it wondered; for they
never remembered such before. Afterwards were reconciled the Earl Robert of Normandy and Robert
de Belesme, whom the King Henry had before deprived of his lands, and driven from England; and
through their reconciliation the King of England and the Earl of Normandy became adversaries. And
the king sent his folk over sea into Normandy; and the head-men in that land received them, and with
treachery to their lord, the earl, lodged them in their castles, whence they committed many outrages on
the earl in plundering and burning. This year also William, Earl of Moreton (134) went from this land
into Normandy; but after he was gone he acted against the king; because the king stripped and
deprived him of all that he had here in this land. It is not easy to describe the misery of this land,
which it was suffering through various and manifold wrongs and impositions, that never failed nor
ceased; and wheresoever the king went, there was full licence given to his company to harrow and
oppress his wretched people; and in the midst thereof happened oftentimes burnings and manslaughter.
All this was done to the displeasure of God, and to the vexation of this unhappy people.



A.D. 1 105. In this year, on the Nativity, held the King Henry his court at Windsor; and afterwards in
Lent he went over sea into Normandy against his brother Earl Robert. And whilst he remained there he
won of his brother Caen and Baieux; and almost all the castles and the chief men in that land were
subdued. And afterwards by harvest he returned hither again; and that which he had won in Normandy
remained afterwards in peace and subjection to him; except that which was anywhere near the Earl
William of Moretaine. This he often demanded as strongly as he could for the loss of his land in this
country. And then before Christmas came Robert de Belesme hither to the king. This was a very
calamitous year in this land, through loss of fruits, and through the manifold contributions, that never
ceased before the king went over [to Normandy], or while he was there, or after he came back again.

A.D. 1 106. In this year was the King Henry on the Nativity at Westminster, and there held his court;
and at that season Robert de Belesme went unreconciled from the king out of his land into Normandy.
Hereafter before Lent was the king at Northampton; and the Earl Robert his brother came thither from
Normandy to him; and because the king would not give him back that which he had taken from him in
Normandy, they parted in hostility; and the earl soon went over sea back again. In the first week of
Lent, on the Friday, which was the fourteenth before the calends of March, in the evening appeared an
unusual star; and a long time afterwards was seen every evening shining awhile. The star appeared in
the south-west; it was thought little and dark; but the train of light which stood from it was very bright,
and appeared like an immense beam shining north-east; and some evening this beam was seen as if it
were moving itself forwards against the star. Some said that they saw more of such unusual stars at
this time; but we do not write more fully about it, because we saw it not ourselves. On the night
preceding the Lord's Supper, (135) that is, the Thursday before Easter, were seen two moons in the
heavens before day, the one in the east, and the other in the west, both full; and it was the fourteenth
day of the moon. At Easter was the king at Bath, and at Pentecost at Salisbury; because he would not
hold his court when he was beyond the sea. After this, and before August, went the king over sea into
Normandy; and almost all that were in that land submitted to his will, except Robert de Belesme and
the Earl of Moretaine, and a few others of the principal persons who yet held with the Earl of
Normandy. For this reason the king afterwards advanced with an army, and beset a castle of the Earl
of Moretaine, called Tenerchebrai. (136) Whilst the king beset the castle, came the Earl Robert of
Normandy on Michaelmas eve against the king with his army, and with him Robert of Belesme, and
William, Earl of Moretaine, and all that would be with them; but the strength and the victory were the
king's. There was the Earl of Normandy taken, and the Earl of Moretaine, and Robert of Stutteville,
and afterwards sent to England, and put into custody. Robert of Belesme was there put to flight, and
William Crispin was taken, and many others forthwith. Edgar Etheling, who a little before had gone
over from the king to the earl, was also there taken, whom the king afterwards let go unpunished. Then
went the king over all that was in Normandy, and settled it according to his will and discretion. This
year also were heavy and sinful conflicts between the Emperor of Saxony and his son, and in the midst
of these conflicts the father fell, and the son succeeded to the empire.

A.D. 1 107. In this year at Christmas was the King Henry in Normandy; and, having disposed and
settled that land to his will, he afterwards came hither in Lent, and at Easter held his court at Windsor,
and at Pentecost in Westminster. And afterwards in the beginning of August he was again at
Westminster, and there gave away and settled the bishoprics and abbacies that either in England or in
Normandy were without elders and pastors. Of these there were so many, that there was no man who
remembered that ever so many together were given away before. And on this same occasion, among
the others who accepted abbacies, Ernulf, who before was prior at Canterbury, succeeded to the
abbacy in Peterborough. This was nearly about seven years after the King Henry undertook the
kingdom, and the one and fortieth year since the Franks governed this land. Many said that they saw
sundry tokens in the moon this year, and its orb increasing and decreasing contrary to nature. This year
died Maurice, Bishop of London, and Robert, Abbot of St. Edmund's bury, and Richard, Abbot of Ely.
This year also died the King Edgar in Scotland, on the ides of January, and Alexander his brother
succeeded to the kingdom, as the King Henry granted him.



A.D. 1 108. In this year was the King Henry on the Nativity at Westminster, and at Easter at
Winchester, and by Pentecost at Westminster again. After this, before August, he went into
Normandy. And Philip, the King of France, died on the nones of August, and his son Louis succeeded
to the kingdom. And there were afterwards many struggles between the King of France and the King
of England, while the latter remained in Normandy. In this year also died the Archbishop Girard of
York, before Pentecost, and Thomas was afterwards appointed thereto.

A.D. 1 109. In this year was the King Henry at Christmas and at Easter in Normandy; and before
Pentecost he came to this land, and held his court at Westminster. There were the conditions fully
settled, and the oaths sworn, for giving his daughter (137) to the emperor. (138) This year were very
frequent storms of thunder, and very tremendous; and the Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury died on
the eleventh day before the calends of April; and the first day of Easter was on "Litania major".

A.D. 1 1 10. In this year held the King Henry his court at Christmas in Westminster, and at Easter he
was at Marlborough, and at Pentecost he held his court for the first time in New Windsor. This year
before Lent the king sent his daughter with manifold treasures over sea, and gave her to the emperor.
On the fifth night in the month of May appeared the moon shining bright in the evening, and
afterwards by little and little its light diminished, so that, as soon as night came, (139) it was so
completely extinguished withal, that neither light, nor orb, nor anything at all of it was seen. And so it
continued nearly until day, and then appeared shining full and bright. It was this same day a fortnight
old. All the night was the firmament very clear, and the stars over all the heavens shining very bright.
And the fruits of the trees were this night sorely nipt by frost. Afterwards, in the month of June,
appeared a star north-east, and its train stood before it towards the south-west. Thus was it seen many
nights; and as the night advanced, when it rose higher, it was seen going backward toward the north-
west. This year were deprived of their lands Philip of Braiose, and William Mallet, and William
Bainard. This year also died Earl Elias, who held Maine in fee-tail (140) of King Henry; and after his
death the Earl of Anjou succeeded to it, and held it against the king. This was a very calamitous year
in this land, through the contributions which the king received for his daughter's portion, and through
the badness of the weather, by which the fruits of the earth were very much marred, and the produce of
the trees over all this land almost entirely perished. This year men began first to work at the new
minster at Chertsey.

A.D. 1111. This year the King Henry bare not his crown at Christmas, nor at Easter, nor at Pentecost.
And in August he went over sea into Normandy, on account of the broils that some had with him by
the confines of France, and chiefly on account of the Earl of Anjou, who held Maine against him. And
after he came over thither, many conspiracies, and burnings, and harrowings, did they between them.
In this year died the Earl Robert of Flanders, and his son Baldwin succeeded thereto. (141) This year
was the winter very long, and the season heavy and severe; and through that were the fruits of the
earth sorely marred, and there was the greatest murrain of cattle that any man could remember.

A.D. 1 1 12. All this year remained the King Henry in Normandy on account of the broils that he had
with France, and with the Earl of Anjou, who held Maine against him. And whilst he was there, he
deprived of their lands the Earl of Evreux, and William Crispin, and drove them out of Normandy. To
Philip of Braiose he restored his land, who had been before deprived of it; and Robert of Belesme he
suffered to be seized, and put into prison. This was a very good year, and very fruitful, in wood and in
field; but it was a very heavy time and sorrowful, through a severe mortality amongst men.

A.D. 1 1 13. In this year was the King Henry on the Nativity and at Easter and at Pentecost in
Normandy. And after that, in the summer, he sent hither Robert of Belesme into the castle at
Wareham, and himself soon (142) afterwards came hither to this land.



A.D. 1 1 14. In this year held the King Henry his court on the Nativity at Windsor, and held no other
court afterwards during the year. And at midsummer he went with an army into Wales; and the Welsh
came and made peace with the king. And he let men build castles therein. And thereafter, in
September, he went over sea into Normandy. This year, in the latter end of May, was seen an
uncommon star with a long train, shining many nights. In this year also was so great an ebb of the tide
everywhere in one day, as no man remembered before; so that men went riding and walking over the
Thames eastward of London bridge. This year were very violent winds in the month of October; but it
was immoderately rough in the night of the octave of St. Martin; and that was everywhere manifest
both in town and country. In this year also the king gave the archbishopric of Canterbury to Ralph,
who was before Bishop of Rochester; and Thomas, Archbishop of York, died; and Turstein succeeded
thereto, who was before the king's chaplain. About this same time went the king toward the sea, and
was desirous of going over, but the weather prevented him; then meanwhile sent he his writ after the
Abbot Ernulf of Peterborough, and bade that he should come to him quickly, for that he wished to
speak with him on an interesting subject. When he came to him, he appointed him to the bishopric of
Rochester; and the archbishops and bishops and all the nobility that were in England coincided with
the king. And he long withstood, but it availed nothing. And the king bade the archbishop that he
should lead him to Canterbury, and consecrate him bishop whether he would or not. (143) This was
done in the town called Bourne (144) on the seventeenth day before the calends of October. When the
monks of Peterborough heard of this, they felt greater sorrow than they had ever experienced before;
because he was a very good and amiable man, and did much good within and without whilst he abode
there. God Almighty abide ever with him. Soon after this gave the king the abbacy to a monk of
Sieyes, whose name was John, through the intreaty of the Archbishop of Canterbury. And soon after
this the king and the Archbishop of Canterbury sent him to Rome after the archbishop's pall; and a
monk also with him, whose name was Warner, and the Archdeacon John, the nephew of the
archbishop. And they sped well there. This was done on the seventh day before the calends Of
October, in the town that is yclept Rowner. And this same day went the king on board ship at



(133) "Auvergne" at that time was an independent province, and formed no part of France. About the
middle of the fourteenth century we find Jane, Countess of Auvergne and Boulogne, and Queen of
France, assisting in the dedication of the church of the Carmelites at Paris, together with Queen Jeanne
d'Evreux, third wife and widow of Charles IV., Blanche of Navarre, widow of Philip VI., and Jeanne
de France, Queen of Navarre. — Felib. "Histoire de Paris", vol. I, p. 356.

(134) A title taken from a town in Normandy, now generally written Moretaine, or Moretagne; de
Moreteon, de Moritonio, Flor.

(135) "cena Domini" — commonly called Maundy Thursday.

(136) Now Tinchebrai.

(137) Matilda, Mathilde, or Maud.

(138) Henry V. of Germany, the son of Henry IV.

(139) Or, "in the early part of the night," etc.

(140) That is, the territory was not a "fee simple", but subject to "taillage" or taxation; and that
particular species is probably here intended which is called in old French "en queuage", an expression
not very different from that in the text above.

(141) i.e. to the earldom of Flanders.

(142) "Mense Julio". -Flor.

(143) We have still the form of saying "Nolo episcopari", when a see is offered to a bishop.

(144) i.e. East Bourne in Sussex; where the king was waiting for a fair wind to carry him over sea.



A.D. 1 1 15. This year was the King Henry on the Nativity in Normandy. And whilst he was there, he
contrived that all the head men in Normandy did homage and fealty to his son William, whom he had
by his queen. And after this, in the month of July, he returned to this land. This year was the winter so
severe, with snow and with frost, that no man who was then living ever remembered one more severe;
in consequence of which there was great destruction of cattle. During this year the Pope Paschalis sent
the pall into this land to Ralph, Archbishop of Canterbury; and he received it with great worship at his
archiepiscopal stall in Canterbury. It was brought hither from Rome by Abbot Anselm, who was the
nephew of Archbishop Anselm, and the Abbot John of Peterborough.

A.D. 1 1 16. In this year was the King Henry on the Nativity at St. Alban's, where he permitted the
consecration of that monastery; and at Easter he was at Odiham. And there was also this year a very
heavy-timed winter, strong and long, for cattle and for all things. And the king soon after Easter went
over sea into Normandy. And there were many conspiracies and robberies, and castles taken betwixt
France and Normandy. Most of this disturbance was because the King Henry assisted his nephew,
Theobald de Blois, who was engaged in a war against his lord, Louis, the King of France. This was a
very vexatious and destructive year with respect to the fruits of the earth, through the immoderate rains
that fell soon after the beginning of August, harassing and perplexing men till Candlemas-day. This
year also was so deficient in mast, that there was never heard such in all this land or in Wales. This
land and nation were also this year oft and sorely swincked by the guilds which the king took both
within the boroughs and without. In this same year was consumed by fire the whole monastery of
Peterborough, and all the buildings, except the chapter-house and the dormitory, and therewith also all
the greater part of the town. All this happened on a Friday, which was the second day before the nones
of August.

A.D. 1117. All this year remained the King Henry, in Normandy, on account of the hostility of the
King of France and his other neighbours. And in the summer came the King of France and the Earl of
Flanders with him with an army into Normandy. And having stayed therein one night, they returned
again in the morning without fighting. But Normandy was very much afflicted both by the exactions
and by the armies which the King Henry collected against them. This nation also was severely
oppressed through the same means, namely, through manifold exactions. This year also, in the night of
the calends of December, were immoderate storms with thunder, and lightning, and rain, and hail. And
in the night of the third day before the ides of December was the moon, during a long time of the
night, as if covered with blood, and afterwards eclipsed. Also in the night of the seventeenth day
before the calends of January, was the heaven seen very red, as if it were burning. And on the octave
of St. John the Evangelist was the great earthquake in Lombardy; from the shock of which many
minsters, and towers, and houses fell, and did much harm to men. This was a very blighted year in
corn, through the rains that scarcely ceased for nearly all the year. And the Abbot Gilbert of
Westminster died on the eighth day before the ides of December; and Faritz, Abbot of Abingdon, on
the seventh day before the calends of March. And in this same year....

A.D. 1118. All this year abode the King Henry in Normandy on account of the war of the King of
France and the Earl of Anjou, and the Earl of Flanders. And the Earl of Flanders was wounded in
Normandy, and went so wounded into Flanders. By this war was the king much exhausted, and he was
a great loser both in land and money. And his own men grieved him most, who often from him turned,
and betrayed him; and going over to his foes surrendered to them their castles, to the injury and
disappointment of the king. All this England dearly bought through the manifold guilds that all this
year abated not. This year, in the week of the Epiphany, there was one evening a great deal of
lightning, and thereafter unusual thunder. And the Queen Matilda died at Westminster on the calends
of May; and there was buried. And the Earl Robert of Mellent died also this year. In this year also, on
the feast of St. Thomas, was so very immoderately violent a wind, that no man who was then living
ever remembered any greater; and that was everywhere seen both in houses and also in trees. This year
also died Pope Paschalis; and John of Gaeta succeeded to the popedom, whose other name was



A.D. 1 1 19. All this year continued the King Henry in Normandy; and he was greatly perplexed by the
hostility of the King of France, and also of his own men, who with treachery deserted from him, and
oft readily betrayed him; until the two kings came together in Normandy with their forces. There was
the King of France put to flight, and all his best men taken. And afterwards many of King Henry's men
returned to him, and accorded with him, who were before, with their castellans, against him. And
some of the castles he took by main strength. This year went William, the son of King Henry and
Queen Matilda, into Normandy to his father, and there was given to him, and wedded to wife, the
daughter of the Earl of Anjou. On the eve of the mass of St. Michael was much earth-heaving in some
places in this land; though most of all in Glocestershire and in Worcestershire. In this same year died
the Pope Gelasius, on this side of the Alps, and was buried at Clugny. And after him the Archbishop of
Vienna was chosen pope, whose name was Calixtus. He afterwards, on the festival of St. Luke the
Evangelist, came into France to Rheims, and there held a council. And the Archbishop Turstin of York
went thither; and, because that he against right, and against the archiepiscopal stall in Canterbury, and
against the king's will, received his hood at the hands of the pope, the king interdicted him from all
return to England. And thus he lost his archbishopric, and with the pope went towards Rome. In this
year also died the Earl Baldwin of Flanders of the wounds that he received in Normandy. And after
him succeeded to the earldom Charles, the son of his uncle by the father's side, who was son of Cnute,
the holy King of Denmark.

A.D. 1 120. This year were reconciled the King of England and the King of France; and after their
reconciliation all the King Henry's own men accorded with him in Normandy, as well as the Earl of
Flanders and the Earl of Ponthieu. From this time forward the King Henry settled his castles and his
land in Normandy after his will; and so before Advent came to this land. And in this expedition were
drowned the king's two sons, William and Richard, and Richard, Earl of Chester, and Ottuel his
brother, and very many of the king's household, stewards, and chamberlains, and butlers, and men of
various abodes; and with them a countless multidude of very incomparable folk besides. Sore was
their death to their friends in a twofold respect: one, that they so suddenly lost this life; the other, that
few of their bodies were found anywhere afterwards. This year came that light to the sepulchre of the
Lord in Jerusalem twice; once at Easter, and the other on the assumption of St. Mary, as credible
persons said who came thence. And the Archbishop Turstin of York was through the pope reconciled
with the king, and came to this land, and recovered his bishopric, though it was very undesirable to the
Archbishop of Canterbury.

A.D. 1 121. This year was the King Henry at Christmas at Bramton, and afterwards, before Candlemas,
at Windsor was given him to wife Athelis; soon afterwards consecrated queen, who was daughter of
the Duke of Louvain. And the moon was eclipsed in the night of the nones of April, being a fortnight
old. And the king was at Easter at Berkley; and after that at Pentecost he held a full court at
Westminster; and afterwards in the summer went with an army into Wales. And the Welsh came
against him; and after the king's will they accorded with him. This year came the Earl of Anjou from
Jerusalem into his land; and soon after sent hither to fetch his daughter, who had been given to wife to
William, the king's son. And in the night of the eve of "Natalis Domini" was a very violent wind over
all this land, and that was in many things evidently seen.

A.D. 1 122. In this year was the King Henry at Christmas in Norwich, and at Easter in Northampton.
And in the Lent-tide before that, the town of Glocester was on fire: the while that the monks were
singing their mass, and the deacon had begun the gospel, "Praeteriens Jesus", at that very moment
came the fire from the upper part of the steeple, and burned all the minster, and all the treasures that
were there within; except a few books, and three mass-hackles. That was on the eighth day before the
ides of Marcia. And thereafter, the Tuesday after Palm-Sunday, was a very violent wind on the
eleventh day before the calends of April; after which came many tokens far and wide in England, and
many spectres were both seen and heard. And the eighth night before the calends of August was a very
violent earthquake over all Somersetshire, and in Glocestershire. Soon after, on the sixth day before



the ides of September, which was on the festival of St. Mary, (145) there was a very violent wind from
the fore part of the day to the depth of the night. This same year died Ralph, the Archbishop of
Canterbury; that was on the thirteenth day before the calends of November. After this there were many
shipmen on the sea, and on fresh water, who said, that they saw on the north-east, level with the earth,
a fire huge and broad, which anon waxed in length up to the welkin; and the welkin undid itself in four
parts, and fought against it, as if it would quench it; and the fire waxed nevertheless up to the heaven.
The fire they saw in the day-dawn; and it lasted until it was light over all. That was on the seventh day
before the ides of December.

A.D. 1 123. In this year was the King Henry, at Christmastide at Dunstable, and there came to him the
ambassadors of the Earl of Anjou. And thence he went to Woodstock; and his bishops and his whole
court with him. Then did it betide on a Wednesday, which was on the fourth day before the ides of
January, that the king rode in his deer-fold; (146) the Bishop Roger of Salisbury (147) on one side of
him, and the Bishop Robert Bloet of Lincoln on the other side of him. And they rode there talking
together. Then sank down the Bishop of Lincoln, and said to the king, "Lord king, I die." And the king
alighted down from his horse, and lifted him betwixt his arms, and let men bear him home to his inn.
There he was soon dead; and they carried him to Lincoln with great worship, and buried him before
the altar of St. Mary. And the Bishop of Chester, whose name was Robert Pecceth, buried him. Soon
after this sent the king his writ over all England, and bade all his bishops and his abbots and his thanes,
that they should come to his wittenmoot on Candlemas day at Glocester to meet him: and they did so.
When they were there gathered together, then the king bade them, that they should choose for
themselves an Archbishop of Canterbury, whomsoever they would, and he would confirm it. Then
spoke the bishops among themselves, and said that they never more would have a man of the monastic
order as archbishop over them. And they went all in a body to the king, and earnestly requested that
they might choose from the clerical order whomsoever they would for archbishop. And the king
granted it to them. This was all concerted before, through the Bishop of Salisbury, and through the
Bishop of Lincoln ere he was dead; for that they never loved the rule of monks, but were ever against
monks and their rule. And the prior and the monks of Canterbury, and all the other persons of the
monastic order that were there, withstood it full two days; but it availed nought: for the Bishop of
Salisbury was strong, and wielded all England, and opposed them with all his power and might. Then
chose they a clerk, named William of Curboil. He was canon of a monastery called Chiche. (148) And
they brought him before the king; and the king gave him the archbishopric. And all the bishops
received him: but almost all the monks, and the earls, and the thanes that were there, protested against
him. About the same time departed the earl's messengers (149) in hostility from the king, reckless of
his favour. During the same time came a legate from Rome, whose name was Henry. He was abbot of
the monastery of St. John of Angeli; and he came after the Rome-scot. And he said to the king, that it
was against right that men should set a clerk over monks; and therefore they had chosen an archbishop
before in their chapter after right. But the king would not undo it, for the love of the Bishop of
Salisbury. Then went the archbishop, soon after this, to Canterbury; and was there received, though it
was against their will; and he was there soon blessed to bishop by the Bishop of London, and the
Bishop Ernulf of Rochester, and the Bishop William Girard of Winchester, and the Bishop Bernard of
Wales, and the Bishop Roger of Salisbury. Then, early in Lent, went the archbishop to Rome, after his
pall; and with him went the Bishop Bernard of Wales; and Sefred, Abbot of Glastonbury; and Anselm,
Abbot of St. Edmund's bury; and John, Archdeacon of Canterbury; and Gifard, who was the king's
court-chaplain. At the same time went the Archbishop Thurstan of York to Rome, through the behest
of the pope, and came thither three days ere the Archbishop of Canterbury came, and was there
received with much worship. Then came the Archbishop of Canterbury, and was there full seven
nights ere they could come to a conference with the pope. That was, because the pope was made to
understand that he had obtained the archbishopric against the monks of the minster, and against right.
But that overcame Rome, which overcometh all the world; that is, gold and silver. And the pope
softened, and gave him his pall. And the archbishop (of York) swore him subjection, in all those
things, which the pope enjoined him, by the heads of St. Peter and St. Paul; and the pope then sent him



home with his blessing. The while that the archbishop was out of the land, the king gave the bishopric
of Bath to the Queen's chancellor, whose name was Godfrey. He was born in Louvain. That was on the
Annunciation of St. Mary, at Woodstock. Soon after this went the king to Winchester, and was all
Easter-tide there. And the while that he was there, gave he the bishopric of Lincoln to a clerk hight
Alexander. He was nephew of the Bishop of Salisbury. This he did all for the love of the bishop. Then
went the king thence to Portsmouth, and lay there all over Pentecost week. Then, as soon as he had a
fair wind, he went over into Normandy; and meanwhile committed all England to the guidance and
government of the Bishop Roger of Salisbury. Then was the king all this year (150) in Normandy. And
much hostility arose betwixt him and his thanes; so that the Earl Waleram of Mellent, and Hamalric,
and Hugh of Montfort, and William of Romare, and many others, went from him, and held their
castles against him. And the king strongly opposed them: and this same year he won of Waleram his
castle of Pont-Audemer, and of Hugh that of Montfort; and ever after, the longer he stayed, the better
he sped. This same year, ere the Bishop of Lincoln came to his bishopric, almost all the borough of
Lincoln was burned, and numberless folks, men and women, were consumed: and so much harm was
there done as no man could describe to another. That was on the fourteenth day before the calends of




(145) The Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

(146) i.e. an inclosure or park for deer. This is now called Blenheim Park, and is one of the few old
parks which still remain in this country.

(147) This may appear rather an anticipation of the modern see of Salisbury, which was not then in
existence; the borough of Old Saturn, or "Saresberie", being then the episcopal seat.

(148) St. Osythe, in Essex; a priory rebuilt A.D. 1118, for canons of the Augustine order, of which
there are considerable remains.

(149) i.e. Of the Earl of Anjou.

(150) The writer means, "the remainder of this year"; for the feast of Pentecost was already past,
before the king left England.



A.D. 1 124. All this year was the King Henry in Normandy. That was for the great hostility that he had
with the King Louis of France, and with the Earl of Anjou, and most of all with his own men. Then it
happened, on the day of the Annunciation of St. Mary, that the Earl Waleram of Mellent went from
one of his castles called Belmont to another called Watteville. With him went the steward of the King
of France, Amalric, and Hugh the son of Gervase, and Hugh of Montfort, and many other good
knights. Then came against them the king's knights from all the castles that were thereabout, and
fought with them, and put them to flight, and took the Earl Waleram, and Hugh, the son of Gervase,
and Hugh of Montfort, and five and twenty other knights, and brought them to the king. And the king
committed the Earl Waleram, and Hugh, the son of Gervase, to close custody in the castle at Rouen;
but Hugh of Montfort he sent to England, and ordered him to be secured with strong bonds in the
castle at Glocester. And of the others as many as he chose he sent north and south to his castles in
captivity. After this went the king, and won all the castles of the Earl Waleram that were in Normandy,
and all the others that his enemies held against him. All this hostility was on account of the son of the
Earl Robert of Normandy, named William. This same William had taken to wife the younger daughter
of Fulke, Earl of Anjou: and for this reason the King of France and all the earls held with him, and all
the rich men; and said that the king held his brother Robert wrongfully in captivity, and drove his son
William unjustly out of Normandy. This same year were the seasons very unfavourable in England for
corn and all fruits; so that between Christmas and Candlemas men sold the acre-seed of wheat, that is
two seedlips, for six shillings; and the barley, that is three seedlips, for six shillings also; and the acre-
seed of oats, that is four seedlips, for four shillings. That was because that corn was scarce; and the
penny was so adulterated, (151) that a man who had a pound at a market could not exchange twelve
pence thereof for anything. In this same year died the blessed Bishop Ernulf of Rochester, who before
was Abbot of Peterborough. That was on the ides of March. And after this died the King Alexander of
Scotland, on the ninth day before the calends of May. And David his brother, who was Earl of
Northamptonshire, succeeded to the kingdom; and had both together, the kingdom of Scotland and the
earldom in England. And on the nineteenth day before the calends of January died the Pope of Rome,
whose name was Calixtus, and Honorius succeeded to the popedom. This same year, after St.
Andrew's mass, and before Christmas, held Ralph Basset and the king's thanes a wittenmoot in
Leicestershire, at Huncothoe, and there hanged more thieves than ever were known before; that is, in a
little while, four and forty men altogether; and despoiled six men of their eyes and of their testicles.
Many true men said that there were several who suffered very unjustly; but our Lord God Almighty,
who seeth and knoweth every secret, seeth also that the wretched people are oppressed with all
unrighteousness. First they are bereaved of their property, and then they are slain. Full heavy year was
this. The man that had any property, was bereaved of it by violent guilds and violent moots. The man
that had not, was starved with hunger.

A.D. 1 125. In this year sent the King Henry, before Christmas, from Normandy to England, and bade
that all the mint-men that were in England should be mutilated in their limbs; that was, that they
should lose each of them the right hand, and their testicles beneath. This was because the man that had
a pound could not lay out a penny at a market. And the Bishop Roger of Salisbury sent over all
England, and bade them all that they should come to Winchester at Christmas. When they came
thither, then were they taken one by one, and deprived each of the right hand and the testicles beneath.
All this was done within the twelfth-night. And that was all in perfect justice, because that they had
undone all the land with the great quantity of base coin that they all bought. In this same year sent the
Pope of Rome to this land a cardinal, named John of Crema. He came first to the king in Normandy,
and the king received him with much worship. He betook himself then to the Archbishop William of
Canterbury; and he led him to Canterbury; and he was there received with great veneration, and in
solemn procession. And he sang the high mass on Easter day at the altar of Christ. Afterwards he went
over all England, to all the bishoprics and abbacies that were in this land; and in all he was received
with respect. And all gave him many and rich gifts. And afterwards he held his council in London full
three days, on the Nativity of St. Mary in September, with archbishops, and diocesan bishops, and
abbots, the learned and the lewd; (152) and enjoined there the same laws that Archbishop Anselm had



formerly enjoined, and many more, though it availed little. Thence he went over sea soon after
Michaelmas, and so to Rome; and (with him) the Archbishop William of Canterbury, and the
Archbishop Thurstan of York, and the Bishop Alexander of Lincoln, and the Bishop J. of Lothian, and
the Abbot G. of St. Alban's; and were there received by the Pope Honorius with great respect; and
continued there all the winter. In this same year was so great a flood on St. Laurence's day, that many
towns and men were overwhelmed, and bridges broken down, and corn and meadows spoiled withal;
and hunger and qualm (153) in men and in cattle; and in all fruits such unseasonableness as was not
known for many years before. And this same year died the Abbot John of Peterborough, on the second
day before the ides of October.

A.D. 1 126. All this year was the King Henry in Normandy — all till after harvest. Then came he to this
land, betwixt the Nativity of St. Mary and Michaelmas. With him came the queen, and his daughter,
whom he had formerly given to the Emperor Henry of Lorrain to wife. And he brought with him the
Earl Waleram, and Hugh, the son of Gervase. And the earl he sent to Bridgenorth in captivity: and
thence he sent him afterwards to Wallingford; and Hugh to Windsor, whom he ordered to be kept in
strong bonds. Then after Michaelmas came David, the king of the Scots, from Scotland to this land;
and the King Henry received him with great worship; and he continued all that year in this land. In this
year the king had his brother Robert taken from the Bishop Roger of Salisbury, and committed him to
his son Robert, Earl of Glocester, and had him led to Bristol, and there put into the castle. That was all
done through his daughter's counsel, and through David, the king of the Scots, her uncle.

A.D. 1 127. This year held the King Henry his court at Christmas in Windsor. There was David the
king of the Scots, and all the head men that were in England, learned and lewd. And there he engaged
the archbishops, and bishops, and abbots, and earls, and all the thanes that were there, to swear
England and Normandy after his day into the hands of his daughter Athelicia, who was formerly the
wife of the Emperor of Saxony. Afterwards he sent her to Normandy; and with her went her brother
Robert, Earl of Glocester, and Brian, son of the Earl Alan Fergan; (154) and he let her wed the son of
the Earl of Anjou, whose name was Geoffry Martel. All the French and English, however, disapproved
of this; but the king did it for to have the alliance of the Earl of Anjou, and for to have help against his
nephew William. In the Lent-tide of this same year was the Earl Charles of Flanders slain in a church,
as he lay there and prayed to God, before the altar, in the midst of the mass, by his own men. And the
King of France brought William, the son of the Earl of Normandy, and gave him the earldom; and the
people of that land accepted him. This same William had before taken to wife the daughter of the Earl
of Anjou; but they were afterwards divorced on the plea of consanguinity. This was all through the
King Henry of England. Afterwards took he to wife the sister of the king's wife of France; and for this
reason the king gave him the earldom of Flanders. This same year he (155) gave the abbacy of
Peterborough to an abbot named Henry of Poitou, who retained in hand his abbacy of St. John of
Angeli; but all the archbishops and bishops said that it was against right, and that he could not have
two abbacies on hand. But the same Henry gave the king to understand, that he had relinquished his
abbacy on account of the great hostility that was in the land; and that he did through the counsel and
leave of the Pope of Rome, and through that of the Abbot of Clugny, and because he was legate of the
Rome-scot. But, nevertheless, it was not so; for he would retain both in hand; and did so as long as
God's will was. He was in his clerical state Bishop of Soissons; afterwards monk of Clugny; and then
prior in the same monastery. Afterwards he became prior of Sevigny; and then, because he was a
relation of the King of England, and of the Earl of Poitou, the earl gave him the abbacy of St. John's
minster of Angeli. Afterwards, through his great craft, he obtained the archbishopric of Besancon; and
had it in hand three days; after which he justly lost it, because he had before unjustly obtained it.
Afterwards he procured the bishopric of Saintes; which was five miles from his abbey. That he had
full-nigh a week (156) in hand; but the Abbot of Clugny brought him thence, as he before did from
Besancon. Then he bethought him, that, if he could be fast-rooted in England, he might have all his
will. Wherefore he besought the king, and said unto him, that he was an old man — a man completely
broken — that he could not brook the great injustice and the great hostility that were in their land: and



then, by his own endearours, and by those of all his friends, he earnestly and expressly entreated for
the abbacy of Peterborough. And the king procured it for him, because he was his relation, and
because he was the principal person to make oath and bear witness when the son of the Earl of
Normandy and the daughter of the Earl of Anjou were divorced on the plea of consanguinity. Thus
wretchedly was the abbacy given away, betwixt Christmas and Candlemas, at London; and so he went
with the King to Winchester, and thence he came to Peterborough, and there he dwelt (157) right so as
a drone doth in a hive. For as the drone fretteth and draggeth fromward all that the bees drag toward
[the hive], so did he. — All that he might take, within and without, of learned and lewd, so sent he over
sea; and no good did there — no good left there. Think no man unworthily that we say not the truth; for
it was fully known over all the land: that, as soon as he came thither, which was on the Sunday when
men sing "Exurge quare o D— etc." immediately after, several persons saw and heard many huntsmen
hunting. The hunters were swarthy, and huge, and ugly; and their hounds were all swarthy, and broad-
eyed, and ugly. And they rode on swarthy horses, and swarthy bucks. This was seen in the very deer-
fold in the town of Peterborough, and in all the woods from that same town to Stamford. And the
monks heard the horn blow that they blew in the night. Credible men, who watched them in the night,
said that they thought there might well be about twenty or thirty horn-blowers. This was seen and
heard from the time that he (158) came thither, all the Lent-tide onward to Easter. This was his entry;
of his exit we can as yet say nought. God provide.

A.D. 1 128. All this year was the King Henry in Normandy, on account of the hostility that was
between him and his nephew, the Earl of Flanders. But the earl was wounded in a fight by a swain;
and so wounded he went to the monastery of St. Bertin; where he soon became a monk, lived five days
afterwards, then died, and was there buried. God honour his soul. That was on the sixth day before the
calends of August. This same year died the Bishop Randulph Passeflambard of Durham; and was there
buried on the nones of September. And this same year went the aforesaid Abbot Henry home to his
own minster at Poitou by the king's leave. He gave the king to understand, that he would withal forgo
that minster, and that land, and dwell with him in England, and in the monastery of Peterborough. But
it was not so nevertheless. He did this because he would be there, through his crafty wiles, were it a
twelvemonth or more, and come again afterwards. May God Almighty extend his mercy over that
wretched place. This same year came from Jerusalem Hugh of the Temple to the king in Normandy;
and the king received him with much honour, and gave him rich presents in gold and in silver. And
afterwards he sent him into England; and there he was received by all good men, who all gave him
presents, and in Scotland also: and by him they sent to Jerusalem much wealth withal in gold and in
silver. And he invited folk out to Jerusalem; and there went with him and after him more people than
ever did before, since that the first expedition was in the day of Pope Urban. Though it availed little;
for he said, that a mighty war was begun between the Christians and the heathens; but when they came
thither, then was it nought but leasing. (159) Thus pitifully was all that people swinked. (160)

A.D. 1 129. In this year sent the King to England after the Earl Waleram, and after Hugh, the son of
Gervase. And they gave hostages for them. And Hugh went home to his own land in France; but
Waleram was left with the king: and the king gave him all his land except his castle alone. Afterwards
came the king to England within the harvest: and the earl came with him: and they became as good
friends as they were foes before. Soon after, by the king's counsel, and by his leave, sent the
Archbishop William of Canterbury over all England, and bade bishops, and abbots, and archdeacons,
and all the priors, monks, and canons, that were in all the cells in England, and all who had the care
and superintendence of Christianity, that they should all come to London at Michaelmas, and there
should speak of all God's rights.

When they came thither, then began the moot on Monday, and continued without intermission to the
Friday. When it all came forth, then was it all found to be about archdeacons' wives, and about priests'
wives; that they should forgo them by St. Andrew's mass; and he who would not do that, should forgo
his church, and his house, and his home, and never more have any calling thereto. This bade the



Archbishop William of Canterbury, and all the diocesan bishops that were then in England, but the
king gave them all leave to go home. And so they went home; and all the ordinances amounted to
nothing. All held their wives by the king's leave as they did before. This same year died the Bishop
William Giffard of Winchester; and was there buried, on the eighth day before the calends of
February. And the King Henry gave the bishopric after Michaelmas to the Abbot Henry of
Glastonbury, his nephew, and he was consecrated bishop by the Archbishop William of Canterbury on
the fifteenth day before the calends of December. This same year died Pope Honorius. Ere he was well
dead, there were chosen two popes. The one was named Peter, who was monk of Clugny, and was
born of the richest men of Rome; and with him held those of Rome, and the Duke of Sicily. The other
was Gregory: he was a clerk, and was driven out of Rome by the other pope, and by his kinsmen. With
him held the Emperor of Saxony, and the King of France, and the King Henry of England, and all
those on this side of the Alps. Now was there such division in Christendom as never was before. May
Christ consult for his wretched folk. This same year, on the night of the mass of St. Nicholas, a little
before day, there was a great earthquake.

A.D. 1 130. This year was the monastery of Canterbury consecrated by the Archbishop William, on the
fourth day before the nones of May. There were the Bishops John of Rochester, Gilbert Universal of
London, Henry of Winchester, Alexander of Lincoln, Roger of Salisbury, Simon of Worcester, Roger
of Coventry, Geoffry of Bath, Evrard of Norwich, Sigefrith of Chichester, Bernard of St. David's,
Owen of Evreux in Normandy, John of Sieyes. On the fourth day after this was the King Henry in
Rochester, when the town was almost consumed by fire; and the Archbishop William consecrated the
monastery of St. Andrew, and the aforesaid bishops with him. And the King Henry went over sea into
Normandy in harvest. This same year came the Abbot Henry of Angeli after Easter to Peterborough,
and said that he had relinquished that monastery (161) withal. After him came the Abbot of Clugny,
Peter by name, to England by the king's leave; and was received by all, whithersoever he came, with
much respect. To Peterborough he came; and there the Abbot Henry promised him that he would
procure him the minster of Peterborough, that it might be subject to Clugny. But it is said in the

"The hedge abideth,
that acres divideth."

May God Almighty frustrate evil designs. Soon after this, went the Abbot of Clugny home to his
country. This year was Angus slain by the army of the Scots, and there was a great multitude slain
with him. There was God's fight sought upon him, for that he was all forsworn.



(151) The pennies, or pence, it must be remembered, were of silver at this time.

(152) i.e. Clergy and laity.

(153) This word is still in use, but in a sense somewhat different; as qualms of conscience, etc.

(154) See an account of him in "Ord. Vit." 544. Conan, another son of this Alan, Earl of Brittany,
married a daughter of Henry I.

(155) i.e. Henry, King of England.

(156) "A se'nnight", the space of seven nights; as we still say, "a fortnight", i.e. the space of fourteen
nights. The French express the space of one week by "huit jours", the origin of the "octave" in English
law; of two by "quinte jours". So "septimana" signifies "seven mornings"; whence the French word

(157) Literally, "woned". Vid Chaucer, "Canterbury Tales", v. 7745. In Scotland, a lazy indolent
manner of doing anything is called "droning".

(158) The Abbot Henry of Angeli.

(159) "Thou shalt destroy them that speak Teasing,'" etc. "Psalms".

(160) i.e. Vexed, harassed, fatigued, etc. Milton has used the word in the last sense.

(161) The monastery of Angeli.



A.D. 1131. This year, after Christmas, on a Monday night, at the first sleep, was the heaven on the
northern hemisphere (162) all as if it were burning fire; so that all who saw it were so dismayed as
they never were before. That was on the third day before the ides of January. This same year was so
great a murrain of cattle as never was before in the memory of man over all England. That was in neat
cattle and in swine; so that in a town where there were ten ploughs going, or twelve, there was not left
one: and the man that had two hundred or three hundred swine, had not one left. Afterwards perished
the hen fowls; then shortened the fleshmeat, and the cheese, and the butter. May God better it when it
shall be his will. And the King Henry came home to England before harvest, after the mass of St. Peter
"ad vincula". This same year went the Abbot Henry, before Easter, from Peterborough over sea to
Normandy, and there spoke with the king, and told him that the Abbot of Clugny had desired him to
come to him, and resign to him the abbacy of Angeli, after which he would go home by his leave. And
so he went home to his own minster, and there remained even to midsummer day. And the next day
after the festival of St. John chose the monks an abbot of themselves, brought him into the church in
procession, sang "Te Deum laudamus", rang the bells, set him on the abbot's throne, did him all
homage, as they should do their abbot: and the earl, and all the head men, and the monks of the
minster, drove the other Abbot Henry out of the monastery. And they had need; for in five-and-twenty
winters had they never hailed one good day. Here failed him all his mighty crafts. Now it behoved
him, that he crope in his skin into every corner, if peradventure there were any unresty wrench, (163)
whereby he might yet once more betray Christ and all Christian people. Then retired he into Clugny,
where he was held so fast, that he could not move east or west. The Abbot of Clugny said that they
had lost St. John's minster through him, and through his great sottishness. Then could he not better
recompense them; but he promised them, and swore oaths on the holy cross, that if he might go to
England he should get them the minster of Peterborough; so that he should set there the prior of
Clugny, with a churchwarden, a treasurer, and a sacristan: and all the things that were within the
minster and without, he should procure for them. Thus he departed into France; and there remained all
that year. Christ provide for the wretched monks of Peterborough, and for that wretched place. Now
do they need the help of Christ and of all Christian folk.

A.D. 1132. This year came King Henry to this land. Then came Abbot Henry, and betrayed the monks
of Peterborough to the king, because he would subject that minster to Clugny; so that the king was
well nigh entrapped, and sent after the monks. But through the grace of God, and through the Bishop
of Salisbury, and the Bishop of Lincoln, and the other rich men that were there, the king knew that he
proceeded with treachery. When he no more could do, then would he that his nephew should be Abbot
of Peterborough. But Christ forbade. Not very long after this was it that the king sent after him, and
made him give up the Abbey of Peterborough, and go out of the land. And the king gave the abbacy to
a prior of St. Neot's, called Martin, who came on St. Peter's mass-day with great pomp into the

A.D. 1 135. In this year went the King Henry over sea at the Lammas; and the next day, as he lay
asleep on ship, the day darkened over all lands, and the sun was all as it were a three night old moon,
and the stars about him at midday. Men were very much astonished and terrified, and said that a great
event should come hereafter. So it did; for that same year was the king dead, the next day after St.
Andrew's mass-day, in Normandy. Then was there soon tribulation in the land; for every man that
might, soon robbed another. Then his sons and his friends took his body, and brought it to England,
and buried it at Reading. A good man he was; and there was great dread of him. No man durst do
wrong with another in his time. Peace he made for man and beast. Whoso bare his burthen of gold and
silver, durst no man say ought to him but good. Meanwhile was his nephew come to England, Stephen
de Blois. He came to London, and the people of London received him, and sent after the Archbishop
William Curboil, and hallowed him to king on midwinter day. In this king's time was all dissention,
and evil, and rapine; for against him rose soon the rich men who were traitors; and first of all Baldwin
de Redvers, who held Exeter against him. But the king beset it; and afterwards Baldwin accorded.



Then took the others, and held their castles against him; and David, King of Scotland, took to
Wessington against him. Nevertheless their messengers passed between them; and they came together,
and were settled, but it availed little.

A.D. 1 137. This year went the King Stephen over sea to Normandy, and there was received; for that
they concluded that he should be all such as the uncle was; and because he had got his treasure: but he
dealed it out, and scattered it foolishly. Much had King Henry gathered, gold and silver, but no good
did men for his soul thereof. When the King Stephen came to England, he held his council at Oxford;
where he seized the Bishop Roger of Sarum, and Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln, and the chancellor
Roger, his nephew; and threw all into prison till they gave up their castles. When the traitors
understood that he was a mild man, and soft, and good, and no justice executed, then did they all
wonder. They had done him homage, and sworn oaths, but they no truth maintained. They were all
forsworn, and forgetful of their troth; for every rich man built his castles, which they held against him:
and they filled the land full of castles. They cruelly oppressed the wretched men of the land with
castle-works; and when the castles were made, they filled them with devils and evil men. Then took
they those whom they supposed to have any goods, both by night and by day, labouring men and
women, and threw them into prison for their gold and silver, and inflicted on them unutterable
tortures; for never were any martyrs so tortured as they were. Some they hanged up by the feet, and
smoked them with foul smoke; and some by the thumbs, or by the head, and hung coats of mail on
their feet. They tied knotted strings about their heads, and twisted them till the pain went to the brains.
They put them into dungeons, wherein were adders, and snakes, and toads; and so destroyed them.
Some they placed in a crucet-house; that is, in a chest that was short and narrow, and not deep;
wherein they put sharp stones, and so thrust the man therein, that they broke all the limbs. In many of
the castles were things loathsome and grim, called "Sachenteges", of which two or three men had
enough to bear one. It was thus made: that is, fastened to a beam; and they placed a sharp iron [collar]
about the man's throat and neck, so that he could in no direction either sit, or lie, or sleep, but bear all
that iron. Many thousands they wore out with hunger. I neither can, nor may I tell all the wounds and
all the pains which they inflicted on wretched men in this land. This lasted the nineteen winters while
Stephen was king; and it grew continually worse and worse. They constantly laid guilds on the towns,
and called it "tenserie"; and when the wretched men had no more to give, then they plundered and
burned all the towns; that well thou mightest go a whole day's journey and never shouldest thou find a
man sitting in a town, nor the land tilled. Then was corn dear, and flesh, and cheese, and butter; for
none was there in the land. Wretched men starved of hunger. Some had recourse to alms, who were for
a while rich men, and some fled out of the land. Never yet was there more wretchedness in the land;
nor ever did heathen men worse than they did: for, after a time, they spared neither church nor
churchyard, but took all the goods that were therein, and then burned the church and all together.
Neither did they spare a bishop's land, or an abbot's, or a priest's, but plundered both monks and clerks;
and every man robbed another who could. If two men, or three, came riding to a town, all the township
fled for them, concluding them to be robbers. The bishops and learned men cursed them continually,
but the effect thereof was nothing to them; for they were all accursed, and forsworn, and abandoned.
To till the ground was to plough the sea: the earth bare no corn, for the land was all laid waste by such
deeds; and they said openly, that Christ slept, and his saints. Such things, and more than we can say,
suffered we nineteen winters for our sins. In all this evil time held Abbot Martin his abbacy twenty
years and a half, and eight days, with much tribulation; and found the monks and the guests everything
that behoved them; and held much charity in the house; and, notwithstanding all this, wrought on the
church, and set thereto lands and rents, and enriched it very much, and bestowed vestments upon it.
And he brought them into the new minster on St. Peter's mass-day with much pomp; which was in the
year, from the incarnation of our Lord, 1 140, and in the twenty -third from the destruction of the place
by fire. And he went to Rome, and there was well received by the Pope Eugenius; from whom he
obtained their privileges: — one for all the lands of the abbey, and another for the lands that adjoin to
the churchyard; and, if he might have lived longer, so he meant to do concerning the treasury. And he
got in the lands that rich men retained by main strength. Of William Malduit, who held the castle of



Rockingham, he won Cotingham and Easton; and of Hugh de Walteville, he won Hirtlingbury and
Stanwick, and sixty shillings from Oldwinkle each year. And he made many monks, and planted a
vine-yard, and constructed many works, and made the town better than it was before. He was a good
monk, and a good man; and for this reason God and good men loved him. Now we will relate in part
what happened in King Stephen's time. In his reign the Jews of Norwich bought a Christian child
before Easter, and tortured him after the same manner as our Lord was tortured; and on Long- Friday

(164) hanged him on a rood, in mockery of our Lord, and afterwards buried him. They supposed that it
would be concealed, but our Lord showed that he was a holy martyr. And the monks took him, and
buried him with high honour in the minster. And through our Lord he worketh wonderful and
manifold miracles, and is called St. William.

A.D. 1 138. In this year came David, King of Scotland, with an immense army to this land. He was
ambitious to win this land; but against him came William, Earl of Albemarle, to whom the king had
committed York, and other borderers, with few men, and fought against them, and routed the king at
the Standard, and slew very many of his gang.

A.D. 1 140. In this year wished the King Stephen to take Robert, Earl of Gloucester, the son of King
Henry; but he could not, for he was aware of it. After this, in the Lent, the sun and the day darkened
about the noon-tide of the day, when men were eating; and they lighted candles to eat by. That was the
thirteenth day before the kalends of April. Men were very much struck with wonder. Thereafter died
William, Archbishop of Canterbury; and the king made Theobald archbishop, who was Abbot of Bee.
After this waxed a very great war betwixt the king and Randolph, Earl of Chester; not because he did
not give him all that he could ask him, as he did to all others; but ever the more he gave them, the
worse they were to him. The Earl held Lincoln against the king, and took away from him all that he
ought to have. And the king went thither, and beset him and his brother William de Romare in the
castle. And the earl stole out, and went after Robert, Earl of Glocester, and brought him thither with a
large army. And they fought strenuously on Candlemas day against their lord, and took him; for his
men forsook him and fled. And they led him to Bristol, and there put him into prison in close quarters.
Then was all England stirred more than ere was, and all evil was in the land. Afterwards came the
daughter of King Henry, who had been Empress of Germany, and now was Countess of Anjou. She
came to London; but the people of London attempted to take her, and she fled, losing many of her
followers. After this the Bishop of Winchester, Henry, the brother of King Stephen, spake with Earl
Robert, and with the empress, and swore them oaths, "that he never more would hold with the king, his
brother," and cursed all the men that held with him, and told them, that he would give them up
Winchester; and he caused them to come thither. When they were therein, then came the king's queen
with all her strength, and beset them, so that there was great hunger therein. When they could no
longer hold out, then stole they out, and fled; but those without were aware, and followed them, and
took Robert, Earl of Glocester, and led him to Rochester, and put him there into prison; but the
empress fled into a monastery. Then went the wise men between the king's friends and the earl's
friends; and settled so that they should let the king out of prison for the earl, and the earl for the king;
and so they did. After this settled the king and Earl Randolph at Stamford, and swore oaths, and
plighted their troth, that neither should betray the other. But it availed nothing. For the king afterwards
took him at Northampton, through wicked counsel, and put him into prison; and soon after he let him
out again, through worse counsel, on the condition that he swore by the crucifix, and found hostages,
that he would give up all his castles. Some he gave up, and some gave he not up; and did then worse
than he otherwise would. Then was England very much divided. Some held with the king, and some
with the empress; for when the king was in prison, the earls and the rich men supposed that he never
more would come out: and they settled with the empress, and brought her into Oxford, and gave her
the borough. When the king was out, he heard of this, and took his force, and beset her in the tower.

(165) And they let her down in the night from the tower by ropes. And she stole out, and fled, and
went on foot to Wallingford. Afterwards she went over sea; and those of Normandy turned all from the
king to the Earl of Anjou; some willingly, and some against their will; for he beset them till they gave



up their castles, and they had no help of the king. Then went Eustace, the king's son, to France, and
took to wife the sister of the King of France. He thought to obtain Normandy thereby; but he sped
little, and by good right; for he was an evil man. Wherever he was, he did more evil than good; he
robbed the lands, and levied heavy guilds upon them. He brought his wife to England, and put her into
the castle at... (166) Good woman she was; but she had little bliss with him; and Christ would not that
he should long reign. He therefore soon died, and his mother also. And the Earl of Anjou died; and his
son Henry took to the earldom. And the Queen of France parted from the king; and she came to the
young Earl Henry; and he took her to wife, and all Poitou with her. Then went he with a large force
into England, and won some castles; and the king went against him with a much larger force.
Nevertheless, fought they not; but the archbishop and the wise men went between them, and made this
settlement: That the king should be lord and king while he lived, and after his day Henry should be
king: that Henry should take him for a father; and he him for a son: that peace and union should be
betwixt them, and in all England. This and the other provisions that they made, swore the king and the
earl to observe; and all the bishops, and the earls, and the rich men. Then was the earl received at
Winchester, and at London, with great worship; and all did him homage, and swore to keep the peace.
And there was soon so good a peace as never was there before. Then was the king stronger than he
ever was before. And the earl went over sea; and all people loved him; for he did good justice, and
made peace.

A.D. 1 154. In this year died the King Stephen; and he was buried where his wife and his son were
buried, at Faversham; which monastery they founded. When the king died, then was the earl beyond
sea; but no man durst do other than good for the great fear of him. When he came to England, then
was he received with great worship, and blessed to king in London on the Sunday before midwinter
day. And there held he a full court. The same day that Martin, Abbot of Peterborough, should have
gone thither, then sickened he, and died on the fourth day before the nones of January; and the monks,
within the day, chose another of themselves, whose name was William de Walteville, (167) a good
clerk, and good man, and well beloved of the king, and of all good men. And all the monks buried the
abbot with high honours. And soon the newly chosen abbot, and the monks with him, went to Oxford
to the king. And the king gave him the abbacy; and he proceeded soon afterwards to Peterborough;
where he remained with the abbot, ere he came home. And the king was received with great worship at
Peterborough, in full procession. And so he was also at Ramsey, and at Thorney, and at.... and at
Spalding, and at....


[End of "The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle"]



(162) Aurora Borealis, or the northern lights.

(163) "Any restless manoeuvre or stratagem." Both words occur in Chaucer. See "Troilus and
Criseyde", v. 1355, and "Canterbury Tales", v. 16549. The idea seems to be taken from the habits of
destructive and undermining vermin.

(164) Now called "Good-Friday".

(165) The tower of the castle at Oxford, built by D'Oyley, which still remains.

(166) The MS. is here deficient.

(167) Or Vaudeville.

